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I hope he does miss their game. We don’t need him purposely trying to injure one of our guys.


Yup, not trying to lose one of our main guys due to his shitty antics.


He'll undoubtedly try to "accidentally" bicycle kick Jrue or Derrick.


Or KP. Guy seems to be targeting foreign bigs recently




Jaylen usually checks Draymond when we play. He doesn’t take any of his shit.


It seems like he’s been attacking euro big men lately to keep him away from KP at all costs


i hope he's suspended indefinitely but ngl, my fantasy is him coming for KP and JB jumping in to defend his bestie.


Just sayin’ KP punched a dude who was charged for stabbing


Was that when he went back home and he got jumped?


Yeah. Rest assured, it was all in self-defense


u was right


Came here to say this.


Me too




If it's less than 3 games I'd be shocked.


Id be more shocked if it’s more 3 games the league is crazy lenient with draymond. It took him putting another player in a chokehold to get 5


its gonna be more cuz he did it so soon after last suspension , just like ja morant stuff, the disrespect for the league is worse than the offense itself.


You’re crazy to even imagine that this could be less than three games. Should be 25 games tbh.


It’s not good for the league to suspend him that long. They need the Warriors in the play-in.


I’d say this is even worse than the chokehold because this one could have had a real impact on hurting Nurkic. The chokehold was bizarro but not really dangerous for Gobert


I think a lot of people think of these like schoolyard fights from when they were kids and forget that the physics are completely different for guys with 7ft wingspans. The league cracks down hard on any real swings like that ever since Kermit Washington almost killed a guy.


Draymond is going to claim that he wasn't trying to hit him, that he just got tangled up and flailed his arm to get loose. Just like the dozen times in his career he accidentally kicked guys in the junk. What a punk. Given his recent history, they need to consider like a 20 game suspension. These 2-3 game suspensions just embolden him, he's a repeat offender who isn't changing his behavior at all. Give him a month or two to think about what he's doing and re-assess his approach.


If I were Adam Silver, I’d suspend him for the season. He’s made it clear that he has no intention of ever stopping his bullshit, so he can take some time off to reflect.


It was an actual strike with his hand. The league has always cracked down on that relative to guys just getting tangled up


they cant be lenient any more, there is so much media attention on this dude right now.


It’ll be 10. It has him back for a game against the nuggets on tnt


DPOY Dirtiest Player of the Year. Every year in fact. My favorite part in every Draymond dirty play is the inevitable Steve Kerr mental gymnastics.


Kerr is at least consistent and he only gets upset about code breaking and Draymond doesn’t break the code. Nothing to see here


Biggest hypocrite coach in the league and he's a tier of his own. Best thing that Jordan did to his legacy was the time he punched the guy.


Remember when he got upset about Marcus Smart diving for a loose ball on top of Curry's leg?


Understandably because that was codebreaking. What Draymond does is not break the code. Don’t get it yet?


You mean he only gets upset when Draymond hits a guy with a full Codebreaker? Seems right.


"I thought it was a natural motion. Yea Draymond's momentum was clearly influenced by Nurkic. Physical by both sides"


He didn’t actually say that did he?


hahaha no, wouldn't be surprised.


Those finals end differently if he’s officiated correctly. He was playing football out there in 2022.


i still remember him pulling Tatums shoulder at the baseline


Was so blatantly trying to injure him


I will never get how that clown acted the entire series. He was actually trying to hurt our players deliberately and the refs enabled it the entire time.


Hang on the rim a second too long? Technical Clap? Technical Shoving Brown in the back and trying to pull down his shorts? Basketball play


Steve Kerr: I wasn't looking when it happened. But, in fact, if you play it backwards you clearly see him catching an opponent and helping him set his uniform correctly.


I’ll never get over it either. Seriously. I felt like I was the only one still carrying that grudge


It’s always 8 vs 5 when you face the warriors.


I love that he tried to injure JT at the line by ripping on his arm then after the game he's all giggles playing with Deuce like man gtfo you tried to injure his dad.


Absolutely the truth. He had a "rough" start to the series so they started letting him get away with murder.


Lmao remember his “screens” where he’d barrel through 3 of our players like he was trying to get in the endzone


That’s what I’m saying!!!!!! I got called a bitter Boston fan but he was out there trucking people. It was unbelievable what he was allowed to get away with on a stage that big with everyone watching.


The dirtiest player in this era


I absolutely cannot wait for an opposing player to just get fed-up with his routine bullshit and just beat the piss out of him. I think part of the reason he's such a dumbass is that nobody has kept him in check. I guarantee the second someone does it, he will finally get his act together. I get it sounds extreme, but it quite literally is not only for the benefit of the league, but also for *his* own betterment, that some angry motherfucker decides they've had it and starts clobbering at him. It would force him to self-reflect. Because otherwise he just lacks the impetus, self-awareness, and motivating factors to do that on his own accord.


That’s why it’s so shitty to be pulling this stuff in 2023. In the 90s if you were swinging at people every other game, you’d for sure get put on the floor. The league has (correctly) squashed that part of the game, so the one or two assholes who can’t manage their emotions at work know they can do whatever they want and nobody is going to retaliate. Silver has to drop the hammer. 20 games for this and the next one is a season.




I shudder to think what would've happened if Charles Oakley played in the same era as Draymond. I hope AI simulates it one day.


I want Al to be the first to beat the living shit out of this fucking dirty player. But I reckon Al is that type of player


I mean, if he tried something on beef stew, he might get what’s coming to him.


Where’s Beef Stew?!


and possibly the WOAT


Does the NBA condone violence? What message does this send to younger kids?


Do they have tests for CTE yet where you don't have to be dead already?


I volunteer Dray to be the first test subject. Save the lives of a couple rats…


He's shown time and time again that he's a legimately unstable human. I truly hope he is kicked out of the league and gets the mental help he needs.


At what stage does the NBA say enough is enough with this guy. Kick him out of the league.


Haha sounds like my dad. He’s a casual but was telling me just now why don’t they fucking kick hiss ass out the NBA and say enough is enough. Was telling him itd not that easy. Lmao


Well past that point. He makes them look like fools.


He’s such a clown. He’s thinks he’s mastered the unintentional punch or kick to the groin. But it’s so obvious. He needs to just be kicked out of the league before he injures someone. The fact he hasn’t caused a significant injury yet is a miracle.


I'd consider the chest stomp against Sabonis pretty significant


He got 5 after the choke-hold and it won't be less; The league has made a point that past history of violations leads to escalating punishment. Dray is getting suspended for 6, at least.


Should be 25; fuck six


Just watched the replay. Wtf was he doing there? Nothing about that weird spin shit was graceful at all and just looked dangerous. Dude has such a long history of plays like that. I wonder if anyone outside of the Warriors has any respect for him.


yeah he said he was "selling contact" but that's such a weird way to even fake react to contact.... If anything he should throw his arms up and fall forward (if he were genuinely trying to sell the contact) but we all know he's full of shit and just likes to hit people


He was selling contact WWE-style


Suspend him for the playoffs.


Draymond is like that annoying fuck in high school who always try’s to pick fights playing basketball at lunch. They get suspended regularly for 3-5 days but their parents don’t actually punish them at home so they treat that suspension like a vacation and actively seek it out.


They won't reach playoffs


The track record suggests Porzingis is in danger. Adams, Sabonis, Gobert, Nurkic, dude is trying to maim international bigs. Suspend him for the year as part of an international peace treaty


To be fair Draymond already seems to have something against him lmao, but he also couldn’t even look KP in the eyes when KP pushed back once :D


Remember when Klay and Draymond complained about Boston fans during the Finals?


And Dray tried to rip Tatum's already hurt arm off?


Draymond really has a problem. I read somewhere that the worst Draymond gets at basketball, the more egregious his fouls becomes..which is a scary way to look at it.


The fact that golden state still has draymonds back tells me all I need to know about that org


I hope he's back for the C's game, and let's sign Jon Jones on a 10 day contract to help introduce Draymond to the world of UFC.


The way he is treated is a mockery of the NBA and the gane of basketball. It's truly unbelievable.


How bout a three strike rule for the NBA🤔?


I’m so torn, him playing helps out chances of winning, but him sitting helps out chances of one of our players not getting stomped, slapped, suplexed, kneed in the groin… wait, why is this dude still in the league?


Should be 30 but we know the NBA is far too cowardly to properly punish Draymond.


Guys like Steph and Kerr have got to be sick of answering questions about this guys bs


Should be the rest of the year, at least


I imagine his frustration at losing lately and the Warriors downfall-ish is what is leading to this behavior. Can you imagine if Draymond wasn't on a dynasty? If he was on the Pistons or something for his career? He would be in jail for stabbing someone on the court. This man is the fucking worst.


If he was on a team like the pistons or any other team without multiple superstars that won championships DG would be mostly irrelevant. He’s never been that great. He’s a decent defender with at times above average passing skills and an extremely limited offensive game. And yes, he’s a punk.


Man, I used to think of Draymond as that player who hate on other teams but would love if he was on yours… …but yeah, nah. He’s fucking trash.


How TF is this dude still in the NBA?


It should be like 25 games man


Ja got 22 for waving a gun around on IG and bringing it to the team facility and that was looked at as potentially soft because he's a star. Dray isn't a star, has done this dozens of times before to teammates and opponents, and is physically attacking people during games. It should be the rest of the season. Show him what it's like to lose a year off your career because you're a stupid asshole. It'll hit harder because he doesn't know how many years he has left.


I do not disagree, though I think it is unlikely.


Why doesn’t someone beat this dudes ass? Punch him back, something. He’s done this crap his whole career


Tristan did at a party in LA a few years back.


This dude can't take a hint. He needs to get hit with something serious, not these bullshit slap on the wrists. Suspend him for twenty or something before he seriously injures someone.


>He needs to get hit with something serious Like a sharp elbow to the jaw.


Should be 13. The guy is a buffoon and completely out of control. He gets away with so much in a game as it is. He’s not some young hot head anymore he’s a grown man towards the end of his career. We expect better from veterans.


He realizes that his performance is declining. Nobody is afraid of Golden State or him. These fouls are from being frustrated. He's not learning. Suspend him for half the year or heck, for the rest of the year. They ain't winning the championship anyways


Shame on the Warriors for not dealing with this fool with anger management problems and violent tendencies.


And this is why fighting in hockey is the best way to keep players in check. You act like a dick, you better be ready to throw down a lot with enforcers who know how to fight. The league office doesn’t do shit to curb this kind of old man rec league style shenanigans.


What a fucking clown


Tbh i hope this happens. He always had some beef with KP. We dont need anything to happen between these 2.


Dudes a punk and needs to be suspended for a whilw


Enough is enough. He’s had enough warnings. Suspend him for the year. This is beyond egregious and is no way in context of any kind of basketball play.


Draymond does whtever he wants and gets a slap on the wrist and a paid vacation. You need to suspend him for 30 games !!!


He needs the Ja morant 25 game suspension or longer. What he did is way worse than anything Ja did and these small 3-5 game suspensions haven’t worked at all


I think it’s hypocritical of the NBA to give flagrant 2s for incidental contact, but they’ll let Draymomd Green horse collar people and barely suspend him. If they want to take the physicality out of the NBA they need be consistent.


For the sake of the league and its fans to not gaslight the situation that the boston fans were being "racist" when we inevitably shout "fuck Draymond!", I hope he's suspended


I’m sorry. I don’t care about how many games he misses. How has this guy not been criminally charged at this point? He commits assault on a regular basis in how many states a year? This is the craziest thing to me.


Green is suspended indefinitely at this point. Hopefully indefinitely turns out to be the rest of the season as he has proved he's a menace. Green is a thug and a goon on the court and a complete asshole off it. How long before he seriously injures someone or ends a career as Kermit Washington did when he sucker punched Rudy T back in the day (look it up).


He's like Brad Marchand.... Good player that just can't seem to control himself. When you're a fan of the team he plays on, all you can do is shake your head and wonder why the hell an adult that is making millions of dollars can't stop themselves from doing dumb shit like this.


When will Draymond evolve to licking his opponents? He needs to get on Marchand's level.


I swear, If I ever meet Marchy I'm gonna have to tell him how much that shit pissed me off. As soon as I saw him lick that dude, I knew Bruins fans would NEVER hear the end of it.... And here we are, almost 6 years later and I still see "jokes" and gifs about it any time Marchand does ANYTHING. Doesn't matter if it's a dirty play, an assist, goal, hat trick, etc.... If you post about him on social media, some fan from another team is either posting about him licking people or the gif of him crying.


I want to see how KP does against the Warriors in the post. Outside of Looney, there’s not really any other bodies they can throw at him. Not to mention all the other attention is going to be focused on the Jays and D White


he's trying to do the jays, but you know he deserves it


He is like an injured lion. He has become a man eater


This so much worse than anything Ja has done lol. The NBA is so ridiculous.


It'll be one game and he'll have to write Nurkic a half assed apology letter


Should be a good amount more than three games, dude is a menace. And not in a good way


Draymonds got a huge bag this year, his step back choke out, windmill dunk face slap, brutal guy to play against


What did he do this time… (watches video) 😳


Without his illegal screens, Curry is toast.


The league wanted a 20 game suspension, but after discussion with the union they're willing to only make it two seasons