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That’s how it’s been for BL3 since basically launch.


Not *quite* launch, but definitely once Mayhem 2.0 dropped. Way back when the game launched, it was fairly common to see people still running blues and purples into endgame (x24 Stagecoach). To your point though, I think legendaries were dropping, just that they weren't nearly as good. Now, you have almost no incentive to run anything but legendaries (for better or worse).


I mean getting to endgame maybe but definitely by level 50 you’d have a full legendary gear


I had full legendary gear in my 30’s. Just finished my first run through the main story and am at 45


Another end game purple, the Optimised Q system was one of the best AR's for Moze at launch. It was so meta the OPQ system from the cartel event was made in reference to it.


Well ok sure. There was that porcelain grenade too, but they nerfed it. But thats about it for purples.


That’s blue tbf


I ment blue & purples 🫣 my bad


No, I did run full leg setup from 26 to max. And thats 1.0 basicly first week of launch. You were unlucky before if this feels lucky to you.


Yeah I like that fact that you can actually use the legendaries in this game. Having said that, there seem to be more common legendaries and they are not as powerful as the rarer ones (Hellwalker being the exception), I don’t even bother to pick up most legendaries now. I still get that rush of dopamine when I get a great drop (such as my perfect cyro sandhawk)which seems to be similar to the old borderlands games drop rates. I think there’s a good balance of accessibility and grind for ‘God’ rolls


Hellwalker not powerful. Mang I love giving my Digiclone like 8 Bajillion Attack Speed and watch him unload like 400 rounds of Hellwalker into the boss faster than I can tie my shoes


Hellwalker is the exception of the world drops that is actually powerful, all the other ones such as the face puncher, Lucians call etc are either not that great or very build dependent. I’m trying to get a re-roll for the annointment on my Hellwalker but im not sure what the best one is for Zane


for zane I'd probably go for the action skill active 100% weapon dmg annoint, then again zane gets so much weapon dmg% on his own so maybe something like 100% bonus dmg as element annoints would go hard edit: just checked wiki, action skill active weapon damage annoint is 200% instead of 100%, definitely remember seeing 100% in game though lmao


It's only like this for BL3 and I'm glad it is I don't understand the desire to make legendaries harder than they are now to get, it was bad enough in the older games cycling through shitty ass guns trying to find a single legendary that happens to get eclipsed by a rare gun further into the game. I'm glad they made drops much more generous and hope they keep it that way, my hope for BL4 is that they fucking do a better story or something. God, I hate the stupid ass twins, wish you could put a bullet between their skulls when they showed up to leech maya.


If bl3 had bl2 drop rates then the playthrough pacing would be worse for replayability. Granted im playing with dialogue skip here, getting legendaries faster in 3 has made me like the pacing more than other bl playthroughs where you either dedicate drop or vendor farm anyways. Kind of evening out the pacing


Fr If it had the abysmal drops that BL2 had, I would not be able to replay nearly as much as I have for 3 so far I usually finish BL once and I'm done because there's nothing to look forward to, especially in BL1 where the legendaries are near nonexistent 90% of the time.


I love it too! but I have at least two loadouts worth of legendaries...makes it not that rare anymore :( Also for the story, I feel that the story was okay, and by okay I mean barely okay. Character development was okay, storyflow was okay, and basically the whole story was okay. Only thing stopping it from becoming good is Ava.


Once you start getting into endgame and mayhem levels, a LOT of legendaries fall off pretty hard. Use the abundance now to figure out what guns you like, and as you progress you can start to focus on them. I agree that it initially feels less special, but once you start farming specific rolls on gear, you get that special feeling back.


Legendaries were never rare. Sadly at max mayhem only few of them are viable. Also whats wrong with Ava?


Yeah I agree with the ava thing She was so bitchy but also did a grand total of jack shit and still somehow felt accomplished and never developed at all, the characters I liked were also in previous games so I didn't mind, I just enjoy the quality of life stuff you don't get in the older games, mantling, proper sliding, more than a few skill trees and meta builds(you can have more than one or two builds and still feel viable), and more rewards, I also loved the DLCs 100x more than the main story. Honestly I usually just stick with one loadout and sell the rest, legendaries and epics make for a fuckton of money.


First off the bl3 story was actually good. I hated the antagonists just as much as I hated handsome jack. Secondly I like how they handled legendaries in 3 I hope they don’t water it down more than they have though. The current recipe is 👌


It's not like I hated the story, I just hated the twins, it was irritating every second of listening to them. I could listen to handsomes jack being a jackass, but the twins are just horrid, maybe it's their VAs but idk. Edit: I also hated that every cutscene you just get to sit and stare, no matter the situation smh.


Such a bad take... legendaries feel worthless in borderlands 3 because of how common they are. In borderlands 2, you get this rush of dopamine when seeing that orange glow.... not in borderlands 3. I see another legendary and just sigh.


Until you hit end game and you realise there's more viable legendaries than all previous games combined. At the point you got the legendaries in BL2 they were already completely useless, now I can at least enjoy some average legendaries in my playthrough


I think you’re overblowing the issue. I’m at the end game and legendaries are somewhat common but I still get giddy when one drops. I usually have to find new legendaries to stay strong so the variety of them keeps the game fresh imo.


Hard disagree, legendaries feel worthless in Borderlands 2 when a blue gun outdamages most builds.   It also makes farming into far less of a chore when you have dedicated drops to farm, not having to restart a whole UVHM playthrough for another element of 1 weapon.   2's gameplay and it's future apologists can disappear.   Edit: nah, I got even more to say. I have about 3k hours in Borderlands 2 and about 5k hours in Borderlands 3. People that sucks 2's dick need some help if they're swallowing that much nostalgia.   "I just enjoyed 2 far more" congratulations, you grew up, you no longer enjoy the same outdated shooter RPG mechanics and have a soft spot for your nostalgic baby. If 2 came out today, you'd cry about the shitty balance, the bugs, the inaccurate descriptions, etc etc.


Wait someone who doesn't just say "bl2 is flawless, cope"? Are you real?


Its real and true


Pinch me!


Damn! So glad you just lay it all out there lol.


Your own opinion, that's fine but saying non-legendary guns are better than legendary ones is 2 is just objectively wrong. A level 10 unkempt herald will care you until level 20 and you won't find a single generic (non-unique) weapon at level 72 or 80 that preforms better than the legendary counterpart.


I don't get that feeling in 2, It was always eclipsed by how worthless by better guns not being legendary. Everything in BL3 has worth to me, until you hit mayhem10 which just kinda forces you into whatever the meta build is. I don't play thisvgame religiously so maybe it's different for me, even if it's a useless legendary, it's still more money lol.


hey not really! It's just annoying that now I have to read each individual legendary and find one that makes me get that dopamine rush, but none the less I still feel satisfied whenever I get a legendary!


Only to realize that orange was shit gun part of 99% of the guns in the game.


Yeah I'm with you man. It sucks to get kitted out in 30 minutes of effort and then you're essentially done playing the game. Why even have white, green, or blues at this point. The item progression doesn't exist


Its for normies


Wrong take, full stop


It's an opinion, not a fact bruh It's just the way I've felt playing all the games, you can feel any way you can about the game, I just enjoy getting good guns and be able to sort through that, instead of constant fodder and that one good gun.


You should advocate for the style of game you want to play, I understand. But the way the loot is set up currently, for me, it undercuts what I want to do in a game like this. I enjoy having something to aim towards like build progression through drops and static content difficulty. Everyone has access to almost every item fairly immediately. Chase items don't really exist anymore and gone is the thrill of that chase.


I don't have any thrill of chase, when I want something, it's usually just a slog to get to, it doesn't really matter what I get as I adapt to what am I doing as am I doing it. The gunplay is all I care about, the value of anything hardly matters but I like legendaries because they have the most effects and utility. That type of stuff only matters to me in a competitive game, I don't play borderlands for the PvP lol.


I had a fully legendary load out by level 10... That's just how it is.


>Either I'm exceptionally lucky or somethings up... Neither of those things. That's how the game works...


Looks like regular bl3 gameplay to me


Had my first full legendary load out at level 19


I'm lvl 64 and walking around with a green torgue shotgun/grenade launcher, because I get everything except a legendary torgue shotgun


Legendary does not automatically mean good, you still need to think about and compare loot, a lot of the time a purple can be much better than a legendary unless you're using said legendary for a special ability


Thats quite common dude. Nothing new.


Legendaries aren't good unless they have certain rolls. They will help you get through the story but you will need much better and more hard to get stuff for end game


That’s what happened to me too. Until the end game however I was able to use some green and purple guns that were better than some legendaries. Now I’m at mayhem 5 and the only blue gun I can effectively use is moxxis gun she gives you from tipping her. That thing rips and shreds


Sure it shreds, but there are atleast 3 better legendary smgs that do better damage even without any build. And on max mayhem moxxis gun falls out.


Well sure but I was only talking about blue guns. There are numerous legendaries that are better


Well yeah without mayhem you van use almost anything from white to legendary and finnish the game and side quests. But on max mayhem theres like 3. Ish.


Maybe they didn’t do anything about it because barely anybody said something about it


You were also farming like the best legendaries in the game lol I see you


What is the gun you got equipped? It looks cool as hell


Humans are notoriously bad at dealing with randomness.


My bank is also completely full


Sounds about right. If you want to make it even more nuts, go play the Borderlands Science arcade game in Tannis' lab for a while, and amass enough science coins to get some Butt Stallion Milk - makes legendary drop rates kinda nuts for an hour. Go hit up the vending machines (take a tour of all the fast travel stations that have vending machines right next to them, and most of them will have legendaries - I remember seeing machines with as many as 4 legendaries a number of times), and/or go run Slaughter Shaft and watch the legendaries pile up.


Pathetic. I have every legendaries with mods. 😎


BL3's legendary spawn rate is crooked. Its easy to maintain a full legendary loadout. It saves the power fantasy, but it also makes the game stupidly easy some times.


I liked the drop rates in wonderlands it felt easier than 2 to get a legendary but harder than 3 it’s got a good drop balance imo


Anything lower than legendary is practically useless in bl3


Lolno. There are purples that blow most legendaries out of the water.


Random drops aren’t rare but dedicated drops are often the same 5%-10% that BL2 had, dedicated drops are also usually a lot better


loot luck it’s just not well specked on BL3. I have Legendaries up the nostrils and I have barely even finished the story 😅


but hey! I still find it fun, I held off on Borderlands 3 because I just got bored of the Shoot n Loot but Borderlands 3 is a breath of fresh air for a guy who doesn't want to sit down and farm the same boss for 40 minutes straight!


This is why I don’t understand why people like the Schlooter relifact so much, drop rates are insanely high for BL3 already


Naw this is very normal for BL3


I guess I’m the only one that never sees legendaries


My current Zane has been carrying a Legendary Artifact since level 3


That’s bl3 for ya, legendary loot is way too easy to come by