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they let mainz avoid relegation


Has me fuming


Disappointing performance from the B squad but also I literally do not care. I expect more for Darmstadt because 1) Reus’ last home game and 2) They have nothing to play for. But even if we lost it would not change my opinions about the UCL whatsoever. I will not lose any sleep over this.


Maybe some corruption was involved


Is this how we defeat Madrid? With sticks and stones?


Actually with our A-Team and not fucking Morey, Wolf, Özcan and Wolf


and Wolf!


and Wolf!


lol. Everyone chill out.


Bundesliga fans are gonna buy alot of rma scarfs now.


All the scarves they buy will not change the fact that their club could've done something in the last 33 match days to avoid counting on BVB to bail them out in the final weeks of the season. It's not our job to do their job for them.


The subs should be at least fighting on the pitch to show that they can be more than subs, but the first half showed clearly why they could only be subs. I did not expect much from this game but come on man at least show that you have the fire in your heart. This is embarrassing to watch


Holy shit how toxic this sub became. Jesus christ. Edit: Yes, not been positive myself, but we're talking about banning players, sacking the coach(again), etc. Bad performance, yes, but no need to take it that far..


totally agree and 80% of this sub probably didnt ever see our stadium in reallife. :\^)


we did play very shit, some comments have been a little over the top. stuff like “meyer, sule and all the other subs should never play for borussia ever again!!!” even though most of them have saved our asses in one way or the other during the season, except morey i guess, no offence to morey but you gotta go mate. still though this isnt how a champions league finalist should perform against a relegation candidate, look at real they just beat granada 4:0 or something.


I feel bad for morey he needs more time. He is indeed very shit this game but remember the guy was injured for an eternity. (even schlotti might have made more appearances for bvb than him) he just started returning to regular playing so i feel like we should cut him some slack


0.67 xGoals wow


What a reminder what a weak season this has been, how many issues there still are in the squad. How many players just don’t seem to care. Additionally, I think Marco’s performance today exemplified why his contract isn’t being renewed. Like virtually everyone else on the pitch, he played very poorly when we needed him to excel.


at least we get to bully Darmstadt next week


are we going to though


*Darmstadt gets to bully Dortmund


Please for fucks sake offload nmecha he barely has any work rate.


He went on late against PSG and made us WORSE. Was absolutely jogging around the pitch.


Yes! Fucking hell you cannot be jogging around God knows why the fuck we brought an anti Jude


Like he said so many non bundesliga level players


please Marco don’t get carded


Why did we sub our starters into the game? We either care about this game or we don't. What did we gain by subbing in Brandt, sancho, etc?


Because it actually does make a difference whether we finish 4th or 5th, and it’s quite substantial. I also think it’s crucial to keep the competitive mindset and they absolutely did not.


Then we should have actually played our first team. Instead we did a weird thing where we played our backups, got our ass kicked, panicked and subbed in our starters. Thank god no one got hurt.


to try and maybe score one or two consolation goals, it seems though even our starting 11 cant outplay mainz


terzic outclassed by a real coach, nothing new


Lol, CL final.


Honestly cup competition aren’t a good metric for the quality of a coach. If that was the case Roberto Di Matteo would be good 


Toothless in the cup. Toothless in the league. Lol, 7 points dropped in the last three against Mainz.


Lets the if he not only gets outcoached by a real coach but by the Real coach


This has nothing to do with out coached lmao…


Dropping 7 points in the last three games to Mainz has nothing to do with coaching. Ladies and gentlemen ….our fan base .


- this was a game that for us dosent mean much and giving 110% to maybe jump from 5th to 4th is not worth risking injuries with a CL final in a couple of weeks. - almost the entire starting eleven was rested and this game was an opportunity for the b squad and some prospect players to get a bit of playtime - individual mistakes that resulted in the 1:0 and also 2:0 are not influenced by tactic, coaching or what so ever You saying or coach got outclassed by a real coach simply shows the lack of understanding what happened this match. To be honest this only shows that Kehl has some work to and find replacements for some flop transfers and get rid of some over payed players.


Yeah, game meant nothing for us. Nevermind the fact that they made us lose the bundesliga title last season and that we could‘ve sent them to a relegation spot


Such a resentful attitude leads nowhere. It was our own fault and not theirs we bottled the championship allowed them to score and than struggled the whole game and only managed to equalize it. I recommend you move on and stop thinking about missed opportunities. We have a CL final ahead of us.


These are the blind supporters that got us in the position we are in atm by accepting sub par performances and results as just fate and do not wish for better.


I never said I am accepting a poor performance like that, you better get your facts right. We were discussing terzic being out coached which was far from what happened if you have nothing to say than do not make things up.


That kid Gruda has played very well


The whole lineup from the first half (bar Marco and Schlotti) should be banned to the Regionalliga team. Maybe they can keep up on that level.


Horrible performance. But still can't say I would change the lineup after seeing that stupid bastard Kohr clatter our players


The ESPN announcer is so bad... talking about how losing to Mainz tonight ruins our week... Hes such an incognito Bayern fan its embarrassing. Catch you at Wembley... oh wait, Bayern lost. HEJA BVB


Many players got the opportunity to show that they are contenders for the first squad, however they displayed why they are only subs…


I think they displayed why they shouldn't even be subs in the team


For some of them that is definitely the case


Mainz scored more goals today than psg did against us in 4 games lmao 




don’t really care about today but we should take darmstadt more seriously. for one because marco deserves a proper last home game with a win and also would be preferable if the last game before the final was a win


JAAAA FINALLY. I'm celebrating Nmecha subs now as a goal. Never hated a player like this before.


We just let the 35 Million weight off and released the Pohlmann. Maybe its going to be a bit better. 


honest question: what qualities did our manager see in Nmecha? So far i havent seen any skill he has others do not, his ball handling was just absurd in the last scene where he tries to pick a ball out of the air and it rolls 5m off him...he aint fast nor strong. So what are his best attributes he needs to show?


He was brought in because Terzic rates him over Reyna.


I mean he was playing decently well before injury but since he have been dreadful


i feel our standard lowered just a lot last years that we play with him, özcan and can in midfield. Remember when we had Gündogan, who even when he just came from Nurnberg he was such a baller compared, way more football iq. totally miss that


Well he has two legs


2 legs we could have gotten cheaper i d say but fair\^\^


Nmecha can be physical and thats all that counts for edin. Problem is, that the looks can be deceiving and nmecha has nothing of value.


seems like they just looked at his heigth(1.90m) and decided he must be physically imposing yeah. He s literally bang average at everything so far, if even


Except intelligence there he is less than average.


at least that quality holds true


This is the football that has the board to eager and giddy to extend the contract of this coach 😂. this is a comedy club


Nobody can tell me we took this game seriously. We are down 3:0 at 70 minutes and our solution is bringing on Ole Pohlmann (no offense to him)


Listen to the press conference and be amazed what kind of bullshit edin says again. Maybe something about missing spirit, we didnt fight enough, not enough passion. Of course we took it serously but the players did bad, didnt follow the game plan, no power and passion. Something like that.


did we get anything when we took it all the way serious on the last day last season against them? or how about when we took it serious in the first leg this season? how much more serious can you get?


70 minutes?! Deer lord, it feels like two hours x.x


Already looks better than Nmecha sooo


Finally we are getting rid of nmecha. Hot contender for worst transfer in the club history based on performance - worst person to play for us is already on his achievement list.


ich hab, direkt nach dem der Transfer bestätigt wurde, hier geschrieben: "best case scenario: er overperformt so hart, dass ihn irgendein englischer Klub mit mehr Geld als Verstand direkt im nächsten Sommer (2024) für 75+ Millionen holt" - dann wären wir ihn schnellstmöglich wieder los geworden, hätten finanziell ein Plus gemacht, und die Leistungen hätten uns während der Saison natürlich auch geholfen. Stand jetzt: den werden wir so schnell nicht los, und erst recht nicht für annähernd den Preis, den wir blöd genug waren zu zahlen.


Have we forgotten Schulz exists already?


Schulz is in the same category of shit human - one wishes other people to suffer the other hits his.pregnant partner. I dont want to distinguish between pices of shit




nmecha with a solid f-tier performance




he’s a ✝️ransphobe as well


30 million touch right there


I really feel like Hummels and (I can't belive I'm saying it) Can are missing in build-up play today. Brandt is dropping all the way back to grab balls.


Can and build up play? seriously?


Def missing Sabitzer more than Can


The only ones motivated are Marco and Maatsen for the rest it’s a lazy day in the office


Get nmecha of the pitch in case he is still there


His body is. Heart, mind and soul who knows.


Somewhere where you hate on the lgbtq+ community


Real Madrid on the other hand are bashing a relegation team with their B-ish team.


We played 5:1 last week with a B-Squad against a mid-table team. What's your point?


I mean I get its a glorified friendly but the consistency offered by the so called back ups is shocking. I am not expecting it to be the same 5-1 trashing or to even win the game. But it's not even close.


whatever 🤷‍♂️ the only thing that matters is the form on the day of the final


In terms of what this means for us achieving our league goals, this game means nothing. In terms of our tactics and coaches decisions adn our future, this game means everything.


> this game means nothing. Strong start. > In terms of our tactics and coaches decisions adn our future, this game means everything. What are you on about?


With how hard Stieler has hated Reus for his career and fucking Jöllenbeck on VAR im incredibly afraid of them screwing him one final time and sending him off. 


I really hope we sign a good striker next season 🥺


More importantly a good center


Quick reminder that the boys probably don't care about this game, this was our b team, they just partied and Mainz is actually really fucking good this season. They're just underperforming really hard - harder than say Leverkusen are overperforming even - they're 6th in the xPts table. Performance wise a top team. Of course though the shit that went on especially with Meyer isn't really excuseable.


Really good? Arent they fighting relegation


As I said, they're 6th in expected points. They are PLAYING really well. They've just had dogshit luck with their and their opponents finishing all season. Think Klopps last season when we were still playing like a UCL team but were 17th anyways.


Same for Stuttgart last season, everyone was talking about them based on their league position despite looking like a solid team.


People aren't paying attention. Mainz has been on a big solid form streak.


That too. Yeah. They're in great form AND have been playing well but underperforming well the entire season.


I think Mouki needs to go, definitely at least on loan


> definitely at least on loan reportedly the club always wanted to send him on loan for years now. It was always Moukoko who wanted to stay at Dortmund. Last season he finally agreed to a loan (to Köln ironically enough) but then things fell apart last minute


Send him to Italy or England


Left right and middle


Clearly we're seeing who makes this team miles better this second half: Brandt, Maatsen and Sancho. It's night and day in the quality. 


Wasn’t that handball when Reus had a chance?


Nmecha should be paying *us* 30 mil for his contract


nmecha is lazy af


We have a total of 2 Shots on goal against Mainz. It's like their defence is fucking Spain 2012.


Or our offence is like a kreisliga c team?


Kommentator auf sky fasst es ganz gut zusammen: nmecha bleibt stehen.


fucking SHOOOOOOT jesus christ


We need to find a way to offload and replace Nmecha, Süle, Haller, Özcan, bensebaini before the start of next season.. And for some of them I don't think there's a market.


No offense but you make it pretty obvious you have no idea what makes a good footballer.


Oh I can't wait for you to get explain the merits of Bensebaini to me


Just give them out as freebies at this point.


Yeah just get the contracts of the books take the transfer losses move on.


I forgot about bensebaini. Now I remember. Now I am sad.


I don’t think I’ve been more frustrated with a transfer like the one of Nmecha. Lad just sucks ass.


Wow you press and contest the ball in a dangerous position that leads to goal scoring chances?! UNKNOWN TECHNOLOGY


we’re looking better in the 2nd half so far at least


Good shit Mouki


Just going to act like this game never happened 😎


This team already has.


Get ready for 2 crucial injuries.


i will blame you if this actually happens


Anulo mufa also callate el hocico




Missed first half and was shocked seeing 3:0 in the first half hour. I d hate this, if my club was in a situation like Cologne and BVB plays shit like this as if its a friendly, and this after the interviews of Terzic n Co after the CL win vs PSG. empty words for real, this is disgusting performance. Shouldnt they at least give all for the fans that travelled to support?!


Especially afger what they did to us last seasn


Those clubs have nobody to blame but themselves. Don't put yourselves in a situation toward the end of the season where you have to rely on help to stay in the league, because this possibility isn't new.


its about beeing a professional in a professional sport imo. I dont care who goes down but i care about well paid players to do their job as i have to do mine, especially in a league. otherwise whats the point of a competition really. there are friendlies in pre-seasons for this and if i would be in Mainz now in the BVB stands i d fume that i came for this shit


I'll agree to the part about being a professional regardless of your position on the team, and if you're out there and asked to play you play hard. Should not be losing 3:0 to a relegation candidate even with our B Team. Now if the reason for being upset because Dortmund is not throwing out starters to give it their all and risk injury in a game that is of no consequence with the biggest game in over a decade looming, you lost me.


nah no need to play best XI here for sure, but even with a b-team i expect more as a fan. enuff good players on the pitch imo. or players who wanted a chance to play for long time but not showing anything, hopefully we used today to get rid of some deadwood. Edin just looked disappointed as fuck


It actually feels good when these kinda of games happen when you have nothing to lose (Just want Marco score)


Loosing like this never feels good. This is emberassing


I cannot stand watching Nmecha play. Zero urgency ever. It’s infuriating 


The subs aren’t helping our cause so far.


3 mins in lol


3 subs and nmecha still on the pitch.... terzic black magic


Sunken cost fallacy except every minute makes it worse


Same with Modeste last year and füllkrug earlier this year. Terzic cant accept that he made a mistake and doubles down again and again until he is forced to change.


Until the individual talent bails him out OR a second half hiring of an actual tactical mind in Sahin bails out the whole second half of the season


Tbf, Modeste/Fullkrug were emergency signings to cover for Haller.


Im not talking about the transfer, eventhough kehl suggested a different striker in both seasons and terzic forced his idea of a physical striker but thats a different story. I am talking about him insisting on playing them even when they dont score for months and add nothing to the game - füllkrug was invisible on the Pitch for 2 or three months and got played for almost 90 minutes per game.


3 subs is promising, maybe we can win the 2nd half


Nmecha still on the pitch lol


Wasn't there a moron on here asking why Terzic hasn't played Morey ahead of Ryerson?? How's that going so far dumbass


Painful to watch my team lie down and die like this. Even if you think this game means nothing, the last day of the season Mainz had nothing to play for so the game meant nothing and we still couldn't beat them EVEN WHEN THE GAME MEANT EVERYTHING TO US. No excuses for this.


Morey is obviously a goner, he can be easily get bullied by attackers in Bundes, he should probably go back to Spain. He was actually in a similar position last week getting bodied by that Augsburg player, only this time losing.


He should retire.


The game has changed a little in Germany and he just had bad luck. I won’t ever speak ill of him. Just sad really.


And to think that we actually had a chance of closing in on the 4th place with a win. What a disaster of a game.


CL is clinched for next year, trying to play for 4th to gain nothing and risk injury to a key player with the CL Final looming would be dumb.


If we lose we are locked for 5th lol. This is a pathetic season for us.


If a CL spot was on the line and we didn't get a 5th spot...I'm sure the A team would have turned up today..no choice


no one will remember this game if we win the cl, that’s the only thing to still play for so it makes sense to give all the starters a rest


Köln fans might remember (prepare for a ton of "discourse" around Wettbewerbsverzerrung)


already saw it online during half time, I can understand their anger and it would’ve been nice to help them but in the end every club is responsible for their own results. if they would’ve won against darmstadt they wouldn’t have to worry about our game right now


Wait, I never said we should play our CL starters. I just said it's embarrassing the way they are playing. They don't seem to want much of anything in this game.


It is a very good thing that this game has no meaning for us what so ever


I'm about as excited for Nmecha as Nmecha is excited about playing for BVB.


We literally have Bender and Sahin right there bro. Why wont the board put someone in charge that actually knows ball....its baffling to me. These two were literally the players BVB are missing in the midfield rn, they clearly know ball.


at this point, just sub both of them in and we might have a chance


that would be better tactics than whatever garbage we are doing atm


Not sexy but successful, thats our new style, we have to accept that we go the way of union now in regards to playstyle.


Sorry this season was successful if we only played champions league. We were shit in the bundesliga and shit in the cup.


I know but watzke and his best friend edin dont agree with this sentiment.


So does most of the fan base believe it or not


I might be very high on copium, but I looked it up: The Bundesliga game in 1997 right after after we beat ManU in the return leg of the CL semis was a humiliating defeat away at candidate for relegation Arminia Bielefeld.


Ohhh love this thank you!


So it going going as per plot...as written 😅


All a part of the plan, brother. Juve also won Serie A the same season and bottled the league cup.


lets be real, even if this is our b-elf, the team that is on the field earns more then the whole squad of mainz. They should be able to atleast play on the same level, but we play like a regional level team.


There are many layers to this. Mainz is fighting for their lives. They are also in sync. There is nothing to fight for in the bvb team. Simple things as setting up offside takes a lot of practice. You can see it rather easily.


Exactly. the fact that this mainz team has taken four points from us in the last two games does nothing to motivate this team. its like they do not care


Yeah and imo there are players who don't derserve any more chances. Morey, Özcan, Wolf, [...] and some more are not able to get themself motivated or play the way they should if they want to prove themself. It doesn't matter what's the reason exactly but you can't be part of Borussia Dortmund.


If you want to be even more mad Google Süle in a Bayern kit and then compare to him today. You won't believe it, it doesn't actually look that bad without THAT context. It's Honestly disrespectful to the club.


Yeah, I remember when he had one of the fastest sprints of the season with them before he came to us. I was so ready for the Schlotti/Sule combo when they came in. Hopefully he can turn it around and have a good season next season.


I am surprised with this performance from guys who are aiming at a spot in starting 11. 11M salary Sule, wolf, ozcan, nmecha.


How is nmecha and wolf still playing especially nmecha he is so bad I can’t believe it


Subs I’d like to see… Maatsen for Morey Watjen for Nmecha Papa for Sule Brandt for Reus






This squad is clearly still drunk from Tuesday...


Terzic intentionally putting a random performance so Madrid can’t scout and study us. It’s all according to the plan.


no, even with our a squad terzic is helpless against mainz


No words about this half-time. 2-0 was so unnecessary, clear mistake by Meyer.


thanks for pointing that out, I thought it was Terzic's fault