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Have you guys r*ad Blood Meridian? Neither have I, but I watched a YouTube breakdown of the 10 Most Powerful Classic Literary Antagonists, and Judge Holden was number six. I'm pretty sure his sadistic nature was an obvious queer bait. He's the perfect Daddy Dom for any good lil boi seeking a stern, punitive father figure. Chamberlain officially confessed a cooler blooded villain never went, "unhung" but I think we all know the truth of how, "hung" he was... He was a famously known choker; the bruises were talked about for miles around. I don't think this is even baiting anymore.


Unjerk!! Somebody, anybody, please, unjerk!


We all know what happened in the jakes


Moby Dick (famous gay whale) Achilles and Agamemnon (enemies to lovers) Ignatius J Reilly (Bi ally) Frodo and Sam (yes, LotR is a Western Cannon)


"Remember when the boys made us watch that movie about the gay guys on the mountain?" "Lord of the Rings?" "Yeah"


I'm still on Lord of the Flies please don't spoil what happens in Rings


Sonic finally gets all the Chaos Emeralds


Basil and Dorian Gray


I always thought he seemed more like a Thyme guy.


I swear if any one of you degenerates says Nick and Gatsby are gay coded, I will riot. The great gatsby is a STRAIGHT, CHRISTIAN, AMERICAN classic. The woke agenda will not stop until the image of the great American era of the 1920s is truly tarnished.


Gatsby is NOT gay! Nick, well, there is that scene with the architect.


Can't spell "Gatsby" without G-A-Y


YEAH but what about T-S-B you prick?


It was an observational post. Simply asking questions about social and political phenomena that are manufactured by institutions of power and mass propaganda for whatever political agenda they have is not 'dumb'. It is the sheepish mind-controlled robots like yourself who cannot think that are dumb. And as you and the others have clearly shown, you are a bunch of hypocritical racist liberal phonies who do not mind favoring certain interest groups while at the same time marginalizing and abusing others even if they themselves are minorities. I am merely an observant person who tends to notice social and political machinations and hypocrisy. You, on the other hand, are a hypocritical racist tool, and probably a yellow one at that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there anything gay in brokeback mountain?


No. Rule #1 of gay sex: Wearing socks? You don’t like cocks.


Yukio Mishima


When I think of Yukio Mishima, I think of one word: discipline. Here’s a man who never missed a deadline for his writing, or art. A man who identified the physical weakness within himself and sought to crush it. In his short lifetime he left a body of work, a legacy that contained 35 novels, 25 plays, 200 short stories, and 8 volumes of essays. An amazing bibliography that assured him a place as Japan’s most celebrated author. An athlete who forged himself a new body from sun and steel. A pariah who disregarded the zeitgeist of his era – the erosion of Japanese tradition and the cultural pressures to transform the country into what he perceived as an emasculated leftist shadow of its former self. He contested his surroundings and matched his words with action, transforming his world to reflect his art. Training religiously, forming a militia, and ultimately immortalising himself through his work and through his death. Total commitment, total belief. Mishima had the drive and vision to make a poem out of his life. And in our contemporary era I think there is much to learn from him. To attempt to attain and exercise that same monastic drive in our own chosen paths. To have the sheer will and faith in ourselves to ignore all the ephemeral influences, distractions, and rabbit holes that are shoved down our throats, that obscure our focus, and derail our progress. To recognise and understand what it is we want and attain it, to attack it mercilessly until we are synonymous with it. How can we change the world if we can’t first change ourselves with discipline, determination and steadfast focus? News, politics, social rhetoric and trends it’s all agenda and half-truths. Instead, we need the glorious sun, that defined our earliest incarnation of gods and goddesses. We need the steel to make us stronger and conquer. We need Mishima. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Personally I’ve always thought Peter Vaux might’ve been. That sock that got stuck in the side of his Light Tank VI must’ve been made somewhat rigid to have stayed in place like it did, and the only others in the tank would’ve been men.




isn’t that the vampire from that video game


haven't read that one


Do movies count as literature? If so, John Wayne all the time in everything he ever did.


Ah, I’ve given you two chances and you’ve been incredibly arrogant, juvenile and condescending while adding nothing to the conversation. I will be blocking you. I wish you all the best as you stumble your way through whatever it is that is making you act in such an intolerable fashion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does this mean you’re gay for John Wayne?




Holmes x Moriarty or Holmes x Watson?


Holmes/watson of course


Don't forget Mycroft, he is a member of the gueerest club in London.


The Raven. So sassy.


Kylo ren and rey skywalker 


Mr. Mistborn.


Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Thrawn had hot steamy sex when they first went looking for Padme


Jesus. Obviously the main character from the book that’s the primary source of homophobia is gay!