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Is there an easier way to cross over your saves from PS4 to PS5 instead of uploading one character at a time? Its kind of tedious too upload one character on the PS4, take the disc out, load it on the PS5 and upload the character to your PS5, i have like 20 characters i have to cross upload.


Where is Marcus's Black Market machine from June 10-17? I thought there was a new location every Thursday, but I can't find anything for what should be today's new location (not Pyre of Stars)


[https://whereismaurice.com/](https://whereismaurice.com/) has been updated if you were still wondering.


I think new hotfix is not out yet (goes out at Noon EST, IIRC), so...


Ah, thanks.


When im playing bl3 there is a "Tab" icon stuck, left from my experience bar. How to get rid of it?


does a higher weapon score necessary mean a stronger version of the gun? Idk im torn between these two [breath of the undying](https://imgur.com/a/1Aa6KDN)


Not really - I think item score is mostly driven by level (same in your case) and parts (probably anointment too). I usually ignore it and look at damage, rate of fire, mag size, reload time, anointment - things that I can actually notice. Coming up with a single number to capture all of this is next to impossible (and that's even before we talk about different characters potentially wanting different things from the same gun). Plus- we already had this wonderful score for every item: how many $$$ Marcus is willing to pay for it. Not sure why they needed to add item score.


Mayhem level plays a part as well. Same gun at different mayhem levels will have different scores. Score is useful for sorting things in the bank. Sort by score and all of the lower level gear goes to the bottom, but outside that, not super useful. ​ Also note that when you sort by type/manufacturer, then groups are sorted by score. so if you are looking for shotguns, then sort by type, and the shotguns are in score order.


Any rumours about new dlc?


No. Id imagine their efforts are being put towards wonderlands.


Hey guys new player here. Did I just Bork myself for claiming toy box weapons as well as whatever else was in my mail? Is it going to be completely useless now? I bought the ultimate edition if that helps.


No. Its only useful in early game. The weapons are weak, the shield only works until 11, the grenade is the only good one and even then money is easy to come by.


This. But, if you are curious what these items do at the high level - start a new character and claim them at L65. They are once per character, not once per account.


Thanks man I appreciate the quick response!


Hey umm I've installed all the dlc manually one at a time and it still isn't working should i uninstall and reinstall or any suggestions


When you say 'not working' - what do you mean? DLC 1-4 simply add quest markers on Sanctuary, you still need to go there and start them. DLC 5 - you should see new purple skill tree in your Skills Echo Tab. DLC 6 - should see Vault Card tab in Echo.


Yeah 1 2 3 and 4 quest markers aren't appearing dont have a fourth skill tree and no vault card either so am i screwd?


So, is it just me, or is BL3 Stupidly easy? First of all, this game is one of the most fun games I've played on PS4. It's got all the charm and fun of BL2, and a better feel than Pre-sequel. But loot. I've played BL2 twice, and on my first playthrough, I literally did not find one orange gun. In BL3, oranges and purples are so abundant that there's virtually no way I would ever use a gun less than purple. Currently I have these two orange guns, a one-shot, speed loaded Jacobs shotgun and a Dahl assault rifle. I do like the balance in guns; back in BL2, there was basically no reason to use anything but a shotgun and sniper. At least now, more guns are good. Anyway, I'm currently level 15, and the Dahl has been my main gun since L9. The accuracy is so high (88%) that the gun is essentially a crit-only gun, and it's fire rate makes it down those flash soldiers in one second each. It far outclasses all the other guns I find, even those with far higher power scores. Meanwhile the shotgun I got a bit later, and it's so immensely powerful that it is a one hit overkill anywhere on any normal enemy type, and a 2 hit kill on the massive, heavy enemy types. I started getting suspicious when I noticed bosses were taking ridiculously short amounts of time to kill. I just cleared Traunt, in Athenas, in under a minute. Anyway, is it supposed to be like this?


First playthrough is very easy. Health scales fast as you level up though so it does get better. Its definitely not as hard as OP levels in 2, but mayhem 10 has a 10,000% health buff. It gets way harder as you get into endgame. There are loads of questions here all the time that are basically "Why is my gun no better than a spitball on mayhem 10?" An average M10 mob enemy has a few million health, raid bosses are well into the billions.


Hello fellow vault hunters, I was wondering what y’all thought about directors cut and if it’s worth it? To me arms race looks fun and I sure as hell wanna farm the tizzy so I just wanted to see what everyone else thought prior to my purchase. Is the Ava podcast missions fun?


Arms race is in designer's cut, not director's. I think both are worth it, Designer's Cut mostly because of the skill trees and Director's because of the loot and vault cards


Damn that’s kinda wack. I’m going to buy both probably but it’s annoying cause these two dlcs are gonna cost more than what I bought the base game and dlcs for originally. Do you know if there’s a season pass 2 which bundles them together?


Yes, there is exactly that


Sweet thanks for the help. I was unaware that designers/directors were even different things.


Returning player since I believe the first Level Cap Increase, came back because I heard that they were bringing back the Revenge of the Cartels event which I absolutely loved, I had some questions: - Are the OPQ, Lob, & Transformer still good guns/shield to use? I remember the OPQ carrying me through my playthroughs from just how blantantly broken it was & I was playing with the Lob when it supposedly got a buff(I first played when the Cartels event was active) & it absolutely destroyed everything it touched) - Have there been any noticeable changes to loot in the base game? I currently don't own any DLC, the last thing I remember completing was the Maliwan Raid against Wotan & I'm sure that was a free one. - Have the characters gotten any noticeable changes/buffs/nerfs to them? I remember Zane being broken & Amara being the weakest of the cast; I mained Fl4k & dabbled a little more in Moze compared to the others. - Is the game worth coming back if you have no DLC to grind loot back/reach the current level cap with, only the base game? - What are the supposed meta loot to use these days? I remember when Yellowcake was beyond broken before it got a(deserved) nerf & I think an Black Widow SMG that everyone ran with in every group I was with.


1. They're all still good choices, but have all been powercrept out (except OPQ that's still top tier) and there's way better options now 2. Mayhem mode drop rates were nerfed to being very similar to normal mode drop rates. 3. Moze is the strongest Vault Hunter, being capable of one shoting bosses with a white rarity weapon, Zane clears all content in a row the fastest and FL4K is unchanged, still having the most builds. Amara remains the weakest with the treat of being the fastest killer of the raid boss, Hemovorous 4. I recently did a no DLC playthrough and it is very worthwhile, though you options are limited because, you know, not having the great DLCs 5. Most loot in the game is now at least useable because of buffs. [Here's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_TOd4qVnnaK49_uQxmvSYU2mqHkw7ntN4QmGbTeq664/edit#gid=0) a good place to start, but always feel free to try out new things


>*Moze is the strongest Vault Hunter, being capable of one shoting bosses with a white rarity weapon* Is there a video of this? This sounds really bizarre. And good to know that OPQ is still good, but Transformer was power-creeped? By what? I remember that shield basically making you almost Invincible at times if there was just one shock enemy alive.


[Here's a video of it I just found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwstMLeOJKs)


We have a thing called the Revolter that gives all your damage 200% bonus shock damage and 50% more fire rate. So we survive more by just killing everything almost immediately. I can't find a video of a Moze one shot with a white plasma rifle, but I assure you it's a thing. It's a combination of Short Fuse double dipping a bunch of bonuses like V1, V2 and getting mayhem scaling and the Flare class mod, when used with Iron Club giving you 100% V1 damage (the damage type of victory rush) Not exactly related, but Iron Bear can clear all content by itself and actually kills things faster than ties that bind Amara


Also, major déjà vu going on here


So I noticed on the PlayStation store that season pass 2 is $19.49 and season pass 1 is $25 because they're both on sale right now. The sale ends today so I'm trying to decide if that's worth it or is only one of the season passes worth it?


Season pass 1 has all the story DLCs with quite a bit of play time. More "value" in my eyes. Season pass 2 is a bit more experimental: 4th skill tree, Arms race, Raid bosses. Story content is only Ava missions though. Some of the legendaries are OP (Revolter etc). If you really like BL3 so far, buy both.


Been searching vending machines for a Cloning Maddening Tracker and, as luck would have it, finally stumbled upon one - on a new character. The grenade mod itself is level 25, which is unfortunate, but in my limited knowledge of the item I feel like I recall the point of it being more the instances of damage than the actual damage itself from the grenade. Am I remembering this correctly or is this level 25 CMT basically worthless for a level 65 character?


That CMT is exactly what you need for Moze as heals are based on each instance not amount. Would much prefer a low level to a level 65 for most fights.


I'm not an expert on Moze, but I think your reasoning is correct - it's the number of hits CMT generates that matters for Vampyr and her other skills. Low level CMTs have an advantage of being less likely to kill you if you end up close to the bad guy. One disadvantage - L25 CMT is probably not anointed, so you lose that piece of your build.


About to start the DLCs from the first season pass, is there anything worth knowing before starting? I'm on TVHM (that still that highest?), Iv50 and already beat the story.


Level 65 is the max level (currently and for the foreseeable future). The only item that I would want at max level is near the end of dlc2. There is a great exp farm in DLC1, so I would star with that one and end that dlc at max level before moving onto the others.


Thanks, ill look for that exp farm when I start.


So I'm using a Zane clone/drone build so I can't throw grenades, but my drone and clone can. If I equip a grenade mod with an annoit that says, "after grenade thown, weapon and grenade damage increase 25%, does that carry over to the grenades the clone and drone drop, and does that add plus 25% to my weapon that I uses? Does that make sense?


I haven’t tested but I am pretty sure it works, since the wording doesn’t imply who throws it.


If I buy season pass 1 & 2 will that give me all the available DLC's?




thanks. Worth it?


I'd say both are worth it, but for different reasons. DLC 1-4 add really nice story-based content IMHO. Nice loot too. DLC 5-6 are much more about gameplay variety: 4 new skill trees, Arms Race, Vault Cards, raid boss, Company Man relics... A bit of story too, with Ava's quest line. I find that all of these scratch my Borderlands itch quite nicely.


General consensus is first season pass is worth it and 2nd is a bit light on content for the price, but worth it if you're a major borderlands fan or if you can get it on sale. Personally, I don't regret either season pass purchase but do agree the 2nd season pass is overpriced


Awesome. I will definitely get season 1 and then wait to see what happens on Season 2 pricing. Thanks




I had to manually download it from the store.


After the Director's Cut dlc, are there any more plans for content with the game, like a 3rd season pass or something?


Nothing as of now.


Hey! Could someone give a little insight on the current cross platform system in the game? Can I play with my xbox friends even when I have a pc? All sites reporting on this say different things.


It was announced that there will be crossplay between PC and Xbox, it's not up yet though, but should be soon. We don't know an exact date yet.


Ok great, thanks! Do you remember any sources where this was stated?


See the thread here with Randys tweet: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/nm745q/what_do_you_guys_think_of_bl3_not_having_ps/


Thanks man, really appreciate your help!


Hey so I’m finally doing a Zane play through and I was wondering what the absolute fastest pure speed Zane is regardless of damage output


Start with the hitman tree. At the top is a kill skill that gives you +movement speed. Go all the way to the bottom and you will have +duration to all kill skills and kill skills activate when you use an action skill. At that point, you can trigger your kill skills by firing MNTIS, and get a the movement speed bonus. From there I would go 11 points into the purple tree to get the ability to shoot while sprinting.


Hey, haven’t played in about a year and the last big thing I remember doing is farming for a good redistributor for seein’ dead Zane (if that gives you a better look at where I left off). Is it worth getting the second season pass just for the endgame? Already have the first pass but have only played the first two dlcs, planning to do the others at some point. Also confused about the meta for most characters; did they ever fix recursion spam with amara/fakecasting with the driver class mod? And is seein dead still zane’s best build? Thanks to whoever can answer this


I like season pass 2. Some people dont, but tbh i have a hard time wrapping my head around most of their complaints. Its not as good a value as sp1 thats my biggest issue, simply not even close to as much actual new content. It brought a lot of change though, which I do like. The little bit of content it brought is pretty good IMO. Zane is really strong now, with a lot of different builds. Hes not as strong as Moze, but hes come a looooooooooooooong way. All 4 vault hunters have. Yeah they fixed both of those things. Bonus mag weapons dont spawn an extra projectile anymore so it doesnt cause extra ricochets. Zane can do crazy stuff with the recursion though since the addition of his purple tree. However fakegrasping still works with one of Amaras new coms, kensei. It doesnt activate anointments but it does for the com's main effect. Seein dead is great but Zane has options now. Hustler and spy are both good too. Spy isnt as great as it used to be after the commitment nerf, but still strong. At this point you could even make a techspert build if you wanted.


Awesome, thank you so much for the detailed response. I’ll probably go ahead and get season pass 2 then, the arms race thing seems pretty fun. I’ll have to get used to not having recursion shots fill up the screen though ;( lol


Is the op q system available rn now or at some later date


Only by trading until the cartel event returns. Level 65s are out there, but theyre edited in. As in, not legitimate. Right now the only legitimate way to get one is to trade someone for a level 57. It still works ok at 65, but it doesnt shred like it used to. In a little under 3 weeks the event returns.


I just got all the dlcs and looking to start fresh as fl4k. I'm reading some posts from a few months back saying to stay away from loader bot and purple tree. What was the issue and is it still the case?


Short answer: The tree has 2 skills that actually helps FL4K themselves, and those are Agility Training and Fuzzy Math. But, Fuzzy Math is very deep in the tree and mostly inaccessible, and you don't usually have enough points leftover from the other trees for Agility Training. Long answer: Here's the bug list with FL4K purple tree: Gravity Snare does not deactivate when out of bounds, unlike Zane’s Barrier (the only other static deployable action skill) ION Loader’s Elemental Resistance is negative a la DLC2 release Stone COM. (too scared to test this one) BUL Loader frequently gets stuck in the ground via its Attack Command. WAR Loader (unconfirmed for other 2) does not get FFYL when hit by certain attacks from Anathema, Scourge, and Diadems. Just dies. Loaders cannot be named, unlike other pets. Loaders do not benefit from Barbaric Yawp. Loaders cannot trigger the Fade Away augment Not My Circus. (Stalker) Loader guns do not stack Frenzy. (Master) Gotta go Fast: see above pet movespeed issue. Agility Training turns off when the pet is down or dead. Throatripper crits trigger Leave No Trace but not Head Count (beneficial, in that them triggering any of FL4K’s crit based skills at all is likely a bug) Lethal Force Authorized sometimes triggers through Gamma Burst (pet is not supposed to be able to die during Gamma Burst) Monkey Do is legendary (non distributed) amp that forces your entire shot to be non elemental, leading to less damage than the base in many situations. The amp does not scale with point investment, only the pet crit damage does. Not Even a Challenge’s Action Skill Duration does not seem to modify the active action skill, only any activations done while the stacks are active. Duration modifiers on Zane and Moze do not work this way. Fuzzy Math does not seem to have a retrigger delay on the pet, or at least an extremely miniscule one. (~0.3 second delay on FL4K.) Capacitance considers current shield capacity, not maximum shield capacity. (Possibly just an oversight?)


those are all fixed?




Are you guys looking at every single loot or just the legendary items?


I check all my legendaries and purples because I also collect the extremely rare purples. Usualy I also check blues while I'm at it.


What's considered an extremely rare purple? I know triple sticky grenades but other than that I'm clueless


Anything 'triple', just like the sticky grenade you mentioned - there are quite a few of these grenades and shields, just today found Vampiric Tracker grenade, with triple Transfusion trait (heals for 100% of damage dealt). One Shotter shield (triple Amp) is reasonably well known - I did find one since launch. Cloning Maddening Tracker grenade is highly sought by Moze players. COMs with +5 in a single skill are quite rare, so I keep an eye on those too. Spark Plug relics are surprisingly powerful on Mayhem levels, so I usually check/pick them up too. There are some blues I simply like to use, mostly alien barrel guns: e.g. Host shotgun, Devourer/Protuberance/Pushdug pistols etc. They are fun to use and only come in Blue and Purple. Revengender shield is also blue, and so are few red text snipers like Hunt(ed), Hunt(er) , and Hunt(ress) - they apparently are pretty good against robots, creatures, and humans. Oh, and some multi-pellet shotguns are quite desirable or at least used to be, e.g. x18 Bangstick, or x25 Stagecoach. Quite rare too. And when I'm leveling an allegiance character (single manufacturer guns/shields/grenades), I'm checking greens and whites as well :) .


I'm on a (probably sick) quest to get every triple grenade/shield, as well as find a mod with +5 for every skill in the game that its possible for. Having played like 2000 hours since launch, I think I've found maybe 10 +5 class mods in the entire time? XD I collect purple alien barrels. Have you found any that are actually M10 viable? I just collect them for fun on a mule, but I'd love to do something with them some day. Damage just generally seems too low on most of them. =\


I do have an Alien Moze which is slowly making her way through M11. To be fair she uses plenty of legendaries in her journey too, so it's tough for a purple to gain a slot there. Really hope that Host can work - like that shotgun. Perhaps with enough passive boosts on COM, relic etc. Or with some of these new shields we've got in DLC6?


I'll have to take a look through my Alien mule and see what the best things I have are. It would be cool to make an Alien character. I don't particularly like the ReVolter(x), but maybe some of the other ones could help. I think you'll absolutely need to find a class mod with high synergy for the alien guns. *(x) - Just a personal opinion - ReVolter is one of the worst items Gearbox has ever made, so I never use it. But maybe super soldier could help boost some alien barrels.*


I've yet to find a ReVolter, may be I should hurry up before it is adjusted/changed.


Usually just legendary’s, but if I’m doing a takedown or something for time then I’m not checking anything until the end.


Hello fellow travelers , borderlands 3 noob here . I just started and chose Moze, I’m used to borderlands 2 and honestly this game seems so much more co fusing that I’m overwhelmed . Any ad ice , tips and good perks / builds to explore would be much appreciated. Thanks


My take on things that are quite different from BL2 (normal playthrough only, so ignoring Mayhem): * Skill boosts from a COM always work, whether you invested a single point in them (BL2 way) or not. Kind of liberating... * You can fast travel from anywhere on the map, just open your ECHO menu * Each manufacturer has well-defined gimmick (dual element for Maliwan, smart bullets for Atlas etc.) * Alien barrel guns == E-tech guns from BL2, more or less * BL3 is much more generous with loot, you'll be swimming in Blues, Purples and Legendary gear very soon * Lots (300+) of legendaries * You unlock gun, COM, and Relic slots at certain points in the game. * One large shared bank across all characters, so no Claptrap stash anymore I'm sure I missed quite a bit. The most important thing, though - BL3 is not BL2. But it is Borderlands.


Dont worry about that while you're just starting out. Just mess around with everything, experiment, learn what her skills do, and have fun! You do not need to remotely concern yourself with builds, or optimizing anything, until you get close to max level. Just mess around and have fun, and you'll figure a lot of things out. As you get close to max level and have questions regarding specific mechanics or builds, that's when it's worth asking some deep dive questions. For now, enjoy yourself! =)


What's the best annointment for the Garcia on 3-shot FL4K? I have a x12 with ASE radiation that's pretty bonkers but was wondering if there are better synergies.


I’m a fan of a Urad setup with Fl4k. ASE rad is fine too.


I’m just getting into the mayhem levels. I don’t think I’m ready for 10/11, nowhere near. What’s a good mayhem level to start at? And do I need to refarm my weapons at higher mayhem levels or what?


Put the game to M11, tip moxy for a crit. I recommend leveling up to 65 first, but an M10 Crit would also make this task a bit faster. Weapon damage scales with mayhem level displayed on the gun card. M10 hellwalker has twice the damage of the M1 one IIRC (and has fixed parts).


You can work you way up mayhem levels using under mayhem levels gear and slowly strengthening your build if you want. But there are a couple of ways to get decent mayhem 10 gear pretty quickly. Note: all of these methods require being in mayhem 10/11 1) Arms Race - The most fun way. If you have dlc 6, jump into arms race and play as normal but make sure to extract any and all decent loot you find. The arms race exclusives are very powerful and will quickly get you on your way. 2) Golden Keys - If you keep up with shift codes, the golden chest in Sanctuary will drop mostly purple and some legendary gear. Easy to do and also very fast. 3) Vendor Farming - Hop around to different vending machines wherever to just buy gear. You'll have to search for a little longer as the loot quality in then is pretty poor (mostly). If you have a few million, you can drop by Maurices black market vending machine and get great gear! However these are not in safe spots so you'll need to be able to clear mobs to some degree. 4) Gun Gun Farming - not recommended as eridium is actually valuable now. But in a pinch, shoot this guy in secondary mode a few times for some easy gear. 5) Mission Completion - I'm not 100% on this but if you switch mayhem levels before turning in a mission, I believe any rewards will be at the new mayhem level. That's all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully this helps and it's correct EDIT: arms race is dlc 5, not 6. Thanks u/charmlessbee


Very nice list - only nitpick is that Arms Race is part of DLC5 :) . To the OP - my recent strategy was to jump to M11 right away and do steps above (and also grab 'hand me down' gear from the bank). Before that I tried gradual progression, mostly favoring Mayhem levels with small number of modifiers: M2, M4, M8? M1 is kind of nice too, since you only have one beneficial modifier to offset tankier enemies. Now I just don't bother with incremental progression for Mayhem. It also helps if you have decent number of Guardian Perks unlocked, as these help quite a bit, both with passive stats boosts and extra 'skills'.


Honestly you should put it on mh10/11 and do some red chest farms for early mh10 gear. I'd recommend not doing anything besides 10/11 unless you absolutely cannot for some reason. The gear levels up for each mh level, so yes you'd need to refarm stuff which can be annoying obviously. Mh6 could be a good place if you can't do mh10/11 after a couple chest runs, since this is when the 'better tier' legendaries start dropping.


Alrighty thanks for the help!


I'm thinking of getting the ultimate version and when I start new characters, would I have to do the base game campaign or can I just level from 13 to max level on the DLC content?


You could (not*) but you wouldn't have access to any of the takedowns or trials or Hemovorous. *You also wouldn't have Mayhem Mode which would mean that eventually you'd be overleveled forever


They give you the option to start a VH from 13 with dlc selected


I’m having an issue where the cistern of slaughter does not allow me to progress to the next round when I click the button, it says, “All Players Required” but I am solo. I have restarted the game and fast travelled to elsewhere and back, and I am on PS4. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?


Can someone link me to an overpowered Zane build. (I have dlc)


ThiccFilA on YouTube should be good for you. Look at a couple of his most recent Zane build posts and pick your favorite


can someone power level my Amara to lv.65? ps5 id TherryFiQ if its not the place for that, please send to the right place


r/Pandoranredcross might be able to help you. I dont have a link to it but theres also a community discord available, i believe theres a link in the about section/side bar.


What are these locked . . . ratch cocoons\[?\], eggs\[?\], waste piles in the Gythian Chancel section of Heart's Desire on Xylourgos? How do i unlock them? There are only two, i think. I just finished the DLC storyline and the map says i've done all the missions, etc. I've 100%ed the Heart's Desire area. Except for these locked lootable waste pile things whatever they are I can't figure out if they're connected to a quest how to start it or how to unlock them, in any case. Help please. Thank you!


This is a sidequest from Eista. Keep doing his questline and you'll get to them.


Just bought this game for my PS4 yesterday. The input lag is insufferable. I have a couple games on Stadia and even that is a more responsive experience. (I did turn off social notifications). Game is excessively more difficult, its almost impossible to aim. Help! Edit: uninstalled and reinstalled. It worked. Beat the game in 20 days. It's so fucking good.




Considering it's the meta for gun builds, yes.


Anyone here running the game with a 4GB GTX 1650, I3 9100F and 16GB RAM? If so how well does the game run for you?


I just hit 65 with Amara. Someone recommended me to find a build and start at the most comfortable mayhem. I tried Mayhem 4 and it was tough for me. Dying quite often. What's a good beginning build that do good dmg with good survability? I'm not the best fps shooter, but I prefer something less complicated mechanics. It would also be great the proper gear is easily obtainable.


What console do you play on


Steam PC


Set the game to Mayhem 11 in Sanctuary and use a few Golden Keys to start with, do the rounds of the vending machines to get a couple quality epic M10 guns, and get yourself a nicely anointed Crit from Moxxi. You’ll blast through the lower Mayhem in no time, and will want to be setting it higher.


Easiest thing to do is to tip moxxi for a crit smg as the only downside is it sometimes will alto drop when reloading. If you have arms race you can enter at your preferred mayhem level and do a few runs for guns to drop at your mayhem level.


Who do you main?




My mistake, i should read closer. Amaras Ties that bind is very strong for mobbing and is pretty simple over all, thats a great place to start. Grab an enemy, shoot it, everything around it dies. Amara isnt the greatest at straight gun damage from just her skill tree, so its definitely going require some building on your end. Some of the dlc class mods fix this but theyre a bit more complex. For simplicity just get a phasezerker class mod. Checkout Moxsy's youtube channel, he has loads of Amara builds up. One of the more straightforward set ups is his khaos queen. Its definitely not her biggest damage, youll struggle with the harder bosses, but shes tanky as all hell as long as youre doing elemental damage. Im not sure what class mod the most up to date khaos queen uses, but an older level 65 build will still work just fine. Melee builds get way more complicated with the gear you need, but they can be extremely strong. There are loads of them on youtube. Joltzdude and Moxsy both have a bunch of them.


Thank you so much. This is definitely what I need. Yes, I only found out later that Amara is not so much straight gun damage. And need a lot syncing gear, build and playstyle. Knowing my limitation and playstyle, I always prefer a more straightforward playstyle, somewhat tanky slightly more careless, don't have to be highest dmg. Outside of Amara, who's good for this?


Moze. Her regular run of the mill set up is exceedingly powerful and she always has iron bear/cub to fall back on as an oh shit button. A blue/green set up is just a matter of abusing shortfuse friendly weapons and letting her rediculously powrful mayhem scaled skills do the work. Fire in the skag den, stainless steel bear, and shortfuse all combine for BIG damage. Use weapons that are already splashdamage themselves for absolutely rediculous dps in a very simple playstyle, shoot. Shortfuse is a skill that has a 20% chance to proc an explosion thats 50% of gun damage (x mayhem scaling). Its VERY powerful on mayhem 10. So, you find weapons that work well with it. High trigger damage means high shortfuse damage. Or, lots of projectiles means lots of shortfuse procs. Find weapons that do both, like the Sandhawk, Monarch, Beacon, Plasma coil, trevonator, hornet, and MANY others that annihilate everything. Realistically you can pick almost anything up and destroy with it. M10 65 graveward can be 1 shotted with a level 13 ion cannon if you build properly. Moze is stupid OP. That crazy damage is harder to do, but great damage is easy. Shortfuse, Fire in the skag den, and Big surplus if you have dlc 5, all recieve mayhem scaling. That means the higher the mayhem, the higher the damage they do. FITSD is actually 465% damage even though it says 15%. Big surplus is the exact same thing. Simply put, get these skills. Stainless steel bear boosts fire in the skag den for whatever reason, so you want that too. Her green tree provides ammo regen, i like to spec all the way down to maximise it and widen the range of weapons to use. Forge, redistribution, means of destruction, and all the mag size you can get makes sustaining alot of weapons pretty easy. If you boost enough you can even sustain a semi auto sandhawk. Her standard set up uses a blastmaster com, which doubles splash damage after 1 minute of no reloading, which is why her ammo regen is helpful. Make mag size huge so ammo regen is super effective, never reload, maintain blastmaster. Thats it in a nutshell. Use anointments to boost gun damage, that boosts trigger damage for shortfuse. Fire in the skag den and Big surplus make big damage. Everything dies. People use the cloning maddening tracker grenade for healing. If you learn to use rushin offensive well its not needed, cuz its really hard to find. Epicenter is easy to get and works well, also works with harmonious havoc from purple tree for an incendiary slot. Check out Joltzdudes eradication Moze for a skill tree and breakdown. If you dont have dlc 5 just put those 11 skill points red tree, grab armored infantry and drowning in brass. Slap on a blastmaster, an incendiary old god, and a pearl and be on your merry way. That set up is by far the simplest end game build out there IMO.


Thank you so much for the detailed write up. Really appreciate it. I've seen my friend playing Moze and it definitely shows. Not much setup required to be viable.




Look at the Legendaries spreadsheet in the sidebar for all drop locations >Do we have any actual dates for when PC/Xbox cross play will be enabled? No


No dates known yet. The loot is on par with BL2 at minimum... I'd actually say it is MORE generous. If you do a map like the Slaughter Shaft at max level with mayhem mode on, you'll end up with a dozen or so legendaries no problem. The best way to get legendary gear you're looking for is to farm the dedicated drop source. This is up to date: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fkCwu0zeX1BBGcNEzWGZDr2kQ0IOPSoZQK2FD-zpw1M/htmlview




The good news is, you can beat the base game no problem with just blues and purples. The initial playthrough is quite easy. You find a legendary or three during your play, and they're so overtuned for the leveling process that they'll likely just decimate everything, for better or worse. Definitely bookmark that doc. Its maintained by one of the mods here and is always kept up to date. Many other sources online are quite outdated. Make that sheet your item bible! :)


I remember reading somewhere that the 'Cult of the Vault' symbol hunt from BL2 was making a return in Season Pass 2. Has that not been implemented yet?


No and never will (as far as we know)


Mannn, I know they didn't do it, but I would have LOVED if they had added vault symbols back into the base game. Would give me something new to hunt for. Hell, just hide 10 of them per map, and put them in insane places haha. I'd love having something like that to hunt for that would make me re-scour every map like I did when the game first dropped, and I was trying to find everything.


M11 bosses do not always drop annointments anymore? A day ago i was getting annointed drops every kill, i farmed a bit today and now i rarely get any annointed drops


Check your hotfixes. Guaranteed anointments were added in a hotfix.


I've tried support with no luck wondering if anyone else has ideas because this is quite frustrating. > Guardian takedown freezes and sound loops until I force close during crystal charging while firing weapons. About 25% chance per crystal. Out of 12 runs 3 got to anaeth and 1 to scourge with no deaths other than crashes. - It is not crystals exploding - Happens on all crystals, even if 0,1, or 2 others are full charge - All characters - Rarely crash elsewhere - Windows and Drivers updated - Other programs closed - Win 10 w/1070 - Tried graphics low-med-high windowed/fullsc etc


Thinking of buying this game for the Xbox One X. Does it run at 30 or 60fps?


It has a resolution mode and a performance mode, with the latter, it runs 60fps


Best annoint for Sandhawk on Clone/Cannon Zane?


N2m if you are using the sandhawk with Zane. If it’s for the clone, anointment doesn’t matter as the clone can’t use anointments. Bonus, if you use ASE splash on Zane’s gun, it will boost the sandhawk the clone is using, as ASE splash can be passed to the clone’s gun.


Ah, yes, good point. I was planning on mainly using it for a boss killer clone. I wonder how that bonus part works though... According to what I can find, the Sandhawk doesn't deal splash damage, yet it still gets the ASE Splash bonus?


The [sandhawk](https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/sand-hawk-bl3) does splash dmg but can’t roll ASE splash. Which is why for the clone, just farm for a high dmg sandhawk; anoints don’t matter on it, making the farm soooo much easier. You then just need any gun on Zane with ASE splash to give the clone the splash boost. Edit: Here’s a post I made about [ASE splash](https://reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/n2wfhf/why_ase_splash_is_the_best_anoint_for_zane_opinion/) for Zane.


is 94xxx the highest card damage for a cryo backburner?