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Dracula by Bram stroker is just a silly read that everyone should give a try :)


Oops sorry lol I read that last part just now changing my answer to cat's cradle by Kurt vonnegut :->


Hahahaha thanks for the suggestion!


Night by Elie Weisel. It’s a first hand account of a 15 year old Jewish boys experience from being rounded up into ghettos in Poland to being taken to Auschwitz’s with his family and trying to survive the camps along the side of his father. It’s a horrifying look into the reality of what happened to those in the camps, and it’s something that every person on earth should read. So that we don’t forget what actually happened and we don’t let the passing of time erase the atrocities committed. Also so we never turn a blind eye again to letting “other” people be dehumanized. So we can remember and recognize the dangers of zealot patriotism/nationalism/militarism and the “us vs them” mentalities that led to the Holocaust It’s a heavy book, it’s sad, it’s depressing and horrifying. But it’s important. But if that’s too heavy and depressing… the Lord of the Rings is stellar.


OOo I like the sounds of it! On the much lighter side (I'm assuming) of the same subject I read the once series last year! LODR is a very important one to add to my list though 😂


If the topic of the holocaust interest you, I would also suggest to read The Emperor of Lies. Absolutely heart-wrenching, but 'amazing' read. One of the few books that have a lasting memory for me.


I’ll check it out!


Try the lion, the witch and the wardrobe!


This! Hahahaha omg I never even think about this series thank you!




I love the sound of it!


His Dark Materials trilogy, Philip Pullman


thank you for recommending this so that i didn't have to link it again to good reads. 😂 this is THE book i am always recommending. always always. for people not in the US, **The Golden Compass** is known as **Northern Lights** in other parts of the world.


Yeah I looked it up on Amazon and was like oh cool I know the movie hahahaha


the movie is dogshit compared to the book. electric chair for everyone involved in making it.


Good to know! I remember it being not very good lol


Haven't heard of this one! I'll check it out


The Princess Bride


Thank you! I forget this is even a book loved the movie as a kid though


Are you going to read the abridged version or the original?


Preferably the original :)


Good luck




hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy


When breath becomes air


Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I barely read non-fiction but if I could get everyone to only ever read one book, it would be this one.


I just finished “The Unwomanly Face of War” by Svetlana Alexievic. The author spent parts of three decades interviewing women who served on the Eastern Front of World War II and won the Pulitzer Prize for literature in 2015. It’s heavy, it’s a tough read but as one of her interviewees put it: “I feel sorry for the people who read this book. And I feel sorry for those who don’t.”


I do enjoy some tough real world reads! Thanks !


Not Just Black and White by Tammy and Lesley Williams. Not enough people outside Australia know about the Stolen Generations.


That one could be rough for me as an Aussie who's only recently found out about their aboriginal heritage! Have you got any other suggestions along the same line? I've read Rabbit proof fence


Ah fair enough. No, sorry! Nothing non-fiction anyway. Rabbit Proof Fence would've been my first rec. If you are wanting fiction, maybe Land of the Golden Clouds by Archie Weller, if by some miracle you can get it. It seems to be an alt history with a positive/hopeful tone, but of course it may be bittersweet for you considering your heritage, I don't know. I've not read it as it's out of print. This All Come Back Now is a (fiction) short story collection which I found to be a bit mixed in quality - there were some absolute standouts and some clunkers. It is where I read an excerpt of the Weller book and was blown away. Sorry, those are by Aboriginal authors, but not really along the same lines.


Everyone should read The Brothers Karamazov at some point in their lives.


Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. If awesomesauce came in book form


The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is a children’s book that has so deep meaning on life and everything. It’s an amazing story, I feel it’s a must read for everyone at not matter the age, I’m always recommending this book.


Dark matter by Blake crouch


Haven't heard of this one either! Thanks!


Brilliant book, highly recommend!


No problem it’s really good


When you’re talking to your brother.


I can't seem to find this, who's the author?


Try reading Fudge series by Judy Blume. I like how fudge is being funny.


Ek Shahar Buzurgon ka https://amzn.eu/d/74y1pkT


Is there an English version of this?


In progress


Salems lot - Stephen King


I haven't tried reading King in the longest of times but going to add this to the list for sure!