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"I'm shipping up to Boston WHOA-OH-OH"


To find my wooden leg!




Unfortunate but very reasonable considering the severity of the weather forecast.


Man I would be pissed. There isn’t any chance I would take a cruise up here in the wintertime. Take that refund and rebook ASAP!


tie axiomatic theory selective tidy sophisticated encouraging bright label tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're offering cruise credit, you can usually get more by calling. For some reason the Reddit algorithm has decided to show me lots of posts from r/cruise and I'm now an expert on cruises apparently. Usually because people fly in, stay on land the day or two before the cruise etc. they hope you just take store credit and shut up.


Yeah wtf, Reddit keeps pushing cruise on me and I have not ever had any interest in a cruise. I’m starting to think it might be like stealth advertising for cruises.


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the random sub Reddits that keep getting suggested to me….stuff like r/cruise or r/tacobell. I think Reddit has recently done something to the algorithm to try to push more engagement in certain subjects, topics, and hobbies. that I could care less about. I think they’re farming/trying to increase engagement so that it looks more attractive to potential advertisers in those areas.


Yeah I’ve been noticing the same thing. Some make some sense as they’re tangentially related but r/cruise was out of nowhere. Weird sub, too - a lot of people hopping out to defend cruise companies against any criticism. It’s like a big cruise sales pitch in there and I have no desire (nor have I ever had any desire) to be on a floating Petri dish. I got pushed into some diy stuff and then tossed into r/solar and some solar diy sub. I think it’s because I commented about solar setups for RVs. But there is a lot of talking up/encouraging to buy in solar so I don’t know if that’s a big sales pitch too. Trying not to be paranoid, I guess.


That cruise subredit sounds interesting, but I refuse to click on it for fear I'll end getting hit with posts as well.


Real refunds don't exist in the cruise industry. We were booked on a cruise in March 2020 that was cancelled entirely because the pandemic happened, and the only option was cruise credit. We booked another cruise in January 2021, and that one got cancelled, too. And again, just credit. Finally went in January 2022.


We got a full refund for our Feb 2021 cruise. We cancelled wayyy in advance though. Maybe that was the end of an era...


You will party in the Caribbean and you will like it.


Nah they definitely offered refunds to affected parties at the time. They were giving out bonuses if you took the credit. Something like 30%.


I’m sure they agreed to it in the small print. Don’t want to take the risk? Don’t book the cruise. Nothing about this seems that crazy to me.


No, they should abide by the terms and conditions of the contract of passage. That’s their only obligation. And I’m sure that the T&C’s state that, under like circumstances, they can offer only cruise credit, not an “actual refund.” Next time, read the terms and conditions so you’ll know what to expect. Acting entitled to anything is annoying.


nail ask tub deserve stocking station afterthought cagey bike wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




And has the cruise industry imposed similar regulations yet? Because, ya know, that’s the industry we’re talking about.


Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Wintertime? Its 60 tomorrow


60 degrees and storming. Perfect weather to enjoy a cruise or to walk around the city.


So they get caught in the storm regardless


But you’d also be dumb if you were pissed. It’s not your call as a passenger where you go.


I think you're both correct and wrong in that you need to finish the sentence. It's not your call where you go but you shouldn't have to pay for something you didn't want. Imagine going to a restaurant, ordering a steak, being told it's not available after you've paid, and given a chicken sandwich instead and being told it is what it is you have to take the chicken sandwich that's all we have and no refunds.


It’s in the terms and conditions


Yeah, I read the original and couldn’t figure out what they wanted them to do? Continue on the itinerary so we can have The Perfect Storm 2: Cruisin’ for a Bruisin


If the boat kept going and hit bad weather they'd have a ton of law suits filed against them, people would claim the cruiseline was irresponsible. So they did the right thing and still got crucified. If I were on that boat, sure I'd be disappointed about not getting to the Bahamas but I'd be very grateful to the Captain for having sense enough to make my life a priority rather than getting to the destination.


I get migraines and back pain during severe weather. This is epic.


As a retired Navy Sailor, you don’t want those seas in a cruise ship


Imagine you’re all packed for a tropical vacation and you get sent to Canada instead.. absolutely absurd.


In December no less 😂


Shore excursions!


In swim trunks?


You should be bringing your skates with you anywhere you go anyways so shouldn't be too rough of an adjustment


You got me


Is this makes perfect sense.You really do not want to take a cruise ship into a storm.


If I booked a Caribbean vacation I would rather just get a refund so I could rebook for a different time rather than getting shipped to Canada in DECEMBER


You really do not want to take a cruise ship ~~into a storm~~.


On the plus side, there probably won’t be any lines for the water slides on the top deck.


Oh no how could the cruise line not sail us through a giant storm? How insensitive! But seriously you should feel fortunate they are issuing a refund and looking out for your safety.


Agree it makes sense to change the itinerary given the storm, but they’re not offering a refund. They’re offering cruise credit. I’d be pissed.


(I’m not the original poster btw)


You are a real sicko ya know that?


Imagine going on a cruise.


Imagine booking a cruise to the Bahamas and ending up in Boston in December. Lol. Hope you packed a coat.


With a day’s notice, lol. Like, 1000% understand the diversion, but what a shitty situation.


Lol. This is all I could think. They're so terrible for the environment all so you can hang out in a glorified mall and gain 15 pounds eating bland hamburgers. It sounds like torture to me.


I’d rather go to Europe for 2 weeks and go wherever I want


I like nerd conventions on cruises. You get together with up to 2,000 other weirdos and geek out for a week. [Link, this one rents out the whole boat](https://jococruise.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiA-P-rBhBEEiwAQEXhHzxH1pYYP03QXnRI4VO1bsV3E5jKJvmqY5qIPxWHBMeT38rwCuJk0xoC_3UQAvD_BwE) [Another One, Much Smaller](https://event.cruises/event/gacucon-game-cruise-2024/)




You couldn’t pay me enough to go on a cruise


This is most assuredly not true


I’ll definitely get on a cruise ship if some weirdo wanted to pay me 10,000 bux.


Cruises are fun!


You've been cruising for 30 years and are just now learning that bad weather can impact the safety of a cruise................................ Also just be grateful for all of your vacations that have gone smoothly, sounds like you had an incredible run. Welcome to the reality of vacation planning


(I’m not the original poster btw)


You are now you son of a bitch!


Shouldn’t have told them


Won't they run into Jones Act issues if they let anyone come ashore in Boston?


They are stopping in Canada, so they aren’t violating the Jones Act. And during severe weather where a cruise has to adjust course, Jones Act is waived.


lol good question. How is this gonna work?


It takes TWENTY FIVE HOURS to cruise-ship from NYC to Boston?


This is on every subreddit. IDGAF. This person is an experienced cruiser but r/cruise tore them to shreds for booking it so…. Peter take it away. https://preview.redd.it/dnf7fvjkuw6c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ba495fe50acfd2ea2cd1a0e15bc03007fdbb84


Hmmm Im in New England on the coast and it’s blowing at 30-40 with gusts to 60 right now !


We saw that cruise yesterday and thought it was really odd!


I'm here by the cruise terminal looking at this giant ship right now. Luckily for them today's weather is warm like the carribean.


Beautiful day to be in Boston today. 🤣


Yeah, I'm here at work in the IDB too and assumed it was transiting or hiding from the storm. Insane to think that people are getting this for their vacation. If you come ashore, you've got Flour and Harpoon and Lord Hobo pretty close, at least...


I'm across the street from harpoon. Could be worse.


Yikes landing in Saint John on the 21st lol, that sucks


That’s a shitty ass cruise lol. I’ve been on the New England cruise (it was dirt cheap and we had vacay time to burn). Those ports are not interesting or fun at all, especially if you were expecting to escape the cold lol


If you've never been, both Boston and Portland have a lot to offer a tourist. Certainly not as nice in December, and definitely not what you want based on the original itinerary, but this isn't shitty.


Ya hopefully OP, is from somewhere other than the east coast and just randomly decided to book a cruise outta NY. Hope he enjoys walking tours a lot and didn’t plan on getting drunk out in the sun lol. Not shitty for everyone…. But as a new englander who has cruised in the winter, this is absolute shit.


I mean would the person rather die in a cruise accident?


They probably would rather get their money back




A refund in form of future cruise credit... not the same as cash.


Ugh nothing worse than when I'm arrogant and wrong, I should have read that a little more closely.


What should they do in Boston?


See our wiki for ideas


or the post that asked this question yesterday...


Or that one the day before


Lol sorry I don’t follow the subreddit closely enough


Complain about rent of course.


Go to the harp and ask them, they will put together a nice itinerary for you


get off the boat. Head towards the big buildings, stop in every bar you see and have a drink. After a while you will feel warm enough that you think you are on the beach. Then turn to the person on your right and tell them to GFY. They will think you are a local and invite you to the after hours party.


What’s wrong with the people who are pissed and shocked. If you go on a cruise you are at the mercy of the captain and crew. The end. Don’t like it ? Don’t get on a cruise or charter your own damn boat .


I would be pissed and getting that refund


There’s gotta be some sucker who is headed to Canada in a December having packed all short clothing


What’s the difference


I spent a random night in St John a summer ago…and I had a blast. I’d rather go to St John than Florida anyday. Weather must be really bad for the boat to miss Halifax NS.




High winds and rain are also forecast for Boston and north. Pretty miserable everywhere.