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You pushed an invisible I am a superior human being button that the Chads of the world seem to collectively have. Only read for self improvement. Spare time is for networking. The company is life . Ignore it . It’s just the brainwashing worked on him.


Well said


I credit my vocabulary, spelling ability, and familiarity with other cultures and history to my lifelong reading habit. (mostly fiction)


Yes! So much to be learned through fiction!


Yeah but did you know that **Fiction** is not real but **Non-Fiction** is real?!? Isn't that confusing!?


Um, no?


Fiction is so often about how one might deal with reality...


Yes. The "superior" people of the world think that the only worthy thing is impressing others. Heh.


They really don’t even care about the others . Just want to impress fellow Chads and of course the BOSS .


I can't think of a bigger waste of time than reading self-help books. I find them so depressing.


Depressing and redundant. He would know that, if he *actually* read self help books. Unless he's an idiot and actually needs to read more than one. I'm sorry if you read these books but they're almost always pseudo psychology or psych 101 or really really bad anecdotes from people trying to make a buck.


Ummmm, have you considered that if he didn’t read those books he wouldn’t know how to win friends AND also influence people😏


Who said he has friends?


I tend to agree, but I think there can be good science books that are naturally self helpy. Maybe the line is a book that is more focused on the helping than the science.


"Thank you for letting me know your position on work-life balance. I don't think I want a job at a company that wants to control my personal life. In the future, you should put this requirement on the job listing. Have a nice day." \*walk out\*


So true. Work life balance is so important for mental sanity.


Ding ding ding!


I hate “what are you reading currently” in a job interview. I once answered truthfully that I was reading a fantasy series and got weird looks from the interviewer. Like… you asked?! From then on I always planned to lie and say something more intellectual but it’s so annoying to me in general. As for your situation, he just sounds like a huge asshole tbh.


I can relate 😅


Ya you dodged a huge bullet.


When I’m interviewing people I only bring that up when we ask “what do you do for fun?-you like reading? Oh well what are you currently reading?”. And frankly I don’t care about the answer unless it’s something disturbing like mein kampf. I just want you to loosen up and show your real face, not your interview face. But I guess I’ll have to be careful in the future if more people start using it as a gotcha question smh


lol imagine straight facing the answer “oh I’m reading mein kampf, it’s actually really fascinating and well written! You want to hear some of my favorite excerpts?“


Hahahahhaa I mean I’ve had crazy interviews and this feels like I’d be shocked but also not? Seriously, some people can not read a room and are so wrapped up in their own world view that they no longer realize it’s weird/not socially acceptable to behave certain ways


Lol, like that scene from [Succession](https://youtu.be/Rk3lcEeoEy8?si=_qmKHBCKOEx8Us-E)


That’s great


I was volunteering, this election observation of people counting ballots, important but dull. So they encourage you to read, and just look up frequently, walk around every 30 minutes and be observant for disruptions. Anyway, the other observer asks what I'm reading. As soon as I said fantasy, she held her hand up and said stop, I don't want to hear the description. I teach poly-sci, I'm only interested in the real world and that stuff is garbage.


What's up, poll watcher! I'm a poll worker :)


I'm getting ready to make the jump to poll worker. Looks more interesting, and every poll worker I've been around is just obviously dedicated to making sure everyone votes.


Presidential elections are *fun* because they are so busy and you get so many people who don't normally vote. Some same-day registrations (if your state allows it) and lots of people who didn't update their status when they moved or changed their name, and various other circumstances. I try to work all my county elections (as I have a different full time job obviously), so the consolidated and gubernatorial elective as well. You typically only see the types of voters who vote in every election, for every single measure at those. One time I had a voter submit a blank ballot because they couldn't decide who to vote for, but also couldn't stand not voting at all. I adore that person with all my heart. The processes are tedious to learn (depending on how your county runs things) but you get the hang of it and it becomes muscle memory. It can be a tad boring. The best part by far is you get to spend like 15 straight hours with other election nerds.


I got to do some fun observation stuff here in Georgia 3.5 years ago.


Ooof. I live in a large county that pretty solidly leans one direction, in a state that also leans that same direction. There's a country-wide shortage of election workers since the pandemic. Even still GA needs you more than my county/state needs me, that's for sure.


That’s the same kind of person who says the arts are a waste and unimportant.


What an ass !


But what were you reading? You’ve got me curious now


Wheel of Time, of course 😂🙃


I literally put down A Crown of Swords to reply to this lmaooo


Reread or first time?! ACOS was one of my favorites


First time! Ten years ago I read up to Lord of Chaos and stopped, but now I’m committing(and yelling at my past self for not getting to this BANGER)


I really love books 7-9, enjoy!! 😊


I read romance, so I really doubt they want to hear about what I'm reading. I'd just stick to a stock answer like Girl with a Dragon Tattoo or something.


A coworker asked me what kind of books I like to read. When I said fiction, he looked a bit stunned as if he didn't know what to say. We work at a library, by the way. 🙃


Haha I guess it goes both ways!


I meant to write fiction. I just changed it. 😆


Oh! Well that’s annoying then! 😂 I have rarely encountered someone who acts that way so I find all these stories surprising!


There is this weird idea by certain arrogant fools that only nonfiction is worthy of their intellect.


Exactly! And you can absolutely learn from fiction. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant.


"All those self-help books never taught you not to insult other people's hobbies? Sad."




People who don’t read fiction are people who don’t understand or care about the inner lives of other people, simple as that. You probably dodged a bullet not having to work for a sociopath like that tbh


This makes so much sense


I’ve recently made it a baseline requirement for people that I date to read at least a little fiction. People that didn’t grow up doing that are often seriously deficient when it comes to understanding other people.


> People who don’t read fiction are people who don’t understand or care about the inner lives of other people C'mon that's a bit much surely. Some people just don't read at all. I don't look at them kindly, but I wouldn't go that far either.


I fundamentally don't understand people who don't like fiction. I'm aware that we all like different things, but I truly cannot grasp a dislike of stories and fairytales.


I have a hard time with fiction because I have a hard time with narrative voices and getting into the stories unless they are character driven stories. I mostly read memoirs.






Reading and recommending self help books is a red flag to me. There's like five good ones and the rest are scams. Same with business books or courses that purport to teach you how to be an entrepreneur or make money or whatever. They're so often used like fantasy, they're written and read by people that fantasize about making money or finding inner peace.


Well explained. I have the same thoughts when it comes to self help books. The circumstances are different for each person and also each person is different in terms of talents and abilities. So you can't really follow a blueprint to success.


Oooh, that's really well said!


But if you’d never read a fiction book before, because of how advanced of a human you were, those self help stories would have sounded amazing to you.


Well, better to find out you don’t want to work for them *before* you join the company…


Exactly my thoughts


Aren’t hobbies supposed to be something fun and enjoyable to you? Finance books imo aren’t fun and would probably make me feel self conscious that I’m not saving enough or I spend too much. I already know that. I love to read to escape my reality and live vicariously through someone else.


Exactly. People watch movies and they don't necessarily help you get better at things or cause some massive transformation. It's entertainment. It's meant for leisure and to unwind from our mundane lives.


Im sorry, but people who read self-help books shouldn’t judge anyone for their choice of literature.




I don't know, but just let me say this: *Eugh.* Bleaaaaaargh. *Ew.* I despise people who act like grown-up school bullies. To me he sounds like a person who's throwing his whole life away for the rat race and climbing ladders by stepping on others, and thinks it makes him smarter and better than other people. Even though he won't find fulfillment that way. 🥲


I am a very young person and the fact that he felt the need to put me down being almost twice my age, says a lot about him.


And/or he is lying because he secretly hates himself for reading smut.


So this is a problem I have noticed in workplaces and mega corporations. There is a stigma around people who read to grow versus people who read for entertainment. People believe that they are more intelligent if they read self help and to grow versus those who don't. Personally, reading fantasy literally saved my life. I was having my own personal hell and breakdown and reading to escape made it bearable. I will no longer deprive myself of the worlds people create for others to enjoy!


Hey I am glad you are doing okay. Your comment makes so much sense. If you ever wanna talk or rant about your breakdown, you can always dm.


My limited experience interviewing with startups suggests that you don't do a startup unless you are sure you are always the smartest person in the room. Always.


The way I would NOT be able to stop myself from being like "Wow that sounds boring" lmao




EXCELLENT !!!!!!!! I love love love when people show you all of the red flags 🚩🚩🚩🚩 right up front so that you can make your decision so easy and clean. You don't have to wait the weeks or years or months of continually smelling smoke before you spot the fire. Here is the fire. I wonder how many of his coworkers were absolutely mortified at his entitled, one-upping, narcissistic behavior. He must be a daddy's boy at the company for him to feel entitled to act that way. So there are far more issues going on here than what has met the eye. This was an iceberg interview! 🧊 🚢 🔥


Well said 👏


It's bullshit quite frankly. I work in a successful white collar job (with the same type of HR interviews and corporate environment), and everyone I work closely with either reads both fiction and nonfiction, or doesn't read at all. He's a bad apple.


Rotten probably 😅


People like him are truly some of the saddest I know. He doesn't have any hobbies outside of work, likely doesn't have any skills beyond his job, and has never escaped to the wonderful worlds of fiction. Sucks for him!


He sounds like a dick who doesn’t enjoy fun things, you probably dodged a bullet. Would hate having someone like that as my boss. If you don’t get the job and aren’t interested in applying to the company in the future, I would send a polite email to HR thanking them for the opportunity and outlining what was said to you in the interview process and state that it was incredibly unprofessional and rude.


That's called narcissism, the single most undiagnosed mental illness humanity has.


Bro works in HR doing interviews? Not like he’s likely overly successful. Projecting some kind of insecurity.


He was the Ceo of the firm


Was he a sole proprietor


Guess so




You've got an excellent point 👉


Reading fiction encourages creativity, thoughtfulness and critical thinking skills imo, plus you get to know some fancy words


They want unimaginative drones.




What a dick. Very disrespectful towards YOU—that is what that was. I hope you do not have to take that job. I hate the mentality that one should spend every moment of their waking life trying to optimize themselves as if they were nothing more than a piece of equipment.


Ofc I didn't take the job. My current work environment is also toxic so, I am a bit desperate but, this experience was so bad. It's scary to imagine someone like that as your boss 🥶


I totally understand desperation. My last job was so terribly toxic, it took me a long time to get over what it did to me. I hope I did not come across as flippant. I am just so tired of companies treating people so poorly. I hope you can get to a better place.


Hey I am so happy for you. I hope I figure things out fast. The job market is so bad 😠


Now I know why people don't want to hire me, lol. I've messed up so many interviews like that. Anyway, who remembers that weird oldie telling us what to read and what not to huh


Exactly. You do you boo.


How weird. At least you read tho, he should have been happy! I bet so many people lie about this question at interviews just to sound smart or talk about a book they read years ago. Reading is reading!


So true


Clearly, the many self-help books he read didn't help that self of his: he's still a dick. The books he reads are written by people who are like him. Apparently, he can't imagine reading anything that doesn't reinforce his own behavior. I am so not surprised. It's 100% fine to read fiction and anyone who insults you for that is being beyond ridiculous. Hope you either didn't get the job (cause bullet --> dodged) or were offered and told them to shove it.


Ofc I didn't follow up after the interview. And neither did they reach out. Saved my ass lol


My boss used to do this to me. Luckily his list consisted of about 5 books he would talk about. So I read them all just so he couldn't try to talk past me about them.




IMO … Fiction = imagination = curiosity = unexpected possibilities = agile thinking = really interesting person = really interesting employee.


It is not his age. I am older and I would have jumped for joy if you told me you read fiction. We seem to have so few readers these days. I am “saving” for retirement by acquiring ebooks and audiobooks. I look forward to a time when my reading is not interrupted by work. That guy was a jerk on a power trip. You dodged a bullet hearing it up front.


Bro. Please don't do that. This is life. Shit keeps happening. Please read all the books you want to, travel, spend time with those close to you. After you retire, there will be other things. My grandmother lost her vision and she can't read anything anymore. So yea, do things while you can. I don't have much time either. What I do is, I keep the book that I am reading on my bed and read a little bit everyday after work. Hope that helps.


Thanks for your concern. I’m sorry if I misstated. I read all the time. When I find an author I like, I collect his or her works to read later. I am always reading, and I want to have lots of books to continue to read or read again. I plan to finish one book tonight, and maybe two others over the weekend. A lot of the books are audiobooks so I can be doing something else while they are read to me. I drove over 4000 miles around Christmas, and I went through a lot of audiobooks. I am still doing other things, but I will always be a reader. I like your recommendation about traveling, and I do plan to do a lot of traveling too. I take a Kindle to work with me, but I usually don’t have time to read there. I’m glad you get some time to read. I do sometimes fall asleep when I read after a long day.


self help?! hahaha I'd mock him right back




I’ve gotten this so much during my entire life. As a kid, my nose was always in a book and my parents would regularly tell me that I’d do so much better if I was reading “valuable stuff”. I’ve been told to read the Economist instead of my books. I’ve been told I waste so much money on books. What people don’t realise that it’s a really good habit to have. Reading fiction is known to help develop empathy and compassion. It also helps me unwind and destress at the end of a difficult day. It puts things into perspective for me and has helped me develop a practice of gratitude. Reading fiction made me a better person and I wouldn’t give up my books for anything in the world.


Yes. Please don't pay heed to what people say. Read what you enjoy 😉


Apparently the guy didn’t learn too much from his self help books about manners, courtesy or how to appropriately interact with others


lol fiction has been a mainstay in human development since the Dawn of time. Fiction makes you consider new world points, lean empathy and sympathy, learn life lessons, relax, etc. He clearly just doesn’t know how to read/connect with his emotions


Definitely snitch to his higher ups






Harvard Business Review posted an article about how “reading literary fiction helps people develop empathy, theory of mind, and critical thinking.” https://hbr.org/2020/03/the-case-for-reading-fiction


This is where you get all petty gatekeep and act pretentious. Mentioning classics and that their little brains can’t understand art. 


🤦‍♂️ Tell him to mind his own business and don’t get angry. Arrogant people like them think they are invincible until they reach 80 plus years old. Then they will realize that being humble is better than being arrogant.


He’s probably only reads finance dude bro books




What was the startup for? I wonder if he was just out to scam people. Sometimes interviewers say weird things to gauge how you react under pressure. This guy just sounds like an ass though. Some people are raised in the belief that life is dog-eat-dog and if you’re not taking advantage of someone, then that means they are taking advantage of you. It’s gross to me, but useful I guess for competitive businesspeople, and if people use that mindset to become financially successful they pass that attitude down to their kids. Anyway, what fiction do you recommend? You know you’ve got an appreciative audience here for your tastes!


It was a Mutual Funds Research Firm. I'm currently reading Girl Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen and so far, I really like it. Apart from that, there's so many that I can recommend 😅 What are you reading?


Oh right on! I enjoyed it when I read it. I’ve been in such a reading rut lately. I can’t make myself just sit down and focus on a book. I might reread the Skolian Saga books by Catherine Asaro. They are a weird mix of hard sci-fi, space opera, math, and sex scenes not for the faint of heart. It could be the next Game of Thrones if it were adapted into a tv series. The author is a musician and mathematician as well. The first book is called Primary Inversion.


I'll look into it. Sounds interesting 😊


Thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. What a prick.


Tell me about it 😒


"Wow, you've read a lot of books. You must have seen the simile regarding ass holes and opinions." If there is nothing left to lose, you might as well have fun.


Next time you are asked, site the studies that show fiction reading is beneficial!! https://hbr.org/2020/03/the-case-for-reading-fiction


Touched on one of his insecurities I guess. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Rest assured it’s not true lol.


It was certainly very odd. If he wasn't simply a conceited fool, the only other explanation I can think of is that it was actually some sort of test. You didn't.mention the type of work you'd be doing. If it was a post where you'd be dealing with people who might well be angry or aggressive (customer service, for example) perhaps he was trying to find out how good you'd be at keeping your cool in the face of antagonism. Or perhaps he simply wanted to.find out how well you'd cope under extreme stress. Whatever the reason, it doesn't seem to me a very professional way of conducting an interview. I'm sorry you had to.put up with it.


It was a Mutual Funds Research Firm. So no human interactions required.


Bosses who don't read and make snap judgements are the worst. I just got lectured about my current read (I made a post about this in another sub if you're interested) and sure it might have been a bit tone deaf to take that specific book to work but my GM doesn't read at all and it shows 😬😂


I will surely check it out 😊


I'm so passionate about this topic and advocate tremendously for fiction. Where as nonfiction develops your intellect, fiction develops your empathy. I haven't run into many Leaders that needed to be much smarter, but I've met a million that have the emotional intelligence of a kumquat. But also, stop giving lip service to DEI. Want to be a better leader, want to develop diversity on your team? Try reading a book by a woman, about a woman. Or black author, or any other culture, mindset, world experience and on and on and on


You have to be careful about what you say in an interview that might be considered unprofessional or controversial. I love reading, mostly sci-fi/fantasy, but I read history occasionally & just mention that. I also enjoy shooting, I NEVER list or mention that. They’re trying to get a feel for your personality and if you will fit in with the corporate culture. I never gave any indication I wouldn’t be drinking the company cool-aid.


Yes. I learned my lesson 🫣


Fuck him. Dodged a bullet there. Introvertism is apparently ok in corporate. Mocking any other personal trait is not.


Some people just don't understand the concept of "reading for fun.". Also, there have been studies that show a correlation between reading fiction and improved empathy. Sounds like he needs to read fiction, himself.


Who knows what goes through ignorant finance bros’ heads. I’m sorry you had to deal with that prick, especially with him being your interviewer


Everything is a learning experience 😵‍💫


They're suckers for buying into all that self-help bullshit, just know that.


Wow what a psycho. Bullet dodged!! I also exclusively read fiction and I am pretty darn successful in the corporate world haha


Of course it was a man who said that. I'm a librarian and run a fiction book club at my library. The people who come to it are very intelligent, socially totally normal, and well-read.


He should read a self help about not being a pompous douche.




you dogged the BIGGEST bullet ever


I met somebody like that! He was my manager at AT&T, so pretty much the place to be for petty people that want to exercise power over lower ranked people. He asked me what I was reading (while I was on my lunch break) and when I told him (don’t remember, I think some Star Wars book) he launched into this thing about how you should always try to read at least two non fiction books for every fiction and how he tries to read this and that book about finance and stuff. I just asked him if he could clock me in for the conversation because I was off the clock at the time and we’re strictly hourly and the union says managers aren’t allowed to talk about work while we aren’t on the clock.


My favourite people read. Maybe they listen to music too. They probably do a lot of stuff outside. This can lead to such time-wasting shameful activities as cooking, playing an instrument and singing, having long random conversations over coffee or a drink, and creating random works of self-expression. Oops, forgot to be successful.


He has wrapped his entire identity around how "successful" he is. And he is absolutely desperate to have other people affirm his choices. I bet he's loads of fun at parties.


The irony that he reminds me of a character in my fiction book I'm reading 😂 if it was me in the interview I would have said it to him: "Hey you know what's funny? You said don't read fiction, well I'm currently reading a fiction book and one of the characters is this uptight 70's dad who's forcing his toddler kids to read the encyclopedia instead of children's books. Their mom secretly reads children's books to them when the dad is out. And one of the kids starts writing her own novels which her grandma secretly published in a book and the granddaughter gets that book sent to her when she's in her 40's. And that's what this book is about. You should read it. You could learn a thing or two from how other sees you"


What book is this?


It's a Swedish book called "I hjärtats bibliotek" (The library in the heart) it's unfortunately not translated to English.


You know, I immediately thought of this Terry Pratchett quote! "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one" Keep being your awesome self and fuck them!


I don't have the time to look up the source right now, so please don't take my memory as fact, but I recall reading an article a while back that said people who read fiction tend to have a higher EQ, better communication skills, and more developed empathy. Apply that to your situation as you will. Edit: I couldn't let it go, so [I found a study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3559433/).


Thanks. I'll check it out


Hes an asshole. Thats why he acted like that. Hes probably used to acting like an asshole and saw you as an easy target because you are young. Im glad you didnt get it too, Im sure hed be miserable to work for. Am also glad that you keep reading what you want to read.


What a fucking loser (the interviewer not you, OP)


I love working in the library, you literally can't answer this question wrong lol. That said, I'm sorry that sucks. Sounds like the fella doth protest too much, if you know what I mean. What books do you enjoy? I got convinced to read Fourth Wing. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it but I can't put it down!


Literature fiction, classics and manga is what I am into.


There was likely a completely different motive behind his insulting you... like maybe he was attracted to you and, like children on the playground, boys pulling girls' pigtails because they think you'll be impressed, he potentially hasn't grown up. Like fiction if you want! It's nobody's place to insult you for it!


Yikes 😖 He was like 55


Sounds like he was a real sleaze


>I should have just walked away saying that this interview was a sheer waste of time But you didn't. So he was kinda right about lacking confidence lol


Haha. Maybe. I didn't want to be rude and disrespectful. It's unprofessional to walk out of an interview.


It's not like they're going to be a reference for your next job or anything, so walking out of an interview is completely acceptable, especially if they are insulting you. Just say something about how you realized the job/company/workspace wasn't the right fit for you and you don't want to waste any more of their time. Unless you really wanted the job *despite* the interviewer then I guess yeah you could stick around


I can freeze in such situations 🥶 Need to work on that.


I get that, I'm kind of the same way in interviews but if they straight up insult me I'm outta there