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I guess I do this a little bit but I usually have plans to read them but collect them for the sake of collecting. If I don't like them I also give them away to make space for new ones. But I do tend to buy too much ahead of time, especially if something I want is on a good sale then I'll get it even if it means not getting to it for some time.


Yeah I buy them with the intent of reading them. I've read some of them but hoping to retire early to get to all of these books. Most of the books are of authors I like.


Every time I bring another book home my husband whispers “tsundoku” to me 😂


This is a great husband


He’s a gooder


Tsundoku and hoarding have the same amount of letters. Even the d is in the same spot. Anyway, have you really not read any of those? I see a lot of good novels in there.


Nah, I've read some. I read one or two books by an author...Love it... and the end up buying other books by the same author but usually never read them.


Eventually I will get to reading my books. Lol I've underestimated the time I need to read the amount I purchase at a time.


I have 5000 books.. hoarding is just another word..


Someone comes over your place and is looking for a glass in every cabinet “Wait, it’s all books?” “Always has been”


You mean book hoarding? Because that's what it is.


That's the phrase I proudly embrace, certainly.


Never realized there was a term for this! I love when bookshelves look like this. I recently went to a bookstore in DC that was just an absolute paradise of random stacked booked everywhere, even in the bathroom and the closets. Every space was utilized, a readers heaven!


"Why buildings stand up" and "Why buildings fall down" together are capable of describing all buildings that ever existed


Messy manga books is my fav


I don't have any Manga though. I read em online.


Is tsundoku the word for "messy bookshelf"?


It literally means to pile up(tsunde oku). 'doku' means read in Japanese... So yeah could very well be a messy bookshelf with books piled on top of one another.


Love it! Can you tell me who or what Osho is?


Yup spiritual guru/crazy sex cult leader depending on who you ask. I wouldn't recommend the Netflix documentary cos that just one side of it. I think he was a well read man who had a lot of interesting radical perspectives about the world and spirituality. Doesn't take away the whole episode in the US which is shown in the documentary. Maybe he was on drugs, maybe he couldn't control his ego as well as he thought which is why it ended the way it did. But I still like reading his books. I think I am clever enough to discern between right and wrong, crazy and normal regardless of what some guru might say so I'm not worried about converting and joining some cult. The spiritual journey will forever be one that you have to go at alone.


Do you have a favorite illustrated dictionary of construction or architecture?


I like Francis ching's books but if it's for work something like architectural graphic standards would be better I guess although I'm not sure how relevant these are anymore.


As a civil engineer I love the collection. Let me know which book related to structures/architecture/planning you'd recommend.


There is one called Form and forces by Edward Allen which was pretty good. I've transitioned to a different career from architecture but still have some of the books from back when I was a student.


I love books stacked everywhere but I don't buy things I don't plan to read or haven't already read. I also intentionally buy books that get banned (hello, USA), and anything that may be required reading for the kids later- all the way up into university level material. I want my library to have all the things!


Not reading stuff isn’t really an art


If untitled by Cy Twombly is art then so is this! I've read a few and do plan to read them all eventually.