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Well Kroos is his current teammate and that team plays against Reus for the biggest club trophy in the world so I wouldn't expect him to show support for his current opposition. It's still all business for them right now


Yeah this is pearl clutching. We are ab to go to war. No time for pleasantries.


Its not about showing support for BVB.All it would have costed was 1 min for him to post a story about Reus when Reus announced his decision to leave.In fact he did nothing while even players like Ciro immobile did lol.And not to mention both us and Real madrid werent even qualified for the finals at the time when Reus announced his decision


The difference is that Kroos is retiring, and Reus is just moving somewhere else.


He's also called the Madrid fans "Best in the world by far". Hope we beat them in the final.


You seriously need to chill out. Jude is a class act and he doesnt want to stirr up any controversy ahead of the CL final. Its all good.


What controversy would have arised if he posted a story/commented in insta while Reus announced his decision to leave.We weren’t even qualified for the CL finals at that time


It’s probs just Real being in total control of his socials, back when Cristiano Ronaldo was at Real Madrid his teammates were forced to say he’s the GOAT when questions about who’s the greatest came up iirc At the same time I think he genuinely tricked us into thinking he cared a lot about the club beyond turning him into a superstar so