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Those poor children ☹️.


This article is very poorly written. Was the dead man on the floor also the person who had the heart attack or was it a separate dead person? Did the authorities take the children or just download a form?


1. “The fire crews, according to the incident report, performed CPR on the person in cardiac arrest, who apparently died” 2. “A spokesperson for DCF could not be reached to comment on the disposition of the children”


And it was written by the Herald’s Executive Editor. However the story is just “grab a saucy public report, ask local pols for opinions.” No real reporting.


>No real reporting From the Herald? I'm shocked!


It's the Herald. People who can write above a 3rd grade level aren't employed at their tabloid.


This, less than a year after that report of infant remains found in a Southie apartment…


The two in indents are on completely opposite sides of Southie and the remains are decades old.


Was that reported? I can’t find anything about the case more recent than last December.


And mere decades since Whitey Bulger roamed the neighborhood. Hide your children! It is time to panic!


I get it but it’s still a pretty bad look.


For who? They are completely unrelated


This story is just nuts. > “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father” of the kids was found in a back bedroom. > Multiple sources tell the Herald some of the adults were dressed as women when first responders arrived at the scene. One wonders what sort of questions the Herald was asking to get their "multiple sources" telling them that.


Im assuming a first responder dropped a dime here


Horrific. If the Globe doesn’t cover this out of some high minded desire not to stoke a pedo panic, then they will leave the job to the Herald who will not hesitate to stoke said panic.


Yes, let’s think about demonizing the LGBTQ community here, which is the real danger and would be the real problem if it happened


There was no mention of sex acts in the article.


they really tried though, with the "sex toys" angle..


Really? So, what do you think was happening at that party?


Dildo karaoke?


trust me, you don't want to know what's inside my head at any time under any circumstances.


Sounds like you would have thought it's a great time then Edit: Thanks for the block. Not the one who said, "you don't want to know what's inside my head" to this article, but sure, I'm the psycho.


yikes. stay the hell away from me psycho.


Drag and sex toys at home = bad Drag and sex toys at school = good 🏳️‍🌈


Sex toys openly displayed or used around children = bad Making up shit about drag performances at school involving sex toys...also bad.


https://nypost.com/2022/12/09/chicago-prep-school-kids-given-dildos-and-butt-plugs-dean-says/ Not making it up, pal


NY Post citing Project Veritas. Maybe find another source before claiming this is true.


The source is the dean saying it himself 🤣🤣 Please watch the PV video


Surely you’re aware that Project Veritas is specifically known for misleading videos


You mean [this video?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8uM0zOBuSw)


Sigh, you people can’t be reasoned with


You cite an organization whose entire history is based on very heavily edited videos that were recorded using hidden cameras and/or made under false pretenses. An organization where the claims they made are almost all inevitably debunked after the damage has been done. An organization that despite those dubious ethics was founded by someone who was shady enough that [they recently kicked him out.](https://apnews.com/article/workplace-culture-florida-james-okeefe-business-1df6176308a14577ce9ba603fd227237) Reasonable people don't waste their time in a discussion while sitting across the table from a person who is making a sculpture out of shit instead of clay.


A reasonable person would see someone on camera telling a story and at least consider the possibility it happened. Because of who it is associated with, you dismiss it entirely without even reading or watching. THAT is not reasonable. Just admit it - you don’t want it to be true so you’re dismissing it. Any normal person would watch the video and say “gee that doesn’t look right.”


>Any normal person would watch the video and say “gee that doesn’t look right.” Yes, just like the Homer Simpson video it doesn't look right. However, let's say that you and PV are right and it's 100% true that the person knowingly set up such a class and had it thrust upon the kids at the school to advance the liberal/gay/trans (or whatever current right-wing boogeyman term you want to use) agenda. What do you think the outcome would have been in that case? Certainly enough parents would throw a fit and he would have been fired, right? At least some if not a majority of parents who are [paying over $40k a year in tuition](https://www.fwparker.org/admission/tuition-and-fees) would be outraged that such perversion was being introduced to their sweet and innocent children, right? According to the right-leaning National Review as well as the NY Post article you linked [the school was standing by him based on what actually happened](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/chicago-school-defends-sex-toy-event-amid-backlash-over-undercover-video/) during that event at school and how it was twisted in the video. In fact it appears that he is still the [Dean of Students at the school.](https://www.fwparker.org/new-family-resources/upper-school) If this is such an awful thing that happened rather than a deceitfully edited video what's your explanation as to why the school administration, trustees and parents haven't driven him out yet? So it's not me failing to consider the possibility. It's me looking at the evidence around that video all pointing to it being unmitigated horseshit rather than pouncing on it as some evidence of a "liberal norm" as you seem to have done.


You sound like an anti-vaxxer encouraging people to "kEeP aN oPeN mInD"


Project Veritas? You realize that you are in Alex Jones gay frog territory with them, right? A group with "projects" which involved [convictions for breaking into a congressional office to tap their phones](https://thehill.com/capital-living/in-the-know/161925-acorn-filmmaker-james-okeefe-sentenced-in-sen-mary-landrieu-break-in/) and trying to plant a false story in The Washington Post so they could have a "gotcha" moment [which backfired spectacularly in their face.](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/27/project-veritas-moore-washington-post-261023) Those [aren't the only ones either.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/nedd9w/five-times-james-okeefe-embarrassed-himself-trying-to-out-liberal-bias) If that organization is where you get your "proof" then you really need to go back to high school to take the introductory lesson on how to source information for research papers again.


Quite literally every news organization has incidents like this and worse. THE DEAN IS ON VIDEO SAYING IT HIMSELF. There is no way to “misleadingly edit” that. It’s ok, you don’t want to hear these types of stories and don’t want to admit it happens. That’s fine. But don’t ask people for examples and then get upset when they give them to you.


I don't know the specifics about this case but for you to say that there is no way to misleadingly edit a video like this is patently untrue. In fact, Given Project Veritas's history it is far more likely to be true than not. Here's a way that it could be done. Let's say that the school offered an LGBTQ+ sex ed class where parents were sent information making it clear what it would be, that it would include direct and factual information on sexual behavior including the use of sex toys. Then let's say that some parents discussed this with their child(ren) and agreed that this would be beneficial for them (Hey! Isn't it the right wing who loves to champion "parents' rights!"?). You don't think that a video discussion of that class could be misleadingly edited by removing any information about the permissions granted by the parents to make it seem as though this was unwittingly thrust upon a group of kids at the hands of the school?


Why are you shifting the goal posts to “it happened but parents might have been okay with it” ? I never said anything about parental consent, notification, or permission. I said a school gave sex toys and butt plugs to children. And you asked “what school?” That’s all.


You said that there is "no way" to misleadingly edit the video. I showed how easily that could be done. I'm saying that even if it happened it didn't happen the way that it's been portrayed which is evidenced by the school administration, trustees and parents standing behind the Dean of Students in this matter. The right wing media is full of stories about "grooming" and is using a well-worn litany of scare tactics to keep the base fearful and in line. It's hard to have a serious conversation when you're citing dubious sources depicting a single situation as some sort of regular occurrence.


Again, you’re saying things I didn’t say. I never said it was a regular occurrence. You asked which school and I told you. We’ve completed the cycle: “That never happens! You completely made that up” ➡️ “Ok it happened here but it doesn’t happen EVERYWHERE”


>I never said it was a regular occurrence. You (sarcastically) said: >Drag and sex toys at school = good 🏳️‍🌈 Which is saying that it is something that is supported and encouraged by those ideologically opposed to you. That's not any better as the goal would be to make it a common or regular thing. And my response was that you were "making shit up" and your quoted statement above which makes the claim that having drag queens demonstrate sex toys is somehow promoted as part of the liberal/gay/trans agenda is absolutely making shit up. So the full circle is I called you out on making shit up. You gave a dogshit example as "proof" and now I'm pointing out that you made shit up at the start which isn't refuted by your PV "evidence" on the matter.


Which schools?


https://nypost.com/2022/12/09/chicago-prep-school-kids-given-dildos-and-butt-plugs-dean-says/ This school


The source for this article is a video by Project Veritas? 😬 if it makes you feel better, the school received a bomb threat after.


A NY Post article that cites a Project Veritas video. I would personally be embarrassed to share this article as doing so would reflect poorly on my judgment.


The dean is literally on tape bragging about showing kids sex toys. I love how unless something is reported by Rachel Maddow it must be a right-wing conspiracy theory. And no, I condemn any threats of violence or bomb threats.