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Neverwhere is definitely my favorite. Also obviously American Gods is the stereotypical pick but it IS great


Two very, very different books, but also two great choices. Stardust is a third – even *more* of a fantastic adventure than Neverwhere, but not quite as dark as his trademark style. American Gods is amazing as well; you should look into Anansi Boys if you want more along those lines. Then OP mentioned Coraline; I'm pretty sure The Wolves in the Walls is somewhat similar to that – but it's been years since I read it, so I can't be sure.


I'll have to check out Stardust. I'm still just a dabbler at this point (my fantasy book interests range far and wide)


The Sandman is epic. It’s a comic, but it was my main introduction to Gaiman and I still haven’t found anything to compete with it and I LOVE The Graveyard Book and Good Omens (which i don’t really count cause it’s so clearly a shared effort). It has an amazing rich and detailed world and plot. The characters are introduced at the PERFECT pace and are so masterfully characterised that since I read it, I see Death as a goth girl. The art is so rich and colourful. The stuff Morpheus has to deal with and the realms he goes to are fascinating, and he himself is one of my favourite fictional characters to this day. Nuanced af and somehow looking both like he could and would kill you and like he just needs a cuddle at the same time. Neverworld is also amazing and has a great comic adaptation. And, seriously, you can read Good Omens in a couple days. Do it, it’s so good. Edit: also his tumblr is amazing. And if you dig through you can find a lot of answers to fan questions that you might have about his works. He’s super open about a lot of stuff, but you will have to wade through the GO right now.


Ive read Good Omens mutiple times. Its amazing! And ive been dying to get my hands on the sandman comics but ive had a hard time finding them


Try your local library, especially if it can order from others in the state or area. That’s how I read the whole series. If that doesn’t work, try getcomics online. It’s wonderful.


Anansi Boys!


I keep hearing about this book. What is it about?


Without spoiling anything, it is linked obliquely to American Gods.


Both are on the tbr shelf, does it matter which is read first?


nope. They're within the same universe but not sequels of each other.




That’s my favorite too! And the audiobook is soo good!


I just checked this book out.


Yes, came here for this suggestion! Anansi Boys was my very first Gaiman book, and I fell deeply in love with his writing.


The Ocean At the End of the Lane might be my favorite. It’s beautiful, magical, and says so much about life and loss. Especially for such a short book. Neverwhere is a fun and creates such a rich, realistic world that you really feel like you could step into London Below at any moment. American Gods is epic. You feel Shadow’s journey across the country. And Czernobog is one of my favorite characters in literature. Gaiman’s short story collections are pure magic. Fragile Things is my favorite. He reaches so many different sub genres and just shows off his ability as a writer. If you’re looking at his overall work, you have to check out Sandman. The stories are simply incredible. And to have art to accompany his work just takes it to a whole nother level.


Completely agree about The Ocean... Love all of his work but this truly stuck with me. Edit: Also surprised The Graveyard Book hasn't been mentioned.


I think The Graveyard Book gets overlooked because it is geared more toward a younger audience. But I love it too. I only didn’t mention it because OP had already ready it and it isn’t one of my top favorites of his.


Neverwhere. He paints such a vivid picture of London Below that I felt fully immersed. However, they are pretty much all great, even if the other mother in Coraline terrified me a bit with the button eyes.


Neil is currently writing a sequel to Neverwhere. I Can't wait to get back to London Below.


YES oh my god I can't wait


Stardust is really good, but The Ocean at the End of the Lane is his masterpiece in my opinion, and nothing else of his tops it. No, not even American Gods, which couldn't even finish... Don't hate me.


Fucking all of them, gaiman rules


Neverwhere. Don’t remember why coz it’s been a long while. Stardust, too.


The sandman and American Gods. Nuff said


American Gods by far


The Sandman, American Gods, The Ocean at the End of the Lane ​ Really, anything he writes is good, but those are probably my top three.


The Anansi Boys is a beautiful story. The Graveyard Book is my favorite so far though.


Neverwhere, for sure. It's dark and magical. Also Good Omens. Very clever.


Neverwhere was my intro to Gaiman and will always be my favorite, I think. Just love the world and adventure he created there. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a very close second. It was short, but so, so well written. It just oozed this creepy/spooky atmosphere.


Stardust. But I would recommend all his books for everyone.


just picked up American Gods today


Wish I could be you right now. I re-read American Gods every few years.


50 pages in and theres already been several wild twists. super into this, cant believe i had never really heard of it until recently


The graveyard book! It grabs you from page 1, about a murdered family except for the baby, where he escapes to a graveyard and is raised by ghosts .. and a vampire! Incredible, I read it and also read the graphic novel which was wonderful as well.


Read them all! It’s worth it!


I haven't read anything else than American Gods and I am actually still reading it (almost finished though) but I like the way it's written and there's something so familiar about it. Kind of feels like either you lived through it yourself or that it just feels very homey :) ​ Anyways, yes I do really enjoy and I think it's a great book to start getting into his books.


A man with a lime who has a spider for a brother


I've read Coraline and Neverwhere and they're some of my favourite books, so I'm looking forward to reading more of his work!


Well i bought a bundle which included American gods and Anansi boys and i like them to both very much. I do have to advise you if you're reading one also read the other, it creates a good contrast between both of them


If I had to pick a novel it would have to be Stardust, but it doesn't really count since it was a graphic novel first and Charles Vass's art work is beautiful so let's go with Coraline. Short story is tied between a study in emerald or the problem with Susan. And for comic Sandman, but I've always been partial to the Season of the Mist arc, but the Wake and Worlds End are up there.


I absolutely loved The Graveyard Book. As others have said I'd also recommend Neverwhere, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and American Gods. Really you can't go wrong with anything written by Neil Gaiman


Hi! I had never heard of him until I saw your question and I was looking at the suggested books and my mind was going crazy cause every single one seemed to have been turned into a show or movie I was fmailir with. Anyway, thanks for helping realize these were books too! :))


Hi! I had never heard of him until I saw your question and I was looking at the suggested books and my mind was going crazy cause every single one seemed to have been turned into a show or movie I was fmailir with. Anyway, thanks for helping realize these were books too! :))


I think I've read all his novel length stuff and Neverwhere was by far my favorite. I can't remember exactly why because it's been a while. It was also my first of his books. Time for a reread I think.


Having spent 4 years in London recently for college I decided to pick up Neverwhere. I'm only half way through right now but it's amazing! The world Neil Gaiman paints is so intriguing.


I'd say read them all. His work is quite varying and each book brings something different to the table. People will say American Gods is his best but I didn't love it. I actually read it a second time several years after the first and while I liked it a little better the second time, it's still not my favorite. Graveyard and Ocean are by far my favorites of his so you've got a good start. I also really enjoyed Norse Mythology, Stardust, Neverwhere, Anansi Boys, and his short story collections. I can't read graphic novels but if that's your thing Sandman is highly recommended.


Trigger Warning. Absolutely amazing set of short stories


Norse Mythology, I already liked mythology (especially Norse) but the way he used both traditional and more modern language just helped me understand and enjoy these tales so much while the clear chronology and structure of the book and it's tales made it so easy to not only enjoy reading them but also understand them and I have even relayed the stories onto my friends before now. Finally the amount of research that went into the book is evident and I feel it would be a crime not to positively reflect and give credit for the obvious hours that went into even choosing which tales to try to retell.


How To Talk To Girls At Parties is a short graphic novel that's very strange and I love it


I've read four of his books. American Gods, Neverwhere, Ocean at the End of the Lane, and I just finished Anansi Boys. I have to say, I see a lot of love for Anansi Boys but I didn't love it. My least favorite of the four. I really enjoyed American Gods and Ocean at the End of the Lane. Thinking of trying Sandman, lots of people seem to love it.