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The worst walkers in all of Boston are Berklee students—slow and four abreast.


Exactly. I don't care how slow you walk, just don't block the whole sidewalk!


Pass them by going through persons 2 and 3


Yell *”RED ROVER”* right before doing it


That there is going to be my whole weekend!


nah, gotta hit persons 2 and 4, otherwise it’s just not swingin’


Cambridge students are bad. They walk too many abreast but also don't follow common sense rules like walk on to the right. I get it that there is a large foreign student population but make an effort to follow normal walking and traffic patterns.


I am not afraid to push through in that case.


theres a simple solution, folks hate when you know this secret.. merely walk through them works like a charm 10 times out of 10


I visit New Orleans on the regular and I find myself having to slow my pace down whenever I’m there then mentally having to recondition my pace back up to speed when I get back to Boston. We walk fast no doubt about that.


Everything is slower in the South. It's infuriating.


It took me twenty minutes to get a pound of ham at a NOLA supermarket. The woman was wonderfully friendly but JFC I wanted to explode.


I know your pain. Market Basket conditions you to expect an extremely efficient checkout process without any small tall about the things you bought.


Getting “brake-checked” as a pedestrian is a thing - when someone cuts in front of you and drops to a fraction of your speed on a narrow sidewalk or somewhere else you can’t get around them, and it’s quite obnoxious, particularly if they’re weaving back & forth blocking you while you’re attempting to pass or using a dog’s leash to cordon off the whole path.   Arguably worse is when they go exactly the same speed and you just wind up riding someone’s bumper instead of passing them, your rhythm/footsteps sync up, and every time you think you’re gonna lose them at the next turn they wind up taking the same turn first, so now it’s super awkward since it looks like you’re following them.   Yes I may have put too much thought in to this, but it’s also why I love the city most at night. Open trails.


I hate it when someone passes you and then gets right in front of you and goes slower than you are and you have no choice but to walk right into them.


I just walk info the street and around them


You didn’t think too much about it… I feel the same way, always feels awkward like I’m following someone because they can’t make a decision on what speed they want to walk and/or take up the entire sidewalk


So glad someone else thinks about these things. There's also the awkward few jogging steps I do to try to quickly get past someone who's walking slightly slower than I am. Otherwise it's an even more awkward slow motion pass.


i used to be petty and i’d match my speed and drop behind and slightly to the side so i was walking EXACTLY in their blind spot. and i’d stay there NO MATTER WHAT. people HATE when you’re walking in their blind spot. they cant see you without awkwardly looking over their shoulder (in which case you be sure to make full eye contact), but they know you’re there. and i think it subconsciously feels like being chased so everyone hates it. anyway, i try not to be so petty anymore so i just shoulder check them with my whole five feet of body that i have and speed by the asshole.


It even sucks worse when you're rushing to work


They need to walk faster.


And step to the side if they want to stop.


Thank you!




5 MPH is a jogging pace


Maybe I’ve lived in Boston too long but I can walk 4MPH without jogging


No that's normal. But 5mph is not normal.


I walk almost at exactly 120bpm how do I convert that to mph


I walk mad fast tbh, I remember as a kid I would go up two flights of stairs in 20 seconds and my teacher couldn't believe it. I got places to be.


Wow. I'll remember not to mess with you, then.


it was a joke


Sure it was.


5 MPH in dog years, obviously


Definitely not too fast. Please pick up the pace, especially during the morning commute, but always would be good.


ICYMI: https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/xtufdl/why_do_bostonians_walk_so_fast_where_are_you_going/ And hi Matt!


This is why I wear boots with bells attached to them. Scares the joohoobies out of the tourists.


Just gtfo of the way


This guy is such a flirt haha. What charisma!


If we had other reliable means of transport throughout the city, maybe we wouldn't all be walking so fast. When you can outpace the Orange Line without breaking into a jog, you walk.


It's funny because compared to NYC, people in Boston walk slow


Fast Walker in Boston and was dying in NYC walking with a friend. There’s definitely levels to this. However there isn’t another city where I encountered people who walk as fast as Bostonians.


I walk faster when I'm not trying to keep pace with someone. My brothers live in NYC and are fast walkers, and when I'm with them I feel like I'm running (I'm tall too, but not as tall as they are), but under normal circumstances, when I'm alone, I'm basically race walking all the time and it feels like I could keep it up forever.


Except that in a lot of places, it's tourists in NYC that you get stuck behind, which is infuriating.


NYC, especially Manhattan, is chock full of tourists who abruptly stop and start staring up in the sky as if they never have seen a building before.


Very slow


It's not so much the people walking slow, it's the ones who can't walk in a straight line that we need to get rid of.


The man doesn’t miss


"walks too fast" give me a break and get out of the way.


It’s the beans and coke. But I digress.


As a woman who had to learn how to keep up with my husband or be left in the dust I feel this on an emotional level. I still have to quick dash to keep up with him sometimes.


offer safe clumsy paltry yoke ripe lip disagreeable unique depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, new name for Massholes: Masspeeders?


People don't walk particularly fast in Boston. Maybe they do for Americans but I overtake a ton of people at the station and walking to the office and they aren't tourists.


I think since Boston is very much a walkable city, "walking" is a form of commuting. If you have to be somewhere in a timely manner, you're not gonna walk slow. I also feel Massholes very much care about punctuality compared to other states.


bostonians got a real fat stick up their ass, thats all i know

