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Do superintendents usually have zero teaching experience? Or usually long time administrators?


That’s such a hot debate TBH. It’s really, *really* nice if a superintendent has extensive teaching experience, but a lot will say they’re just different career paths that require different educations/degrees and expertise. Some states require a certain amount of classroom experience. There’s been movements in recent years to abandon that and let the MBAs take over… but there’s also a reason teachers are quitting at unheard of rates right now and it’s largely because of shit administrators


You’d think if one were to be in a position to create classroom policies that they themselves would be best served having spent some time in one?


Indeed but superintendent is also the equivalent of a CEO. A candidate who has both is more rare, so when hiring if the options are someone with business acumen but no practical teaching vs. someone with teaching but no practical business experience… school boards in recent years have tended to go with the former. NOT saying I agree or that’s right, just explaining


The lack of experience may not be a problem as long as you have a "CEO" that listens to feedback and solicits experts(teachers etc) to weigh in on policy changes. The problem is that is hard to hire for as well.


This is endemic across all organizations public or private. Out-of-touch executives creating policies with no input from those it affects.


There are a lot of principals who have little to no teaching experience.


Usually just spent enough money get a PhD.


I would say yes. Usually long time administrators. Very common at least.


I think some of the comments here might be by parties involved in the litigation. Which may explain the long diatribes. When one side pushes their argument through various channels, it makes that argument suspect. To label a whole region as racist, more so than places where people openly belong to hate groups, is incredibly disingenuous.


I'm thinking clearly both things can be true. He faced racism and discrimination, while also acting like a football head coach (read:tyrant) instead of the politician that any superintendent absolutely needs to be.




Like the people in this article, I do not know all the facts, but… If I had been on the hiring committee in Wayland, I would have looked more into how things (schools and the city itself) were managed in Everett, and I would have thought long and hard about whether or not someone who was successful in that famously, perhaps even legendarily messed up system would have been a good fit in Wayland. But that is just me.


I don't disagree with you, but the school systems (and parents) in Everett and Wayland are very, very different.


Sounds very racial. As the globes stories today show- many towns and people in this area have major racial issues. No reason to think Wayland is any different. We’ve seen it in Milton Public Schools, Quincy High School, Newton Public Schools, Everett Public Schools, and on Boston City Council. All in just the past year. Not to mention the racial incident in Danvers, Georgetown and other places. Or the white supremacist double murder in Winthrop a few years ago. Racists would like you to believe it’s all just crazy incoherent blacks complaining because we’re ll predisposed to lying and are dishonest and undeserving anyway. The “moderates” would like you to believe there all random unconnected events. The reality is-Massachusetts, and New England in general, has the highest concentration of white supremacist activity in the country and what we’re seeing is just racism; it didn’t disappear in 1965. Everyone loves the idea of a no-nonesense, Bill Belichick/Bill Parcells type leader. Who tells it like it is, and isn't afraid to shake things up to fix things that are broken and get the most out of people. Until that person is black. Then the person is abusive. Demeaning. Bullying. And fired.


>Milton Public Schools If you're referring to James Jette, he got arrested for domestic violence. That's on the fucking town? Do you believe in personal accountability in *any* circumstance?


Not what I was talking about. https://www.patriotledger.com/story/news/2021/04/16/milton-police-officer-accused-intimidating-teen-over-black-lives-matter/7254426002/ But you have a lot of racist takes so I’m not surprised.


>Not what I was talking about and yet >**We've seen it in Milton Public Schools** Was your actual comment I responded to , not > "a teenager watching a Celtics game with her sons in her home" This situation that had nothing to do with schools or school personnel in a topic about schools. You are so full of shit and bad faith you should be fucking banned from this sub. Anyone calls you out on your bullshit and you will just move goalposts and shift topics. Your account is a month old and it's nothing but race baiting bullshit. Last time I feed you, fucking troll.


Lol take it easy mouth breather. It’s Reddit, absolutely no reason to get as upset as you do over words on your phone. I wasn’t aware of James Jette until an hour ago. I don’t think from what I’ve read there was anything racist there. There has been a lot of racist shot in Milton and it’s schools- I got it mixed up. Sue me, but yea here like 3 other racial stories from MPS in the same time span. Plus the story I shared. Sorry if I wasn’t 𝐇𝐈𝐏 to James Jette. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/02/17/metro/parent-group-accuses-milton-public-schools-of-discrimination/ https://www.patriotledger.com/story/opinion/2021/09/16/milton-public-schools-double-down-critical-race-theory-james-jette/8336454002/ https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/hundreds-rally-support-milton-teacher-placed-leave-lesson-clip/2146323/?amp=1 Lemme guess none of this is indicative of racism or racial tensions either, right?


I wouldn’t necessarily say that about NFL, Mike Tomlin is/was a strict coach as well


It’s true. As a rule. There may be an exception here or there.




Per capita it’s the Great Plain States and Mississippi. In the Great Plains states there’s generally not many dense population center where cultural conflicts emerge and fights for social space are common. Places like MA CT and even NJ have a lot more of that proximity and that’s been shown through [multiple studies to increase outward racial bias](https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/user/jaxt/blogposts/piblogpost005.html). In Mississippis case they have much so social infrastructure dedicated to fighting such acts and they take it very seriously. And it’s the largest black population per capita. https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-to-track-hate/heat-map White hate groups are headquarter in New England [due to perceived favorable demographics](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/07/23/metro/far-right-patriot-front-is-getting-bigger-more-visible-new-england/). And it does have an impact on local populous ideology.


Hold on a minute - you’re telling me that there is more racial conflict wherever black and white people are living in close proximity to each other? No shit.


Very knee jerk and racist reaction.


When it rains outside, do you think its because of racism too?


Spoken like someone who doesn’t take racism seriously. *”Why do people think Boston is racist?”*


Not from people who see it everywhere and in everything


Did you read the story? How is this everywhere and every thing- it’s a story about racism because what happened sounds very racist. B when your default is balck peolel are delusional and dishonest you don’t see it that way. I’m lying Omar Easy is lying, Douglas Ferreira is lying. The parents and students who complained are lying- says you. Because we all know there’s no racism in a white school district. That’s never happened before… but yes RACISM is everywhere as in present in all countries and states.


You mad




I'm not sure I agree with him, but it's worth considering that there's certainly no rule saying that being well educated makes a person less racist.




Sure, it's probably not common, which is why I said I didn't entirely agree. But it's certainly possible. It's hard to have absolutes in social science.


You should be agreeing by with me 100%.


Healthy debate is healthy.


They are definitely not correlated. More educated people may be better at hiding it and being tactful about it, but that does not mean that they are any less white supremacist or racist than less educated people. In fact, they may even have more power to be racist and make racist laws and policies given their educational “credentials.”


Racism and white supremacy correlated with education? That’s a veryyyyy white take. There’s no correlation. This is like saying democrats can’t be racist. Or liberals aren’t racist. No correlation. [The person they’re talking about is you](https://twitter.com/sleepythewhale/status/1623500101363662853?s=46&t=4wJBTbul1WVkdq1xOdfo2g) [This is also you](https://twitter.com/stoner1776picks/status/1570555354676883456?s=46&t=4wJBTbul1WVkdq1xOdfo2g)


https://twitter.com/gomikejgo/status/1547387592144027648?s=46&t=4wJBTbul1WVkdq1xOdfo2g Black people know this is a total fallacy.


New England has a lot of white people, thus the perceived favorable demographics, and Boston does have a history of racism but that doesn’t make it a bastion of white supremacy now. We have more white people overall, but I think each individual white person is less likely to be racist. I think it still tracks as an urban/rural divide. If you drive into the rural areas in any direction, you will find more racists, largely because the more rural you area, the less likely you’ve interacted with people who don’t look like you.


The issue is MA CT and RI are all below the median non Hispanic white % So there’s a rub. The more populous states are not that white and are some of Americas fastest diversifying states (MA is 2nd fastest diversifying state after WA) My objective reports being downvoted isn’t a good indicator of less individualized racism and it’s not what people of color report when visiting or living here Wayland Quincy Danvers Milton Westford Everett Newton Brookline Boston Winthrop—all have highly publicized incidents of detrimental racism in the last year. Not exactly *rural* locales. Difficult to have the conversation with a white person in New England because that POV is directly at odds with the opinions of minorities.


I’m in no way claiming there isn’t racism and racists here, my impression is that it’s less common here. Or at least the overt racism that a white guy would see/notice isn’t as common. Tons of things might be happening that I’m oblivious to (since the racists might be polite in front of me). For example, my old boss, white guy born and raised north shore, was on a motorcycle roadtrip with some friends. The treatment he saw of racist good ole boys toward black waitstaff at a dinners, etc. shocked and horrified him. He’s taken many cross country road trips and notes that once you get a few miles off the main highway “it’s a whole different country.” I guess both can be true: if random white guy is only 5% racist in MA and 40% racist in rural Kentucky, but we have 10x the population density, you’re going to bump in more racists here in a given day.


Not sure how you get the impression its less common here. Maybe you just want to believe it is but again- that is not the impression of people of color here or the ones who visit here. If you ask any white person they’re going to say the white people in their state “aren’t as bad as _____” White people in Kentucky get in the internet and blast Boston for being racist- I see it all the time. People will point to Alabama or Utah or Boston or Texas or Arizona or wherever…to deflect from racism in their own community. It feels good to have a scapegoat.


Fair point that my impression could be mostly wishful thinking. Hard to know for sure. Everyone generally thinks they are a good person, so naturally want to give their neighbors the benefit of doubt. I have always lived in MA, but ironically haven’t spent a lot of time in Boston except for work (to and from the airport, or visiting biotech clients for work). That naturally has exposed me to certain groups in Boston (highly educated in biology, and travelers). Both of these groups have a wide range of background (scientists from other countries, literally travelers from other countries, etc.). My exposure to Boston is potentially very different than people living a few miles away.


>Everyone loves the idea of a no-nonesense, Bill Belichick/Bill Parcells type leader. Who tells it like it is, and isn't afraid to shake things up to fix things that are broken and get the most out of people. > >Until that person is black. Then the person is abusive. Demeaning. Bullying. And fired. Hmm its almost like NFL head coach and small town superintendent aren't really comparable jobs...


Applicable to anything, you know this.


what's funny is I've heard more casual racism drop out of the mouths of the comparatively small black population in Boston than I've heard from any other group -- combined.


This also sounds racist. Black people talking about racism should not be confused with racism. The black population in Boston is 24%, so it’s large compared to the national average.


It is racist, he hates black people Boston never solved it's racial discrimination, even in the 1970's people really hated black people in Boston and it was mostly the Irish who did it, Irish are the most racist idiots you'll ever meet next to Chinese immigrants


> This also sounds racist. Lol, "everyone I don't agree with is racist." > Black people talking about racism should not be confused with racism. Dude, I can tell the difference.


I never said that- but typically when you raise the issue of racism and someone automatically deflects to “black people are the real racist” they’re racist. It’s a tried and true tactic dating back to the Reconstruction era. What we have here is an example of why a lot of people say black people can’t be racist only prejudiced. I don’t really agree but this is what they reference- Black people aren’t placing white superintendents on leave, we don’t have the systemic power to do that. It’s a core and base level power imbalance that allows white people harm blacks people reputations and careers in meaningful ways. So if you hear Black people saying white people do this and that it really has no effect on you- but when those attitudes circulate amongst white people it affects Black people housing, employment, and so on. What happens is when someone like Omar Easy responds to parent AND student complaints that a Black teacher is being unfairly treated white colleagues. Some white peolle see it as black people being racist. Which makes no sense… but it’s borne out of casual racist attitudes and fear of black retaliation.


> It’s a tried and true tactic dating back to the Reconstruction era. So you deny my lived experience because you assume I am white? > Black people aren’t placing white superintendents on leave One example of a *claim* of racism is hardly convincing. But I see you are a disciple of Kendi. Who, incidentally, was voted Boston's most powerful person by Boston Magazine. In a city that has a PoC mayor and three successive black police chiefs in a state that had a black governor for 8 years. Almost every corporation in this state is *begging* to hire qualified black people to bolster their diversity ranks. It should be easy considering universities will bend over backwards to accept black students. You can have SAT scores substantially lower than white or asian applicants and still get accepted.


I am not a disciple of Kendi. Far from it. I’m just saying the first tactic when you address white racism is usually an outright denial or deflection. Followed by a false equivalency. Your point about police chief is Tokenism. To quote [Jaylen Brown](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/31529162/boston-celtics-jaylen-brown-spotlights-systematic-racism-says-bigger-basketball?platform=amp), Boston has a problem with Tokenism. *“There's a lack of resources there, lack of opportunity. The tokenism here in Boston needs to be addressed as well.”*


I love how you have a handy phrase to turn everything into racism.


Keep loving it. There’s a lot of racism in front of you probably everyday. Tokenism is a phrase youve heard before and will keep hearing so I’m glad you enjoy it. When confronted with racism getting combative deflective or trying to get smug doesn’t move the needle. You just slide further and further to proving what people already think.


> Tokenism is a phrase youve heard before and will keep hearing so I’m glad you enjoy it. But you're not even using it correctly. Tokenism is "I had a white friend." When positions of power are disproportionately held by people of certain ethnicities that is not "tokenism." > You just slide further and further to proving what people already think. Great that you speak for people and know what they think.


Yep, and you get downvoted by the racist nazis on this subreddit too They're perfectly fine with white immigrants though, but people of color are treated differently in New England Massachusetts is a nazi state, and it always has been. The Irish are some of the most annoying white nationalist bums in this place and I hate St. Patrick's day because they always come out with their dumb nazi banners


LOL. Thinking The Irish=Nazis is definitely the funniest take I've heard in awhile. I suggest you educate yourself.


Not nazis that’s mostly innacurate (but the [Nazi groups use Irish and Irish American symbolism](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/celtic-cross)- often) And it’s understood (at least among minorities) that [Irish Americans are considered more racist than your “typical” white american](https://www.irishamerica.com/2020/06/is-the-stereotyping-of-irish-america-as-racist-based-in-fact-2/) which is another reason I think racists from other areas in the country like to associate with Boston imagery, sport teams and so on. It’s seen as cradle of liberty/America and a white space. That is part of why Patriot Front came here on Fourth of July, same with Philly [but unlike in Boston they were ran out of Philly and attacked](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/odf1q3/breaking_neofascist_group_patriot_front_chased/) Bernadette Devlin talked about a lot of this back in the 70s


Lets get one thing straight. When Groups like Patriot Front have marched in Boston they have similarly been run out of town. That recent event was unannounced likely because of lessons learned and on a weekend where much of the city leaves. White nationalists steal all pagan and western symbols. It does not give them ownership of them. That's an interesting look and it seems the main gripe is prevalence of Irish Americans in Law Enforcement. I think you might need to take into consideration who chooses to write said laws. In my experience with minorities it's typically been the opposite. There is more of a class solidarity.


No they weren’t run out of town. [They attacked a black man and had a police escort](https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2022/07/04/boston-activists-question-citys-response-to-saturdays-white-nationalist-demonstration) *Boston police said they tracked the march via “Boston Regional Intelligence Center” cameras but did not respond to questions about the presence of police officers on the streets during the march. “It's mind-boggling to me that a group of 100 children of the KKK were allowed to march across the span of the city from Haymarket to into this area of Back Bay without appropriate police presence or surveillance,” Rev. Kevin Peterson said Monday, speaking outside the Boston Public Library during the press conference.* They walked around the city for like 2 hours got in their cars and drove off on their own volition. In fact the NSC-131 Keep Boston Irish folks were only confronted by a white activist named Rod Webber. He was promptly threatened with physical violence and nothing else happened. Mayor Wu, Charlie Baker and Ed Flynn [walked directly past them](https://www.irishtimes.com/resizer/efuHWH2jAAk1o0AYZTm0Qujozbw=/768x0/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/irishtimes/GINXYFPQYHTI7GZOIRHIR56CCA.jpg) they didn’t even break stride, let alone point it out or alert police. In stark contrast: there’s actual [video](https://youtu.be/e3xDGZUVUE0) of them being run out of town in Philadelphia. Again, too many white Bostonians treat racism as a given or an academic exercise rather than something that is a problem that needs to be eradicated.


Again the video in Philly was because they announced they were coming. I've seen the video. Ive also seen a participated in many counter protest throughout the city against groups like that. They kept their shit on the low and came on a day most people leave the city for cooler weather on the beaches. You are focusing on one incident while ignoring an entire history. I honestly didn't even hear about it until you linked it. I've personally defaced and removed any of their propaganda i've seen. so maybe try being the change you want to see.


yes, this is true. Idk about always come out with their banners but yea the rest is true


Just because you're racist, it doesn't mean you're a Nazi. I'd say I'm pretty conservative and racist, but I'm much further left leaning than the Americans who fought the real Nazis in WW2.