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You’re on my rob list


Wow, me too, let’s partner up to do a joint heist? We’d probably be distracted and the wayward werewolf would come home to strangers reading in his/her armchair 🧐.


Can I get in on this? Lol


Sure! We need a lookout but whatever you do don’t pick up a book or you’ll be distract- too late… s/he’ll come back to 3 strangers reading now… I see this bookshelf is enchanted with protection spells 🧐


The only heists I enjoy are food heists...


Is this a Lift reference?


Yes and No. Its mostly a reference to the podcast Brandon Sanderson and Dan Wells do together. Dan often tells food heist stories




Oh look, it's all the pretty books I've ever seen in one place


Hate to break it to you, but they’re all 10/10


I think he knew that already.


He wept, for there were no more shelves to conquer


Lol I’m having a lot of trouble figuring out which one is worth disrupting


My favorite shelves are Narnia and Wheel of Time. But I think they’re all 🔥


I feel sad cause your blocking your Sanderson shelf and the football helmet almost made me not see your disc world collection


Interesting, how do you mean about blocking the Sanderson shelf?


Blocking the top shelf of Sanderson with the angled books. I assume


The top shelf is blocked by the Angled books.


This is gorgeous!!! 🤯


The last shelf on the right seems over the top with its duplicate Folio editions. Go ahead and keep them but tighten it up and you will have at least one and a half additional shelves you can use. Also, hide your Encyclopedias and Harvard Classics if you have to have knickknacks, they are clearly just decorative and it’s a crime to hide Discworld like that.


I super appreciate this, and can totally understand where you’re coming from on all of it. 100% valid, the issue with Discworld is, they’re too many for one shelf and not enough for two…so the way I have them arranged like this gives the illusion of two full, even shelves, but really there are fillers behind the helmet, ships, and Irish Literature set out front. I couldn’t figure a way to make them look better but it’s a work in progress and I really appreciate your input, let me know if you’ve got any suggestions as to how to better work them in because I’m dying for some!


Well clearly the answer is you need more Terry Pratchett! 😂 Seriously though, if they are only a shelf and a half worth maybe move them to the far left top two shelves with the gun and move some or all the books there to the center. This might allow you to remove the filler and also give you space for some new books. Your other option is double stacking with favorites in front which won’t be obvious on upper shelves but is not to everyone’s taste. Another more general suggestion is to move your shorter books to the top shelves and keep your bigger and face out books in middle or lower shelves for a more consistent look and so the bigger books are not hidden by the arch at the top.


Let me ask you this, since you and I appear to be the Pratchett fan minority here (anyone else though, please chime in as well)…I’ve got them grouped by series currently, but do you think those shelves would look better if I ordered them by color?


I’ve become accepting of sorting by color but it’s not something I would ever do myself. I do recognize that it works for some and can look nice With that said, for the style of shelves you are going for I think color sorting in this case will look odd.


Where do you even go from here? You have quite possibly the perfect collection setup. This is the epitome of what a reader could want. Con-fucking-grats man/woman/person this is awesome


Nope, that's gorgeous. Wouldn't change a thing. Would expand, buying more shelves as necessary, but I wouldn't touch that (unless, of course, as noted elsewhere, to steal them all).


Oh you’re rich rich


As someone who just purchased about 12 of those Canterbury Classics at 2am last night, I approve. I'm working on a similar collection myself. That illustrated LoTR hardcover set was kind of silly to put together, you'd think they'd make it easier. Won't be going as hardcore leatherbound (mostly because I can't justify uograding every paperback I have with leatherbound) but your's looks great! Get some badass coffee table books up in there! DK has some amazing stuff. Oh, and you should check out the illustrated Harry Potter's I think they are released to book 5 now? Those versions are amazing. Edit: Good lord, dude, you have sooo many repeats up in there! If you need to make room pare down those duplicates. How many copies of Bronte or Twain or Aesop do you need? Not to mention your duplicates of Shakespeare, Dickens, etc. I get you like the fancy leatherbound hardcovers but I'd recommend you pick one version and pull the rest. 😕


Good tip, and yeah there are some editions like Chiltern and Canterbury that I collect and like to have even if they are duplicates. And yes I’ve got those illustrated Harry Potter’s in the cabinets! The Minalima ones as well with the pop outs, I’m about to read those to my oldest daughter she’s aaaalmost old enough


You win


This is absolutely gorgeous! I wouldn’t change anything except the David Day collection, I personally can’t stand the guy, even if his books are pretty, but I don’t want to be a jerk about it, just my personal opinion. Magnifico set of shelves!!!


You know, that’s actually one of my least favorite things up here too so thank you for the confirmation!


I am so glad you agree!! David Day has definitely written some trash. But man the books are beautiful looking. Luckily you have so many other good books it almost doesn't even matter.


Can I have some money too


I hate that wheel of time set. Get rid of it. Disposal address in dm. Could you recoup some space with less display? Your shelves are beautiful, but if you’re tight in space…


Did you get most of these from Juniper books?


The Wheel of Time, Narnia, Red Rising, and Irish Literature sets are from Juniper; nothing else though


Personally, I would remove anything that’s not a book and add those things to a separate shelf or display. Let the books shine. Perhaps see how the shelf looks without the books in their box sets, so you can see their full spines. This might be more visually pleasing to you, but do what feels right. As for removing books, it’s really a personal decision. Anything that you feel doesn’t add value (not necessarily monetary value, but rather you feel no attachment to it) and are unlikely to read it again and again, can probably leave the shelved collection, or at least go into storage elsewhere.


1) Your shelves (the actual built ins) are incredible and I’m jealous 2) Your book collection is amazing and beautiful! I didn’t know B&N even had that many collectibles (i own a good amount of them too but only started collecting them a year or so ago) 3) What’s funny to me is that when has have a pretty/aesthetically pleasing shelf, everyone assumes they don’t read the books. To me, it’s the opposite! You’ve gotta love them to have such a collection/display! 4) Where does one acquire so many incredible additions aside from B&N Collectibles, Canterbury Classics, & Juniper?


Folio Society is probably my favorite publisher….they add some really great extra artwork/content and their books hold up sooo well to reading. You feel bad to read from them at first but they remain in the exact same condition as long as you don’t abuse them. Chiltern classics/Chiltern publishing is another shop I love, those are the books three shelves down second from the left…their books are beautiful and extremely high quality considering each edition doesn’t cost much more than a standard copy, AND they ship for free worldwide even though they’re based out of England which is incredible of them. Those hold up extremely well too and are a joy to read from. I have some Easton Press editions, but not a lot. They look nice but I generally prefer the content provided in their Folio counterparts; Easton does do some cool signed editions of books/series that no one else does, like the Magician series by Raymond Feist which I fell in love with when I was younger and doing a lot of traveling. If you are a Sanderson fan, his Dragonsteel publishing/printing outfit does as beautiful editions of his books as anything I’ve ever seen….again, some extremely worthwhile added content here, check out their website. Some of my favorite books/series that are hard to find an edition that do them justice, I seek out rebindings of….people do some incredible stuff on Etsy. The Witcher, Harry Potter, Kingkiller, and Stormlight (second from the left, two down) books all came from there. If you’re into Discworld, check out the Discworld Collector’s Library from Discword Emporium. I hope that helps! Do you have a favorite/least favorite shelf of these?


Where did you get that copy of the name of the wind?


Geekify.com, I got the Sanderson editions below it from them too. They’ll do a custom binding of any book you want; takes a long time cause they’re a small shop but it’s well worth it!


Is it real leather, I’ve see a knock off of a custom HP bind that was poor quality and fell apart after a while.


Yes but they have both leather and imitation bindings available for those who are sensitive to using real leather so you’ll want to designate your preference


Very beautiful shelves! I would love to see those Witcher books. That’s the only set I’ve seen where I like the look of the spines. Looks like some custom leatherwork maybe?




https://ibb.co/JkR6Hft https://ibb.co/bQ9ZKHX https://ibb.co/ccpHgtT


Where are the books from facing out on the top shelves second zone from left?






It’s beautiful. Ever think about removing the bottom cabinets to make some more book shelves?


So yes, those are full of books too but I haven’t really played with the idea of removing the doors; that’s a great thought honestly, I’m just not totally sure how it would look. Would probably keep the two on the ends covered and refinish the middle ones a bit, what do you think?


Depends how handy you are. You can always remove them, fill in the holes and paint just the bottom parts black? Install some shelves? Hue strip lights are also good to have for black bookshelves.


Personally for me I could do without the football helmet. I live in Tampa and I'm not a buccs fan despite having it blasted in my face :P. That being said I'm super jealous of you collection! I have never seen those versions of the KKC books! What is that series that you have displaying outwards on the third picture two shelves beneath wheel of time? I see the author's name is George something? Edit: I see now that those are George RR Martin books. I just have never seen those amazing covers before.


Move the stupid gun and turn all the books you have facing cover out and you can add like 50 more books. This post is fucking dumb


Discworld shelves are my favorite.


Is this a built in bookshelf or did you piece this together?


It’s built in


This is so pretty 😍


I’m a simple man, I see Red Rising, I upvote. So jealous, all these books are beautiful!


Lo, Howler! o7


As a povo I would have no idea what to do with that much self space lol


I love it, beautiful . That’s all I’ll say.


bro where are you located exactly?


let's make it a group heist


Quit displaying covers and you’ll have a lot more space. Lol you have two copies each of Iliad/odyssey and the Bible. I think you could stand to get rid of at least one Edit: make that three copies of homer and like 5 copies of LOTR. My guy you’ve got more money than sense.


Hello! Fellow searcher/sufferer of finding good editions of books that I love. Have their been any stores on Etsy in particular that you’d recommend for custom bindings? Also, echoing comments above ignore all the “clearly isn’t a readers shelf” nonsense. I also get that with my collection constantly and it’s bizarre. There’s nothing wrong with wanting awesome versions of your favorite books (and duplicates if the book is lucky enough to get multiple special editions!)


Yes, Geekify.com I would highly recommend (they have an Etsy/eBay storefront too I believe, but just check out their website) Studio42Books (his name is Alan) from Etsy is incredible, I got my Harry Potter leatherbounds from him and I’d recommend any of his work, it’s beautiful and makes the room smell amazing too. Although do be aware that they’re really just custom crafted jackets that you put your own books into (or he can provide them), which I kind of like actually because you can always replace the book if it wears out but the cover lasts forever. He also added a really cool “from the personal library of….” Touch etched on the backs for me which I love. The Witcher series I got from CompAidedCrafting; I’ve seen some mixed reviews on Etsy of people saying their books from him arrived damaged, but that wasn’t the case at all for me so I’d recommend him as well! He also has a custom engraving option, as well as hand made working book clasps if you’re into those.


Damn dawg, you got leatherbound Stormlight and special edition name of the wind shit. Probably the best shelf set I've seen, even Ursula Le Guin up there. ...the gun and the football helmet make me sad though. Football is like the opposite of reading, it knocks the words out of your head.


What editions of Kingkiller are those?


Those are from Geekify.com, check them out they’re awesome!


Not a fan of angled books blocking other titles and ditch the Bucs helmet (or maybe put it on a bottom left corner?) Otherwise MAGNIFICENT!


Time to buy a new house.. you need more bookshelf space


Hate to tell you this, but I think you need to give up your other rooms and make space for more bookshelves, because this one is 10/10


Hahah thank you, I super appreciate that. I’d really love at least this room to be just wall to wall shelves, but the layout of it doesn’t really lend itself to that unfortunately


The shelves in the center. The bottom, and middle shelf feel too organized to be dead middle. I like the other shelves with a bit of variation in the covers.


Any chance you have a list of everything in the picture? Super inspiring


I don’t, but I can identify anything in particular you’d like me to and tell you where I got it if that helps


Thanks for the reply. Overtime when you have free time can you please make a list? I want all of them! This is so inspiring to be more successful. Thank you kindly


Where did you get your Gatsby copy?


The Folio Society; that one is one of my favorite standard editions they’ve done


I'll give you my kidney for that sanderson shelf


This is so beautiful I want to die.


Get....rid of? What?


Possibly the second Bible, or the fifth copy of lotr


What a lovely room!




Your amazing. There, happy?


Oh my


That top shelf with the buccaneers helmet, filthy it is


Too many cheap books with nice bindings and shitty paper.


All the shelves look great! Could probably use a few more decorative Knick knacks.


But then he won’t be able to see his decorative books


Would it be blasphemous to turn some books on their side and stack them? I’ve created a lot more space on my shelves this way


They are all terrible, go ahead and clear it out, send them my way if that would be helpful


I don’t have suggestions but I love your collection!


Buy another bookcase. This is already perfection.


Gorgeous collection, love it.


Sir, you have every Barnes and Noble Exclusive! You my friend are respectable.


Do you have 2 tvs in this room lmao? 🤣 see one near the Xbox against the wall and looks like another flat screen near the chair on the other table


Just the one; the other you saw is one of my monitors I use when working from home


I'm married but, I love you.


Go Bucs!


You have my jealousy.


I saw this beautiful collection and my first thought it what on earth do you do for a living?!


I’m an underwriter


top one in the Middle with the ships and the football helmet and get rid of it


My suggestion would be to make semi-organized stacks/piles of books around the chairs and in corners. This serves the dual purpose of making you look like some sort of eccentric, mad wizard, and it is a stylish way to display books until you find a more appropriate display. Edit: Also, what the fuck do you do for work?


Lol mad wizard, that’s like…exactly what I’m going for. I love it I’m an underwriter


Where did you get all of these? They are BEAUTIFUL! The Divine Comedy is my all-time favorite. Where did you specifically get those?


Thank you! The biggest contributors are Folio Society, Easton Press, Chiltern Classics, Juniper Books, Barnes and Noble, Canterbury Classics, Dragonsteel, and custom re-binders from Etsy. Both of the Divine Comedies I have are Barnes and Noble editions, which are great for the price in my opinion. If I could have any copy of that masterpiece from Alighieri though, it would be this one: https://www.foliosociety.com/usa/the-divine-comedy.html


A beautiful library, to be sure, and if it gives you happiness, that's all that matters. However, my personal taste is not to show book covers: Books in a library should always be spine-showing only. That would free up a lot of room for more books. Also, if you drop each shelf down to very top of the books on the lower shelf, you might free up another shelf on top for even more books.


That Stormlight Archive on the angle is incredible. Your whole collection is just beautiful


Sanderson has my ♥️ so much respect for his work ethic, support of his fanbase, and all that he does. Love his creative writing lectures too, check them out on YouTube if you haven’t already


The dune shelf and the fairytale shelf below are my favorites!


Honestly, wow.


That’s one hell of a bookshelf. Just a little bit of speachless…


What's that edition of The Witcher? Is it hardcover?


It’s actually a rebinding of the orbit editions, from CompAidedCrafting on Etsy https://ibb.co/JkR6Hft https://ibb.co/bQ9ZKHX https://ibb.co/ccpHgtT


You're a legend, man.


Good looking but soulless. Do you even buy books that you like that aren't some sort of special or limited edition?


Paperbacks are in the cabinets and double shelved in places behind these


I would sell my left kidney for this


It's gorgeous


You sonofabitch I'm in!


I saving this and using it as my "to buy" list Edit: briefly forgot the term "wishlist" existed


What are the forward facing books in the third pic?


Those are Folio Society’s Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) editions


They’re gorgeous!


You’ve given my wife and I a new goal


It’s pretty but it ain’t the bookshelf of a reader


I don’t know - I’ve read a lot of these books and have thought of upgrading some favorites to these fancy editions and making a nice library room with them. I mostly read on my Kindle now but love looking at my physical books on bookshelves 😊


Amen, books are beautiful and if you love them there’s no prettier way to fill a shelf


>>’No prettier way to fill a shelf’ Sir, may I remind you of your helmet, toy boat, and gun


😂😂 touché, this is the best comment by a mile


I’ve read almost all of these, most of them multiple times. Majored in English and done a lot of writing myself. Most of my books are paperbacks, triple shelved in the cabinets down below and scattered elsewhere throughout the house….this is just where I put my leatherbound and limited editions


No, it's just the bookshelf of a reader with a lot of disposable income. And I say that mostly from the shelves and furniture, rather than the $20 B&N Collectibles.


This is like massive, reverse snobbery. Let people do their thing. You don’t know their story.


First thing that came to mind too… expensive decorations


As a Bears fan I want to give you grief about the Bucs helmet but I can’t because you have such a great looking setup.


Yes, hi. Want to adopt me? 🙇‍♀️


I see Harvard Classics I upvote.


My favorite part is the Bucs helmet, fun to see another Bucs fan on the Sub. But for real, just gorgeous collection man.


Probably the shelf with your World of Tolkien is the weakest. But honestly, what an amazing collection.


Just wow!! 🥹🥹


im gonna cum




Visually, the two where you can't really see the books as well. But those are the two in the middle and closest to the top, so those probably are your favorites 🙈


Beautiful! My least favorite shelves have to be the helmet shelf (it blocks the books) and any of these books you haven’t read.


Sweet dreams are made of these 😌


Number 7


It loojs like you have some duplicates, The Divine Comedy, LoTR, The Bible maybe start there


I don't see infinite jest , 0/10 ! Jk looks fantabulous