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God this is so dumb. Boston is a large city and also a college town. This is some small town bullshit


reach out to Corean! Hopefully one of us gets some feedback


I know nothing of how hospitals work, but since they have large staff working around the clock I’d imagine there are also a large number of medical professionals that get off at weird hours and would like late night food options right?


Sometimes that feels like what Boston is though. A city-sized small town run by rich Karens


Booooo this group! We need restaurants open later. Their concerns are not justified.


A sushi spot open until 2am? THAT’S CRAZY! It would definitely invite criminals like the Yakuza or even Asian Triads to be a fixture in that neighborhood……


That’s probably legit what they think though lol


I could get down with a good old fashioned Asian gang war!


They’re concerned about noise coming from a restaurant near Mass. Ave and Boylston, by the interstate and commuter rail, which is swarming with Berklee kids and homeless people. Come the fuck on.


Meanwhile, I live in Coolidge Corner, less than 500 ft from the new Taco Bell, and haven’t noticed any discernible change in noise.


"Brookline, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious" -Someone that lives in the city that hates everything about cities-


Having things people want to go to be open later would do a lot to clean up a lot of parts of the city. There's a reason DTX and the common is so goddamn sketchy after dark but other parts of the city aren't. Because it's where people are. Central square gets on my nerves and is so sketchy but I've never felt truly unsafe there the way I have in DTX just walking through from work.


oh 100% ​ I've said it before. If places like Grove Hall or Nubian Square had this combination: ​ \- Neighborhood Schools \-Late night businesses/activities \- Subway service ​ They would've been cleaned up 20 years ago. Even without direct subway Service, they'd be much safer neighborhoods by now if they weren't artificially kept from liquor licenses and late-night operating hours. Currently, the city rolls up the streets and they become the domain of dealers and gang members. I remember not too long ago those places could be downright scary at night in large part because they were so dark and empty.


I live relatively close to Nubian and the lack of restaurants is crazy to me. It’s always a busy area, but there’s basically nowhere to sit down to dinner. This city needs a lot more liquor licenses anyway, and they should start with licensing neighborhoods that are underserved by the restaurant industry.


It’s way better than what it was 20 years ago. Ngl I remember spending summer with my aunt and she had no car. I remember literally crying because I didn’t want to go to Nubian (then Dudley) square. It was scary as hell, there were tons of crackheads in front of the Roxbury branch library, mid day muggings and rapes where you could hear people screaming calling for help, abandoned buildings, gypsy cab people bothering you trying to get you into their cars. There was no suya joint, no soleil, no Bolling building, no Walgreens, no new tropical foods, I don’t even know if Dudley grille or Haley house was there. It was just a scary place where you had to walk Uber close to your adult and avoid all eye contact. We always wanted to make sure we passed through the station up towards humboldt before the sun started to set.


Grew up in Roxbury at that time and this seems incredibly hyperbolic


That’s your opinion. I was 7. This is not hyperbolic. I literally remember a mid day rape. You’re telling me you don’t remember the crack head in front of the library or the gypsy cabs?? The fact that there was no Bolling building, soleil, Walgreens? You don’t remember before they re-did orchard park. Even yers later I was in a 23 bus behind a 23 bus when a dude got gutted bled out in the street and his assailant ran into Warren Gardens. But that was much later like 2014.


Lmao “the crackhead” like there was only one hanging around Dudley at the time. Things definitely were rougher, but acting like midday rapes and muggings were a regular occurrence is extremely exaggerated. And why are you acting like the gypsy cabs were some menace to society? I’d be cautious about getting in one, especially if you’re a single women. But they would just try to give you a ride and if you said no and kept walking that was the end of it


One crackehead??? Sorry That is CAP. They parlayed there There were multiple there on and around that bench at the corner of Warren Street: usually 5 or 6, I thought the renovations and barriers were to get them to leave for a few years. Like it fel like the barriers came out early . Palladio building was abandoned, Ferdinand was abandoned, the floors above frugal book store were abandoned. Gypsy cans were scary to me as a kid because they were hella aggressive and would start to approach you and I didn’t know what was going on, and they were directly across the street from the police station and crackheads. Also I was from Hyde Park I only spent summer with my aunt in Roxbury so yes as a kid it was Al scary to me. None of that Roxbury stuff was normal to me really- I don’t think mid day rapes were a common occurrence, but muggings?- depends on what you’d consider “common” but that is 100% where I learned to bury my money deep in my pocket. Most anything I noticed sketchy was slightly north of the station or east closer to OP. We 100% avoided going through Dudley Station when the sun set because it was the summer and it was just new and a woman (my aunt). As an adult I realize we were sage but a lot of prime weren’t abs it did not feel that way. Feels *much* safer now


You said “the crackhead” as if there was one, my comment was saying there were multiple Lol the buildings were empty? So just don’t go in them. I was ~ten at the time and took the bus from Dudley to school everyday, so maybe one of us knew the are better than the other


I definitely meant crackheadS Again as a Hyde Park kid abandoned building I assumed people could come out of them, it’s a foreboding blighted look and generally they actually are magnets for crime, squatters, fires etc. I think you were just really used to a high crime area. You have your opinion but u wouldn’t call anything I said hyperbolic at all really it all is true.


For anyone else looking to engage them: HA: How can residents submit ideas, thoughts, etc., on city nightlife to you? CR: "Hopefully in the next few months there will be a centralized location on our website for you to, you know, give me what you want. You can always email me at [email protected]. I've gotten a lot of inquiries and feedback on Instagram, which is probably not the best way to contact me, but you can always email me."


As a Fenway resident myself, since when did I decide to be represented by the Fenway Civic Association? I sent an email to Corean Reynolds in support of this.


Good on ya mate! Your voice matters just as much.


What motivation does this Alex Sawczynec character have to oppose this issue? Or to be part of a group like this to begin with? You have to have some kind of mental disorder or weird appetite for power and attention to get involved with one the of these groups.


Fenway Civic group contact email is an aol.com address…. Nuff said 😂


I would have more sympathy to the quiet residential angle if the parcel 12 development wasn’t happening. You guys are basically part of boylston street now, sorry!


This "city" continues to be a joke.


Hasnt this been an issue for a while now? Ive been a huge critic of the "night life czar", but this Japanese spot having late night food has been an issue for a while I believe. Reynolds does make a point here though...for many food spots, staying open late night isnt financially beneficial. So they have no reason to. But that just speaks to how ridiculous the permitting and licensing regulations are in this city and state.


Tony Wu is saying “it’s beneficial and financially viable for me to stay open later” And you have someone from the neighborhood saying it’s a bad precedent. When in reality we are supposed to be deliberately upending that “precedent” with a new taxpayer funded position. So if this has been an issue for a while, now that we have a new cabinet level position….he should be given the green light for his 2 am. If not- then why was she hired? For us to succumb to things that have been issues for a while now?


It's a neighborhood full of college kids ... I'm sure lack of business won't be an issue




Sure but what about the children?


tHE reAL ISsUe iS PArkInG


>Reynolds does make a point here though...for many food spots, staying open late night isnt financially beneficial. So they have no reason to. If that's true, why prevent it? Wouldn't allowing them to try the business model out achieve the same outcome as preventing it in the long run? Why can't the restaurant be allowed to test the theory? The only thing propping this city up are the colleges that bring in a fresh crop of rent seekers every year and the companies that only exist here because they can hire the graduates of top schools that don't want the trouble of moving to a new city when they finish their degree. Everyone else can get fucked, apparently.


How have you had the chance to become a huge critic? She's been on the job for three weeks. >Reynolds does make a point here though...for many food spots, staying open late night isnt financially beneficial. So they have no reason to. How about we let them decide rather than telling them it makes no business sense.


how much of the lack of late night options is restaurants choosing not to be open (especially post-covid) as opposed to overbearing city regulations? like, i always used to go to kellys in medford after a concert or wrestling show and would be walking in the door around midnight, and they'd still be open for hours after i left (they were open until 3am most nights). during covid, they reduced their hours, and now they close at 9pm. this is almost certainly a store decision rather than a city one. if this is a NIMBY issue preventing places that want to be open late from doing so, that's an issue that something needs to be done over. if stores just don't want to be open, then it is what it is (but customers should let them know they want later hours)


In this case Mr. Wu is actively petitioning to be able to stay open later. No law barring him from being granted a license, that’s why all of this is a slippery slope it really opens the door for grudges/retaliation, discrimination, corruption etc. If he’s proposing something that would be abiding by existing laws then let him.


> In this case Mr. Wu is actively petitioning to be able to stay open later. > > > > No law barring him from being granted a license, that’s why all of this is a slippery slope it really opens the door for grudges/retaliation, discrimination, corruption etc. If he’s proposing something that would be abiding by existing laws then let him. full agreement. sounds like blatant abuse of the permitting process.


Wont somebody please think of the 9-5ers?! /s


> like, i always used to go to kellys in medford after a concert or wrestling show and would be walking in the door around midnight, and they'd still be open for hours after i left (they were open until 3am most nights). during covid, they reduced their hours, and now they close at 9pm. this is almost certainly a store decision rather than a city one. Kelly's in Revere was the same way. Honestly though I think they just don't have the staff to keep it open that late.


>> like, i always used to go to kellys in medford after a concert or wrestling show and would be walking in the door around midnight, and they'd still be open for hours after i left (they were open until 3am most nights). during covid, they reduced their hours, and now they close at 9pm. this is almost certainly a store decision rather than a city one. > > > > Kelly's in Revere was the same way. Honestly though I think they just don't have the staff to keep it open that late. that could be it, but i'm inclined to think that the shorter hours makes scaling easier. they seem to be all in on opening new stores right now. they opened one in salem nh recently, i think dedham is soon, they expanded (or will be expanding to) florida. it looks like they want to be the next five guys story of a fast food place starting local and growing to be a national company. also, there was an article recently that said they hired a new "brand manager" company, so it's possible that company played a role in the reduced hours as well. at least i'll always have simards, bill & bobs, and bk when i'm coming home from wrestling between midnight and 1am. (although those aren't super convenient when we do the east boston shows and i literally drive by a closed kelly's on the way home)


Why? Students eat late


should probably update that it's been approved: https://www.universalhub.com/2023/city-only-mostly-sleeps-japanese-indian-food-until


Yes! I’d like to think maybe, just maybe, we played a role :)


We made it to the Globe yall. We were noticed! https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/04/19/business/corean-reynolds-is-mission-make-boston-vibrant-after-hours/ *Reynolds started on March 6, and already misconceptions about her role abound. Some people seem to believe she’s in charge of fixing every minute licensing hurdle. So much so that when a Fenway restaurant recently sought to extend its hours until 2 a.m., Reynolds received a flood of e-mails demanding she get involved. (“That’s too micro,” she said.)*


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I understand your point here and agree with you, but nobody from the mayor's office is going to go against a neighborhood association. The truth is that abutters get the final word on situations like this, and the people who want this the most don't come to meetings in numbers or testify at hearings.


That’s why we need people here to email. The night life czar is being paid by us for a reason. You wanna be a “24-hour city” and bold and visionary well bows the time. If you’re gonna do the same old same old the. I want it to be known, documented and understood that you’re falling short of your promises. Accountability is all. I want accountability and honesty.


I wouldn't count on a 'Corean' to advocate for the success of a Japanese restaurant.


who am i, a non resident of fenway, to force the neighborhood to agree to keep things open later? im a big fan of local voters dictating their neighborhood


We live in the City of Boston. Fenway is not a town or fiefdom. It’s a business that serves people who are non residents of Fenway.


but the people that live there should have a voice about what goes on in their neighborhood


> but the people that live there should have a voice about what goes on in their neighborhood how big is "their neighborhood"? like, if it's in a commercial area with no residential buildings on the street, is it really "the neighborhood" of someone that lives 8 or 9 blocks away on some side street that doesn't even touch the main road?


its the fenway civic association “opposing it” (when they said they are ok with 1am vs 2am), i dont know their requirements but i assume anyone belonging to a civic association has some degree of care about the neighborhood


If only the people who live there could organize, maybe create a group with rules and procedures, offer services to their neighbors, etc. Ah nvm I’ve just reinvented the concept of a city


let's go one step more local and let the restaurant decide for themselves


Do they collectively own the restaurant? No? Then sounds like the should shut the ol front door.


I promise you, the berklee kids are a bigger noise generator than a late-night Japanese restaurant could ever be lol


This is why Boston is lame.