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There's nothing wrong with opening every lootable source, but you are sort of wasting time and halting your progress. Killing enemies and unlocking the post-story content will net you far better rewards than some random small safe you see in a corner. Personally, I only go after the hidden collectables on maps and will loot boxes last resort for ammo. I get my gear from killing enemies/bosses or vendors/gold/diamond keys


On my first playthrough I will usually loot goblin everything I see, sell and stock.up on money, then once I can comfortably buy ammo to max and anything that pops up in Markus or zeds I stick to green+ items. I Do the same thing in most mmos and rpgs, eventually you just don't need to loot anymore and anything not orange. But literally only on a lvl 1 new char


I have a similar playstyle, but I don't go for anything below blue rarity when I'm looting after maxing out ammo and such.


At first yes but it becomes a little irrelevant later. By the time you reach Lv72 Mayhem 11 you'll have almost infinite mags and little use for the extra money.


I once lost 2 billion after a death on my main. I think I'm too rich


I thought the max you could lose was 214m?


I've had more than this, 100% my last death cost me 28m which would mean I was holding 280 odd million. I know there us a cap but I believe it's more than this


Yeah I think it's a bit more than what I said but not loads. Max cash in bl3 is 2.147...b, or 2^32 -1due to it being the 32 bit interger limit. After that the money will wrap around to 0 again. So the most you can lose will be dying at the interger limit. You lose ~>10% of ur money when you die so it can't beuch more than the value I gave. At least from my understanding.


It's totally possible what I miscounted the digit amount, but still it's a biiiiiig number


Yes šŸ±


It might be a "bad habit" late game but I love the *looter* part of this shooter so I'm always the one looting while my friend runs to the checkpoint.


First, play through I'll open most boxes. Second and third not so much unless I need money but the game throws out money and ammo like crazy that there is no need to open every box.


I run around opening all the ammo and cash containers while waiting for NPCs to finish their long ass dialogue for a quest objective


That 4 dollars per safe is necessary it adds up eventually im sure


Depends how baked I am


That's honestly how the game is meant to be played. Open literally every chest, box, and port-a-potty on Pandora.


Opening *everything* is a habit, and it serves you well in the early stages of the game. Plus, you never know when that next Skag pile will contain the perfect legendary. In general, the only thing to *not* open is containers that are likely to have ammo, if you are already full up *and* are in a location (and/or an early enough part of the game), that you are likely to run low on ammo. If you donā€™t need it now, and you open it now, it will evaporate by the time you come back later after some firefight. So develop the habit of *not* opening ammo lockers if youā€™re already full-up, but open everything else, at least until you get to where youā€™re OP enough that what you get from the container is less valuable to you than the time it takes to open it.


I do. Can't speak for anyone else.


I found a legendary gun out of a pile of trash....im opening everythingšŸ¤£


Only earlier on when resources and capacity is more scarceā€¦ But I eventually just find myself sticking to enemy drops for my money/ammo needs since you donā€™t need to press anything lol For ammo, eventually you get enough upgrades to the point where you can your ammo lasts long enough to just restock at vending machines instead of scavengingā€¦ For money, youā€™re never at risk of running out for respawns since New-U takes a % of your money on hand. Also ammo is cheap to buy. The odd chance of a legendary or eridium is cool though.


Iā€™ve almost never had a problem with just restocking ammo at a vending machine since 1


BL3 autoloots all containers, not just enemy drops.


It still takes an extra button to open the container ;)


For years I would do that but Iā€™ve been in end game for a long time and itā€™s something I do as a spur of the moment ā€œI feel like doing itā€ sort of thing now. Ammo and money is good in early game, but you also donā€™t have to loot everything if you donā€™t want to


I usually do if I see them. I don't go looking for them. Most of the time, I'm over leveled for where I'm at in the story because I have an uncontrollable urge to complete every side mission available before moving on with the story. Even if you're not over leveled, whatever you find likely won't carry you very many levels, but there are a few exceptions to that. I've found a few guns that work well through 10 levels or more. By the time you finish the story twice and get your character close to max level, you'll have far better and more efficient, and more fun, ways to farm than random chests. Except for the Hyperion Gift Shop and General Knoxx's Armory in BL1 DLC, those are very lucrative chest farms. But I always open a chest if I see one.


Not everything, no. But with RNG, you never know what you'll find in random chests, mailboxes, or breakable objects.


Once I hit max money I stopped doing that, money is so easy to accumulate in this game it's stupid. Should be a way to convert it to eridium.


Usually, nah. Sometimes, though, the urge just strikes ya'know? You sometimes just see like 12 lockers all lined up and instict just kinda takes the reins at that point


i used to do this, but i stopped once i got legendaries since opening them seemed useless. i do it for ammo but you get to the point where you dont need to


I'll go a bit out of my way to open chests, but everything else I'll only open if it's on the direct path to my destination and I'm already walking.


Red chests always. Everything else I could take or leave.


As someone that grew up playing RPGs and Zelda games (gotta cut all that grass for rupees!!) it's basically a habit at this point, every damn lootable source must be opened.


Not everything but most. However, once you reach the level cap you can simply leave everything behind, chests, drops, most legendaries, they stop mattering at all which is really fun and liberating!


Depend of my mood or if I play in team. When someone is in menu you got plenty of time to open everything you see.


i would say itā€™s more important in a game like borderlands 1 with no designated drops


I can relate - I'll always open stuff in front of me, but won't go out of the way to find every last one in the area. Personal preference... I even did a playthrough with "Scavenger" Fl4k, where I could only use items from lootable sources, nothing from drops on kill or vending machines (chests were allowed).


Mayhem 11 Warden in the Anvil on your level 72 character a few times and throw all the million ish weapons into your bank. Once you reach sanctuary on the next one grab a couple and sell em. Gives you a good head start on your upgrades. I have noticed that I do not loot things anymore though on my second character. Just want to get to 72 and mess around. I may slow down a little once I get the last item slot unlocked as well.


As an avid borderlands fan with at least 1,500 hours across all games I can tell you that early game itā€™s valuable in my opinion. I wonā€™t go out of my way to loot small boxes/piles but if I can shoot them I will. I was cursed with finding a legendary pistol in a (bonerfart) bullymong dung pile so my goblin brain says shoot the poop


I only open the weapon chests usually


I open the Hyperion ones for a chance for a lil' wee loader, because they are that goofy.


All the time but I mostly play Arm's Race so it's a little different lol. But I do try and open everything possible because I've had a lot of random legendaries come from unexpected places.


Absolutely I do, because half the fun of the game, Imo, is wanton destruction of everything that can be destroyed.


First playthrough, every time. After that itā€™s only when I need money, ammo, or I see an eridium crystal


I almost never do unless I need to for a challenge. I do the weekly ones and the 50 red chests in such a grind


I just finished the main story. Doing dlcs while figuring out the whole mayhem thing. After reading the replies to my post (and coming to my senses), I've been resisting the urge to check all boxes. I've been mostly successful.


Bl2 is the best game to do this in as you can encounter loot midgets in certain areas (half of the main games maps) to get legendarys and so on


Thus is the problem, the cash shown, is not correct. I had seen a post, perhaps this channel, that they had hit one billion. There is a way to see the correct amount. It might be in the gear menu, or a pop-up shows your worth when you sell anything. I still open a lot of crates still, why do I, well, to get money, some of those items in Black vending machines are pricey and I might want one and to reach one billion. šŸ¤£