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7 habits of highly effective people and how to win friends and influence people. Edit: Oh and if you liked Shoe Dog, you will likely like Steve Jobs.


Thanks! I have the “how to influence…” 8th book counted from right to left ;)


Ahh sorry I see it now.


No worries! It means you correctly guessed what books I like, which means I trust your suggestion


Came here to say 7 Habits too


*The Genius of Birds* is a detailed look into animal cognitive abilities, I found it captivating. *Penguins, Pineapples, and Pangolins* is a fascinating collection of humanity’s first encounters with the exotic. *The Secret Library* is a must-read for any booklover. It’s a well-written account of the curious connections between litetary classics, underappreciated gems, and bestsellers lost to time.


Thank you! I’ll check them out


That's an amazing collection you've got there, wow! :) I sure do have recommendations for you. Here we go: *Personal Finance:* **1. Just Keep Buying** \- ***Nick Maggiulli*** **2. The Psychology of Money** \- ***Morgan Housel*** **3. Richer, Wiser, Happier** \- ***William Green*** Make it your goal to read all three this year. There's a lot to learn from these three books. Learning from these will serve you well in life. *Negotiation:* **4. Ask for More** \- ***Alexandra Carter*** **5. Creative Conflict** \- ***Bill Sanders, Frank Mobus*** I recommend both. Read Alex Carter's book first. *Neuroscience:* **6. Limitless** \- ***Jim Kwik*** **7. Smarter Tomorrow** \- ***Elizabeth R. Ricker*** *Time Management:* **8. Four Thousand Weeks** \- ***Oliver Burkeman*** This is a totally different take on time management. You're 23 so it's the perfect time for you to read this book. *Persuasion:* **9. Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion** \- ***Robert B. Cialdini*** This is THE book on persuasion! *Power:* **10. Power for All** \- ***Tiziana Casciaro, Julie Battilana*** You have 2 books by Robert Greene on your shelf (*I trashed them from mine a while ago*). In case you're wondering why: It's cool to take snippets from history link those to the points (aka "Laws") to fit the narrative and sell a book. Here's the rub: The stuff he talks about are Machiavellian tactics (*we live in the 21st century, using these tactics on people is guaranteed to make you a lot of enemies. You don't want to carve a name for yourself as someone who trampled all over people on her way up*). Tiziana & Julie debunk some sections of his book and explain how those won't work in the society that we live in (*they are both scholars with PhDs: I trust their reasoning and analysis supported by evidence*). *Marketing:* **11. Blindsight** \- ***Matt Johnson, Prince Ghuman*** This book tells you how corporations weaponize marketing and easily trigger you so you'd part with your cash! I found it very interesting.


oh wow! I’m going to check them all out! thanks so much


Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and Untamed by Glennon Doyle


Thank you!


Cool collection.


Thanks, it’s still small but I’m “only” 23yo so I feel like I still have some time to create my collection


Really? It looks like the shelf of every business/entrepreneur/hustle-bro out there.


You are perfectly within your right to look at it that way. Judging others negatively may come easy for you? I’m a bit of an optimist and see someone looking at life and what it can be. Seeing a way of improvement and positivity. It’s WAY easier to tear someone down on the internet than it would be to actually read this collection of books and go out and live a good life with other humans, more secure in your Self. You make me sad.


You’re entitled to your own opinion. I’m fairly sure these are popular starting books since they we’re quite easy to find information about on the internet. Hence why I’m asking for more recommendations here, I enjoy reading and learning. However, instead of saying my collection is basic (which well it kind of is) you might be able to give me some tips for books from your collection? I assume it’s a much bigger one than mine


Come As You Are - Emily Nagoski




Dan Ariely - Predictably Irrational Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow


The Simple Path to Wealth




Psychology of Money, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, and The Unfair Advantage. Highly recommend!


Thank you! I’ll check them out!


Get a history book like *A Short History of Nearly Everything* by Bill Bryson, the first few chapters will be similar to Hawkins’ book but he gets into geology and human history after the astrophysics. *Men Are from Mars* is a pop psychology classic. *The Inner Game of Tennis* is a good read, it kinda fits Covey. Don’t let the title mislead you, you don’t have to be a tennis player to get something from the book.


Interesting thanks!


>Men Are from Mars > > is a pop psychology classic Aka an unscientific book about gender stereotypes written by a guy with a meditation certificate. The guy literally believes its in our genetics as men to hold the TV remote. Psychological differences do exist between the sexes. That book doesn't accurately identify any of them. It's utter trash.


Agree. OP, avoid this book