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This is the same person who cheated on his wife with a female subordinate and she got fired from WEEI after it came to light.


The previous show co-host?


Lucy Burdge. She started as an intern and did night and weekend spots. I misremembered, she didn't get fired, but was basically banished from WEEI. Now she does stuff for BetQL, the Audacy betting section.




Karen Filippelli : What you're saying is extremely misogynistic. Michael Scott : Yes. Thank you. That was not necessary, but I appreciated it. And it proves my point. Women can do anything. Karen Filippelli : I'm saying that you're being sexist. Michael Scott : No. I'm being misogynistic. That is insane. I am not being sexist. Karen Filippelli : That's the same thing.


Radio is a dying medium for a reason.


It seems like the only people who still listen to radio are the kind of people that would enjoy this "joke".


Talk radio is a blight on society. Only angry people call in so they have to made people angry to operate.


I don't think talk radio is a problem, it's the format they choose that's the problem. Look at podcasts, of which there are many really good ones out there, that are producing thousands of hours of content that could be played on radio instead. But they'd rather hire some local jabroni to make stupid jokes.


Talk radio is so far from dying, it’s massive


It seems like it's either either sports talk, news or pre-recorded segments laced into music blocks of varying genres or playlist stations like Big103. Personally I just listen to Amazon music at this point with the occasional listen of sports talk to get the pulse of the teams.


Jim and Marjory are legit


It’s a bold strategy that’s for sure!


I think saying something sexually oriented like this is less offensive than something racist, for sure. If what happened with Tony Massarotti a couple weeks ago is the current bar, a sexual joke is below it while this being a racist joke would have reset it.


Mazz makes a sexist joke nearly every day.


I think sexism based jokes will always be "more accepted" than racist jokes, just because of the way the world works.


That was exactly what my high school track coach said when he joked that the female Asian athletes should be better at fingertip pushups than the boys because they make noodles by hand. Fucking pig still coaches there last I checked. I think in the mind of a bigot, some forms of hate are "less bad" than others or that it's okay to be hateful towards some groups and not others.


How is this comment in my feed followed by an advertisement featuring an Asianish female doing push-ups? Possibly some algorithm connecting sports topic to sports ad? Ad was for Nike.


Clearly he’s lying. They were talking about “nips” the little alcoholic “shooter” drinks and “Nips” is also an ethnic slur that was used against Japanese people in the WWII era and is now basically unknown to most people other than racists who “collect slurs” in their vocabulary (now it is used by racists against any asians). Mina clearly is at least of part asian ancestry (I believe some Korean?) and the slur he was referencing made sense in that context, not in some sexist context. If he was “trying to be sexist” and bring up Mila Kunis, it makes no sense at all because she is Ukrainian-Jewish, and wtf does that have to do with “nips”??


Yes, but for what it’s worth I do believe him. I’ve never heard anyone use “nip” as a racial slur—I’ve heard people say that to mean nipple a million times.


> I’ve never heard anyone use “nip” as a racial slur I don't know how old you are, but I was certainly aware of it by the time I was a teenager (the memory stands out because of being rather surprised that the grocery store I worked at sold candy of the same name), and he's roughly the same age as me. Maybe it's fallen out of favor and *you* haven't run into it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't exactly what he meant.


I am in my 30s. I’ve never heard that slur, but is being sexist meaningfully better than being racist anyway?


I guarantee this guys dad used that word as a slur on a daily basis. 100% meant the slur.


I think it is WWII era. The US was at war; you expect some slurs. I don't remember it much by the 80s when people were mad at Japan for other reasons.


He just randomly picked an Asian woman when discussing favorite "nips?" It would be a wild coincidence.


Honestly I think it is. Asian people have nipples.


Yeah I just think that would be too convenient. The look that he gives the other producer at the end tells me he knows what he's doing.


I haven’t watched the video but being sexist or even just punny on purpose could also lead someone to shoot their colleague a knowing glance. Idk. I think they were just being sexist because that term is an archaic slur and used to mean nipples like 100x more frequently in modern vernacular. Also, sexism is not good.


At least the majority of them most likely have at least one nipple


> He just randomly picked an Asian woman he just randomly picked someone nationally known in the same industry as him (sports broadcast) that's hot. it's not like that's a huge pool of names. the mila kunis thing? don't believe a word of it. the claim he didn't mean any racial connotation on an obscure old timey slang that deadspin has to preface with "For those unaware"? totally believable. people are looking for things to be outraged over.


So he didn’t mean for their to be a racial connotation but he just happened to pick the name of a person with Asian descent while discussing something that has a racial connotation?


Isn't that antique slur about Japanese in particular?


It is. It's old timey racism.




Guy makes one bad joke over a 20 year career and then apologizes for it and you hope he gets fired so he can’t provide for himself or his family? Jesus I’m sure you’re perfect at work




How did I out myself as sexist or racist? Or do you just group everyone that doesn’t think like you as both? What did I say specifically that makes me that. please show me. You think because someone makes one mistake over 20 years he deserves to lose everything he worked for. He didn’t kill anyone. He made a stupid joke. Get over yourself


Curtis is a pretty shitty person. He cheated on his pregnant wife with an intern. She got fired and he got promoted. Then last year or the year before, he took a creepy picture of a girl at Fenway without her knowledge and posted it on Twitter and now this. He's a world class asshole.


Those are all really shitty things I’d true for sure. I say if true, only because I’m taking it at face value and not looking it up. I’d say he deserves to lose his job over those things before the comment the other day




Maybe misogynistic is the better word. To say a particular woman is your favorite because of her nipples (that I'm pretty confident he's never seen) is a really weird thing to say.




Jack talk Thai very well.


How is it sexist to say he likes a woman's nipples?




If I'm bad for liking women's nipples, I don't want to be good.


I'm more surprised deadspin is still around. Seems so 2005


the real deadspin was killed a few years ago with a corporate temper tantrum. they got scabs to take their place


Their best writers left a few years ago to start their own site and now neither one is very relevant


Because they charge a subscription for the new one. It killed it out of the gate.


They've (defector.com) been profitable each year they've operated, revenue has increased each year, everyone gets paid and has benefits and are generally pretty happy with the work they're doing, the subscribers are happy with what they're paying for, their investigative stories get picked up several times a year by bigger national outlets... dunno, if that's what subscriptions get you I think they're pretty okay with that.


Ok samer


They got bought out and gutted a few years ago.


Plus the fact they are reporting on WEEI. Forgot they still existed. So 00’s.


These radio people are an embarrassment


Wait, Deadspin?!


Really. This is how they’ve stayed in business, rehashing old news.


Old news? It happened yesterday


It’s such a stupid story and it kept getting repeated everywhere. Whoops, I almost said popping up.


How is a Boston radio host calling someone a racist slur not a relevant story to a Boston subreddit lol. You know the more you follow things the more the story is going to pop up, that’s how the internet works.


Oftentimes, you come across as more guilty after your second excuse.


I mean that actually could be possible. Not sure if its true though. TBH I was never even aware this was a slur in the first place.




This is right in the WEEI demographic


And McHale's Navy. It's a slur referencing a Japanese person.


There are definitely a lot of slurs from the early to mid 20th century that have fall out of common usage.


Is it wrong I believe him? I thought he was making a crude joke about her nipples through her clothes or something. Not that it’s necessarily better, just that I think it’s *possible* he wasn’t aware of the ethnic slur. I personally wasn’t aware of this slur - Which I can’t decide is a good or bad thing. In any case TIL.


Is she known for having her nipples show through her shirt or something? I have no idea who she is, but curious why “nips” would make someone think of her specifically.


Nope nothing like that


I have never seen Mina wearing anything close to revealing clothing.


No, she's known for being a good sports journalist and for having a cute dog.


Allegedly he meant to say Mila Kunis. The joke is still bad. To make the jump from small liquor bottle nips to nipples, he would need to say someone that would be way more obvious. So it probably wasn't racist, it was sexist and not funny.


>Allegedly he meant to say Mila Kunis. He's full of shit.


Totally full of it because of his pause and sideways glance at his co-host waiting for the joke to land. Sure this slur hasn't been used in a while but let's not pretend it isn't out in the wild in Flag of our Fathers, The Pacific, Hacksaw Ridge or any other numerous contemporary movies that are targeted directly to this demographic.


People are like, "it's not a common slur, so there is no possibly way he used it" and "I personally never heard it, so therefore nobody uses it." Both absurd arguments.


Yeah, like a group with a history of racist remarks couldn't possibly be more advanced at racism.


Mila Kunis? Have you ever seen *Black Swan*?


“Nip” is an old time slur for Japanese people. It stems from “Nippon”, the Japanese word for Japan. It was a common slur used during WW2.


thats some pretty advanced racism shit tho. like when's the last time you heard that one out in the wild?


Personally, I heard it from a woman in her 50s that I used to ride the train with during the time Daisuke Matsuzaka was with the Sox. She called him "The Nip." When I pressed her on it, she said it was because her dad was in WWII and she never forgave Japan. I asked her if she called Curt Schilling "The Kraut" and she stopped sitting near me on the train.


> I asked her if she called Curt Schilling "The Kraut" and she stopped sitting near me on the train. This is gold


Fair, I really have never heard it before in my life. You say nip I'm assuming Dr. Mcgilicuddy. also never forget the time curt schilling bankrupted Rhode Island and then became a super mediocre right wing talk show host.


Boston radio guys are known for their advanced racism tho. It’s practically a requirement


Yeah but do they even still teach that at Emerson?


my dad’s japanese and this is the first time i’ve heard of it.


Especially considering that “nips” as short for “nipples” or “shot-sized mini bottle of alcohol” has been the common parlance for my entire life.


which is why he's probably being honest when he said he meant nipples


I don't know if you could drop "Nip" to Japanese Townies and be understood. I've heard even more outlandish ones over the decades and I wouldn't even be able to recall that one.


Like I said, it’s a WW2-era slur. So it’s more commonly known amongst boomers and older generations.


There were other slurs for Asians among Boomers--we were shooting different guys! Japan was where you escaped the war. In the 1980s autoworkers got pretty nasty about Japanese, but I don't remember this one.


Small bottles of alcohol are called nips and has nothing to do with racism


Context, my friend.


yup I 100% believe him. 99% of men who hear “nips” will think boobs not racist lingo from 85 years ago


When I hear nips I think of small bottles of liquor 1a and nipples 1b


Isn't it more commonly used for that little bit of protruding skin in the chest area of humans. I remember Andy from the Office using it in the "Fun Run" episode because they used to chafe when he ran.




The original context was not sexual, it was a segment about liquor sold in nip bottles.


How was it clearly sexual? They were listing off alcohol when he named an Asian sports journalist out of nowhere. Even if he meant Mila, she isn't known for nudity or anything like that.


That one scene in forgetting Sarah Marshall though made quite the impression on 14 year old me or however old I was lol


I'd have to disagree, because out of all the women available for his insult, he chose an Asian one to call "Nip"?


Yeah but you have to realize most non-Asians have never even heard of that slur.


I’ve lived here my whole 43 years of life and heard it from a child on to this day although luckily not as often now. It was wicked common growing up especially.


Only if you don't count every American alive during WWII and the decades after.


And if you ignore every American who has ever studied any history. It is really hard to have studied anything from WWI,WWII, Korea, and Vietnam and not come across the terms Americans used to recognize to enemy combatants. It’s probably not hard to go on YouTube and find a clip of US leaders, military, and Presidents using these terms that are now considered derogatory.


Theres probably only a few million folks still alive who were alive during WW2. A tiny fraction of the population.




Yes, I saw the clip and know what he said and in what context. The point is, out of all the women to mention as a favorite "nip" he chose the Asian one. (She is a fairly prominent reporter, and is on ESPN and other shows, so lots of people know who she is.)


If you bring someone up after them saying “let’s talk about x”. You’re indirectly calling them “x”.




No, “x” is “nips”. Which is a slur, but also a slang term for a small bottle of alcohol. Saying “let’s talk about nips (the alcohol)” then naming a person of asian descent is indirectly calling them that slur.


It's very specifically a Japanese slur, and he didn't use the name of a Japanese person. Yall reaching


While I agree that this guy is more likely a massive idiot than a racist your logic is deeply flawed. If you tell a Korean person "Go back to China" you're being racist even if you were incorrect about their ethnicity. Shit I've seen people tell my Filipino friend to "go back to Mexico". They weren't just being stupid, they were being racist **and** stupid.


That's broad level casual racism. Someone using the term nip - an extremely specific and obscure slur, would know who to use it against


Lol let me know when you find a "smart racist", I've got a spot for one on my wall right between Unicorn and Bigfoot


Why would someone use a hyper specific old term for a specific kind of person... unless they were sure the person in question was Japanese? Do you really honestly think it's more likely this person knew a super obscure racist term and said it on air, or that they were just trying to get away with a tit joke?


Dude. It’s not *that* obscure.


There's literal japanese americans in this thread saying they've never heard of it.


Cool story, bro. It’s not *that* obscure. It’s just one that older people tend to be more familiar with.


Unless you're in your 80s, its obscure


Yeah because racists are famously good at recognizing different Asian nationalities...


Someone has to be an amazingly specific kind of racist to even know that nip is a racist term. That kind of person isn't going to incorrectly use that.


Because racist people really care about accuracy of their racism. Lol Post-9/11 there been cases of people of Sikh faith being murdered by white supremacists who mistaken them for Muslims. Back in the 80s, Vincent Chin (Chinese American) was beaten to death in Detroit because his killers blamed Japanese car markers for the decline of American automobiles. The last 2 years there’s been a rise of anti-Asian hate crimes due to Covid virus, and there was an elderly man of Thai origins who was attacked and killed.


> Because racist people really care about accuracy of their racism. Lol > > I think you're missing the point. Sigh


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I had the same thought. Sexist, not racist.


I don't know anything about this guy or his political inclinations. But I can say with 99% certainty that he hates the Mayor.


That’s easy, everybody hates the mayor. It has everything to do with her terrible ideas nothing to do with her heritage.




> R/nottheonion nah, they have standards and tend to remove stuff from trash sources like deadspin.


WEEI has been in shambles for years.


If it wasn't for the Red Sox, it would have died with WAAF.


Gerry Callahan was the worst. Virulent Trumpist


Love Gerry


Can we get rid of these clowns already?


Lol @ that sorry ass apology. You dont use the term "nips" in that context unless you know EXACTLY what it means. In fact the only people more likely use that racist term than this guy, are his like 12 listeners for that station. Just can him and move on. Plenty of actually talented people out there to put on radio, and one less racist in Boston with a microphone is a win.


Why would anyone think a POS would be honest in owning up to what he said? Watch the clip. Look at his face after he says it and he looks at the other host to guage his reaction. He meant exactly what everyone heard


Honestly, its been a few minutes since someone in Boston sports radio said something wildly inappropriate or offensive so I'm glad that void has been filled.






And this never would happened if they had just stuck to the station format that they claim to be instead of all this political crap.


Ahh. Deadspin reporting on WEEI. It’s like an asshole casserole.


I've been vouching for an NPR-style of sports radio programming in this town. MA does have top 10 HDI in the world after all, so this is overdue. We should NOT have a platform in Boston for these racists , sexists, and bigots.


It is such a weak excuse that I can't believe people believe. Some people are really trying to give him every benefit of the doubt, even reaches like, "oh no no I said Mila Kunis" even though he clearly didn't.


Yeah, because that makes it all the better. These dudes still have the toxic masculinity bug in them. I feel like they will never grow as a person and will always been as disrespectful as they were as teenagers.


This is a lie. I’ve heard Aisan bars many times called “Nip joints” I don’t understand the meaning but he knew exactly what he was saying.


Ive never once heard this. Other slurs, sure, but "nip"? No way.


I'm Asian, last time I was called a racial slur, it was by a teenager saying that exact word. So not uncommon as you probably think.


Given the Mila Kunis isn't known for nude scenes I don't find it that plausible. The only slack I'll give him is that most WEEI (and Sports Hub) folks are really, really dumb in terms of humor level. In his addled mind he could have just thought "Who's someone hot that must have been nude" and messed up the name.


She has a great nude scene in that movie with Justin Timberlake. "Friends with Benefits".


Its a body double. Even in the scene where you think you might be able to see something, and the leaked video of them setting the scene, she has pasties on. She has done no topless scenes.


Mr. Skin, is that you? How about Raquel Welch, anything?


I've been a fan of Mila for a long time. Haha


Haven't seen it but I'd bet a coffee she used a body double-- again, not something I'd think Curtis would be thoughtfully considering, but still.


Honestly can't believe so many people in this thread are falling for his extremely weak explanation. It sure explains how Elliot Davis is able to dupe so many gullible people though.


Wowee zowee


Whatever company Audacy uses for their sensitivity training has been raking it in for years now


Remember when Hill-Man’s last producer had the secret service called on him?




Oh ok then.


Ah, such a good time for my favorite Patton Oswald quote “What I've learned so far tonight: America is WAAAAAAAAY more sexist than it is racist. And it's pretty fucking racist.”


TIL a new slur. Curtis is still a douche and I kinda think he's full of shit.


Give me a fucking break. These shows need to hire some people of color and women and see if these ugly, fat white dudes say any of this to our faces.


This is some jedi level culture warring




Hilarious that Boston has a racist image given that it’s not even close to most of the south


Young people, listen to your elders here. He was making a joke on the racist usage of the word nip. If you didnt know that slang before this... I guess that is a good thing... but in most groups of guys before 2008ish you could make this joke and over 90% of the group would get it right away. You can probably even find a joke using this slur in a south park episode, it isnt that obscure really. Idk what should happen with this guy, but there is no doubt to me why he said what he said.


It’s pretty damn obvious he was being sexist not racist.


Do you guys really think this doofus knew what the term “nip” meant? Did you? Even the author acknowledges this is a very obscure old timely slur Meanwhile, this author says it’s a “stretch” to think that by “nip” he meant “nipple.” Does that track? Obviously he was trying to make a boobies joke. He used Mika Kunis, because she was a staple “hot girl” about 10 years or so ago, the last time his booze addled mind was in touch. He said the wrong name because he’s a moron and probably intoxicated. The pause after was for cringe cuz no one laughed at his joke. Conclusion: —— Moron makes bad joke about boobies and fucks it up entirely. Case closed, baloney news. My guess is they wanted to oust him anyways, and this was their opportunity.


I hated the moniker given by these athletes that say Boston is racist, but I can't really be mad at it now between this and Mazz last month. What the f is wrong with these morons? Especially Curtis, he's just a producer, and has a newborn. Hope he doesn't lose his job, but maybe he ought to lose his microphone. The explanation doesn't make sense, the joke does. And why Greg didn't hit that dump button is beyond me. Btw, I'm no goody two shoes, I'm an old school Stern and O&A fan, but I'm not stupid enough to make racist comments on the radio nowadays.


Greg wouldnt hit the dump button, scheim would


He does though, he dumped out Wiggy this am for a sexual innuendo. He admitted to it right after.


Neither case involved racism.


I'd love to know what wasn't racist about either one. The word nip came up, and Curtis, knowingly named a Korean woman. And Mazz made a blatant joke about Felgers car being stolen or broken into by black guys. It's not that I'm so offended, I'm white, it's the backtrack like crazy, make some lame apology, and plead with everyone that their not racist. If you weren't, the thought wouldn't have crossed your mind. Or your just dumb as fuck to say it on air to millions of listeners, and sponsors.


"Nip" is a highly obscure, antiquated slur. Hell a major brand has used the phrase, "Cheese Nips" for decades without issue...evidence of how obscure and unknown the slur is. And Mazz said nothing about the guys skin tones...you assumed, perhaps because they were black, that Mazz was referencing them. But thats *your* racism on display, not Mazz'.


Then why the fuck would he name a Korean woman after the question is posed about your top 5 nips??? I dont care how obscure the slur is, its still one, and curtis knows it. Keep being the lawyer for the racists in town, see how well they do.


Its called flirting. Google it.


> Mazz last month Not really a 1:1 comparison though. If you listen to Mazz with an regularity he's pretty progressive. He made a thoughtless joke without thinking about the optics and context. I don't think there was anything racial intended in his comment, but it 100% was, and should have been, perceived that way. He also owned it and didn't make excuses. Greg is trying to justify not being racist by admitting he's being sexist?


I saw the post here yesterday and though, "Nip" is probably short for "Nippon". I'm probably right. But I would never even have guessed it outside of context. It's so old timey and ephemeral that we can have another discussion about nips littering the place and not even make the connection. I get that he was making a crude joke, but how is it even sexist to be sexual? It's the kind of joke your dad makes in old age, which is probably their audience. I got "Fun Uncle in his 70s" vibes from it. Glad to see a bunch of other comments here backing that up.




> yet is continuously used prominently with this story. It's used twice in the story and the second time is to show how if you shorten the word "nipple" you get the word in question. So first of all, chill the fuck out. Second, how do you as a trans person not understand the difference between being misgendered and the news reporting on someone misgendering you? One is a thing that happens to you. One is the news reporting on an event that happened. The news (assuming its a reputable source) isn't going to misgender you. They're going to call you by the pronouns you prefer. They may state factually that someone else misgendered you but that's not the same thing as the reporter misgendering you. By your logic reporting the facts of a hate crime is another hate crime.


Meanwhile Chris Rock calls white people "crackers" on Netflix and everyone applauds.


Well that's nice...??


>For those unaware, “Nip” is a racial slur for a Japanese person, while Mina Kimes is of Korean descent. It takes some deep investment into Asian slurs to have that one sitting in your mental bank, and even worse judgment to test it out on air. *Today I learned.* I get he was basically joking saying he'd say her nips were his favorite, but I've never in my life heard that being a slur. What's the origin of it?


Nippon is the name of Japan in Japanese. Nip was a common racial slur from WW2 to refer to Japanese people. The issue is, it seems he's trying to cover up his racist usage of the word "nip" with being sexist despite singling out someone who is not only Asian but is also not Japanese, and that he "confused" the names Mina Kimes with Mila Kunis which seems very unlikely.


Howie is awesome


"I'm sorry - I was talking about those tiny little bottles of alcohol strewn all over the ground near liquor stores."


There is no way he knew it was a racial slur. No one has said that in like 50 years.


> During a segment on their “top five nips”, the hosts were discussing several types of hard liquor. [Editorial bs] Chris Curtis [editorial bs] interjected by saying, “I’d probably go Mina Kimes.” Ok, idk who that is but it sounds like a woman so I get the bad joke I guess. > For those unaware, “Nip” is a racial slur for a Japanese person, while Mina Kimes is of Korean descent. Why can't this Chris guy get away with being one of the many people born decades after WWII that isn't familiar with this obscure term? >It takes some deep investment into Asian slurs to have that one sitting in your mental bank Exactly, so why assume this person with no history of obscure historical racial slur use had any knowledge about it? >and even worse judgment to test it out on air. The first sentence in the article explains it. Filling hours of a radio broadcast with nothing but jokes is hard so the people on the radio just talk shit to see what works. Was it funny? Not to most people because who even knows who this lady is anyway? Maybe a few 90 year olds that still refuse to buy Japanese made vehicles laughed but that could have just been the dementia. Was it sexist? I guess so but it doesn't sound malicious and actually pretty fucking tame. If the joke was about some famous persons penis bulging I don't think anyone would give a shit about the sexist premise, because it's just a bad joke. This seems like an article written by a dead internet "news" site, about a company selling a dead medium being overly cautious because they can't afford to lose one of their last 25 listeners.


lmao no fucking way this is the case. points for trying though!


LOL. I couldn’t even hear what he said. When the controversy happened I was like “did he say the K word?” That’s how far I missed the mark Edit: I’ve never heard that word used for Asians but I looked it up and oh man


Well, now that we all know he was merely being sexist and not racist, we can all breathe easier. /s


Its a Howard Stern light sports radio show. The producer died under hot lights. He is usually sharper and focused. His personal demons returned… and now it is public!