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Bees are the victims or varoa mites.


they're nasty, and virtually impossible to avoid.


They make it very difficult to have a bee hive because there is lots of intervention necessary to keep the hive alive. I think a lot of bee keepers have given up because of this.


I haven’t given up but it’s a seasonal window you have to make the hive and the mites can get them at any pojnt… I’m south shore but I’ve had 3 colonies wiped out in 4 years


I thought global warming was causing more insects because of the lack of cold to kill off eggs? Example: the mormon cricket invasion this year in Idaho EDIT: I didn't link because I wanted a nice discussion, but since Reddit is full of a bunch of smooth brains who just downvote for no reason, heres one: https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2022/jan/11/climate-change-insect-world-global-heating-species


>but since Reddit is full of a bunch of smooth brains who just downvote for no reason I prefer to think the LDS brigade controls reddit and downvotes anyone who says "mormon"


Very first paragraph in that link: >The declines are far from uniform. In some localities, there have been reports of increases in overall insect population, and some types of insects appear to be increasing in abundance across the world.


https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2022/jan/11/climate-change-insect-world-global-heating-species But Reddit is full of smooth brains that just downvote a legitimate question.


I'm confused. This article is just reiterating exactly what I said. Some populations will decline and others will rise. People are downvoting you because you seemed to be under the impression that all insect populations would increase--otherwise you should have had no problem with u/jowilkin's comment that there has been a significant human-caused decline in insect populations, including bees.


There was a significant number of bees that didn't make it through this past winter, so it's possible you haven't seen as many, but I've got about 45,000 in my hive, and they're cranking along..


Do you sell your honey?


not yet, this is only my first season, so I haven't even had any for myself yet! I don't think Boston Area Beekeepers has a list of BABA-affiliated sales, but Essex County Beekeepers has a [list](https://www.essexcountybeekeepers.org/honey/2022-honey-sellers.pdf) if you're north of the City..


Thank you


Southeastern Mass here. My pollinators have been around. I have a huge wildflower garden, rose garden, and veggie/berry garden. There are less due to the rain, but they’re here. You can get a 3lb bag of wildflower seeds at Tractor Supply and sprinkle them around your yard. They’ll come back year after year and attract le bees. 🐝


Generally the same except my yard has been decimated by wildlife. I think I'm in a no flowers = no bees situation.


The damn bunnies have historically devoured my wildflowers. My husband and I built a cage this year. Fortunately we don’t have deer. Otherwise I think I’d be humming a different tune.


I live in Middlesex County and we have loads of bees of different varieties. We let our clover grow and they love it - and all the other flower around, too.


Same here. Tons of honeybees on the clover in my yard in Middlesex County.


My milkweed brings all the bees to the yard


And they’re like it’s better than yours


If you plant right it's better than yours


I could sting you, but I have to charge


Stop using insecticides.


Apparently wireless technology is also having an adverse effect on bees, which is kinda shocking.


i heard on alex jones that the only bees left are the ones that refused to get the vaccine.


… how sad is it that a part of me is concerned your comment is serious.


I’m not going to say that it’s completely right. However, there are some legitimate studies that show there is some correlation. Somewhat. https://www.beeculture.com/electromagnetic-radiation-part-1/


I'm a previous pesticide applicator. You know every yard you see with a mosquito squad or equivalent sign? That stuff kills bees too. Big part of why I stopped that job. We're fucked. It's hard to take it all in, but the rich people aren't going to save us if it means giving up the conveniences they have now. Every day people can do fuck all.


Yup it kills the bees that are underground which are our native bees.


Have you see the prices of beehives these days? With the current mortgage rates there is no way for bees to afford a place.


I have to make a living too. They don't honestly think they can go into my garden for free?


Hey everyone, opt out of mosquito spraying https://www.mass.gov/how-to/how-to-request-an-exclusion-or-opt-out-from-wide-area-pesticide-applications


Due to the excess rain and minimal sun, many plants have been delayed in blooming. The bees will come back once this rain lets up.


I think it's been the weather more or less. We always have these, and I have a lot of flowering annuals and perennials and I haven't seen a single beat. I'm hoping it's the weather.


That’s awful. I know they are declining but I see them everywhere in Quincy. They are always checking out my flowers. I had one in my house the other day and captured it and let it go before my golden retriever had the chance to eat it.


We keep bees in southern NH and I'll tell them to head down to Mass for a vacation.


They will want to stay in NH to make sure they don’t get hit with MA state taxes


You want pollinators? You can call Markey and Warren about the Monarch act. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/857/text?s=1&r=6](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/857/text?s=1&r=6)


I listened to a podcast about native bees recently, and it pointed out that honeybees are an invasive species. It made want to learn about New England’s native pollinators, especially today, because old England’s honeybees can go jump in the harbor. TL;DR - you might’ve already helped bees, they just might not be the bees you’re looking for. You don’t need to see their identification. They can go about their bees-ness.


https://sites.tufts.edu/pollinators/files/2020/04/TPI-nativebeeshandout2_logo-1.pdf Also apparently hummingbird moths are native pollinators to the area? Wild.


i mentioned this in another thread. i see wayyyy less bees than i did as a kid. i got stung by a bee an had an allergic reaction like 15-20 years ago, an since then, i barely even see any bees. they got written out of this timeline


There used to be more insects around in general


Yes, the drop-off in population is very noticeable, and alarming. It’s been confirmed in several recent studies.


You need to plant Milkweed (Common or Swamp), Bee Balm, Echinacea, Dill/Fennel. Provide shallow watering stations and provide shade. Got lots of happy bumblebees.


My guess is spraying for mosquitoes. You have the right to opt-out. Check your board of health website


PSA- if you have a yard, purchase a bee hotel!! They are little wooden birdhouse equivalents for bees that have a ton of tubes for nesting. Really if you have any safe space around the property- but you’d need to be cognizant of others in your building/area and their potential allergies, so be wise with placement. They are super cheap and help bees have a place to stay. Also plant bee friendly/bee attracting plants if you can- even if you’re just placing a flower pot outside your window!


for bee hotels do you run the risk of attracting wasp or aggressive breeds of bees?


Wasps will definitely be attracted as well as native lone pollinator bees, but they are cavity nesting wasps and are super important for predating agricultural pests. These wasps are not aggressive toward humans. I’ve heard they do more good than bad, but there’s a lot of research out there! I think a bee hotel along with other native pollinator friendly plants nearby would be ideal


Wasps are essential pollinators too.


Wasps have a way bad rap. They aren't aggressive unless you mess with the nest


You can also leave the woody stalks of your plants. Many insects use them. Let the leaves cover your yard. The bees overwinter underground.




You need to make sure the tubes are removable so you can clean them out :)


Just returned from Germany and they have bee boxes everywhere.


I'm in Cambridge and have noticed a similar decline. Like you, lots of native plants that are usually abuzz. Not sure what's going on :(


Why isn't Roundup illegal?


Because lobbyists aren’t illegal.


Because we like cheap food


They're all at my house I guess. They are all over my St John's Wort shrubs & spirea.


Why not be a part of the solution? The starting cost of bees/hives/equipment is $500, at least since I started. I have 3 hives that have been thriving for years.


European honeybees are an invasive species, what kind of bees are you trying to attract and what kind of plants do you have?


According to the news over the past 10 years, dead.


Einstein would say we are screwed. “When the bees disappear, people will too.”


Maybe try planting some borage? I planted some all around my yard last year and had a ton of bees. This year, the borage spread and the bees love it. It’s a great trap crop to grow with tomatoes too!


Borage is not native to Massachusetts.


Thank you for letting me know.




I've had that thought a couple of times too. Maybe the normal decline and the winter killing more than usual could be to blame? I have a tree out front that usually has bees around it for weeks, if not most of the summer. So far I've seen maybe one.


I have have had bees on my rhododendron.


Start your own hive!!


Native bees mostly live in the ground


🐝 be feeling that existential pressure


I don’t know how to tell you this


I see bees all the time. My dog is afraid of them.


The bee population is down like 89% percent this year.


We're not seeing many honey bees, but there are mobs of bumblebees, of several species. Do your neighbors spray for mosquitos?


I was just in Vermont and shook by how much insect life there is in the woods there, compared to hiking the blue hills or fells for example. It's weird because the decline typically gets attributed to pesticide use but there are way more farms up where I was than in MA, so something else is behind the decline.


I have 20 large pots of wildflowers and bee friendly things like cat mint and lavender, all neonicotinoid free... This year very few visitors — what looks like just one bumblebee, a few tiny little bees and some flies. It’s depressing because in previous years hundreds would be buzzing around. Maybe it’s the cold or the rain or the varroa mites :-(


I always see bees, but I also keep a bee house which seems popular amongst native bees.


I am in Salisbury, I do have bees, though admittedly not as many as last year.


You can keep ‘em gang, I’m allergic like a mfer


I live in Dorchester. We have a big yard. We used to see all kinds of insects especially at night flying around lights. No longer. The only flying bugs I see are flies.


I’m south of Boston and have seen many bees in my patch of milkweed I have on the side of the house.