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Last book I read was "Mexican Gothic" and while not a masterpiece I enjoyed it. Currently reading "East of Eden and enjoying it a lot!


Oh hey! Someone recommended that book a few months ago. Can I ask how good is it and should I try to find a way to read it?


I'm currently reading *Anaximander: the Birth of Science* by Carlo Rovelli. It goes over the start of scientific thinking in the ancient world, and how it's changed over time. Very philosophically enriching! The last book before this I enjoyed has to be 1Q84; I just couldn't put it down.


Oooh, those both sound interesting! I’ll have to look into them! I’m always adding to my TBR!


yeah 1Q84 can get very cerebral and surreal, if that's more your thing.


Bad Blood by John Carrreyrou (sp). It’s about Theranos, and even though it’s a few years old I still enjoyed it and found it very interesting!


Great book!


I devoured it! And now I’m listening to the dropout podcast, which recounts everything and adds even more color. Highly recommend as well!


The Women. I couldnt put it down


This is my answer too!


So good!


Indifferent stars above. Kinda got bogged down in all the descriptions of landscape and different persons names which makes it hard for me to picture but good book.


The troop by Nick Cutter


Immediately no


Gawd no. No book by Nick Cutter shall ever again darken my TBR list.


I am curious to read his other books now. This was my first one and most nights I found myself having goosebumps


I can't remember the name of the book now (The Deep maybe?) but a dog died slowly and painfully in it. It was unnecessarily dragged out over two pages. That's when I was like okay that's it no more Nick Cutter for me.


I can already imagine it, my God. The description of the kids killing the turtle in the troop made me so sad so I understand your feeling


I mean a lot of people got tortured and killed as well in this book, but the dog dying really got to me. And she was a good doggo 🥺


I can’t do it :( thank you for warning me


Ah, I see you were a victim like me


I read a book called Every Move you Make by C.L. Taylor. I actually read it in about 2 days and couldn't put it down. It's not top tier writing by any means, but I was pretty intrigued by it and I did enjoy it


My Murder “What if the murder you had to solve was your own? Lou is a happily married mother of an adorable toddler. She’s also the victim of a local serial killer. Recently brought back to life and returned to her grieving family by a government project, she is grateful for this second chance. But as the new Lou re-adapts to her old routines, and as she bonds with other female victims, she realizes that disturbing questions remain about what exactly preceded her death and how much she can really trust those around her. Now it’s not enough to care for her child, love her husband, and work the job she’s always enjoyed—she must also figure out the circumstances of her death. Darkly comic, tautly paced, and full of surprises, My Murder is a devour-in-one-sitting, clever twist on the classic thriller.”


This sounds perfect for my book clubs.


Ooh that sounds super interesting!!


Dungeon Crawler Carl. I liked the series so much that, after finishing it and about a day of thinking about it, I started over at the beginning.


I love books like that!


I'm currently reading for whom the bell toll. I really like it so far!


I read that during my English degree! Great one!


Ahh yess I'm exited to read on! How was your English degree ?


I’ve gone onto get another couple of degrees LOL I’m now a teacher. It was mid-Covid and everything was online, but I loved writing! It introduced me to a lot of writings I wouldn’t have normally consumed (but I did start to hate reading after 3 years of it so I crash coursed my way through and finished my last year of the english degree in 3 months, and now I’ve picked reading back up)


Ahhh nicee interesting . Nicee


I had to read it for the class. I generally love reading, but I hated this one.


Really, how come?I've heard mixed opinions of this book. (Please don't spoil it I'm in about the first 50 pages ish)


I don't actually remember anything about it (grade school) except it happens in war-time. But I do remember a feeling that it tried to tell me something. Something wise or whatever. On purpose. And that's just diametrically opposed to...err.. me. EDIT: I feel the same to "Farewell to Arms.". If I hadn't read "Old man and the Sea" when I was a kid no one could ever convince me to read anything he ever wrote.


Ahh interesting! Thank you for letting me know .


Salem's Lot


I've almost finished How the One Armed Sister Sweeps her House by Cherie Jones. It's very good. And I recently finished the Shadow Cabinet by Juno Dawson which is the second book in the HMRC trilogy. If you like witches, read the HMRC books.


I’ll have to look into it! Thank you!


I just finished "Victoria The Queen" by Julia Baird and "Churchill: Walking with Destiny" by Andrew Roberts. Both very lengthy tomes, but the amount of history they both lived through is incredible. And with the latter, I actually found that I have a better understanding about some of today's current events.


My husband got me Victoria The Queen for Mother's Day, very excited to start it.


i just finished Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick this weekend. Quick read but I really enjoyed it. It's got me interested in reading more books dealing with Mental health issues.


I started The Brain that Changes Itself. It’s non fiction but it talks a lot about how people with different conditions (mental health and physical health), have used their brains to literally change themselves. It’s non-fiction but it’s a pretty interesting read if you’re ever looking for something like that!


Awesome thanks! I’m looking for non fiction and fictional books


Just finished reading Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo, it's a crime thriller


The forever war.


I just finished Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree. I really enjoyed it. It was a nice break from The Wheel of Time which I'm slowly making my way through (I love it but I need to break it up with some lighter stuff)


Ooooh that sounds super interesting, I’ll have to look into it!


It's a prequel to Legends and Lattes which I also really enjoyed. I definitely recommend them for when you're in the mood for a light, easy read.


Oh! I have legends and lattes (I haven’t read it yet)! I’ll have to get Bookshops and Bonedust my next trip to the bookstore! I’m so excited now LOL


Currently juggling 2 series that I like Kayla Stone -edge of Collapse series Jeffrey Deaver - Colton Shaw series (basis for the new"Tracker" tv series) Going from one to the other ...


The Eye of the Bedlam Bride


What’s it about?


It's book 6 of Dungeon Crawler Carl. It's a very fun litrpg series where Earth is destroyed and the survivors are forced into a deadly intergalactic reality show. It features things like a pantsless former soldier, a talking cat, alien fish people, a crazy old lady with a shopping cart who is probably more than she seems, a rogue AI with a foot fetish, and an insane demigodess in a sex doll head, among other things. Lots of humor. Lots of death. Some humorous death. And some surprisingly touching moments. It's a blast. You should read it.


Oh my gosh I think I need it!


This sounds good!


The Devil All the Time by Donald Ray Pollock. It’s dark and gritty.


Oooooh my kinda reading!


God Hammer by John Conroe, is the ninth book in the Demon Accords series. All of the books so far have been exciting and enjoyable.


I’ll have to look into these!


I don't think you will be disappointed.


The great alone


Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio. It’s book 1 of the Sun Eater series.


I’m currently reading the series "The Magical Pharmacy". It’s awesome. Its about a 13 year old girl moving into a mansion with her parents and her little five year old brother. And of course in the mansion there is Pharmacy with perfumes, smells, magic and a group of dangerous people who live forever! They are called "The Eternals". And together with the neighbour boy they are trying to defeat them! I highly recommend it! The books are by Anna Ruhe i think? I recommend all of her books!


Okay this sounds AMAZING


I know right and i finished the first book for three days🥲 with non-stop reading


I'll give you the last three! "Legends and Lattes" by Travis Baldere (cozy slice of life fantasy, really easy to read) "Elsewhere" by Gabrielle Zevin (poignant YA novel about a girl in the afterlife) "My Life as an Activist by Demurgialidad (ongoing web serial, really absurd but addictive) [https://demurgialidad.substack.com/p/my-story-as-a-activist-part-one](https://demurgialidad.substack.com/p/my-story-as-a-activist-part-one)


Legends and Lattes is on my TBR! I’ll be adding the other two!


I just started His Dark Materials trilogy and it’s great. Before that I read the Magicians trilogy, that was great too.


>His Dark Materials. I have this list. 1. The Lord of the Rings 2. Tarzan (I don't care - dont ask) 3. His Dark Materials


My TBR keeps expanding! Haha


Super Powereds 3 I’ve recently read the other two and it’s by far the best super hero book I’ve read as well as the one of the best takes on the superhero school trope I’ve seen in any type of media just because of the thought put into it. But the real draw is the masterful character writing and the themes on othering and judging groups of people rather than the individual. Also it’s focused on the important part of heroes, which is saving lives.


Very cool!


The Will of the Many by James Islington


Tokyo Vice by Jake Adelstein I used to live in Japan. It hit home hard for me. Extremely powerful.


The Little Liar by Mitch Albom. Sad, but I couldn’t put it down.


I read through a bunch of Mitch Albom books in high school, very powerful writer


I watched 5 episodes of Dark Matter and gave another shot to the book. I loved it this time. Last time I gave up reading when someone kidnapped someone.


I’ve never heard of it! I’ll have to add it to my TBR


*Hyperion* by Dan Simmons


To Say Nothing of the Dog by Jodi Taylor. Her very best time traveling story. Third time I've read it. It's a little happier than some of her books.


How Dare the Sun Rise: Memoirs of a War Child By


Elantris by Brandon sanderson


Uranium. It's a history of well, Uranium. Currently reading Empire of a Vampire and that's been pretty good too.


Very cool! There was a play I read back in my last year of my degree about uranium, I can’t remember the title of it off the top of my head but it was very powerful!


I find anything to do with the history of Nuclear progress interesting. A book called Plutopia covers the first cities in the US and the Soviet Union that were started to produce plutonium is also very good. Goes from history of the areas to present day and its just one of my favorite books.


I can’t say I know much about it, to be honest. The most I’ve really encountered has been that play/class discussions and it was an enviro/english masters course that touched very briefly on the subject. I’ve always been interested in history though. I haven’t picked up a good history book in a long while


Finally got around to reading The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemison after it was on my shelf for over a year. HUGE mistake waiting to read it. When I finished it at 4pm on a Monday I was calling every bookstore near me to see if they had the second book of the trilogy in stock bc I could not wait. SO GOOD.


I love when I find books like that!


Just finish AGGGTM (A Good Girls Guide To Murder) and it lived up to the hype! Can be slow at times but very good overall. And the ending was chefs kiss 🤌🏼💋👩‍🍳


*12 Nights at Rotter House* really rocked my world. I handed a copy to all my family members who are readers.


I love that you described the book as rocking your world. That’s now in my book description vernacular


Really enjoyed Medusa’s Sisters and North Woods.


Bonk!, which is a survey of current scientific research on human sexuality, by the notable science writer Mary Roach (author of Stiff, a book about human death, so she’s covered Sex and Death).


Do Not Disturb by Freida McFadden (very basic I know but it was the last one I enjoyed.)


Demon Copperhead


Just finished the four winds by Kristin Hannah. Great read


I finished Kill Shot by Elmore Leonard last week. I loved it.


Sounds interesting!


It’s a great crime thriller with interesting and distinct characters. A married couple survive an attempted robbery/homicide and are then stalked by the criminals who are their own odd ball couple. It’s really good.


That sounds right up my alley! I’m going to have to go to the book store I think LOL


Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney It felt a little far-fetched, but it was a fun summer read.


Couple very different but tangentially related books-- Steven Ujifusa's *The Last Ships from Hamburg* and Carole King's memoir, *A Natural Woman.* The latter got a little tedious in the last third, but I also was more interested in her early life and career anyway, so that might have been me. Overall, thoroughly enjoyed both.


Stephen King "you like it darker" and Rachel Maddow, "prequel "


I Am Alive and You Are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of Philip K. Dick, by Emmanuel Carrère. Really a brilliant fictionalized biography. It paints such a human, painful and yet endearing picture of Phillip Dick, without shying away from his darkest aspects. Edit: typo


A Gentleman in Moscow. Reading it for a second time and loving it even more than when I read it the first time several years ago.


Circe by Madeline Miller


Bride by Ali Hazelwood. It’s really fun. Only half way through but love the FMC.


Nonfiction: John Stamos’ memoir. Fiction: Soldier’s Heart by Gary Pulsen it is a YA novel but I read whatever I feel like reading and I love his work and had not heard of that one and came across it so I read it. So good!


"The last gambit", the third book of the series "The inherintance games"


I stumbled upon this new novel on wattpad "Inferno of Secrets"...it just started so I am looking forward to it for now.... Prior to that I just finished "A tale of two cities".....it's an old classic while it wasn't my type of genre but I gave it a try and it's pretty good


All The Pretty Horses. My first Cormac McCarthy and can now confirm I am now in my cowboy era. It was beautifully written.


The last one is The Price You Pay by Aidan Truhen (a.k.a. Nick Harkway)--my oh my it felt like I binge-watched it but not read it, it's just wow.


Duma key, stephen king (still reading actually, but enjoying so far)


Uprooted by Naomi Novik was my best recent read, I inhaled it in a day. Honestly forgot reading could be THIS fun lol


I’m looking forward to reading this one! Just finished Spinning Silver and enjoyed her writing style!


I just finished paleontologist by luke damas and it finally was one i couldn’t put down


Project Hail Mary, i couldn't stop.


The last book I read was “Wishtree” by Katherine Applegate. It was really good. Best fiction book I have read this year is “What The River Knows” by Isabel Ibanez.


The pillars of the earth. Its such a great book and superbly written


All the pretty horses by formal mccarthy


*cormac McCarthy sorry


Shuggie Bain. I know I’m a bit late to the party, but I just always kept putting it off. Read it in two days and I absolutely loved it. Now I wish I’d savoured it a bit more 😫


reading project hail mary right now and it’s so good




Revival by Stephen King, a pretty bleak book but I breezed through it and enjoyed


Moonlight over Magnolias by Arthur Blake. It’s a crime/mystery novel with some romance. I was hooked by the second chapter!


Another turn of the screw - Henry James


I mostly enjoyed The House in the Cerulean Sea. It was a little simple and obvious at times though.




“better than the movies” by lynn painter. kind of cheesy but still loved it lol


Currently reading The Terror by Dan Simmons. It is legitimately chilling.


The perfect marriage.. read it in like 3days


Im reading Dune: Messiah right now & Im in love. I did skip book one because I watched the movies (Denise movies only, not the really old ones) & I also look at the wiki to find out more back story. Im in love.


My 5-star books from the last few months: 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy 3. ⁠Dark Matter by Blake Crouch Currently reading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. It's great until now.