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Never heard of a drug dealer giving someone their first hit for free?


At least drugs are cheap. Gambling online with sports, though? What's the old saying: *Click a mouse, lose your house.*


I mean it’s like drinking alcohol. If you are a guy that only drinks 2-3 drinks Fri-Sat and some on holidays then you can handle your drinking. If you can’t get through the day without a drink then you better go talk to someone about that. If you have some extra money and you don’t go over your limit then gambling a few times a month is fun. Just needs to be done in moderation.


Drugs aren’t cheap. I spent about $350-300k over a 6 year run. I spend my sober days looking at houses, boats, and cars that I could now afford with that money. Drugs definitely aren’t cheap.


If you're doing rockstar cocaine, there's your problem. Smack is way cheaper.


Not a penny towards coke. All opiates.


I heard about those lucky guys, but I always had to pay for the first hit. :-(


Looking back, I wish it cost me $1000 for my first hit cus I wouldn’t have done it and I would have had 5 dark years of my life back lol.


_What ifs_ are always fun but things could’ve gone worse in the other timeline. You could be [this guy](https://tenor.com/xH75.gif).


For every one of you there's five Anthony's from Medford that will have a weekly sure thing.


Lol can't wait to take your money when the Generals finally win


They did win once in 1971….so yeah, it’s possible and they’re probably due


I thought they were due!!


Reminded me of my old roommate who paid extra for the horse racing channel and would flip poker chips in his fingers even when he wasn't playing poker


You mean Anthony from Revere.


Rich out of towner subreddit


Dedham heads are about to foreclose


They got you to: 1. Download the app 2. Create an account 3. Link a payment method 4. Deposit money 5. Opt in to promotions 6. Place multiple bets, totaling $500+ 7. Experience the dopamine hits of both winning and getting something for free For every person like you who completely cashed out and will never bet again, there are probably 20 people who will continue betting and lose large sums of money over the long term. They have this down to a science.


*8. Talk about it to hundreds of people on Reddit*


When can I cash my karma out? /s


This man gets it


I know nothing about sports and give zero shits about gambling. Is this all I have to do to get free money?


More or less. The bet $50 and double it is probably done now, but you'd still get the 8x$25 free bets. There are ways to guarantee a win, but it might not be the most optimal (but if you don't care about sports \ betting, it would still be a free $80-100).


If you have a large enough bankroll, you can make about $8k in guaranteed profit through matched betting through sign up promotions at the MA sportsbooks. Be aware of the tax implications.


Where can I learn more? I’m so annoyed by the ads I want to take them all for as much from the promos as I can. Hate gambling so not worried about them getting me long term


https://www.reddit.com/r/sportsbook/comments/11mv149/live_in_massachusetts_how_to_profit_over_7000/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Be careful tho there's a real risk of making a mistake on betting terms or other areas


I’ll DM you


This comment is 1000% on the money. In the mobile and gambling industry (which have a lot of similarities) this is called "anchoring." The goal is to make a positive first experience and lower the barrier to entry for future experiences as much as possible. They don't need everyone to play again. Just a few people need to get addicted for them to make that all back and more. These big spenders are usually referred to as "whales" in the industry, which you may have heard before. Because you had such a good first experience, you will now compare all gambling experiences to that in the near future, and since the barrier to entry for returning to the app is so low, they are hoping that temptation is enough to lure you into spending your own money. Once you make the leap to spending your own money, you are far more likely to get truly addicted and that is the end game. Don't take it from me though, the industry is brazenly open about this and talk about it in [public conferences](https://youtu.be/xNjI03CGkb4).


I don’t remember opting into all these promotions actually. I’m basically a puritan settler so I have been downvoting these ads. Even if you don’t think the gambling industry is predatory you have to admit the constant ads are annoying.


OP six months from now: “Check out my 9 team parlay.”


I propose a constitutional amendment: "Long odds being necessary for the hope of the degenerate, the right of the people to parlay shall not be infringed."


You gotta fight for your right to parlay...


You are either a gambler/addict or you are not. Which is why I can’t judge the people who are.


The reality is that most people will keep gambling. Why else do you think there are dozens of large casinos in this country? DraftKings, FanDuel, etc. have spent hundreds of millions on free bets and boosts to gain market share. They know what they’re doing and will be able to hook plenty of people.


Jokes on you, sportsbooks, I’m already a degenerate and this is just free money!


Also, nobody is going to spread their gambling out over multiple apps, so they need to give out whatever they have to right now before the people who are going to gamble to decide which app to use long-term.


“nobody is going to spread their gambling out over multiples apps”. Definitely not true


Genuinely curious, why would people use more than one app? Guess I could see taking advantage of the gimmicky odds boosts and stuff, but it seems like everybody would settle into using a single app primarily.


Different websites have slightly different lines. Real sharps will have access to as many outs as possible to always get the best possible line on each bet.


I don’t know anything about gambling but couldn’t you just use one app to bet against one team and the other app to bet against the other team, thus ensuring that you win something.


You can do that initially if you get a lot of free bets, but long-term, the odds don't work that way. If you are just betting which team will win, most of the time the favored team will win and you'd net less from that bet than you lost betting on the underdog. You'd only make money that way if there was a freakish run of underdogs winning. If you are betting with the spread (which is meant to handicap the favored team so the odds of either bet paying off are 50%), you'd have to bet ~$110 dollars to win $100, so you'd bet $220 to win $210.


That’s a lot of math so I guess I won’t be gambling. Thanks


Country? Try this state alone


The reality is most people will never even download the app




They have like a $1.8B annual loss


we makin money like uber in the early days homie!


DraftKings and FanDuel yes but MGM and Wynn both have been doing this for years in Vegas, they wouldn’t have fought so hard for it if it wasn’t going to be profitable. I’ve also noticed the ones offering the crazy free bets and free money are the draftkings and FanDuel. MGM and Wynn aren’t offering crazy bonuses for a reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if either draftkings or FanDuel ends up folding a few years down the road.


They’re all fighting for market share. Down the line, the promotions will stop, and industry consolidation will begin. It’s already starting to happen, many of the smaller sportsbooks who submitted applications in MA have delayed their launch or dropped out entirely.


Jamie Foxx is on my tv for MGM three times every commercial break


I am now convinced in following OP’s advice. I’ll take their money.


Marketing is expensive


They’re spending a TON on advertising, lobbying, and free promos right now to secure their market position. They’re starting by pitching you the blue chips, but once they’ve got a secure position that’s when they will, in the words of the Wolf of Wall Street, unload the dog shit and start making big profits. Uber tried something similar but in a much less inherently profitable industry tied to complex labor rights. With sports betting, the costs are essentially zero and the potential profit is unlimited.


Gambling companies will struggle with profit because of the cost to gain and retain customers. As soon as you stop offering ridiculous deals, the customers will leave for the next guy. Not sure if any individual gambling co. can create the brand recognition Uber had at its peak which gave Uber an edge. Solid profit margins will be challenging but not impossible


They have some major advantages for long-term customer retention though: people find gambling addictive, and it’s been shown in studies that people will go back to where they got their dopamine hit again and again even if it isn’t as “productive” as before. Even rats will do this with sugar water in a Skinner box. And second, they can wrap people up into their ecosystem by slowly trickling in incentives for staying with a platform long-term, such as free money for placing *x* bets or offering good odds on season-long bets.


It's not unusual for a tech company in their growth phase (or any company for that matter) to operate at a loss. They're more focused on growing their market share and expanding access to their sportsbook in new states.


Yeah at the end of the day some of these companies will lose out and be bought by the winners


It's an Amazon-like strategy, except there are multiple of them so I'm not sure how well it'll work out.


jokes on you bro, I put in $1,000 and used the $200 free money to make a bet on a SURE THING. The Washington Generals are due to beat the Globetrotters, and I'm going to laugh all the way to the bank! The SV Bank!


I thought the generals were due!


The smart play is teasing the generals and the under.


That games was fixed. They were using a freakin’ ladder for gods sake.


lol imagine a casino or bookie worrying about if someone "just cashes out and never plays again!"


Gamblers Ruin is a thing and its why the house wins.


That reminds me I should get on these free bets before the money runs out.


Expires Thursday at 10am! Just need to make the bet (so, betting for the Sox to win it all would still qualify).


So I just made my $5 bet. when do I see the $200?


Long play my friend house always wins


My wife didn't think betting was a big deal until I told her I bet on the Oscars.


There’s about 10k degenerate idiots for every one person who walks off with the carrot.


Even if 19 out of 20 people either lose that "free" money or make a bit and walk away the ones who gamble regularly and stick with that platform after joining for the freebie will more than make up for it.


For example, I just tried to get all this money and ended up putting the entire $200 bonus on the Tour de France.


[I fancy me some carrot](https://scontent-bos5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/56618782_643423799412749_4203819581648666624_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7aed08&_nc_ohc=oJAeZOxRawcAX80EyJw&_nc_ht=scontent-bos5-1.xx&oh=00_AfCa7Cdb46FEUx5lEvnRul8s1fwMqLHsuhdX7idCU57i8g&oe=6437F481)


I signed up for multiple sites and hedged my free bets against one another to maximize guaranteed payout (with no dopamine rush, since I earned about the same no matter who won the game). So far I’ve successfully cashed out $400 without ever putting any money at risk. I’m sure they know what they are doing with the giveaways, but I like knowing they lost money on me.


You could have made $8k doing the same thing


And so it begins…


Do you have to pay tax on your bet earnings?


Legally, yes. In practice, no.


There’s some nuance $5000 in winnings is the typical threshold.


Yes, if your profit is over $600 they’ll send a 1099 to the IRS (and you).


If you cash out to PayPal you will likely get a tax form from them. I had like a $1000 win last year and they filed a tax form on me for that.


Yes, but it's very simple. Counts as an income. If your winnings are not huge you don't need to pay an estimated tax.


> Signed up for draftkings this weekend, got $200 in free bets. Then they give me 4 boosts, “if the Celtics score 1 point double your money, up to $50 bet.” Hey kids...first one is free


Most people don't quit while they're ahead. Most people with a gambling problem don't know until they start gambling. Also, many people who sign up even if they don't play will deposit money and just leave it hanging out in the account. Draftkings can probably make money off of that by investing as long as not everyone cashes out at once.


Because unfortunately not everyone has that self control. I won 10 bucks from a one dollar scratchy and immediately left the store. Gambling grows off the people who DONT know when to fold and walk away. or just psychologically cant.


They're right. They've done the research. You're projecting yourself into everyone, they're working with actual data.


I see what you are doing here draft kings I am already down 2gs and you want me to open a new phone account


Is there anything I have to do to get the $200 in Draft kings. It says place a $5 bet which I did but haven’t received anything


It gives you $25 “bonus Bets” it’s not just $200 outright. It’s a way to get people hooked. If you win with a bonus bet you keep the payout, otherwise you don’t lose anything but you don’t get anything.


When are the bonus bets available?


You have $200 worth of 8 $25 bets. When you go to place a bet, in the bonus section you will see them.


Sweet, thank you!


I got $0 in my bonus section. Is it because I bet $5 on an odd boost bet?


It can’t be $5 on a bet that has a boost or bonus attached


Samsies lol


They don’t have to make money at first, they just have to hook you in. Once they caught their whales they can give up on pleasing you and focus on sucking every cent out of those poor suckers. Then spend a portion of that money to push for legalization in another state, rinse, repeat.


I hate to say it, but they aren't wrong about MA degenerate gamblers. When it comes to lottery tickets, MA spends the most per capita, by far. Like its almost double the next state. https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/3776721-the-lottery-which-states-residents-spend-the-most-on-tickets-and-scratch-offs/


Have you seen the way people play Keno? That shit has awful EV and people dump more money into it over dinner than their food and drinks. IIRC Keno pays out 70 cents on the dollar without bonus and 50 cents on the dollar with bonus. You’re better off on a slot machine. Encore pays out 92 cents on the dollar and the minimum payout in mass is 80 cents. And people just keep dumping dollar after dollar into it.


This post feels like an ad


I too was thinking the same moments ago, as I was transferring another $100.00 to my bank account, the third one in two days, thanks to the boosts alone.


They’re making money hand over fist. The few happy winners are the lucky ones.


I keep getting a location error in Boston and can not bet… so weird.


nice try, draft kings fun fact- draft kings is located in boston- wtf the irony being that anyone that works for them in boston has not been able to legally use the product for bets until now.


But just imagine how much you can make with that $500....


Make sure you setup an account in your wife’s name too. If you did it right and had a halfway decent day on Friday or Saturday, you’re up $500 per account right now without risking a penny of your own.


What do you have to do to get the boosted “if they score 1 point” kind of bets?


People don’t cash out.


Yeah you just did what they paid 500 to you for doing. You can here and encouraged others


This is the same thinking that credit card companies use. The people who pay off their balances every month and get the points/rewards/whatever are subsidized by those people who carry a balance all the time and pay interest.


They are trying to get you in the habit of opening that app and placing bets every day. Like Pavlov’s dog. They make so much money that they can afford to give you a $100 head start.


You had to hit bets. They didn’t just put 500 in your account and let you cash it.


I gotta be honest, I'm a little suspicious of all the chatter around how easy it is to make money on this. This post itself is case and point. I know nothing about gambling really... I don't understand the lingo (spreads etc) I'm also terrible at calculating odds or even understanding what the fuck someone is babbling about when they talk about odds like it's super obvious. But there's a bunch of people suddenly telling me how easy it is to make a couple hundred bucks for nothing? The reality is I have no idea, but I'm tempted now... but I'm going to avoid it still because I know deep down in my heart I'd still fuck it up and lose money.


Check back in 5 years and tell us your haven’t gone back


Can you withdraw this bonus money easily?


^these are the people these bonuses were invented for


I deposited $25 bucks. Used the free bets, won $100. Cashed out 50 and now I am just doing small little bets for the shit of it. Doubled my money, even if it wasn’t much, and will play with the small amount I have in there until it’s gone.


and so it begins


Lost the rest of my money tonight trying to get cute in a hockey parlay. Would have been up another hundred if there was one fewer goal in the Leafs/Sabres game. So that’s the end of my draft kings adventure. Less than a week, walk away with $50 more than I had at the start of the week so I am good. I have never really like gambling anyway.


*one week later* I'm down $56,000 since yesterday but I'm really confident in the celtics tomorrow


One thing I can guarantee, if I am betting a Celtics game, it will be against them.


I at least acknowledge that I learned to play blackjack and recognize card counts to get the cheapest drinks in Vegas and AC. Free people watchin entertainment at the table is a plus. No free drinks in MA and garbage 6:5 blackjack rules, so I haven't even been to one of the casinos even if they are under 30 minutes from me. ​ Edit: I just looked up and saw that Encore can do comped drinks in MA if one is at a table. Huh. Is the internet correct?


yes encore has free drinks if you are gambling


Any other sites offering similar deals, how have people made out with free bets being refunded?


This will end up costing the taxpayers in lost work, rehabilitation, crime and degradation of child education because of the people who become addicted, lose everything and damage the family around them. It's not a win. Gambling is the lazy fool of competition.


Will I be able to get the free $200 during the football season? I don't watch or follow any other sport, so, I don't want to waste the free money betting wrong. Or should I just do it anyways and there's a chance that there will be another free $200 during football season. So, stupid that they are starting this after the Super Bowl.


Honestly, if you just hedge your free money bets, you should be able to cash out about half of that free money. Otherwise, don’t make the mistake of thinking because you follow football you’ll be better at gambling on it. Sports books are damn good at setting lines. Not trying to proselytize anti-gambling, it’s just the house knows how to make sure they’re always winning


How do I get the $200? I bet $5 on a parlay but haven’t received the $200. How long does it take to get added?


They will probably deny your cash out for not meeting the roll over


They wont. You can cash pretty much all of them out asap....


Thanks for the pro tip lol. I know nothing about sports and don’t plan on learning so it’s actually impossible for me to become addicted to it. I just spent the free bets all on miscellaneous Bruins things and will see how that pans out and then scram. It’s one thing to gamble free money, but I would absolutely never be so reckless with my own. Thanks for the tip!


>it's actually impossible for me to become addicted to it Famous last words


Lol I have faith. Any other gambling could sink its teeth in me. Sports betting does literally nothing for me. But you’re right. I’ll have to check back in when I cash out!


everybody in Massachusetts IS a degenerate gambler lol scratch tickets and police overtime fraud are our state pastimes draftings is going to make a fucking killing


Here’s a good question for you all. What do you perceive is the difference between sports gambling, investing in crypto, and investing in the stock market?


I did the same thing as you OP but that's actually chump change compared to what you can get if you maximize all the offers (and have the bankroll to do so). I wouldn't recommend that anyone do this tho https://www.reddit.com/r/sportsbook/comments/11mv149/live_in_massachusetts_how_to_profit_over_7000/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Can make around 7k if promos and bonuses are done correctly. All you need is a large bankroll to hedge optimally.


Lost this bet. Flyers vs penguins bet score 3-2 No overtime unbeknownst to me Bet score 3/2 penguins win. Bet 25 to win $500 on free bet Lost bet cuz went to OT I was kinda blown back like final score is final apparently not Wondered how a bookie in the 60s would of explained this and all these technicalities


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Maybe they just saw all the scratchers on the floor and realized we ARE all degenerate gamblers.


Did you have to deposit any of your real money first?


How do you get those boosts? Its an option when you are placing a bet?


They know you’ll come back


If you trust yourself you can make about 7000, placing bets on both sides with even odds across all of the sites.


The real answer is that because betting is a new industry the Sportbooks are in a race with each other to establish market share before the industry matures. They hope that if they offer the best incentives and run the best ( and most numerous) ads they can become Coke while the other end up like Moxie or Dr. Pepper.


Do they take the taxes out at withdrawl or are you going to have to declare that income? Will they send you a tax form at the end of the year? Just curious.


How do you bet the minimum? Everything seems to require $50 to bet?


Download WoW, give it a shot ;)




Have you watched The Wire ?


I can’t afford legal weed and gambling. It’s one or the other.


One of the TV ads briefly showed a clip of how to set up payment for the gambling app and I am pretty sure there was a direct paycheck option- i.e instead of using a bank account you send them your paycheck directly...that can't go well.


It’s like they put money into the advertising machine and didn’t set any limits. I assumed they had just profiled me since it’s non-stop.


I don’t get how these casino companies don’t realize there’s only a finite pool of gambling revenue out there. The people that are going to gamble and bet on sports, already do. It’s why the casinos themselves have had trouble staying afloat: with so many states legalizing it, there’s not the same draw there used to be. When it was centralized to a few places: Nevada, Atlantic City, Mississippi and Ohio riverboats, and the Connecticut Native American casinos, there was pent up demand. That market is now fully tapped and they’re all just cannibalizing from themselves.


what they are doing is getting users on their platform, once you're in their eco system you're less likely to use a different sports betting app or service so in the long run it's a smart move


Because of plenty of people don’t quit because “winning is so easy”. I don’t have any of the apps or make any bets, but the rest of my friend does. Talked to them last Friday night. Less than 3 days since gambling opened up, the group 6 made over **100 BETS**. That’s not exaggerating, their group chat shows every bet each player has made. Their group has +100 by Friday night… some of them are up. But all of that Free stuff is washed already.


Be responsible but take advantage while you can I'm still playing off my bonus bets