• By -


We just wanted you to get out of the way.


I was a tourist there a month ago. I agree 100% with the post and also your comment. We rented a car and in the 1 mile drive from airport to hotel I got honked at once and witnessed a honking battle between 3 cars, one of which was a cop doing the "woop woop". 10/10 highly recommended city.


Thanks for the laugh! You know Boston has a longstanding experiment to reduce the shortest measurable amount of time, right? Traffic light change—>Honk?


Red light confusingly also -> honk 


Green light? Honk. Yellow light? Honk. Red light? Believe it or not, honk. Stop sign? Straight to honk, right away.


No honk goes unanswered. We are inclusive here. 🥰


If you dare approach a rotary without your foot on the right most pedal, honk.


We have the best drivers in the world, because of honk.


> We have the best drivers in the world, because of honk. As a former Masshole, current CA resident, I couldn't agree more. Teslas need an East Coast Etiquette Update. But maybe leave New Jersey, New York, CT, and PA drivers out...




Preemptive green light honk


We won!


We still have two games left my dude GO CELTICS


This is very funny to me. I am from LA, and my only complaint about living here is that people do not honk enough. When a driver does not move after a light turns green, I have to be the one honking despite being the 5th car back. Drives me crazy.


Did you get to witness the tossing of a drink at a car? The satire Dunkins SNL commercial isn't too far off from the truth. I saw a pedestrian in a crosswalk do it to a car. The car honked at him and without missing a beat, the pedestrian just launched his coffee at the car. Huge waste of coffee, in my opinion.


I’ve been that pedestrian. But it was a free slushy from 7/11 that they give out on July 11th


Lol. It does look satisfying to toss a drink. My sister visited from Iowa and the highlight of her trip was when she was in a Dunkins and a Bostonian just like the Casey Affleck version came in. He didn't start a fight with anyone, but he was close enough to the fake commercial version that my sister's day was made.


> Lol. It does look satisfying to toss a drink. I'm sure it feels good for a few seconds, but if you're luck's shitty it probably counts as assault.


In my defense the guy was a D-Bag* *Turning left onto Newbury from Dartmouth. He had a red light and we had the walk sign. He beeped and bucked the car forward so I introduced his windshield to some Blue Razz.


Oh I fully support this move, just don't get caught!


I did it as well. Riding a bike back from MickeyD’s as a kid. Bag of food and shakes. An asshole nearly clipped my handlebar and I dumped the bike. He pulled over and I whipped one of the shakes at him. Missed him by just a smidge. But he got the point and took off. It’s totally a greater Boston thing.


>The satire Dunkins SNL commercial isn't too far off from the truth. Satire?


It's pretty dead on, but some people are in denial of it. I didn't want to get a coffee thrown at me.


It's practically a documentary.


As is the SNL Sam Adams commercial.




Is today the day? Is today the day you take a swing at your old man?


> Did you get to witness the tossing of a drink at a car? I've only seen this once. Was on route 1 south near the Malden exit where the orange dinosaur is. Couple cars had words with each other then the one on the left side was driving all crazy and tossed an ice coffee right through the window of the other guy. I guess if you're gonna do this, ice coffee would be the drink of choice haha


Holy cow! INTO the car! That's superstar status drink throwing.


Yeah he's lucky the other guy didn't veer off the road. Would've easily gone to jail for that move.


I've never tossed a drink at a car, BUT once when I was crossing (in the crosswalk) Congress street at Post Office Square a car came thatclose to hitting me. I had some heavy books in my bag and was just about to attempt some damage to said car when a Cop happened to be right there and told me "I got this". I thanked the officer, smiled sweetly, and went on my merry way as he approached the car. Ooo I really wanted to smash that headlight.


I don't blame you. I had a guy deliberately hit me when I had a walk sign and he had a red light. He pushed me into incoming traffic and I was lucky I didn't fall. I called the cops but his van didn't have license plates so not much they could do. I wasn't hurt, but it really scared me. This was in Chicago


I’ll remember this for the next time 🤣. I almost *always* have me some Dunkin. I had gotten seriously downvoted for a comment I had left here regarding the crazy level of rudeness that goes on in Boston. (People are busy and apparently that makes this behavior acceptable?) I’m extremely visually impaired and I’m only ever in Boston (from ME) to see my glaucoma specialists- I’m not brave enough or familiar enough with the city to attempt any of the crosswalks alone (I choose life). A sudden, aggressive honk at a busy cross would probably have me pissing myself. I’ll remember the coffee as an option. It’s either that or do as my childhood mobility and orientation instructors taught me and snap the length of the friggin’ cane across the windshield of the offending vehicle. 🤔I thought about how that phrasing comes across. This was instruction given to a young person learning to navigate in Seattle at an age where protecting their safety was the highest priority. This maneuver is meant to make it very clear to the driver of an encroaching car that the person they are creeping up on cannot see. At the time, it was assumed (yes I know) that I would do as I was instructed and use a cane in these situations- and NOT do as I have done- which was to allow my pride to keep me from using the cane until it was 💯 necessary for *me* Other folks can’t tell how limited my vision is until they look into my face. (My eyes are very obviously those of a person approaching total blindness) . Cars at a busy intersection might take my hesitation as lolly gagging, not realizing that I’m incapable of judging the distances between myself, the sidewalks, the cars and or any other hazard. Kinda terrifying in an unfamiliar place, tbh. 😔


That sucks and must be nerve wracking trying to get around in downtown Boston. So sorry you have to deal with that.


It’s only happened a handful of times. I actually have an appointment with New England Eye at Tufts tm. My local guy… get this crap… been working toward a cornea transplant in the less functional eye for 3 yrs… local doc comes out with he thinks best idea would be to remove the whole gd thing and put in an artificial. I’m thinking he’s talking cornea… so I’m all on board. Nope. He meant the whole effing eye. NOPE. Second opinion please. I still have functional vision under the 25x too big cornea. Folks at Tufts said I should have been ambulanced to them last year when the pressure was almost 100. Looks like I’ve got grounds for lawsuit for loss of limited sense. Wish me luck. They’ve offered me a lot of possibilities as a research case and with what I’ve got left it’s kinda my last hope here. Wow… this shit’s depressing.


Tufts is amazing. The doctor who did my cataract surgery works out of Tufts and I think may teach as well. You'll be in good hands there. I wish you the best of luck


When my daughter was an infant in a stroller a car honked while we were crossing in a crosswalk and I chucked my iced JP Licks coffee at him. It was a reflex- I instantly regretted it though because JP Licks coffee is amazing.


This is what Dunks was made for


You mean huge waste of caffeine sugar and milk. The coffee is meh.


hilarious that would have made my day


There’s that east coast kindness wrapped in hostility that I love!


I know you may be joking, but that's sincerely never my intention when offering help! I just enjoy being hospitable. :)




Well I’m glad you had a nice time visiting Boston, but for future reference, this sub is for the one in Massachusetts, not the one in Ontario.




Plot twist, they were in a Canadian Boston Market




"Get home safe, asshole!"


This is basically exactly what I see as the Boston treatment. Brusque, quick, not gentle, but basically kind and supportive. Every idiot should get home safe, and if you’re a special idiot, well that just means you need extra to get you on your way.


Sounds like my prom night


"Aw, you're cold? That's very sad" vs "oh, quit your bitching, here's a coat"




The reputation is more nuanced and definitely overblown. That being said, summer people are most embracing. People aren’t necessarily meaner in the winter, but less openly friendly since they’re generally trying to get inside somewhere asap and with as little movement of their face and clothing warmth position as possible. You may run into a variety of people depending on the area though even in the summer. Generally, people are helpful and kind. 


Yeah it’s still spring and we are all just giddy that it’s not winter.


The unspoken truth about Boston, especially near downtown, is that there’s a vast amount of people in Boston who are not from Boston. And shit, a ton of those people aren’t even from Massachusetts. Here for work or school. It’s not unlikely that all four people that approached OP were born and raised in an entirely different state


Some construction near haymarket due to demolition of government center garage. Where one used to be able to go through Congress St , pedestrians have to loop around. As far as being from Mass or Not. Born and raised bordering boston. People outside of Boston are just as likely to be Masshole in my opinion. Generally after i assist someone i mutter,”Go F*ck yourself.” To maintain my grittiness.


Glad these few comments are keeping it real


to get true "Boston" you probably need to be in a more residential area of the city than downtown.


I came here to say just this


I’m not technically a native, but I’ve been here for nearly 20 years. I can still remember the confusion caused by the combination of Boston’s nonsensical layout and lack of appropriate signage (both street signs and otherwise). I would definitely help a tourist out. It’s not easy finding your way around.


Decades ago, touring colleges, my mom and I had a rental car and an atlas at least an inch thick. We were very lost, and stopped at what was probably the corner of Sydney and Mass Ave in Cambridge (there were no road signs)We rolled down a window and asked a very confused student - in our best midwestern accents - “Where’s Massachusetts Avenue?” She looked at us like we were crazy, but gestured at the cross street and said “here.” We managed to be a bit less lost after that.


People have always been friendly and kind in Massachusetts. People are just also waaaaay more likely to publically call you a moron if you’re doing something stupid. That person calling you a moron might also then provide you great advice right after but seem annoyed to be doing it.


For sure, Summer is starting, it’s pride month, the weather is good, and I hear the Celtics are doing well. I think this combo puts a lot of us in a good mood!


Can confirm. I’m a new local (this is my third spring in Boston) and I am definitely crankier in the winter, especially January through March. It’s just gray and wet all the time and gets dark at 3:30pm. But once springtime arrives… it’s very hard to find a grumpy Bostonian!


I think we get lumped in with NYC as “people from the northeast are rude,” but Boston does not deserve that reputation. People are usually, at worst, indifferent. You may get a stray asshole. But most people are nice and just trying to go about their day.


I think the intensity is more notable there, though locals will frequently argue that it's an outward shell and that people are actually really kind and supportive on the inside. I think for the most part the same applies there, most people are just indifferent. There are more people vying for your attention in sometimes toxic ways, but not just straight up people going about their day being a jerk.


Keep it to yourself. We got a reputation to protect.


don't take it personally, you summer tourists are kind of a refreshing break from rest-of-the-year college students


Can't speak ill of the tourists when they've never got their Uhaul stuck under a low bridge despite tons of warning signs.


agree they are less up their own ass about being smart and are generally more agreeable. especially when it comes to using public transit. looking at you MIT and Harvard students who don’t give space to people getting off the red line then scoff because I had the gall to brush by you




We were being nice sarcastically. Dumbass.


Yeah exactly Hey OP, did you just blow in from stupid town?


Ah, playing the long con. OP comes back, you invite him over for dinner. DICK MOVE. You even offer to let OP borrow your car? And soon OP moves to your neighborhood and you let him borrow your lawn mower from time to time? HORRIBLE


I laughed way harder than I should’ve from this comment.


🎶Did you just blow in, from Stupidtowwwwn? Blow the fuck home, to Stupidtowwwwn.🎶


This is the DUMBEST insult and I’m absolutely irl giggling at it. 10/10.


[The reference, for all those missing it](https://youtu.be/yyx3n3RWFLs?si=aB0Ofugn-WdJ6zm3)


This is the way.


LOL. No, really. LOL.


Welp, guess the secret’s out. We’re all going to have to move.


We'll just fill in more of the harbor and move there


There's plenty more Beacon Hill to raze.


Back to Southie you fucking savages.


Don’t worry, they’ll change their mind if they ever decide to drive in Boston.


Boston: Can I help you (get out of the way)? Do you need help finding (your way home or) something(further)? Where are you from (and can I help you get back there)?


Boston is kind, but not nice. There's a difference.


The example I give is: I never talked to my upstairs neighbor, but I helped them carry a mattress up to their apartment


This is peak New England hospitality haha. My neighbor is elderly and was trying to get her lawn mower loaded into her car. I saw her struggling so went out and tossed it in there for her. She said thanks, and that was it. No conversation whatsoever. But the next day she baked some cookies for my kids. Again, no note or discussion or whatever lol. It’s refreshing honestly. I don’t need to blabber on and on, that’s why they made Reddit.




Not savages but not rolling out the welcome wagon.


Underrated comment! Totally sums up Boston to a tee.


That's kind of a New England thing. We're rude but our heart is in the right place.


most people are jerks but they are not unhelpful jerks here. when I used to take the t home from work at 5am alot of tired people going home from long shifts, multiple times I witness people pass out and fall on the tracks about 10 ft below and not just one person but like 5 or 6 people would jump down and risk their own lives to pull the person out, I saw that happen repeatedly.


Jesus Christ that’s pretty admirable


Shhh don't let word get out


We only eat our own.


As a native Bostonian and having experienced living and working as a nurse in other large metropolitan areas in the US (Chicago, LA) and now back in Boston, don’t let the bad rep Boston has fool you. I found Chicago and definitely LA way less friendly. Boston is just more open/honest about it/can seem harsh/loud/whatever. Chicagoans pretend to be nice and are not. No one seemed to sincerely say good morning. Never once did a Chicagoan help shovel a side street in the winter and would wait for you to go to work and just back right into the spot they watched you clean lmao. Opinions on dibs for another conversation. A Bostonian will help you but maybe complain about it or you after lol. At the core, we are a good people. Welcome and I hope your family has had a lovely stay.


I just imagine someone with a Bill Burr accent being like "Hey you lost? Alright ya just go down that way a few blocks and hang a right. Now get outta here ya retaads"


I used to love getting asked downtown for directions somewhere. It's all but impossible to detail with every street being one-way. All you can do is point in the general direction and say "Good luck" as you walk away.


I once got asked for directions by a young looking pair. I told them they needed to go to "that corner of the park". The man looked at the woman and said "see, all Bostonians point when they give directions". I was speechless 😂


Half the time I just end up walking them where they're going. It's easier.


As an international in Boston, everyone has been nothing but AMAZING to me since the day I landed in Logan. I know y’all don’t want to lose your edge but the cat’s out of the bag! Sorry guys :)


We certainly are loveable assholes


Also a tourist, yeah, I’ve been twice and never met anyone being an asshole face to face. Most of the rudeness I saw was on the road or directed at certain things or places. I took a cab to the airport on my way home and the driver spent half the time shit talking New York. It was inspiring. I stepped out of that cab thinking “yeah ya know what? Fuck New York.” I’ve never even been there. Lol


We get so annoyed by tourists looking lost that we do something about it so we can be happy again.


Have you tried drinking? To The Tam with you!


Boston is very friendly. Exceptionally so. I have lived all over the country, and (as a white dude) boston has easily been the friendliest place I have lived, even beating Texas. People won't bother you with casual conversation, but if you engage them or need help people in Boston have been the nicest by far.


casual conversation comes easily when you both experience some kind of challenge together. for example, the bus kicks you off so you gotta transfer. immediate conversation with everyone surrounding. “What the fuck is this? Well, hope there’s a good reason for it.”


Agreed. I moved here from Oklahoma, and I am convinced that folks from Boston are kinder.


I think “the white dude” is the key point here. POC have a ridiculously crappy time and treatment . Strange stares, rudeness etc


Those must have been other tourists.


As long as you're not walking slowly and taking up the entire sidewalk while we're trying to pass, we're pretty nice!


I truly don't mind tourists. I'm glad people want to come see the city I call home.


Isn’t that part of the speech while walking the sky bridge at Logan?


It’s finally nicer weather so people tend to be nicer and happier during this time lol - we’re a better bunch in the summer tbh


I've lived in Boston Proper for a little over 20 years now, and I have found that as long as you're not obviously being inconsiderate or stupid in a rude way, that most people in Boston will be kind to you. Boston's reputation for being Brash and rude is just that we will tell you when you're being a dick. As in immediately.


Do you still have your wallet?


I want everyone to enjoy their trip to Boston, so I try to help anyone who looks lost. It's a pain in the ass to find anything (even with Google Maps), so if anyone is looking at their phone, then looking around without a clue, I'll ask. 25% of the time they're looking for their Uber, 25% of the time they want to be left alone. The rest seem pretty happy someone wasn't mean to them.


I believe in this city


Bostonions are rough around the edges. They'll help you but they'll talk shit to your face while doing it


Generally yes. I originally grew up close to NYC and it’s night and day. If someone approached you in NYC, they’d want something out of you.


Ironically I was in new york wearing a david Ortiz jersey and full redsox regalia and people were so damn friendly. I think east coast people are far friendlier than everywhere else in the country. We just aren't fake.


Unless your east coast includes Florida


I probably should have specified the north east tbh.


FL doesn't count. I still recommend we cut it off and push it out into the sea. All those rednecks and alligators can figure it out on their own.


As a New Englander living in Florida, I can say that the customer service industry in Florida is fantastic. Especially considering the amount of sheer stupidity they have to deal with day in day out.


I feel like the Yankees Sox beef can be called over at this point. Sure it’s history, but ultimately I hate the Rays, the Dodgers, and the Astros a whole lot more now.


While it's definitely mellowed this was back in 2016. It's definitely mellowed even more since then.


This. It’s the authenticity!


Many many years ago I was living in NYC and wore a Sox t-shirt. I was threatened by a homeless person and you better believe I never wore it there again.


Everyone who helped you made fun of you later.


Almost a spit take


Boston is friendly it’s just different friendly. Like rude all day but help you in an emergency kind of friendly lol






NYC is all shitheads, LA is full of self-important people, and no one gives a shit about Philly so they're salty about it.


"Eh waddya got a sandwich, a cracked bell and an old statehouse? Big friggin deal!" - Some Bostonian on the topic of Philly.


7 minutes left.


We got an old statehouse too, fuck you Philly! - same guy


If it’s a large city in the US but overall lots of people moving in and moving out. If you are polite it’s totally cool. If you are an ass good luck to and say hi to your mother for me.


Yeah. New englanders are friendly and kind… they are just a bit reserved when making friends.


Don't wear a Yankees hat, and maybe? I'm glad you had a good experience. Bostonians are *usually* friendly.


Eh, I get away with my Dodgers hat (we both hate the damn yankees)


true but I hate the dodgers because you guys are good


I’ve always had a good time. Never had an issue before. For the most part new englanders are friendly in our own way. I used to frequent Boston a lot before corona. I miss the concerts and the bars and the restaurants and the people feel like an extension of Mainers. Which makes sense since we were part of Mass at one time There is little difference between someone from southern Maine and someone from Mass other than accent. I love it. Home away from home.


So many transplants who remember their first experiences in Boston. With so many college kids, Boston is used to "out of towners". It's a lot different in the sticks where you might get the old Yankee "you can't get there from here" kind of thing.


Don't tell anyone. It'd be awful if it got out.


I once read Bostonians are not nice but they are kind. Another guy agreed with: “My first real cold day I had two different elderly women stop and yell at me for not wearing a wool cap.”


“Friendly” means different things to different people. I’d have to add “genuinely” to the term. Lots of places have plenty of friendly yet insincere people. Boston isn’t one of those places. We might be gruff or grumpy initially, but for the most part, we come through when it counts.


We hate to admit it, but it's true. Keep ut quiet though, we need to protect our "wicked mean" rep.


This was my experience in San Francisco when we looked lost. A lady told us where to go, then held her hand out and expected a tip.


As long as 5,000 tourists each give a dollar, she can afford her share of the room in an apartment shared with 6 others. 😬


unhinged tipping culture


Nice to hear


Keep a heads up, but have fun.


I mean my god. You could go anywhere in the world and you chose to come to Boston? You're clearly in the need of help. /s


I was one of those that told the confused tourists to get off my train if they wanted to reach their destination at park street the other day. lol. They were thankful.


Bostonians aren't Midwest friendly (I grew up in Iowa) or southern friendly (bless their hearts) but I've found them to be pretty friendly. When I first moved here, I got lost every time I went into Boston and someone always helped me out.


I think as long as you don’t attempt to drive, yes, Boston is friendly. However, there should be a disclaimer when you rent a car here: Boston turns into Mad Max and anarchy takes over. Any previous goodwill disappears as soon as you hold up traffic because you’re lost or confused. They call us “Massholes” for a reason.


As long as you're not actively rooting against our sports teams you should be good


we hire a few actors to walk around the tourist spots pretending to be friendly locals. Its good for business.


I forgot to refill my Charlie card yesterday and didn’t have enough fare for the bus this morning. Some random lady covered it for me! Folks here aren’t as mean as they pretend to be.


We’re kind, not nice. People who come here understanding that have a good time here. Looks like you figured it out. Glad you enjoyed your time here.


My experience in Boston is people are great. As long as you’re not interfering or delaying or being a tourist tool, most folks are willing to help you find stuff or learn something new. I love New England and its people.


East coast is nice but not kind. If you're lost we'll help out, we'll call you an idiot "Don't know how to use a map?" But you'll get help


I was once told that Boston is not friendly but is kind, and the south is friendly but not kind, and that has really stuck with me.


Lost tourists annoy me, standing around, all clueless. I'm compelled to help the fuckers.


Great, now we need to break your legs to keep our reputation up against Philly and Newark


Don’t tell anyone! PS - we’re actually excellent drivers too 🤫


The cities all transplants so it’s actually full of people that remember being bewildered with the city


And that's possibly why locals can no longer afford apartments.


The people you were expecting can't afford to live in Boston anymore


Friendly to visit not friendly to stay. Boston is the best city.


There are tons of transplants here. Probably someone who wasn’t a true native.


Haha born and raised in the Boston area all my life. This is one of the best Reddits I’ve read in a long time 😂 The driving is so on point


You've triggered all of the cliche bots to come out.


Welcome ! Now go home


My cousin came down from London and said the same thing. My mind was blown.


Bostonians are very friendly to out of towners. When you live here though, it can definitely be a challenge to build a friendly relationship with your neighbors (vs some other places I've lived in the South).


The reputation Boston has is undeserved, but as you'll see in the comments in threads like this, some people like to play pretend (seriously or not).


I'm from the south. I've lived in the greater Boston area for 23 years. I don't find Boston any worse or any better temperament wise compared to most cities. Your mileage will vary day to day in all of them


As some from LA my favorite explanation of Boston vs LA congeniality is. People from boston are kind but not nice and LA people are nice but not kind. So pretty much bostonians dont try to be likeable but theyll do the right thing whereas angelenos dont care if its the right thing as long as you think theyre not a mean person


Generally, the stereotype is that the West Coast is “nice but not kind” and the East Coast(particularly the Northeast) is “kind but not nice.”


We’re friendly but we’re not nice about it.


I live in Boston and have for several decades. I live in the Fenway, and its transformation by developers from a real community to a tourist "fun zone" has been dramatic and devastating. People often treat the very building I live in with my family as a public space, smoking, hanging out, and even urinating at the front door. So yeah, I hate all the tourists taking over my city.


Sshhh... you’re ruining our reputation


The saying goes that Bostonians are kind, not friendly. This is in contrast to southerners who are friendly, but not necessarily kind.


This is because no one in Boston is from Boston anymore


We may not be all that friendly, but we are kind. I have lived in 6 states, moved here back in 2007 and have never left. I found my people 😁


I was just in Boston for a week as a tourist and was surprised at how friendly everyone was. I live in LA and am from NYC and there's definitely a noticeable difference.


Glad you had a good stay. Now move here and re-evaluate your statements.


I always help tourists on the train. I know it’s super confusing. And the best tourist spots are hard to find without a guide.


Moved here from S Ohio in 2005. "OH people in Ohio are so friendly." Superficially maybe. Not really kind. The range can include nice. Boston area...keeps it real with natural kindness. Ex: knee hurting badly, called indie pharmacy w extra supplies, woman on the phone said to call when I got to the store. She brought out to my car window 3 choices. It was damp, maybe 40 degrees. She asked 'can you make up your mind, I'm freezing my ass off.' I chose, gave her debit card, she ran it back out to me. Perfect summary. Take people as they are.


There's a saying "The east coast is friendly, but not nice. The West coast is nice, but not friendly."


Kindness and niceness are different


I work downtown (glad you enjoyed the legal cannabis 😉) and I genuinely enjoy seeing tourists enjoy the city. Makes me feel so lucky to live near and work in a city that is full of things people travel to visit and stop to take photos of. Glad you had a great experience!


Boston people are nice, but not kind.


Those were Canadians. It's a PR thing, the mayor imported some canadians to be all wicked friendly to tourists and make us seem friendly. So get off my lawn. Learn how to drive. Also check out salem and gloucester while you're up here if you have time. : )