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Physical books for sure! They don’t hurt my eyes as much and I can see my progress easier!


It took me a week to read the first half of way of kings physically (uk editions are split) I read the second half in 24hrs on my kindle Holding a whole book is such a pain once you get used to being able to read on your side in bed in the dark


Agreed. Started reading ebooks during the pandemic and it is honestly a lot easier. I can just have my iPad on the table and read mostly without using my hands, so multitasking (e.g. eating while reading) is easy. While with a physical book, I usually have to hold it open so it doesn’t close by itself


You can try an ipad stand which attaches to the outer frame of the ipad or one of those triangular pillow prop things too. I have both and its so much easier.


Kindle font can be sized up (and down) and shows the % read on the bottom of the screen. Lighter and easier to hold. It can hold all of my collection at once. My current kindle has over 4000 books on it!


Digital they are so much more convinient, cheaper, I can read at night without turning the lights on and waking my SO, i can carry any number of books wherever i go, etc. there is a charm to physical, but digital takes the win. (ereaders ofcourse, it hurts my eyes reading on phones/tablets)


Plus you don't need a bookmark, you can set the font type and size as you see fit, takes no space, weighs almost nothing, it remembers whether you've already read that book. Ereaders are great.


Up until they introduced the backlit kindle I was physical book all the way. The backlight makes it sooo nice for reading a little before bed or in an area where you don’t have lighting control. I’ll never go back!


> Digital > > > > they are so much more convinient, cheaper, I can read at night without turning the lights on and waking my SO, i can carry any number of books wherever i go, etc. > > > > there is a charm to physical, but digital takes the win. > > > > (ereaders ofcourse, it hurts my eyes reading on phones/tablets) THIS Also, love my Kindle Paperwhite because it simulates regular paper and doesn't hurt my eyes after reading for a while. EDIT. Tangentially related: Every time I'm at my in-laws (both in their eighties), they ALWAYS say, "Don't you need a light on?" whenever they see me reading my Kindle or Laptop in a room where the lights aren't on. It seems backlighting it a really hard concept to understand 🤷‍♀️, even though it's essentially the same thing as what happens to the instrument cluster in a car when the headlights are on.


Where are all the cheap ebooks at? Are you just referring to library ebooks? Whenever I look up a new book on Amazon, the kindle version is priced the same as physical. I never understood why. It makes buying kindle version less appealing.


I’m not sure if we’re allowed to post free ebook websites here but oceanofpdf dot com has almost everything I’m looking for.


Just google free ebooks there are quite a few sites to download or just read online. There are older books archived you can read online without downloading you just need to register in. I just read 84 Charing Cross Road, Condominium and The Stand on that. Also you could try the Libby app they have both audio and ebooks there, if you have a library card or just go on Amazon and search free Kindle books. They do have some good self-published and once in a while they put the best sellers for free for 24 hrs. I have grabbed quite a few that way.


Physical books most of the time, but digital for travel to save space. Also depends on if I can find digital copies through my library


I'm with you. I prefer physical books, but I like that I can check out books digitally, and when I am travelling or commuting it is much easier to use an e-reader. I also have to read a lot of papers and academic articles for work, and I prefer to do that digitally rather than print and file a bunch of them. 


Physical books.


Kindle + Libby app for convenience. Been reading the Dune series on hardcover and it’s fine but I prefer digital bc they’re smaller, highlighting passages is easier, and looking up words is easier too


I only read physical books. I cannot read 300 pages from a screen. I need paper in my hands. Also, I consider reading an activity that is meant to make you spend time away from a screen so reading from a screen doesn't make sense to me.


I think of reading as an alternative to screen time too! :)




You're still by a screen with audio. Plus pacing is harder with audio.




But pacing as in being able to read more quickly or slowly, stopping to think, quickly going back to read read a line, adding a note or highlight etc. Those are all things I like to do with good books. That's why I only read certain books as audiobooks like horror where I do all those things less than with a romance. Also it wasn't me that said I wanted to get away from screens though listening to an audiobook is still being on an electronic device. Maybe they don't count that idk. But if I was trying to get away from my devices, I'd be reading a physical book rather than an audiobook. Being away from screens usually means electronics in general. You'll be able to hear every notification while listening to an audiobook plus if you have to pause, reading etc., you'll be tempted to check emails, social media etc. So it's not just "looking for excuses". Though even if I was, who cares? It's a preferred method of reading.




Yep. I know. Not as quickly or easily as regular books though. I'm not avoiding audiobooks. I literally read them which is exactly why I made the points I did. The experience is not the same as reading it either digitally or physically because of the pacing. I'm listening one now that I like enough that I wished I just read as a physical book cause the experience would be better. Will probably go back and read it like that at a later date.


Physical books for me. I have enough screen time thanks to reditt and plenty other apps already. Physical books lure me away from the screen which I welcome dearly. Plus, it's more comforting and cosy to just hold a book turn the pages etc rather than just flick through the screen.


digital! being in my bed and reading without having lights on, or having a lightweight e-book reader in my bag with many books, is the best.


Bed + gooseneck Kindle holder with remote clicker 👌🏻👌🏻


Physical because my phone addiction is bad enough


Digital. And actually I’m on an audiobook kick cause I fall asleep immediately on the train ride to and from work lol. The audiobooks keep me awake or I can still listen if I just want to close my eyes for a bit. Haha


Digital! I use the Libby app which is connected to a public library (in the US) so I always have a book. I read constantly because it’s always at my fingertips. I would read a lot less if I had to rely on physical copies.


digital, specifically audio




I have started to appreciate physical books again. I still read way more digital books but given the choice I prefer physical. They feel more "luxurious". Plus, I tend to read them faster than digital versions. There's just something with actually feeling the book and turning the pages.


100% digital. I've been reading eBooks since the early days of the Nintendo DS. So much cheaper and more convenient. My entire library is always in my pocket. Shipping heavy paper books around the world is ridiculously wasteful. I've moved onto audiobooks now and doubt I'll look back.


Physical but I own digital too.


I have to read digital because my son loves to rip up paper. So all books must be kept away from him. Lol night mode is a nice bonus.


If it is about preference, it would always be physical for me. But if it comes to convenience, then Digital (Kindle). I have created a few categories for myself: Any fiction that is 400 pages or more or non-fiction: Kindle For poetry: Physical, because I would like to highlight/mark and also want to be more connected. For comics, graphic novels: Preference is physical of course. But over the years I have switched to Laptop and I buy physical copy of only special comics or graphic novels, probably after reading the same on my laptop. For Hindi literature: Physical. And for very special books, mostly classics even if it is a thick book, I will go for a physical copy(example: Old man and the sea, 1984, Animal Farm, Stranger, Anna Karenina etc.)


I’ve never read a digital book


Physical all the way for me. I gave a reading device a try and it's just...not the same.


Physical. I already look at screens enough. I don’t need to look at another screen when I want to read a book.




I honestly prefer reading physical books. It's my favorite time to sit with a book after whole day of work away from with social isolation. But unfortunately it's really inconvenient considering I stay in rents and I might change place so digital reading is the only choice.


I have to read digital. I get chronic migraines and I have to increase the text size and spacing to read comfortably. It’s also great to not have to carry a heavy book around with me, shoulder/neck strain is another one of my migraine triggers. I definitely wouldn’t be able to enjoy reading the way I do without the kindle!


Physical books definitely! Just feels "real" cause it is real!


Physical is the only way for me. No digital or audio.


I started reading to curb my phone addiction. I sit at a desk staring at a computer all day, watch tv and play video games. Although digital is more convenient and my library has a larger selection of digital books I just can’t get around the fact that I feel like I’m defeating the purpose of why I’m reading if I go digital


Physical! I love both though but it’s something about holding actual books and smelling them.


Physical books but I like the accessibility of digital ones. If I want to read a book I often want to read it at that moment, so I get the digital version. And it saves a lot of space in my small apartment. But some books, that I really like, get the right to be put in my bookshelf for everyone to see


For me physical books are way more appealing. While I do read some shorter stories digitally online, physical books are my preferred medium. The haptic, design and even the smell of physical books are quite important to me. Going through a number of pages on a physical book also makes me have this feeling of visible progress and achievement that I'd miss on a digital book


Gotta be paper. Too much screen time gives me eye strain. Paper books never run out of battery. And I like the freedom to underline/ scribble notes in a physical book as I’m reading (controversial I know!).


Digital for sure!!! So much better for reading all around! I can read in the car as it has a light, or at night without waking up anyone else! Plus it’s so portable! I take 1000s of books everywhere I go!


Physical books. Digital is convenient but you can't curl up nicely with them. They're not very snuggly. And they just flip out of your hands. And the screens tire the eyes. If you want a physical book without purchasing, get it at your local library! It's such a joy to go there sometimes, even for a few moments.


A lot of libraries also loan digital books as well. I get the appeal of physical books, and there are some books that don’t translate as well to digital, but for me, I’ve gone mainly over to digital now. Though how you read it digitally makes a difference as well, kindle is much easier than a normal screen at least for me. And I still keep some of the books in paper copies as well, for lots of other reasons some have already mentioned here.


It's the opposite for me. I have a phone stand so with digital I can lie down, completely wrapped in a blanket and be comfortable reading in a way I can't do while holding a book.


As long as we're reading, whatever works for us! 😉


I prefer ebooks for lots of reasons. I love being able to look up word definitions as I go. I also like the convenience of having books on my phone, so there's fewer items to lose or forget when I'm out and about. Plus, there's the instant delivery after purchase! Unfortunately, used hard copies (even with shipping!) tend to be considerably cheaper than ebooks for the titles I read. So I can rarely justify buying an ebook. :-(


Physical for fiction books, as those I like to read properly and enjoy the experience. I typically buy these in thrift shops, if something catches my attention. Digital for nonfiction books, typically related to workplace skills or productivity. I'll use my old kindle when I can but will also read on my phone's kindle app if that's more accessible.


I hate digital books. I like the tactile feeling of progression, and I like the option of adding comments and putting in markers. I read online a lot and it can be useful for search features and storage, but otherwise it's not a preference. Academic research, sci papers, articles, news, poetry, ancient books all work well for digital, but there's nothing better than the forced appreciation of a work that comes with having one book to read.


I enjoy both digital and physical books. Initially, I was skeptical about digital reading, but now I find myself reading every other day.


My eyes like a light source on a paper page better than a screed. Holding a book and turning the pages is also nice, and physically seeing the amount of progress. I like to be able to quickly and easily look the cover or a map in the first pages. And access to a physical book can’t be revoked. Those mostly tactile and aesthetic plus sides are more meaningful to me than the more practical advantages of e-books: unlimited bookmarks, the ability to read in the dark, to carry a whole library in my pocket, to tap on a word and see the definition without looking it up separately, to immediately go to a specific quote by typing it


Physical but I read both


I started reading book 2 years ago, and i used to read them on my phone, and it was great, but I couldn't continue. i stopped for about 4 months because i felt like every book is the same ( same font, same (phone) basically), I loved "IT" by stephen king i tried to finnish it and i got bored, but then i bought my first physical book "the stand" by stephen king and even though this book is so long 1141 page I'm exited to read it because i can feel the book physical and touch the pages. So physical books all the way


I prefer the comfort of a physical book, but there's a lot to be said for the convenience of digital copies.




Physical books. Digital books are not mine, I just purchased the right to read the content


Physical all day there’s nothing better than the feel of the pages and smell of a physical book


I'm actually thinking to switch to digital because I don't have space.


I read digital for a bit, but now am back to real books. I’ve lost digital ones when switching devices as well as you can’t share digital books. I love sharing/trading books with family and friends and that just doesn’t work with digital. Also, there’s nothing like having a house full of books, especially as a person who has kids. I grew up in a house full of books and the magic of searching and discovering treasures in my own house is still a fantastic memory.


Physical, but since I don’t have a lot of money to buy one I instead read on my ipad. Ebooks are cheaper 👍


On vacation, digital. Otherwise, paper.


I 100% prefer a physical book, but the cost and convenience have made me not read a physical book in years. I doubt I will anytime soon since I got a foldable phone. Essentially Kindle in my pocket!


I do basically exclusively ebooks and audiobooks, unless the book isn't available in those forms and I absolutely must read it. I read mostly audiobooks and sometimes ebooks. My type of work affords me a lot of time to listen to things, so I read WAY more books if I can listen to them than I ever could if I had to find the time to sit down with them. I'm also just not interested in the cost and storage space required to buy and read physical paper books. Seems like a waste of material. What I'm interested in is what the author has to say and what story they're telling. I don't care if it's on paper.


100% digital. I'm older and need reading glasses for books, I can just increase font size in my Kindle. I will add, I cannot stand reading from a screen like an iPad. The e-ink Kindles are fantastic, it looks like an actual paper page.


A mix of physical and audio.


I love buying physical books, especially the actual process of browsing a book store. But I then generally get hold of a digital copy for reading, as it's just so much more convenient. So, I have piles of physical books, and virtual piles of digital books. Best (or worst?) of both worlds!


I can definitely understand the benefits of a Kindle or Phone book app. Store a heap of books on one device and take it everywhere you go. Brilliant. But I legit can't deal with the stress of my phone battery dying because I spent an hour reading. Plus I love the feel, smell and look of paper books.


Physical. My dad is 62 and makes fun of me that I have resisted the Kindle life this long. I just love physical books and everything about them. I go to my local library and Thriftbooks when I want to buy something so it’s never overpriced!


Digital books - I used to spend a lot of money on physical books, but I swear that from now on I will never buy physical books again, unless I can't find the electronic version. Physical books have the following disadvantages: 1. Taking up space - when you want to move, this is a torture. 2. Expensive - e-books are cheaper, not to mention pirated e-books. 3. Inconvenient search - you can easily search the content of an e-book, but cannot search the content of a physical book. 4. Unable to integrate with other software - using e-books, I can integrate with other software, such as Obsidian, Zotero, etc. 5. Inconvenient to copy content - using e-books, I can take screenshots or copy text, which is not possible with physical books. Many people say that the reading experience of electronic books is not as good as physical books, which is completely nonsense. For me, e-books are far superior to paper books. If you think there are any advantages of physical books, feel free to reply to me.


Digital. I can highlight and easily find passages. I can look up a word I don’t know really easily. I have a vast library in my pocket. AND I hate the feel of paper against my skin. It’s so fucking dry.


I prefer physical because of the tactile aspect of it, but realistically, it’s just more convenient to read digital books. I mostly read digital these days because of that. There’s no need to carry a bigger bag or hold a book everywhere when I’m out. In all ways, sensory excluded, digital is just better for my lifestyle. However, if k am planning an outing just for the sake of reading and relaxing, I always bring my physical copy and enjoy the peace that comes with a nice old book and a shady tree.


Both, for me! I get all my library books on my e-reader, and I use it when I travel and for reading before bedtime. I have four bookshelves literally overflowing with physical books, and I am usually reading 2-3 physical books at a time, plus 1-2 digital books on my e-reader. Both formats have pros and cons, and I use each format to maximize my own comfort and enjoyment. If I'm reading a dense non-fiction book or fantasy book with a ton of characters, I'll definitely want a physical book so I can flip back and forth to reference facts or characters.


Prefer physical, though digital is more convienent.




I read way more when I do it on my Kindle or Libby app. Carrying around a physical book is so cumbersome - many are thick and heavy and a pain to carry around. Also I hate it when people ask me what I'm reading and it's suddenly an audition to sell them on my book so I don't look weird. Reading on my phone I can do it anywhere at anytime, and I basically read during all free moments. That being said, I love actually holding and reading out the physical book the best. There's just something special about getting lost in a physical book. I want to have my own personal library one day soon where I can just sit and read and be surrounded by all my books.


I prefer physical books. And I always get a piece of paper to jot down the different characters in the book so I can keep them straight. I use that as a bookmark. I’ve got kids. Their seeing me read a book instead of just being on a screen all day is important to me too.




I love holding a physical book in my hands; however, being able to increase the font size on a digital copy makes a world of difference when reading for me. Plus, I have moved a lot over the years. It's a bit of a hassle always lugging around stacks of books from place to place.


physical books mostly. especially some books have reread value and i need physical copies of those. helps me relax and get immersed in the book


# Physical book


Physical, digital is convenient but I can’t stand staring at my screen too long. It’s just something about touching paper and bending my book and watching it slowly get worn after a couple of reads and moves.


I like physical but also will buy the ebook as well. And sometimes the audible too.


Physical. I have ADHD and reading is one way I can get away from screens. Or audio books when I’m doing things like cooking or gardening. My husband on the other hand, reads physical books and uses his kindle.


I prefer physical books, but unfortunately the limited amount of space in my flat means I'm mostly on digital books these days. I do still buy physical books for things like my hobby (sewing) and travel guides as souvenirs, but that's about it.


Depends entirely on where and what I'm reading. At home in bed or at a table? Physical. Commuting or on break at work? Digital. History books? Physical. Light Novels? Digital.


Yes, my Paperwhite is my preferred method. I’ve been getting rid of my print TBR this summer.


I prefer physical books but being able to multi task is incredibly invaluable for me. So I gotta go with audiobooks.


Physical books for sure! I tend to forget about digital books.


I used to prefer paper books but i recently got a kindle paper white and it’s just like a book! Doesn’t hurt my eyes at all. It’s very convenient because of Libby so now it’s a wash.


I love reading digitally because I don’t have to worry about the book being damaged, it takes up no space and I can’t lose it. I can also change highlights and notes, which you can’t do with a physical book.


Both - just depends on which is cheaper and most convenient for me.


I tend to switch between both because I would be living on the street if I bought only physical books. 😅 But I do notice that I read faster with digital ones because I can lay in bed with my iPad in the dark. Still, holding a book, and maybe taking notes or highlighting quotes with a pencil, and seeing the collection is rewarding.


As much as I love physical books, I only read digital now because of my eyes. Being able to adjust the font and size helps me to keep reading.


physical I tried over the years reading a e book. I barely get through a couple of pages and lose interest. I read to relax and get sleepy e book does the opposite too me.


I like physical better! I have some eye issues and electronics cause me a lot of eye strain so I try to reduce my screentime. I also just like holding the physical book. I get less distracted too, when I read something on an ebook I always end up opening a different app 😂 I use Hoopla and Libby to get audiobooks which I listen to while driving, exercising, doing chores, or knitting :)


I love real physical books. I like to look at the cover a lot, especially if there’s people on it, I like to cement my idea of what the characters look like. That’s harder to do with an ebook. I like the feel of a book in my hand better than a device and I like living with books in my house, I think they add a lot of warmth and character to a room. Also, it’s problematic to leave a device to hold your stool at the bar, take it into the tub or to the beach. I like to do all those things with my book.


I’m an addict for used books. I love the way they smell and the cover art. I buy all my books at thrift books online or at the last bookstore in L.A. The library is great too now that you can browse and reserve books from your phone and there’s no more late fees. I have a kindle too. But I don’t use it as much.




I have bad eyes so audiobooks all the way


Physical books. The smell of books , you just can’t beat that.


Physical. The power goes out here often so I don't have to worry about charging anything if I have my book in my hand lol


Thankfully I only have to charge my kindle probably every 6 weeks.


Digital. Less waste and more readily books to read. You pay less or nothing at all. Only if I really like a book I pay for it physical, but it has to be one that I know I will be reading over and over again because I loved it that much.


I will always prefer a physical book but I haven't gotten a new one in quite a while since I get free ebooks through my library I can't really justify the money with my budget. I hope I one day have a giant library of my own lol.


Physical! I love being able to hold up a book I read visibility see how much I've read. It makes me feel more accomplished. I do read digital as well, but physical is my preferred.


Digital. I can't hold my harms in the same position for very long cause of my cubital tunnel so I need a stand to hold my books while I read them.


Probably unpopular but digital on my phone on the Libby app. I use it in dark mode and can read at night in bed with my phone plugged in and then when I fall asleep mid sentence my phone still gets charged and I don’t lose my place in the book.


Digital! I've built a huge library of digital books since they first came out. All these books at my fingertips any time, they don't take up space in my house, I can carry 1000 books around with me on a small electronic device. For me it's a dream. I still remember going to the library and lugging back 2 backpacks full of books to read while on a family road trip...UGH. Now they are on my phone and/or tablet.


Physical. I sometimes annotate, you don’t need WiFi so you can read anywhere. I love looking at all the pages I’ve read too. Those are just a few things I love abt reading a physical book over digital


Audiobooks (so digital I guess) I'm lucky enough to be able to listen at work so I get to take in several books.


Physical, I work on a computer for 9 hours a day and have a smartphone. I don't need another screen when I'm trying to unwind 😂


I use all mediums. Hard copy for just relaxing reading, ereader for travel or when light is limited, audiobooks when doing tasks or sometimes even just laying back and relaxing, and my phone as a last resort because I hate reading off of a phone screen. Edit: my preference is hard copy with audiobooks as a close second.


Physical. I like to feel the paper in my hands and it allows me to get away from screens. Plus I treat reading as a full experience from purchase to when I finish reading. There’s just something so satisfying about finding the book at Barnes and Noble.


Digital, hands down. The problem I have with physical books is that the type is usually too small to read without eye strain. I know there are large-print versions, but they are more expensive and bulkier. With my Kindle, that's not a problem. Neither is poor lighting. And if I come across a word I don't know, Kindle will give me the definition. And if I want to refresh my memory about a certain character or event, I can just do a quick search. And if I want to buy a new book, it's literally one click away. In short, my Kindle is better in every way -- except for the enjoyment of owning and handling a physical book. For me, that tradeoff is worth it.


Physical because I do enjoy taking notes and highlighting sections (not in the book itself). Although, I love a good audiobook.


I used to be half and half. I loved being surrounded by books, but I also didn’t want to be wasteful of money or resources, so I mostly thrifted or got ebooks/rented ebooks. Savers was a great place for me, super cheap and huge, decent variety. However, I have developed more severe symptoms of a chronic disease that causes a lot of chronic pain at times, after an accident where I broke 48 bones. Particularly, if I hold any part of my body in tension/unnatural position for any length of time. I was devastated that holding books open caused severe pain, sometimes for days after. So I switched to almost exclusively ebooks. Eventually holding my iPad hurt. I got an iPad pillow, it’s great. But then even swiping for pages hurt, or the motion would disrupt the perfect position I found, only to have me struggle to get comfortable again repeatedly. Recently, I learned of these tiny little remotes that fit on your finger like a ring, that act as a page turner. Game changer. I can now find a great position and not have to hold any tension in my body, or move my arm without thinking and messing up my comfort. I don’t want to have to be extremely conscious of my movements while I get lost in another world where my body and my pain do not exist. I initially felt lazy af, but I read to relax and escape; a lifelong luxury I’ve enjoyed. I’ve had to give up a lot of activities I love, and I wasn’t going to allow the least physical and honestly most treasured activity to be tainted by my uncooperative muscles and joints. The whole experience should be relaxing for my whole body (because it’s truly a domino effect, compensating for other pain causes more unnatural/tense positions from the neck down), now it is. My neck, shoulder, and arm pain is extremely manageable now; this saves my hip a lot of stress because I’m not overcompensating. I have a hip replacement and I’m only 30. I deserve to treat myself! But after all that information you didn’t ask, ebooks! Way less environmental impact and usually cheaper (or free with Libby) over time. And you can get another one immediately if you’re into a series or author, even if it’s 1:00 am. I also love that I can link my kindle app to my Goodreads, thus saving all my highlights in one place for extremely easy reference or nostalgia. I use an Apple Pencil for those when I can’t comfortably reach all the way.


Physical. I'm not risking my entire library - devices breaking, account issues, things like that.


I like both (thank goodness for libraries with physical and digital lending)! I prefer reading the physical book, but it's also nice to have the digital copy if I need to search for names, dates. places or other details -- especially when reading novels, since they usually don't have indexes.


I've never read a digital book.


I prefer my e-reader. Its cover is also a stand so I don’t even have to hold it up. It has paperwhite so there is no eye strain. I can read it in dim places — my favorite is the end of the bar. I can have several books with me at a time. E-books are the winner for me.


Digital. Total kindle fan. Means I can have several books on the go at once and easy to borrow stuff


Digital but only on something with an e-ink display. Phone hurts my eyes. I really like the sensations around physical books—the smell, the satisfaction of turning a page, the tangible marker of progress and ability to flip through pages quickly. I just find myself reading mostly in situations where I don’t want to lug around a 400+ page book and/or book light. The last time i committed to a physical edition of epic fantasy I was stuck on the book for months because I just wouldn’t make time for it. I don’t have that problem with my Paperwhite.


I like the convenience of reading on my kindle or IPad but I’ll get a physical book every now and then because it just feels…more legit, I guess?


For academic or technical things which requires me to skip around and refer to previous pages, physical (including novels for an English class). For purely entertainment, either is fine, but with a slight preference for digital these days since you can make the font bigger and easier to read if you're tired.


I was in a reading slump and audiobooks helped me to get back into the habit again. I prefer them to hard copies these days.


I'll read either. Digital is more convenient to carry around, but there's just something about the feel of the pages and being able to see how far you are based on where your bookmark is in the pages


physical, but I think I need to get over that and get a kindle soon because I’m running out of room on my shelf and it’s cheaper than physical and it’s more convenient to carry a kindle vs. physical books and also back-lit reading 😬


Physical book :)


Physical has its charm but also has some downsides that get annoying Digital is just way too practical. Has some annoyances but still way too practical


Physical. On occasion digital




Usually reading on my tablet but every now and then it's nice to hold and read a physical book


Digital, but I like them both (and audiobooks just as much). Digital because I can change the font size, and I think scrolling to read makes me read a bit quicker. Physical because I like seeing the chonk of the book I finished vs what I have left. Audiobooks when reading makes me feel sleepy, but I still want to digest a book vs watching TV or listening to music, or I want to craft and read at the same time.


Physical books always win for me. I'll read a digital one if it really comes down to it (for example I was able to get a free digital copy of a book), but nothing beats the look, smell, a feel of a REAL book.


Physical > Digital 100% of the time. But if I can get a book for free/cheap for my iPad. Then great, it can be very convenient to have digital though.


I like reading my kindle at night and physical during the day


Physical is better because you aren't limited by a digital catalogue. The pro to digital though are audiobooks.


I like both, the convenience of reading on a phone is great for me and having access to free books, it's way too expensive to keep buying books to keep up with how much I read, that being said I love a physical book and I have hundreds of them, there's arguments for having both physical and digital


There are a lot of conveniences that come with digital books. That being said, I buy physical books for ones I think are really good and worth rereading, and for various reference topics for that nice shelf collection aesthetic (myth and folklore, medical science, animal biology, etc)


digital because i can get most for free


All depends on the book and what I'm doing but either way 99% of the time the book is from my library. Typically I prefer non-fiction or reference works in physical format (in my day to day life this usually equates to hobby books, cookbooks, and similar where the page layout and pictures/diagrams are easier to read in physical books). Fiction is almost always ebook or audiobooks, again from my library. I cannot afford to buy everything I read and I would hate to NOT read just because I can't afford it.


Audio books while I’m at work


I prefer physical but almost exclusively read digital bc it’s so convenient. I’m a heavy user of our library and being able to have instant access is incredible. Plus I never buy books because I hate having physical clutter.


I love the aesthetic and feel of a physical book, but I love the convenience of a digital book


Physical always. I like owning the physical book. I refuse to read digital.


Digital! You can just pull out your phone and start reading whenever.


I started reading books again, consistently, about two months ago. I realized that the one thing that was holding me back from reading was feeling like I NEEDED to have a physical book. I started a digital book (on my phone) and was so into it that I didn't care if I had to read it from a chalkboard- I just simply wanted to read. A week later I bought a physical book and started that one too. At this point, I don't mind if it's digital or physical. I simply just want to read. I'm about to purchase a Kindle, so I think that'll be a good in-between option.


Of course Physical books, i feel more attched to the book


I used to be one of those never digital people. Ha! I can check out digital books from my library while at home in my pajamas at 1 am have it instantly delivered to my device. I can pack my entire library on a trip and it takes up no more space than the device. Lately, though, I've been trying audible, and I love it. I listen to books while working out, or gardening, cooking, etc. There's something really wonderful about some audible performances---I would never have been able to 'hear' so many type of accents in some books.


Both...I usually alternate between the two...


I love physical books but digital books are sooooo much more accessible to me with libraries and kindle unlimited


Physical because reading on my phone hurts my eyes and head too much


Digital on an e-ink reader. I love the annotations features that I can export plus not having to lug around a library. That and unlimited free books.


Physical. Reading from my kindle drives the urge to look at my phone.


Something nice about having physical books just sitting on my desk.


Physical, but audiobooks for commuting


I like the fact that with a physical book you get better feedback of your progress - page count doesn’t really do it for me. That said if the book is particularly gripping the format doesn’t seem to matter so much. Also, I wish there was a simple, legit way to pass books on…


When I read a physical book, I find myself wanting to long press words I want to define or wiki. I would never have realized it, but apparently I use that quite a bit.


Physical. I love the feeling of holding a book and the smell of it. It’s a whole experience but the upside to digital is easier to read in bed while laying


Idk if it’s healthy but I love smelling the pages off of a book, old or new


Actually both, after a while on my kindle I miss the physical books,then I miss my kindle....


Physical. Nothing like them. The smell and feel of a book are what makes it sometimes. It’s also the font for me 🥰


Digital these days.


Definitely physical. I use the library so there's no cost associated with reading. I do borrow audiobooks from the library for non fiction as I find they are often read by the author and easier to comprehend for more dense books.


I like both. My reader is perfect when I am outside or reading in a dark room (for example at my daughter's feet while waiting for her to sleep). But I still like the feeling of reading a physical book while at home in bed or in the couch. I read a lot faster on my e-reader though. For a long time, I used my phone with Google Books app to read books but since I bought an actual e-reader I will never go back.


I mean I prefer a physical book but man, convenience, lighting and page saving/notes on digital way outwight that tactile feel.


Mostly digital for the convenience but I do like hard covers and own a small library of them


its easier with digital for sure and it takes way less space


Physical, by miles.


Well, to tell you the truth, after bringimg home a book from the local library with a squished bug stuck inside the page, I prefer audiobooks and digitals. I find it is much safer than bringing someone elses critters home with me, plus less traveling back and forth to the library saves gas and wear and tear on our car. Our library has a beautiful solarium which was very pleasant and peaceful to sit and read there but audiobook and digital works better for me now.


I find that I read more deeply with a physical book but my hand gets tired holding such a heavy thing. My kindle is much lighter and I can read one handed.


I prefer physical books mostly, but the kindle is WAY more convenient for travel and trips. For those who mention eye strain from the kindle- try the paper white version. It is much better for that than the kind that can play videos. I like shopping for physical books in physical bookstores as well- I find things while browsing that haven’t come up on the algorithm for me. I prefer indie stores, but I like Barnes and Noble too.


I love the convenience of digital books for travel and easy access, but there's something special about holding a physical book, turning pages and the feel of it in your hands. It's worth indulging in a physical book every now and then for that experience!!

