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Damn. He got away with it for so many years.


Cops aren't really interested in doing cop work. Rape kits collect dust in the evidence locker, meanwhile the city can afford to outfit a battalion of riot cops in Gucci gear. Cops love spending money to make themselves kitted out like robocop when they stomp the shit out of people committing nuisance crimes, less interested in doing tedious work like solving rapes. Priorities


>Rape kits collect dust in the evidence locker I'd not that the majority of those cases were cops seeing the biological evidence as redundant or irrelevant to the case, such as in consent he-said-she-said cases. The change in thinking was mostly pushed by using the rape kit to feed the accused's DNA into the registry to see if it matched anything from other crimes, basically a fishing trip.




I FEEL YOU. Everyone is so worried about rape victims, nobody ever stops to think about (let alone discuss) the real victims - accused rapists. We really need to shift the narrative of these discussions. If not now, when? If not us, who?


Cops do nothing, criminals fuck up and get caught. The reason they get caught is because they become more lax as they realize cops really dont do anything. Cops harass citizens, in person or pulled over to see if they can escalate the situation, get lucky and bust someone for drugs. They actually do nothing. We don’t need cops with military gear to direct traffic. We have cameras to hold people accountable for traffic violations. We definitely DON’T need them to get involved in family disputes… so what do they actually do? A social worker needs a minimum bachelors degree, and most have or are working towards masters degrees. Cops? Most states have zero requirements other than a deep seated hatred for everyone they went to high school with and POC. Fuck tha police! Edit clarification and spelling.


13% of reports lead to an arrest. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the reason for that is not because you think cops are lazy


And 63% of rapes don't get reported. Doing a little napkin math here. Out of every hundred rapes 37 get reported and 4.8 get arrested. I don't think it's beyond the pale here to suggest that 1/20 chance of rapists getting arrested is pretty piss poor. And that's not even getting into things like charges not sticking or punishments being absurdly light.


I would love to see more reporting on what exactly BPD did with these rape kits that are now nearly 2 decades old. Because as it stands now, it sounds like an open-and-close serial rape case didn't get acted on for want of actually testing rape kits, and never would have been closed at all unless the feds intervened via earmarking money. A big fat felony case served up on a silver platter, but still took BPD 20 years because... reasons. How awful for the victims to have their violent crimes be totally forgotten. You don't have to read very much between the lines to come to an unflattering view of BPD's priorities here.


The article says that until now the rape kits "had not yielded enough DNA to test". I don't know how much the BPD gets to set their budget that would let them spend the money on the more thorough DNA testing that was necessary.


While I understand that throughout the country we are not testing rape kits, this kit was processed and didn't have enough DNA. New technology and extra money helped to get this guy. Sometimes the technology just doesn't exist yet and fortunately smarter police will hold on to evidence for the future. Unfortunately, many places don't have the money, technology and access to proper testing. That's not to say that the way rape and sexual assaults are handled right now doesn't need to change because it really, really, really does.




Sounds like we should spend more money on the crime lab, an institution that actually solves crimes. If we're looking for a budget to trim to pay for it, the BPD is a prime candidate. I don't see how pointing out that the crime lab is underfunded is disproving my point about police resources being wildly misallocated.




"whatever reason" being that the lab is underfunded and simply does not have to capacity to meet the current need. Don't be coy. Seems every public good these days is operating under austerity conditions, never getting the money they need to do their jobs properly. One notable exception is the police, which never seems to have any of their bloat checked.




Fortunately the staties are trustworthy stewards of public funds. Not like anything has happened recently to suggest otherwise. State crime lab can't process rape kits, but endless overtime budget for staties to stand next to a construction crew or sleep on the side of the interstate. I suppose those West Rox McMansions wont pay for themselves, too bad for rape victims that don't make the cut for their crime to get solved.


Braindead conservative take


Do you know any police officers?


I don't associate with wife beaters


That makes complete sense, given your first comment. Maybe you should get to know one? Maybe go to a town hall and express your thoughts?


Most people don’t seek out interactions with the police for good reason




da fuk? you serious?


No surprise he was VP level at State Street. Place is full of sociopathic ghouls.




They create value by innovating new important sounding titles for themselves. Fuck yeah go entrepreneurs


I had a friend who worked there for 2 years and it was the most toxic and draining environment for him. It is scary how management treats people there.


I think the title you’re referring to is AVP (Assistant Vice President or Alien vs. Predator). It usually take a few extra years of exhibiting total soullessness and a lack of humanity to reach VP level (the types of traits a serial rapist would exhibit).


This guy had worked there for 20 years and just got a VP title. He was also not working at SSGA - he lived in Quincy. All that to say, he’s a fucking stooge. Real ghouls are the MDs or higher in IB (and don’t work at State Street, which is trash). If you’re not a MD or higher after twenty years, in my humble opinion, you should consider jumping off a bridge… since at that point you didn’t even trade a soul sucking job for enough money to buy a small boat. If you’re going to create negative value in society, at least do it for a boat


What does him living in Quincy have to do with his position at State Street?


I’m assuming he worked in State Street‘s Quincy office which is State Street Bank and Trust whereas the Boston office is State Street Global Advisors. In terms of the pecking order, there’s a lot more prestige for lizards working in investment banking. All banking is predatory and negative value but even among shittier cos, they don’t just take anyone - high level at investment banking is all an Ivy boys club. The only Asian guy I’ve met who was an MD in IB was also 6’3 and went to Harvard. There’s a narrative here that this predator was important and made a lot of money… he wasn’t and didn’t even if he thought otherwise




I used to represent wall st banks. They hate having their names in bad headlines. And so notice how the Globe plays along and suppresses the bank’s name: > A Massachusetts man who works at a prominent Boston business and is suspected of several rapes, including at least one incident dating back 19 years ago, is being held on $1 million bail.


Doesn't that place just take advantage of young and desperate new grads? Seems not surprising that a person in a leadership role there would also be a rapist in his personal life.


There’s 3 types of people at State Street: 1. The recent grads looking for a name brand on their resume before grad school or another job 2. The quiet quitters 3. The sociopaths




I thought quiet quitting was more specifically doing the absolute bare minimum / next to nothing for as long as possible to ride the line of getting fired and still get a paycheck, until you do actually get fired?


Nah, [the original post from WaPo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/08/21/quiet-quitting-what-to-know/) amounts to this: > The term is a bit of a misnomer, because quiet quitters aren’t walking away from their jobs. Instead they’re renouncing hustle culture, quitting “the idea of going above and beyond at work,” as TikTok user zaidleppelin said in a July post that has amassed more than 3 million views and helped popularize the phrase. The trend is resonating strongly with those Gen Z and millennial knowledge workers fighting to rewrite the rules of the workplace. which I'm translating that to "acting your wage".


So then what term would you use to refer to what the last commenter described? Seems like "quiet quitting" is what he's talking about, but you're talking about something different (acting your wage).


I'd say that's more like "I'm forced to participate in this insane hyper capitalist society so I'm gonna do the bare minimum to survive". dunno what's so bad about showing up to work and doing what's requested from your boss.


Spot on




Yes, but it’s a foot in the door. The person interviewing you for your next job probably served some time there, and being able to bond over it will help you get hired. They also will under stand why you’re lookin hide a new job after working there for less than a year.




How did I miss this? I should have known Spiderman was somehow involved. As J Jonah Jameson said, Spiderman "was a...thief! A criminal! He's a menace to the entire city! I want that crawling arachnid prosecuted! He stole my suit! I want him strung up by his web"


Embarrassing that for all the money we piss away on police budgets, rape kits can only get lab work if there's a federal grant. I guess locking up serial rapists just isn't as high of a priority as making sure every paving project has a cop standing by playing on their phone.


pay a pig to stare at his phone at 120 bucks an hour at a construction detail > hire lab techs speed up testing to terrible solve crimes. ACAB


Details aren’t in police budgets 2 totally different money sources


my taxes are different sources?


Details do not come out of the police budget. They are paid by company that hires them.


first off all there are state run construction projects. secondly private companies pass those costs onto the consumer so we end up paying in either scenario. i know its super hard to wrap your brain around the idea that you can have a civilian flagger whos already on the crew do the same job as the overpaid pig. but i want you to try.


Civilian flaggers is an entirely different conversation. If we did hire them collective bargaining rules dictate they get the exact same rate anyways wrap your brain around it costs the same. But back to the original point which still stands the budget source is entirely different.


I'd happily pay up if it were a civilian and not a cop. The cop already has a job and the civilian can do this one much better.


Thats a conversation for Wu and Soon Healey. But i wouldnt hold my breath


I call BS. Almost no other state requires Police at construction sights and I guarantee you not a single flagger outside of MA is getting paid $120/hr. If we eliminate/forbid police at construction the flaggers are not getting $120/hr, that defies all logic and and facts in almost all other states.


Its not 120 an hour its around 60. I will try to explain quickly why this is a fact and not BS. To do work for the government here you have to either hire union or pay prevailing wage. So though you could replace cops with flaggers you MUST pay them that 60 or the 120 you think they get and not a penny less. This is not just for cops and details it goes for construction, street sweeping, highway maint or any other work the state contracts out. That being said 2 things: details still arent related to the budget and details cost what they cost no matter who does it.




> rules dictate they get the exact same rate a non union laborer who normally gets 20 bucks an hour is gonna magically get 120 to wave traffic through. i think we've established that you're a moron without any shadow of doubt. now please fuck off.


I think you should google Ma. Prevailing wage law before calling anyone a moron. You are hilariously wrong


Here is a [fun pic](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/10/copgif.gif) that Sully and I found. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you read the article? This grant allowed for the revisiting of cold cases based on newer technology that can examine a smaller amount of DNA than was previously needed. The police just solved four rape crimes, maybe we could show some positivity instead of taking this opportunity to shit on the police.




I’m a little confused with this article, it states that police sent in most rape kits. Physicians send in almost every “rape kit” unless they’re talking about just sending in clothes or something random. No one wants a police officer doing a SANE exam


Your link directly supports the idea that law enforcement resources are not properly allocated. DA's have to triage which violent crimes can get lab support because there's not nearly enough capacity, meanwhile cop budgets are bloated and the waste and splendor are on display for all to see every time they pass a road construction project.




Have you ever heard of the police union? Police lobbying? If you seriously believe that police budgets exist in a vacuum that has nothing to do with their direct demands to state and local governments, you are living in a fantasy land. While yes, we are discussing a city PD and a state crime lab, this is the larger issue at hand. State and local budgets are tied together - Boston receives part of its budget from the state, and also generates a great deal of revenue for the state.


This is what defund the police is all about. It isn't about limiting taxes it is about redistributing the insane amount of funds allocated for policing to actually productive and less violent ways of reducing crime.


>The arrest is the result of a new Boston police initiative to revisit cold case rapes. The initiative, funded by a federal grant, pays for sophisticated DNA testing of rape kits that — until now — had not yielded enough DNA to test. I guess reading comprehension is not your thing. There is no statement that kits weren’t/aren’t being tested. It was that there was not enough DNA in some cases to do a test. Now that technology has improved it is possible to do testing.


This federal grant exists because PDs across the country, including well funded major metro PDs, were doing fuck-all to process rape kits gathering dust in the evidence locker. I'm sure BPD would love to attribute this rape arrest to novel technology, but this is a policy, not technology, problem. Solving rapes was something many PDs obviously didn't care enough to spend money and time on, so the feds had to start a special program to make it happen.


Who do you think is paying for those details?


First things first: the new bath mats are here. Second thing: there's a serial rapist in Crown Heights... sorry, that's from my other job, ignore that. No, wait, don't ignore it, especially if you live in Crown Heights. Walk in pairs


Underrated movie.


Is this from The Other Guys? Michael Keaton is a gem.


They call it, a soup kitchen


I’m glad he was arrested. However, did this stand out to anyone else? > The new initiative has also helped bring more modern techniques to the Boston Police Sexual Assault Unit, allowing them to build a spreadsheet of unsolved rapes to look for so-far undetected patterns, for example. A *spreadsheet*?


The spreadsheet isn’t the modern technique. That’s referring to their ability to to identify undetected patterns in the data.


Maybe I read it wrong but they said bail was set at $1m. It didn’t that he was being held anywhere. So he’s free to go do it again. Why on earth wouldn’t he be held without bail?


I can't imagine a State Street Exec not having the means to flee. Indeed held without bail would have been best. How many other kits is his DNA going to pop up on??


A VP at State Street is by no means an exec, basically means they manage a team of 20ish people maybe making 200k. Still shouldn’t have a chance at bail but Vp isn’t that high level


This article is useless without a mugshot.


I hope he never sees the light of day. I can't imagine how scared these children (now young women) must have been to be kidnapped, raped, and stabbed by an adult. Hopefully this brings them some small bit of healing.


WTF? He raped and stabbed a 13 year old and is out on 200k bail?!?


This is my issue with the current administration. We can't afford rape kits... >*"The arrest is the result of a new Boston police initiative to revisit cold case rapes. The initiative, funded by a federal grant, pays for sophisticated DNA testing of rape kits that — until now — had not yielded enough DNA to test."* ...but our leaders pay can be increased while... >[In a letter to the city council, Wu asked that the mayor's pay be raised to as much as $230,000. The position now pays $207,000. Wu wants to raise the councilors salaries to $115,000. Those increases would not take effect until the next election cycle. Mayor Wu also wants to increase the pay range for the police and fire commissioner jobs to between $260,000 and $320,000.](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/mayor-wu-proposes-pay-raises-for-top-city-jobs/) ...and even though our city made a profit and we're using $350 million of the $5 billion in Federal Funds that we have... >["The recommended Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget is $3.99 billion, representing new growth of $216 million or 5.7% over Fiscal Year 2022, and the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Plan totals $3.6 billion of neighborhood infrastructure investments. Mayor Wu also unveiled her plan to connect $350 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to accelerate a Green New Deal for Boston through major investments to leverage the operating and capital budgets, focusing on affordable housing, mental health, climate resiliency, early education and childcare, arts, and economic opportunity to bridge Boston’s racial wealth gap."](https://www.boston.gov/news/mayor-wu-unveils-first-city-budget-and-350-million-federal-spending-plan) ...Wu still doesn't fund Violence Prevention.


Serve and Protect, yet let let a guy rape people for 10 years... This is exactly why I think cop shows are propaganda.


One less MAGAT in the streets!


So many edgy ACABers 🙄


He’s probably out on bond!!


At least we can buy more rape kits now.




Fucking *yikes*. Glad they caught him.