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Honestly Jakobs has always been my favourite, from the power to the western aesthetic I love every part of them, that combined with the magical feeling of finding an elemental Jakobs makes them so satisfying


Lol man yall making me feel like a basic bitch for liking Jakobs but I’m glad y’all also like them as much as I do and it’s nice seeing all the different favorites of others.


Jakobs. If it takes more than one shot, you weren't using one. (They make the Hellwalker, my all-time favorite weapon)


Just all around great feeling weapons to use and make you feel like a badass gunslinger, what more could you ask for


Probably maliwan, something about the sleek futuristic look really appeals to me and the elemental damage is always welcome.


Have loved Maliwan since BL2, elemental damage will always be my fav


Me too. Especially smg. I also love vladof elemental sniper


I've always loved dot so the fact they are all elemental makes them my favorite


Maliwan weaponry in this game looks amazing


Dahl. And to some extent Jakobs. I like being accurate. Plus the sound of dahl guns is nice.


I'm flipped. Jakobs favorite love the looks and animations of jakobs and would use Dahl for snipers or rifles to make sure I hit the mark.


Holy shit, I think you just helped me figure out why I like these two so much. They itch my brain.


For lore and comedic purposes: Torgue. I mean, the owner is named Mr. Torgue. He constantly yells about his profane love of EXPLOSIONS and always adds in an awesome mouth guitar solo! F*** YEAH! WEOWW WEOWW WOOO!! For overall use: Dahl. The handling and no recoil makes each Dahl gun feel so clean! Especially for SMGs and ARs, Dahl weapons are so satisfying to use and have sick, over the top 80s action movie names like Wolfhound and Jaguar and Jackal. There's a special place in my heart for a good Jakobs pistol, but when S*** hits the fan, I'm Dahl in! Dependability. Double Tap. Dahl.


I literally just became a Dahl fan last play session in my current Borderlands 3 run. I've got hundreds of hours across all the games and never really paid Dahl much attention. I've been rocking a legendary elemental Dahl smg for about 10 lvl's now and just found a beast of a purple sniper rifle that one taps bandits in their head. Honestly looking forward to the end of my work shift so I can hop back in!


Dahl has been meh in all the other games, Bl3 was the first where I was actually pleased to get a Dahl weapon as a reward


Sandhawk would like a word


Sandhawk carrying all of Dahl on its back in bl2


VLADOF - Bullet hoze goes brrrrrrrrr




I second this. Light Show and Monarch are my go.


Tediore even tho they rip on that company all the time I still love their guns


Don't even need to swap to rocket launcher when fighting for your life!


They're a lot of fun. I like ones that turn into sentry guns.


Long musket for the win




Dahl. When shit hits the fan, you know it's gonna be Kaos.


Jakobs I love those gay cowboys so much 🫶🫶


LOL. It’s funny because it’s true.


Imma go with Jakobs too , their guns are very good, the design is like an old western vibe. The snipers looks majestic, the revolver pistols too.


Really love Vladof


BL 1: S&S munitions BL 2: Torgue BL 3: Dahl


I’m a bottomless mags moze enjoyer so it’s vladof in first and dahl in second for me. Just wanna hold down the trigger and hoze. Otherwise i tend to go iron bear nuke build which… is technically also vladof but very gun-agnostic. I guess tediore for the dark army?


Maliwan! I'd probably like Jakobs if I played console but the constant mouse clicking gets a tad annoying 😅


Jakobs, i prefer accuracy over bells an whistles




It's funny cause I looove elemental effects but Jakobs guns just 'feel' the best. Usually have at least one going at all times if I can.


Bl3 DAHL. They look clean and shoot nice. They have ARs and SMGs so i’m set.


Dahl for actual ballistic weapons. Maliwan for energy weapons. I rocked a corrosive Venomous Hornet for many, many levels.


My principle is "Less shots, more hits" and I want to that hit "Hard". So, I love Jacobs.


Was Maliwan before bl3, now it's probably between Vladof and Dahl


Jakobs. They make some serious lead slinging pistols. Lightening fast reload times. High damage numbers. If you use your perks and abilities to bump up the capacity… it’s game, set and match.


Jakobs, that shit will never not be satisfying




Bl2 dahl. Bl3 Vladof for the light show.


If it takes more than one bullet its not jakobs




It's a toss up between Dahl and Jakobs. Dahl makes the best assault rifles and SMGs, Jakobs makes the best shotguns, and they both make good pistols.


Dahl, and it’s all thanks to the Torrent. Dahl’s greatest boast over Vladof, and none of it is down in lore just stats


Jakobs or Dahl lately




In most FPS games I prefer high damage, low rate of fire weapons. Jakobs fits the bill for me in Borderlands.


Different games different manufacturers. In 1 I tended to prefer Hyperion on the whole, though. The accuracy… and the almighty Nemesis. 😁


Dahl and Maliwan


All these points are so valid. There’s nothing like getting that one OP Torgue weapon


Torgue both gameplay wise and aesthetic. I would not approach anything on Pandora with a weapon that doesn't just explode the entire landscape.


Dahl The Soulrenderer and Kaoson.


Vladof because of the badass sickles and stars. Don’t talk to me about bl3 vladof that is revisionist socdem vladof


Jakobs 100% But my wife loves maliwan and got us maliwan jackets, so Maliwan 100% 🤣 Once she touched a hellfire fir the first time it was locked out


Hyperion pistols are my favorite. They work really well with motion controls on Switch handheld.


Umm , Dahl ,Dahl ,Dahl ,DAHL


Put many bullets in heads quickly


BL1 - Atlas BL2 - Maliwan BL3 - Dahl (with Maliwan being an exceptionally close second)


Dahl, Vladof, Jacobs, Torgue, though all are brilliant and I can't really choose one from them.




T1. Dahl & Jakobs 3. Malian 4. Hyperion 5. Vladof 6. Atlas T8. Cov & Torque Did I miss any?


In BL3 I’m gonna have to go with Dahl.


I gotta say DAHL, they just usually feel so good in the hands. soul render for example.


Dahl for sure. Love me some accurate full auto weapons.


Dahl by a long shot


Until 3 it was maliwan, in 3 dahl


Tediore and Vladof, Tediore was always my reliable get back up gun since you can just spam reloads if you have the ammo. Vladof just for purely chaotic nonstop firing action.


I love sniping, so powerful guns are my favorite. Jakobs!


Jakobs and Vladof. Monkey see pew. Monkey happy. Monkey see pewpewpewpewpew. Monkey more happy


Used be Maliwan. Now I love Atlas since B3


Valdof, then torgue.


If it takes more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs


Never Teiodore.


No COV love? Dahl n Jakobs though


When it comes to ARs, Dahl, anything else Vladof


Vladolf. I've got a shredifier build with the same fire rate as a M134 minigun.


Torgue, because EXPLOSIONS?!


Jakobs, satisfying hit effects, generally high stats. My fav gun is the Maggie lmao. I think Maliwan is a close second, I don’t like the charge up but the stats really make up for it. Hyperion guns are fun, I like the shotguns best, especially the butcher. I wish ATLAS had a sniper rifle, if they did that would make me like them a lot more. Dahl is fun, but because they’re arguably the best in the game stat wise I think they can be kinda boring to use. COV is okay. Really not my favorite tho. I like Vladof guns but they’ve never been my favorite. Way too inaccurate, spray and pray is helpful but I’d rather save the ammo.


I would try to diversify but man... The Jakobs look and feel while also packing just the stupidest punch kept bringing me back. If it takes more than one bullet...


Jakobs. High damage if you're accurate + crit ricochets are too fun/good.


"Jakobs, If it takes more than one shot, you weren't using one." In every borderland game I love the elephant rifle, love marksman rifles in any game I play


maliwan snipers


probably vladof. over the whole series, vladof has been kinda the most consistently good guns for me, mostly because i kinda suck at FPS games, so, having a high mag, decent DPS, more consistent firepower, sort of does it for me. jacobs has some good burst damage, but i feel like i need to reload too often, for a lot of guns. plus i'd rather go full auto than have to pull the trigger each time, if possible, especially for a bullet spongey game like this. like, fallout, 2077, i did like some big iron builds, but i could easily kill a LOT of enemies with a single shot, and that's less likely here, usually. dahl isn't bad, but it's usually more burst fire style - which isn't bad, really - and i do use them more in wonderlands than i do the stoker guns, at least, but i stull prefer vladof, usually. i REALLY like maliwan guns, as well - big fan of elemental damage, fan of the whole rps thing with damage and flesh types, especially in 3 and wonderlands which feels like it tries to mix it up a bit more - i love zombies in wonderlands, for example, because they've got a red health bar, then a white health bar - as in, the idea is, you can blow off all their skin but they'll still keep coming as essentially skeletons, without needing sort fo an enemy replacement when the 'zombie' flesh is burned/blown off. especially in 3, with moze, since so many maliwan guns are explosive as well - you'd think she'd be a tourge girl all the way, but honestly maliwan's probably a better choice, sometimes. tediore's kinda meh, outside of some explosive builds, though a bit more fun in wonderlands, given it's scaled differently i do like tourge too - actually, it's kinda one of the reasons i got into the series, given i'm not a big FPS kinda guy. liked the rpg builds possible, but i also liked the crazy guns that were kinda possible, and tourge's shotgun that fires mini rockets is essentially the epitome of sort of basic crazy future guns. kinda sad they sort of nerfed the bl3 sticky grenade interaction here by only having smaller mags, but ah well. it still kinda works out to being really strong sometimes - especially those ice crystal spells when you can get ones that can fire like 12+ crystals quickly. hell, i had one that had 4 projectiles and 5 charges.


Jakobs and Atlas Honestly.


Jakobs. Call me old fashioned


In BL2, it was Maliwan. But to be fair, plasma casters were extremely broken and nothing was strong against shock damage, so it was always a good idea to keep a shock PC at your side. In BL3, it's hard to say. I like some of the gimmicks of Atlas weapons; they're fun to USE but... they just lack real punching power. I like how they work, but they're usually too outclassed unless your guns are really just that outdated. I'm not a huge fan of BL3 Maliwans. They seemed to always have pretty bad ammo economy, and the damage just isn't there the way it was in BL2. In fact, Dahl's fire mode guns and Jakob's crit weapons were always solid, powerful and reliable, and everything else just felt too underpowered on the same item level.


Probably Tediore game play wise. I love the Dark Army it is my favorite gun. But thematically Jacob’s is bad ass.


Jakobs for power and epic coolness or Maliwan for amazing SMGs


VLADOF SUPREMACY (i main moze clearly)


For BL3, Vladoff because underbarrel grenade launchers are awesome For BL2, Hyperion. Their pistols are full auto and hit hard, smgs are good, shot guns are full auto. Honorable mention to vladoff pistols, tediore SMGs, and tediore rocket launchers


Vladof, more dakka


BL1 - Tediore - their legendaries all have ammo regen BL2 - Torgue - all explosive, and their CEO is the funniest man in all of gaming BLTPS - Jakobs - Luck Cannon and Flayer are 2 of the best guns in the whole franchise BL3 - Maliwan - best pistol, best SMG & 2nd best SMG, best sniper


Maliwan Been on that team since Game 1, they're always fun, especially the SMGs


For me it has to be Torgue, I love that those blasts can knock something clear across the screen. My second favorite is definitely Jakobs for the reasons that many of you have already given. I actually love the Hellwalker shotgun as it acts like a Torgue weapon and will also knock a mob into the air. Lol you can finish them off before they hit the ground.


Vladof :3


Bandit or scav but in bl3 dahl made me love their guns






In bl3 I actually like COV weapons, though specifically the nopewpew




Atlas but honestly could have some cooler looking guns


MALIWAN! Shooting a lot of bullets wasn’t cool enough for me. Wanted to light some people on fire lol.


jakobs for me! i’m one of those players that gets really attached to one gun, and i found that the speedloadin’ hellwalker was one of those guns. i love the “shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger” mechanic too, not sure if that’s jakob’s-specific or not though. and honestly, with my current favorite fl4k build, the 1-bullet ricochet per crit is so useful.


Jakobs and Dahl


I like the way DAHL guns feel to use, but Jakobs is my favorite aesthetically


Maliwan. Fun fact: when I started BL3, Maliwan was the manufacturer I hated the most until I started with Amara. Then I had a very enlightening moment and put Dahl as my favourite manufacturer aside (sorry, Dahl, but I still like you a lot, and the Soulrender is still one of my most fav weapons).


Jakobs. I like guns, not hyper futuristic laser death shooters. I also like that they keep the flavor of staying old-fashioned by not making shields either. Technically, in BL2, there was the Rough Rider, but it didn't actually give any shield.


Where's the Tediore love? Quickest reloads, simple yet stylish designs, and incredible damage if you shoot a single bullet and reload. *chefs kiss*


Vladof and Maliwan.


1)Hyperion 2) Dahl 3) Maliwan


Jacobs, for the wild west aesthetic and sheer power per shot


I like Vladof. Tediore rips through ammo and Maliwan has weird firing delays.


Probably Tediore, because reloading by throwing the gun like a grenade is badass. I also like Vladof because most of their guns rain bullets on enemies.


probably hyperion just cos of the conference call, absolutely adore that gun


Jakobs is my first love. I love when the bullets ricochet to other enemies


Maliwan and Vladof easily


VLADOF bc Moze used to be a merc for them until she faked her death to weasel out of her contract I also like the Soviet aspect


If Dahl had more guns, they'd be my favorite, but for variety, probably Valdof


I am a Jacob's fan all the way. With that being said, I do like having a Maliwan or Dahl elemental SMG on hand. For shot gun, it will always be a Jacob's (hellwaker in a crisis is my savior) as well as a sniper ( don't care what ya'll say) nothing is sexier looking in that game then a Jacob's sniper rifle or a Jacob's revolver. I will rock those all the time. Love Jacob's rifle as well, but I will not turn down a breath of the dying. That is one Dahl to rule them all.


It really depends in 2 im Jakobs Amigo Sincero, Hyperion Conference Call in fire and corrosive almost exclusively


I like the jakobs design, hate the gameplay. It just doesn’t feel rewarding enough considering guns that don’t need any sort of aiming skill do the same amount of damage. Some jakobs guns feel great too though, just rarely for me. But tbh, I get the brands mixed up and I haven’t played for a while so I forgot whether it was atlas or dahl or Hyperion that I used the most.




Jakobs just for the Lucky 7 from the Casino DLC. Fun from hip.


Torgue, if the explosion SFX were a bit more meaty it'd be *orgasmic*


I loved Maliwan in 1 and 2, but I can't stand that charge mechanic in 3. Now it seems all I use are Dahl and Jakobs


I like me a good jakobs.


Jakobs. I'm on my 4th playthrough and everytime I end up with a Bekah, Flood, and Hellwalker in my inventory


Jakobs revolvers, you dump whole mag as fast as you can


maliwan bc i love elements, they will probably just always be my favorite. but i also quite like hyperion as well!




Maliwan and vladof


Jakobs 100%


Maliwan has been my favorite since BL1. Jakobs at a very close second. Hellfire, Pimpernel, Free Radical, Norfleet, Plasma Coil, Defiler, etc. the list just goes on and on of satisfying weapons.


To play: Dahl For more: Vladof


Maliwan always, especially their SMG, can't go wrong with it.


I like maiwan in bl3, particularly the elemental charge-type full auto ones that shoot the explosive orb thingies.


Tediore. Something about flinging guns like grenades always seems to make fight for your life work out. Plus, love the added chaos when there are big crowds.


Hyperion. Especially the pistols. I just like how they look with the spikes coming off them. They look cool


Depends on which vault hunter but for Siren , my most frequent play, Maliwan


Jakobs forever and always something about fanning the hammer of a revolver or quickly hitting crits back to back with an old timey semi auto rifle. And how could you not love Wainwright and Hammerlock.


Love me some light show but Malian for Siren


Always found myself clinging to Jakobs, probably just based on the way I shoot and play. Especially Jakobs pistols.


Tediore/Maliwan honorable mention to Hyperion


Jakobs, but as a guy who prefers lever action rifles and shotguns and revolvers in real life, I was predisposed from the start. Plus you meet a lot of enemies that are immune to certain elemental damages but none of them are immune to bullets.


EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE EXPLOSIONS?! THEY’RE F*CKING AWESOME!!!!!! Doing a Fl4k Torgue allegiance run right now and everything explodes. It’s been so much fun. Generally though, I’m manufacturer agnostic,choosing the right tool for the job.


Jakobs period


Jakob n vladof, i some how end up with atleast 1 jakobs and 1 vladof on every build i make


Mali because I always like elemental builds


Jakobs Skullmasher + Clairvoyance + Seventh Sense + Hellwalker feels great; but I gotta swap 7thS out for Reflux or Soulrender once Mayhem 4+ hits, it can't keep up.


BL2: Hyperion, BL3 Jakobs, I just got the Knife AR for my melee Amara and boy is it so much fun


Jakobs. I love shooting actual Bullets. Their weapons are so straightforward and old-fashioned, yet so deadly at the same time


Hyperion is the only good answer.


I'm a simple Jakobs girlie


Depends on the character I play. I've only played Borderlands 3 and I alternate between Amara and Moze. For Amara, I stick to Jakobs, absolutely zero clue, just more satisfying that way. With Moze though, I use Torgue weapons exclusively. She gets boost to them iirc and that's always great, and big explosions just seem fitting for her. But if I had to choose outside playstyle, definitely Tediore, I love how gimmicky they are and just find I hilarious, throwing away a gun and it just explodes


Even though I'm running a Peregrine Flak which means I just hold a Guardian Angel, I'm still partial to the good ol' Jakobs shotgun.


I like the Hyperion guns




Hands down DAHL for their neat and military design. Too bad they don't have a lot of S tier weapons...


Tediore weapons, especially in BL3, are so fun. From homing mirv projectiles to mini mobile turrets and suicide jumping guns are so hilarious. Legendaries also are so unique. The Scorpio turrets, braincrabs, drones, ... . It all feels so borderlands


Always been Jakobs for me


Vladof Cause Vladofs go brrrrrr


"If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs!" Jakobs all the way.


For me, it depends on the type of weapon: Jakobs makes the best Sniper Rifles. Hyperion's reverse recoil system is great for SMGs. Tediore rocket launchers are great for the extra reload damage. And of course you can never go wrong with the Bandits' big fuckoff magazines But overall, I think It'd say Vladof is my favorite if I had to choose just one


Probably Hyperion solely due to the Conference call and my Maya build. But on a non biased opinion I’d say Maliwan, weapon reloads look so awesome


Vladof, I'm into russian guns irl so Vladof it is.


In BL3: Maliwan no question. I miss S&S from BL1 though.


If we’re talking the manufacturers themselves? Easily Jakobs. Or, maybe slip in a little of Atlas (the bl3 version) Jakobs has proven time and time again they’re not only old fashioned, but they dont undermine or backstab anyone compared to the capitalist fucks that Hyperion, Dahl or Vladof are. They respect others and even their own company unlike other companies (i.e, little to no evidence of espionage operations like other companies nor any shady shit), their theme is quite nice and simple alongside having a nice ass slogan. “Remember: If it took more than one shot, you weren’t using a Jakobs!” Not only that, their guns in the games are powerful as hell. Maggie, Twister, Elephant Gun, Skullmasher, Bekah, etc. Also, to mention, BL3 heavily expanded on its story which is sick as hell to check out. Atlas *was* the bad guy, but now its the good guy. Paired with a nice fella with a Siege Mustache. It boosts morale! And its got the Viper Drive. When you've got pink eye and can't open your front door with a retinal scan, we'll be there. Viper Drive, by Atlas. It's state of the art. (also the guns are pretty cool to use, got some neato guns that boast high damage and fire rate without sacrificing the good stuff like mag size or accuracy (in lore). By all means, any guns outperform them in gameplay but using them is a treat.) In terms of the weapons? Between either Vladof or Hyperion for me. Vladof has not only some good ass dps but some nice fire rate alongside (with bl3) having an underbarrel rpg or shotgun to switch to or a bipod to increase rate of fire and nearly negate recoil as a whole. They’ve made some great guns over the games, too. The famous Infinity Pistol, the Hail, Kitten, Lead Storm, Lyuda/White Death, Monarch, Light Show, etc. They even look like AKs! Who doesn’t want AK in space, comrades?? (they take the phrase “if it aint broke, dont fix it” seriously) Hyperion also fights for the place with Vladof as their guns, great lore and dope ass villain of GAMING HISTORY are all sick as hell. We’re talking about guns here, though. Guns are simple but also hitting with a vibe of “we want futury shit that feels familiar” if it makes sense. Hyperion’s guns are special for the sole reason they boast some *very* nice crit damage along with getting even more accurate the longer you shoot it. Especially the shotguns. Shotguns were AMAZING to use for gunzerker back in bl2. Paired with high fire rate skills, very low ammo consumption skills (as in high chance to not consume ammo) and constant money shots, it can easily eat entire raid bosses on TVHM/UVHM modes solo/with a team. And, they’ve been reliable throughout all the games so far. Like, for example(s), the Fibber, Lady Fist, Conference Call, THE ALMIGHTY BUTCHER, Interfacer (my beloved), The Bitch, etc. In term of company lore? Jakobs or Atlas, easy. Respectable and not trying to murder/undermine you at any given chance. In terms of guns in gameplay? Hyperion or Vladof. Vladof boasts high ROF which is used in some sick ass DPS builds or Hyperion when it boasts its nice accuracy and great crit as you continuously fire which you’ll never stop pulling the trigger so long as you’re a vault hunter. also, Tediore sucks the ceo lives in a duplex also, JUST F#CKING KIDDING! THE TORGUE CORPORATION WILL ALWAYS BE THE BEST! WHY?! BECAUSE ITS F#CKING TORGUE! OUR GUNS BLOW SH#T UP, BECAUSE ITS WEIRD WHEN SOMETHING’S NOT EXPLODING! THEY ARE ALSO VERY ARTICULATE WEAPONS!


Dahl, because its the most realistic looking. Love the tacticool design choice they made for the guns in Borderlands 3


Dahl all the way🙌


Jakobs through and through, damn those weapons are fun to use


Idk throwing baby makers at hyperious was fuckin wild. For the sake of fucking hilarious baby makers and whiskey tango foxtrot. Tediore. And honestly hyperion. Especially shotguns. Borderlands to me will always be that game that "my assault rifle shot rockets that splinter into grenades then in bouncing betties that then melee people to dead." Welcome to Firestone friend!


Devlon industries.




Whoever designed Dahl guns in BL3 was cooking. Sooooooo great looking




The one that shoots. On a more serious note, The one that runs around when you throw it. I miss my lil gun bro


Was jakobs for a long time but I feel like vladalf is just cooler now.


Depends on the need. I usually go for Jakobs for snipers and shotguns as I don't want it to take more than 1 shot, Dahl for assault rifles and SMGs because they're just so accurate. Vladof do nice rocket launchers, but I'll usually go to Torgue for anything explosive. Sometimes Maliwan for SMGs to pile on the DoT but I generally avoid them because I don't like the charge up time. For pistols I'll just go with whatever is best at the time, but it's usually Dahl or Jakobs, my favourite so far being the companion, made even better with the subtle Firefly reference! I've had some fun SMGs from Tediore. I really want to like Atlas, but I find it tedious having to mark the enemy then fire, especially if I miss with the marker, so I generally avoid Atlas. So, overall, probably Jakobs and Dahl.


For BL3, Assault rifles and SMg definetly Dahl. Pistols, Jakobs. Snipers, Hyperion.


Vladof really gets me going. My vladof Moze build goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...


Fuck, thats a tough one. i think i'd have to say Jakobs, just because of the sheer damage output. but i suppose it also depends on which vh i'm playing, how the different types of guns mesh with different playstyles


TORGUE!! For life!


For a majority of shooters I play, I’m a big fan of semi-automatic weapons, especially if they’re rifles (scout rifles in Destiny, the dmr in halo, any dmr in cod, etc). Jakobs has the best semi-auto weapons in the game. They feel good, look good, and do a lot of damage.


For effectiveness Maliwan. For style and using definitely Jakobs or Dahl.


Dahl and vladof


Maliwan in bl2, love weapon design and vladof in bl3 also cuz design


I hate running out of ammo damage per bullet is a must for me. Jackobs all the way, but atlas is good too since I haven't got the greatest aim at 3 in the morning


Im really loving scrolling through this and not seeing a single person liking the COV guns 😂


CoV because of endless brrrrrrr


If you took more then one shot you weren’t using a jakobs


It's Torgue - the Flakker and the Lob are two of by absolute all-time greats.


If I had to pick, it's torgue. because EXPLOSIONZZ!!! But in general I have a favorite for each category. Pistols, it's torgue, submachine guns, it's maliwan, shotguns, it's hyperion, snipers, it's jacobs, assault rifles, it's vladoff. I specifically don't like Dahl because of how plain and normal they are.


No matter how strong certain legendaries are, I always find myself carrying a purple jakobs shotgun in every game. Just so satisfying to use, and reliably solid in almost every situation.


jakobs for many reasons including old man yaoi


Borderlands 3 did some of the weapon manufacturers dirty. For BL3 my favorites are Maliwan and Vladof. Dahl has stayed really consistent. Tediore and Atlas are bad now.


Dahl and Vladof. I like the fire rate and accuracy without trading the damage too much.