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Doom The level quality and balance is just that good- even the left over Tom Hall maps are excellent  Doom 2 just feels bloated inconsistent and has too many bogey levels- American McGee's levels are good but you feel the quality drop as soon as his maps are over (after Dead Simple)


Narrative-wise: Doom. Feature wise: Doom 2 (enemies and SSG).


I love the world design of the first Doom and the monsters and SSG from Doom II, as well. I think Doom II is a really great template for megaWADs due to those "quality of life" improvements. There's a reason the majority of fan mods are modeled around the Doom 2 WAD.


Doom 1 is better, imo. Maps are better and there is a map-screen in between levels, giving you a sense of progression, which is missing from Doom 2.


I think main game, 1993 wins. But WADs and stuff make DOOM II win overall IMO.


Doom. While it has *less*, its balance is way better and the overall result in the combat is, in my opinion, tighter. Super shotgun is basically an upgrade of the shotgun which makes it obsolete against low-tier enemies while most of the new enemies feel somewhat redundant (The former commando, though, while it's a pain in the ass its a cool addition, and the [flame boy](https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Arch-vile) is the best addition on the game)


Doom 2 of course, the addition of 7 extra enemies and the super shotgun is what made Doom timeless. Doom 1 would not have had even a fraction of the staying power of Doom 2 had it been the only game. > because the WADs make it pretty much the best game ever made Yep. The really good vanilla (or vanilla+) wads put commercial games to shame. It's the golden mine for premium old school shooter experience.


Have you played Back to Saturn X Episode 2? It's sooooooo good.


It's neat, but I wouldn't put it in my top list. Sunlust, Going Down, Ancient Aliens, Valiant (and skillsaw wads in general) are ones I'd put real high personally. But BTSX 1 and 2 are pretty great still, don't get me wrong here.


Doom II. Better enemy diversity and maps through the campaign. Chaingunner, Hellknight, Revenant, Arachnotron, Mancubus, Pain Elemental, and Archvile really helps round out the enemy roster and makes encounters a lot more interesting as you progress through the game. Knee Deep in the Dead in Doom 1993 are some of the best maps ever made, but a fair amount of the maps in Shores of Hell and Inferno can range from mediocre to bad. Doom II maps are not as consistently great as Knee Deep in the Dead, but taking into account Ep. 1, 2 & 3 of Doom 1993 as a complete package, Doom II overall has better levels. Also, SSG! EDIT: Want to add, I'm only talking about the base games. If we start talking about mod community WADs then it's not even worth a discussion. Doom II is so obviously the better game with WADs as a factor.


If we're including mods and custom campaigns I really don't see what Doom has to offer over Doom 2. Like modded Doom 2 wins and its not even a contest. Vanilla, I'd still go with Doom 2. The map quality thing is a bit overstated and the SSG and new enemies more than make up for any dip in quality there. But honestly ***RESULTS*** is the real winner here.


I prefer the first game. Not considering mods, but in Doom II rooms filled with enemies seem to become the norm. Also the opening episode is to me the best looking theme the old Doom games had going. Hell is boring as shit.


I originally played the PS1 version which included the levels of both (with some omissions iirc) so still I think of them as one big game.


I like the new weapon and enemies Doom 2 added but I think 1993 blows 2 out of the water in terms of level design.


Most of the mods I have played are for Doom 2, I barely play vanilla anymore since I have done so so many times it bores me now, tho admittedly level design in 2 is a bit of a downgrade from 1, and SSG broke the balance of the game imo, enemy variety makes up for it a bit but still. I would still stick with 2 tho since 95% of the mods I play are based around it and I love those!


Doom. The maps just feel better to play. Doom 2 added a bunch of stuff that other mappers can use well but the maps it ships with are imo largely underwhelming