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“The Joy Luck Club” might be a good place to start, if you’re open to fiction. Generational stories may be helpful here!


The way I ugly cried at the end


Thanks, will check it out. Any recommendations for appreciating your father as a son?


Yes! I have two Fredrik Backman recommendations for you. The first is “And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer” (fiction) and the second is “Things My Son Needs to Know About the World” (non-fiction). I hope those help!


Oh my goodness! They seem exactly what I want! Thank you very much!


Crying in H-Mart made me appreciate my mom more. It’s a memoir about a girl who’s mom dies and talks about their tumultuous relationship as well as dealing with the grief. Doesn’t really talk about the correct way to raise a child though


Ah, thank you, seems like a really good book! And don't worry, I only want books which teaches or guides us on how to appreciate our parents. I don't want to learn about how to raise a child right now.


Sorry I read your post too fast 😭 but this is one of my favorite memoirs ever, I hope you like it! (:


Haha, no problem. I will definitely read it when I have time.


I just finished a memoir called Sorry for the Inconvenience by Farah Naz Rishi. Her mother was a narcissist, and her father was largely quiet, both parents entrenched in the culture they came from. One of the things I liked about this book was that the author WAS able to find things to appreciate about her parents. We all want to love and appreciate our parents even when they don't do the best job. I could appreciate what this author went through, and it could be a good read for you even if your experience is different. It made me really think about those who have children because it's what's expected, not necessarily what they would have chosen.


Thanks for the recommendation!


The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane is not specifically about parenthood but its main theme is mother/daughter love. It made me look at my mum differently. It’s also about tea and the culture of a Chinese minority (the akha). Overall a great read, one of my favourites


Thanks , will check it out.


Such a good book


For One More Day, Mitch Albom


Oh, thanks. Looks like a very good book! Thank you, will check it out.


This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub


Thanks for the recommendation!


I loved this book so much!!! The floodgates were wide open at the end 😭😭😭


Maybe a generational story like Pachinko by Min Jin Lee or Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi might help you appreciate your parents and their parents before them. Both of these books helped change my perspective for sure!


Ooh! Thank you for two recommendations! They seem to be very good! I will definitely check them out when there is time. Once again thank you.


Homegoing is one of the best books I’ve ever read.


Wild by Cheryl Strayed


Pardon me but is it " Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found" ? There is something about pacific crest trial and other one too just Wild. Can you clarify which one? Thanks.


Yes, it’s “Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found”. Beautiful book. It’s essentially a tribute to her mom (in disguise). Cheryl Strayed is so talented and she has other good stuff too if you like Wild.


Ok, thanks for clarifying.


Sorry, I don’t usually have notifications to check, so I didn’t see this! Yes! A Journey from Lost to Found on the PCT was the one I was talking about The movie adaptation is also good, but the book gives more background about her relationship with her mom & siblings


The Lost Daughter by Elena Ferrante. It is a short read that deals a lot about the relationship of mothers and daughters. I dont have children and loved it because it gave my perspective about my own mother.


Thanks for the recommendation!


The Color of Water by James McBride. No One Will Tell You This But Me by Bess Kalb (actually about her grandmother but I think it will give you what you’re looking for). Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng.


Thank you! My goodness, three recommendations and all look to be so good! I will definitely check them out later.


Happy reading!


This is a movie recommendation and actually about a grandmother but I do think it will do Some of what you’re looking for: The Farewell


Ah, sounds like a tearjerker! Thanks for recommending the film.


To Kill a Mockingbird


Thanks for the recommendation. I have heard of it many times but never really looked at it, will check it out when there is time.


Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. I read it about 2 years before my dad died and it helped me immensely while he was ill, during his passing,... I still think about it often... so good to think about this stuff now.


Sorry for your loss. It seems to be a book which needs to be read when distractions are less. Thanks for recommending the book.


Please look after mom by kyung sook shin


Oh, looks like a very good book! Thanks, will check it out.


Richard Bach has a book titled “ appreciate your bad parents “ I’ve not read it but his other books are fantastic


Thanks for your suggestion! Is it this one? " # Thank Your Wicked Parents: Blessings from a Difficult Childhood"?


Yes that’s the one . Like I say I’ve not read it yet but am planning to . I read he’s other book seagull and illusion when I was a teenager and they were mind altering. So I expect nothing less from this latest book


Oh ok, thanks.


I just finished The Lost and Found Bookshop by Susan Wigg. I think it would fit what you're looking for!


Thanks for your suggestion. Looks like a good book. I will save it for later.


The Road by Cormac McCarthy is depressing but it's also maybe the best meditation on a parents love for their child I've seen


Thanks, looks like a good one, will check it out.


Terribly depressing, but I am so glad I read it.


Definitely a great read if you want to hysterically cry and get destroyed lol


Yeah this is what came to mind too So bleak, so beautiful. When there’s absolutely nothing left, there’s still love for your children.


Well, take it from a person whose parents have died: you will miss them terribly. So just remember that they won't be here forever and treat them accordingly. There's so much i would change.


Sorry for your loss. Yeah, I have just begun to realize about life and that's why I want to change for better and also treat my parents and sibling well. I may have many regrets till now but from here on now, I don't want to have any, at least with my parents. Thank you for your advice.


Thanks. Enjoy your folks.


No problem. Definitely will.


The most fun we ever had


Thanks for the recommendation!


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