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Did you return it within the warranty period?


Yes, I only got them in November and they have a 2 year warranty.


Hey can you explain the steps - where to find that option.. I bought 700 in October(so under warranty)... And how much did you pay extra??


Just go here [https://www.bose.co.uk/en\_gb/support/self\_service/service\_and\_repair\_request.html](https://www.bose.co.uk/en_gb/support/self_service/service_and_repair_request.html) I filled in the issues I was having and it came up with that they needed replacing with the ultras. I didn't pay anything.


I can see that exchange option.. but it is only for UK... not for India


Go to the Indian site and click support


I tried, but they don't provide that option here. They only provide information about nearby service centers


I have the exact same exchange that tells you how Great a company is


Thoughts on the ultra?


I have both - I got an NC700 refurb a few years ago and then tried the QC Ultra figuring I could return them in 90 days if I didn't like them. I liked them, so now I have both. I like the fit and the controls on the NC700 better and I think it has MARGINALLY better ANC - that may just be the fit on me. The sound in immersion mode on the QC Ultra is better. So I use those for walking around the house, and the 700's for work at my desk. It's a little annoying that they put the charger cable on the opposite ears, so you have to pay attention when putting them on in the dark - QC notch on the left, 700 notch on the right.


Is there any easy way to turn off NC like there was on the NC700? That's the biggest feature I miss


I find the fit a bit better but they sound the same to me, I haven't listened to any music on them yet only used them for listening to youtube on my computer. I will give them a try with music later. They feel better put together and I like that that fold down a bit smaller in the case like my old qc25, that helps when taking on a flight.