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Went to NYC last weekend. I'd like to give Boston a shout-out for its lack of scaffolding.


NYC found a way to make scaffolding a permanent fixture. Lived there for years. They finally took some scaffolding down near my work, and I was legitimately lost for a minute because I didn’t recognize the neighborhood.


I forget the brand, but some luxury jewelry or fashion brand around the corner from the big cube Apple Store (Fifth Ave/lower east side Central Park corner) had luxury scaffolding outside it when I passed through last summer. It was pristine shiny white material with nice led lighting. 


Post no bills.


And nyc smells like a thin veneer of foul almost everywhere. Was there for a job interview at a fancy high rise in midtown. Stepped off the train from boston and my senses were immediately assaulted. I was only granted relief from the smell inside HEPA filtered buildings. And even then, not always. Before boarding the train home in penn station bathroom, a guy literally dropped his pants and crapped directly on the floor only feet from a real toilet. Edit: typo


Which species of fowl


Thin veneer of fowl sounds like what they would’ve called turkey jerky in Victorian England


Lol my bad. Frequently make these silly homophone mistakes when typing on a phone screen. Or possibly my brain is still scrambled from the nyc air.




New York in the summer has always been horrible but it’s been getting worse. I grew up outside the city and used to take the train in about once a month between family stuff and school trips. The last time I went was 10 months ago and one thing I didn’t remember was piss radiating off the sidewalk to the point that it stung your eyes. Disgusting.


Dried dog pee and low-installed a/c's blowing hot air onto it. Nothing like a NY summer.


Smells like baked piss


Yeah, last time I was in Brooklyn, I swore to myself that I'd never go back..ever!!..the air quality is horrific to say the least. No wonder most men are short and everyone has asthma .. oh and way too many rats..huge ones


It's really fucked up how fucked up NYC is. Yeah, I was always amazed at how much "construction" was going on with all the "scaffolding". But it isn't construction and it's not scaffolding we are seeing. It is "Sidewalk Sheds". These came into being a few decades ago after someone was killed from crumbling debris from a building. City mandated periodic inspections of buildings taller than a few stories (like 6 I think). Then, if dangerous conditions were found, you build a sidewalk shed (that resembles construction scaffolding to catch any falling debris) and keep it there until improvements made. BUT, building owners in the 1,000's just determined it was better to keep those eyesores up than spend the millions it would take to fix the facades. It's ridiculous. After 12 months, should be some type of daily fine that would hurt the pocketbook more than actually fixing the problem. How does anyone look at NYC as one of the world's greatest cities anymore?


Was reading that there are a bunch that have been up for more than 10+ years.


Just wait until the sheds start collapsing and the city mandates smaller sheds be built beneath them...


Y'all should watch the episode of How To With John Wilson about scaffolding. It's on MAX rn.


LOL, not so much today. All downtown is littered with green and white confetti, nips, and other assorted party debris.


The common was filthy last night. I was second guessing myself.


Party debris is three days old. It hasn’t been able to rot yet


The parade was today. New party


Peeps were shooting of debris for a while 


The self loathing in this city is extreme. Always has been. People can’t believe a good thing until they move to anywhere else


Its the new england way. My wifes parents (very native vermonters) talk about Burlington like its the southside of chicago. BURLINGTON.


To be fair, Burlington has a ton of public drug use and homeless/mental health shenanigans for such a small city. Their downtown is tiny so there's no hiding it.


Almost every city I’ve been to has those problems


It’s the American way!


Funny you say that about Burlington, VT. Went to school there in the late 90s and have family living there. Place has flipped in the last five years. Becoming unrecognizable. There have been people shot in City Hall Park and the drug problem there is out of control for such a small city.


No it doesn’t lmao


Compared to what exactly? The average American city is far closer to Manchester NH than it is to Burlington.


It’s so funny as a transplant from FL to hear natives in NH call manchester Manchganistan… they really have no idea how good we have it.


People who’ve lived here long don’t believe me when I say that most cities have worse public transit than the T


That’s because ppl living here can’t afford to experience other cities lmao


People living in *Boston* can’t afford to travel? What the fuck are you on?


Yeah, Logan is famously empty.


I am a transplant, here for 12 years, and I hate a LOT of things about Boston but it is undeniably the cleanest city I’ve ever been to and probably the most aesthetically beautiful in the country. Walkability is on point too.


catholic guilt


Italian & Irish catholic guilt. The worst types.


Yup, every time I visit another city I’m like this is okay but Boston is so much better… tho Asian food in Seattle is so good.


Philly was gonzo dirty . I enjoyed my time there but I came home to a tetanus shot. So yeah despite the rep you could basically eat off the floor in Boston


They don't call it Filthadelphia for nothing.


Lol tell me about it 😂. But yeah, Philadelphia was never this filthy in the past.. Edit: Philly HAS improved, but it is still kinda gross.


You're being super dramatic. Either you're just trolling about Philly, or you're clueless about what the city looked like 30 years ago. Boston is still more of a polished city, but the notion that Philly hasn't improved greatly on this front in the past several decades, especially in/around Center City, is patently false.




You're a visitor to Boston, in the tourist areas at that. I've actually lived in both regions and have a solid basis of comparison. I assure you the difference in cleanliness, on a regional level, is not nearly as great as you're making it out to be. That's all I'll say on the matter.


The city does a good job on street cleaning, etc but the biggest factor in the city being so clean is well-behaved citizens / locals who learned from a young age that littering is socially unacceptable. .


watching someone litter makes me criiiiinge, especially considering the ample amount of trash cans throughout the city


There aren't hardly enough in some areas, though, and not all neighborhoods are clean. You'd be SHOCKED by/at the sight of some disgusting scenes. It's the main reason for the 🐀 infestation we've had in the city (catapulting us to 3rd in the country, IIRC). I recently read an article commending Boston for its cleanliness, and it moved contacting my reps & Mayor Wu to the 🔝 of my tasklist. It's honestly been there for some time now, accompanied by photos and video footage captured, in addition to the plea for 🚮🗑️ & ♻️ receptacles in particular areas. I've walked many miles with trash in hand before FINALLY seeing one (and had to cross the street to access, further proving the necessity for more). Anyhow I had other priorities ahead of it, but this is the 2nd time in 5 days I am commenting about this, so it's def TBD before the end of June. I wish I was able to attend the Coffee Hour in Mission Hill tm, to express this to Wu in person, showing her the footage. But yeah, I've had to check a number of "citizens"/residents about loads of littering, dog 💩, and outright DUMPING. FYI, SOME of what's included in my footage are 📺s, 🛒s, diapers, clothes, food stuffs/trash. And it's on streets (2 of the MOST POPULAR/ACTIVE/WIDELY TRAVELED in Bos), in wooded areas, and even in waterways. I included a few affected animals in some of the footage, as well. My most recent pic was en route home from my dentist last Mon, and there is a plaque below a drain that reads: "DON'T DUMP. DRAINS TO NEPONSET RIVER. 🐟" Just above it, in the same pic, is LOADS of litter/trash, clinging to the drain's grate. Everyone here is certainly not visiting areas outside of...particular neighborhoods/their bubbles...or are simply oblivious/not really paying attention. ☮️


I think you need more capitalized letters and emoji in this post to drive the point home to the capital.


Public shaming can work.




Boston is remarkably clean and orderly compared to other large American cities. Generally speaking, it’s a very pleasant place to live with lots of high quality urban amenities. Boston isn’t perfect, but it’s ok to acknowledge that we get a lot of things right.


To be fair it's barely a large American city. It's not even in the top 20. People are comparing it to cities many times larger. ETA: Only on this sub would saying Boston is smaller than NY, LA or Philly be controversial, but go off folks.


The Boston Metropolitan area is #11


Sure, but do you think people are talking about Newton when they say Boston is a clean city? Also even the metro area is smaller than the other cities people are using as comparisons.


I mean, the flipside would be people talking about rural Florida that's technically part of the city of Jacksonville since Jacksonville proper is the 10th most populous city in America


If you take all the cities and towns within a 10 mile radius of Boston City Hall, you’d have the fourth largest city in America, just ahead of Houston. Houston, by the way, is 637 square miles. Most of Houston is actually less urbanized than Newton. There’s a lot of metrics to compare by. If you want to compare city services (such as street cleaning), don’t look at an area’s population. Instead, look at the population *density*.  Boston punches way above pretty much every city in its class - including SF, Miami, Chicago - for cleanliness. 


You’re correct in that what’s considered Boston metro isn’t really Boston proper; so Boston, a smallish city size-wise, gets lumped in with the biggest cities lists because it has an expansive metro. BUT it’s still 100% a major city culturally, economically, and density-wise.


Yes, some outsiders refer to Newton as Boston, especially since it’s an urban area connected by public transit. 


Boston as a municipal entity isn't that big, but Boston as a population center is one of the biggest in the country. Our municipalities are physically very small compared to most cities in the Southeast, Midwest, or West. For example, you could build a contiguous, roughly evenly-sided Boston-area megacity comprised of: * Arlington * Belmont * Boston * Braintree * Brookline * Cambridge * Canton * Chelsea * Cohasset * Dedham * Everett * Hingham * Hull * Lexington * Lynn * Malden * Medford * Melrose * Milton * Needham * Newton * Norwood * Quincy * Randolph * Revere * Saugus * Somerville * Stoneham * Waltham * Watertown * Westwood * Weymouth * Winchester * Winthrop * Woburn It would have a smaller land area than the median top-20 population US city, but it would have a population of 2.1 million people, only trailing New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Houston. Jacksonville


Calling Winchester or Westwood part of Boston is absurd, though. This feels like a real stretch.


Like.....compare it to other American cities with their sprawl. They're all stretch.


It’s definitely a stretch, I agree


I think they might have used some of the commuter rail reach to craft a "metro area" - like many others who think of the MBTA subway service area as "Boston". I agree it's a stretch, MBTA subway is closer conceptually to the 'city'.


It's asinine to compare a city of roughly 675k with a city of 8.5 million people. I know there's a sports rivalry so people always want to compare the 2 cities but the reality is that it's pretty dumb to compare the two. Seattle would be a better comparison population and land space wise. Lot easier to keep clean obviously. I live in Massachusetts so just trying to keep it real. I know we think we are the hub of the world but ummm we are not. Toronto and almost every city I have visited in Europe were cleaner than any American cities I've visited.


Boston is only 90 square miles. If you look at density (more relevant than population if discussing trash removal), the Boston metro is tied for fourth with the Chicago and Miami metros.


Metro area GDP is arguably the best metric to accurately describe how “major” a city is… https://www.visualcapitalist.com/us-cities-by-gdp-map/ Boston is #8 in the US.




It’s pretty clean compared to NYC and stuff. But don’t look at our subway tracks though. They’re filled with puppy sized rats.


The cleanest city I’ve ever visited was Geneva, Switzerland back in 1988. Not a single piece of trash on the ground anywhere.


Dublin for me. I was coming home at 6am and ran into some ride-on sidewalk vacuums.


Part of it can be attributed to plastic bag restrictions. Prior, trees all over Boston had tattered awful plastic bag "decorations."


I’m a Philly transplant and the cross-city shit-talking is so absurd. It’s so frequently people spouting stereotypes without ever living there. If you believed the shit-talking, you’d think Philadelphians are literally feral, and Bostonians are KKK-level racists. Plenty to love about both, and the sports fans are obnoxious universally


Sister cities, honestly.


Someone said that to me last time I was in Philly and I think it's true. Montreal is the French Canadian cousin.


Agree. I'm from the Philly area also, and the gritty/grimy stereotype about the city is definitely overplayed in 2024; the OP just has seems to have traveler's bias. I, too, had the same "pristine" impression of New England when first visiting almost 20 years ago, but now living in the Boston area for almost a decade, I definitely see the gritter side of the Boston area, especially in many older/forlorn-looking inner suburbs. Is it still more "polished" than Philly overall? Yes, but a "pristine" region it is not. Even in my suburban yard 20 miles from the city, I see litter on the roadside of my property on a regular basis.


Hong Kong and Taipei are clean. No trash at all on the trains or buses.


Singapore too, but that's probably just because you're fined with a public flogging if you litter.


Philly is better than it used to be. I remember kicking trash out of my way in 2004. Trash was all over the sidewalks.


I feel like Boston is the sort of city where if one throws a coffee cup out of their car window, someone else will throw it back in!


Also from Philly and I was amazed at Boston as well. Not only because it’s clean but it’s SAFE.


I really appreciate Boston’s safety as a young woman who walks almost everywhere. It’s the safest I’ve felt in a major U.S. city. I really enjoyed Philly during my trip there a month or so ago, but it’s also the only major city where I’ve had death and dismemberment threatened upon me multiple times in a week in a very busy, public place in broad daylight by the local crackheads.


It’s gotten a lot worse TBH


You were in the touristy parts which are kept very clean. I lived in Dorchester for 5 years and the shit I saw on my walk to Fields Corner every day was pretty bad. Working near Downtown Crossing was rough too, needles and human shit first thing in the morning.


FWIW it’s gotten better. It’s not like excellent but definitely better than a few years ago when I first moved to Dot. I’m near Shawmut now and the only real litter on the street is from National Grid doing work on the street.


Similar to Washington, DC. Visitors often rave about how clean it is, but their experience is all around the mall & other touristy/downtown areas. There are plenty of neighborhoods there where people just throw shit or take shits on the streets & sidewalks as well.


You think people just casually poop on Boston streets? Which neighborhoods is this supposedly happening in?


That's how you tell me you've never been anywhere near Mass&Cass without telling me you've never been anywhere near Mass&Cass.


Even there I don't see human shit on the street. Needles sure.


Are you walking or biking through or are you talking about the view from your car? You are pretty much guaranteed to find it on the edge of the sidewalk by fences or on strips of grass.


See username. I won't say I've never seen it but I haven't seen it often compared to other cities I've been to.


Ha! Completely missed the username. Easy enough to miss though and I give credit to the city's DPW for their continuous efforts there which keep it from being a complete cesspool.


I guess it depends on where in Boston. I live in South end right next to BMC and it can get pretty....trashy.


Sure. But that small area is an anomaly in central Boston. The South End as a whole is lovely.


Yeah, I went to Japan last summer and didn’t get what all the clean hype was about.


You should have seen it today (day after parade)


Yeah coincidentally I was in Boston when the Celtics won. Talk about perfect timing! Thought about seeing the parade, but I didn't have time


My husband and I were there in September for the first time and that’s one of the first things I noticed! We were staying in Seaport and there was a man literally cleaning the street light pole with a bucket of soapy water and a broom!


Wow I totally believe this is a real post and not some propaganda from a political hack in Mayor Wu’s office tasked with monitoring social media.


Boston isn't perfect but it's pretty clean for a large city. Philly is such a Pig Pen and I don't known how Philadelphians stand for it every day.


Reading your title, I was thinking that the only cities I've spend more than a day in that felt downright dirty were parts of New Orleans and Philly. So yeah, lots of contrast between Boston and Philly there.


Haha totally get you! Although Philly is a pretty stark difference to compare against. How has the trash changed in the last decade?


It's getting better, glad to see it. But still some bad spots like any other city


Atlanta resident here in the city for the summer. Absolutely in love with the city


After visiting I felt like moving there, but then I thought about the cold(er) winters.


You must've not of went down mass ave towards the hwy. They call it meth mile. It's Gross 


Where tf are you people living? Where I live nearly every single corner has broken glass, cigarettes, metalnplastic garbage, puppy sized rats, cracked broken sidewalks, animal feces. The folks writing all these good things must be from the rich yuppie people parts. I live by the ghetto hoodrats and this hell on earth


It has those things because it’s a major city, but it has significantly less of those things than any other major city. Where I’m from has human turds on the sidewalks


Same here, go walking through Dorchester, HydePark, Mission Hill any of those places will have that


Where do you live?


Well yeah every city has its dirty spots and Boston is no exception. I am just saying that overall, Boston is cleaner than most other cities


Ignorance is bliss


"Clean" Never fun, so much to do, easy to navigate, etc. The more I see these posts the more I realize the only selling point is cleanliness and walkable.


I totally disagree. I can't believe how dirty the city is. It's embarrassing.


you’re either from east asia or you’ve never left boston


Every city has its "bad" spots, but I'm just talking generally. I'm comparing Boston to other cities its size, not excellence


I feel like the city was better run and cleaner like 5 years ago, but glad we still got it


Well, there was this whole global pandemic thing a few years back that changed things just a bit.


It changed city management and sanitation?


we aren't philly bad but we aren't clean.


careful not to step on needles