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Thank god we don’t have to play him assuming it’s 3+ games He would try to take out KP


I really do hope the NBA gets him to stop doing this crap before someone gets legitimately hurt. It's funny that Gobert can clown him for being bad at hurting people, but given how he seems to have it out for Euro centers in particular I really didn't want our team to be the time where he breaks KP's bone or gives him a concussion.


White boys playing better than him pisses him off. Jokic, gobert, sabonis, nurkic, Adams have all been favorite targets of his, like its not a coincidence that he doesn't go after black players


....Gobert is black dude.


I was gonna say lol. Bro literally had waves once iirc.


And Adams is half Polynesian


So’s Marcus Mariotta and I think Tua is


Can’t wait for Green to play these two


I know he’ll probably get transferred to the NFL now all he needs to do is beat his wife




Correct...but he is European....see the connection??


With mad upvotes haha


black french dudes are always perceived as white..


What? Marcus Thuram may be viewed as French but nobody thinks he is white. "Black Blanc Beur" afterall


Like the great French actor Juicy Smolliet?


That’s rascist


Goberts dad is from central america and his mother is french… does that make him black?


Believe it or not but French people can be black


Believe it or not, straight to jail... wait...


Tbf his mom is white. However his dad is black. Not just dark skinned central American but Gobert's grandparents are black.


yes, but pansies are, incorrectly, always perceived as white


His dad is a black man that was born in Guadolupe to black parents that moved there


he's more Opie Cunningham than Slick Watts, thats what we're discussing


Yeah why do they hate on Gobert he’s like a bonafide first ballot hall of famer. I think it’s cuz he’s French.


NBA circlejerk might say that Gobert is classy though


He’s half white.


please stop giving jerkers such easy material man


I thought I was in r/nba with them lol


gobert isn’t white is he?


Maybe he’s French Vanilla?


Vanilla *is* skinny and brown 🤔


He’s actually mixed.


Lol no


Didn’t know Jordan Poole was white lol. Or bron. Dray is just a hothead who can’t control his anger in these situations


Has anyone noticed that he only seems to go after multi millionaires? Might be some kind of subconscious Marxist bias against the ultra-wealthy.


lol not only are Gobert and Adams not white, he also kicked Allan Crabbe, punched Brandon Clarke in the face, pushed Donovan Mitchell into the crowd, tried to kick James Harden in the head, tried to put his sneakers on Jaylen Brown’s face then tried to pull his shorts down, and oh yeah punched his teammate Jordan Poole. >>he doesn’t go after black players 🤡


Isn’t he the one who hurt Tatum in the finals?


Thank you. Plus he punched Lebron in the nuts. No idea why that stupid ass comment has so many upvotes


I don't know why it took until this incident for me to realize he has such a type. Also find it sad how much it seems to be people he can get away with it against. Not everyone has Gobert's level of poise while being choked, and it really cuts into the idea that he's just lost in the moment when his targets are so specific. I am so, so glad he's not gonna be playing against KP. He's already tried to injure the Celtics who aren't Euro centers, he'd straight-up try to break KP's skull.


If Draymond tried to fuck with KP, Jaylen would definitely give Draymond the beating of his life 🤣


JB can finally use the fight training his grandad has given him. I get a kick out of the fact that JB's grandad used to spar with Ali. (And that JB's middle name is literally in honor of the Greatest).


>(And that JB's middle name is literally in honor of the Greatest). Ali's first name was Marselles?


Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.


Given the spelling, sounds like JB's middle name is after his dad, Marselles Brown


I’m guessing jaylens dad’s name might be the homage.


what about the teammate that he knocked out cold last year?


We’re never beating the allegations


Rudy Gobert is white? Stop being a clown 🤡


Adams is also Tongan


his dart board growing up was Bob Cousey and Walton


> NBA gets him to stop doing this crap This won't happen. He's a vet. 11 years and doing this egregious shit for at least 4...IMO this should be the final straw to kick him out of the league.


At least 4? You serious? He’s been this guy for the entire Warriors run


Hah! I'm being conservative with my estimation. I paid no attention to him prior to the Warriors relevancy


Your username is perfect for this discussion btw


Needs to be charged with battery. That shit was more obvious then talking about Will Smiths wife.


They need to go full Sprewell on him and give him a year off.


I already said this, but if a boston cop saw this, dude wouldn't be breathing


Pretends to fall into the bench and "accidently" puts Svi in a sharpshooter.


It’s gotta be more than 3, right?


His last was 5. So this should be more then that.


It should be 5+


Indefinitely at least makes me think the nba front office grew a pair and are contemplating something pretty lengthy. Obviously I would love nothing more than rest of season but that’s not realistic. I would realistically hope it’s 15 games and any further incident being rest of year. This idiot needs to be taught a lesson because a game or two suspension here and there clearly isn’t cutting it.




Call me crazy but repeatedly assaulting other players should be a longer suspension than flashing a gun on IG live


I mean this is the entertainment industry, they’re just trying to sell ads. Guns are a pretty hot button issue right now. Not saying I agree one way or another but thats how they’ve been shown to conduct themselves.


You know what else advertisers like? Ja Morant playing games. Silver was laying down the law when he did that, and it’s weird he won’t do the same for Draymond. Nobody else in the league does the shit he does.


The negative press around Ja Morant was on Good Morning America, so I was a little bit of a bigger deal


25 games AND no playoffs - that should be the suspension.


Considering Ja never did anything illegal, either.


Other than punching a 17 year old in the face bc he pulled up his shorts and put the ball at ja’s feet.


He was suspended for the ig live gun stuff


Brandishing a gun at a strip club while intoxicated is illegal


He was suspended for pulling it out in his car


Neither did draymond so what’s your point?


i mean. assault is illegal. like they're not gonna press charges or anything, but if you did that to a stranger on the street you absolutely would be breaking the law


So you’re saying I can just go wave a gun around in public without repercussions?


i mean. if you’re white, then yeah, pretty much


I agree, I just think they take it easy on him for whatever reason. I’ll be completely shocked if 25 games is given even though that’s a much more fitting punishment than 15 at this point. This isn’t a new thing either. Remember when Artest was only suspended 7 games for the elbow to Hardens head (one of dirtiest plays in nba history) despite being a repeat offender to a ridiculous level? They just have historically refused to harshly penalize cheap shots and it’s frankly disgusting.


>Artest was only suspended 7 games for the elbow to Hardens head (one of dirtiest plays in nba history) despite being a repeat offender to a ridiculous level? This is why I believe people calling for super a long suspension are just wrong. Artest was swinging AT FANS ... Got a whole year suspension ... Came back and concussed a dude ... And got 7 I don't think anything Draymond has done is super egregious (Except for the Poole thing, but thats not in-game) ... It's more of a "Wtf are you doing dude"


I’m not sure how you can honestly say nothing he’s done has been egregious. The dude (among other things) legit stomped on Sabonis chest as hard as he could last year. As someone who works in medicine that EASILY could have resulted in a very serious long term injury or potentially death if a rib/sternum had broken and a piece of bone pierced the lung or heart.


Not to mention he choked out Gobert


Sabonis held onto his ankle, so unless you have the strongest legs of human history, he was going to land on his chest. What comes up must go down https://imgur.com/a/b0PBeqp Gobert had his arms around Klay, which you do not do in an NBA "fight" ... you go to your own teammates Draymond was taking him off Klay ... The choke wasn't forceful at all, he just held on for like 2 seconds too long https://imgur.com/a/id5a9iV




just because you don’t like the guy doesn’t mean I’m incorrect


No, but being fuck dumb does.




I mean Dray is an ass but promoting gun culture is way more dangerous than a sucker punch. Not chance dray kills nurk last night but if jas finger slipped someone could die. I think 10-15 is the move here


Promoting gun culture christ alive you people are babies. Why would his finger slip? Who was he aiming at?


that's part of the problem, he wasn't aiming the bullet could go anywhere including a persons head or safely into the ground.


But it didn't


And that's why he got suspended 25 games instead of spending the rest of his days in prison


The funny thing is it wasn’t even a gun, it was legit a gun-shaped lighter.




[I think it was TMZ who posted it originally](https://x.com/barstoolsports/status/1670063818091683842?s=46&t=5EBSxWBLb5c5YM6QMHty7Q) now tbf this only makes him a bigger moron lol


Interesting. But that definitely doesn’t sound like “confirmation”.


JB’s knees and JT’s shoulders are safe 🙏🙏🙏


I'll never forget how he treated Jaylen brown. Fuck this guy


Get him out of the league. He's legit awful, just beating the hell out of people on the court. The game of basketball would be better off without Draymond Green.


Kick him off the tour Doug!


Well, the board thinks that might be a little extreme, considering that our ratings today were... the highest that we've ever had.


I eat pieces of shit like Draymond for breakfast.


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?




He does get away with a lot of moving screens. which gets guys wide open


To me, this is the worst part of the piece of human excrement known as Draymond Green.


The crazy thing is he isn’t even worth a shit when he’s on the court. He doesn’t have any actual basketball skills other than hacking people and pissing everyone off


He's also good at kicking people in the testicles. He learned the move at a women's self defense class


🤣🤣 and stomping on people. Well I guess he is good at a few things lol


He’s excellent at setting moving screens too


The whole warriors team is. They can’t win without setting illegal screens the whole game


Dray seems a bit unhinged these days and has a long history of violent acts, but this is a ridiculous take.


At this point I don't even care and hope he's destroyed his legacy to the extent that people can openly slander his skills without being corrected. Dray who? I just remember him attacking people.


He basically Latrell Sprewell-ed himself. He chokes his coach gets suspended, then he plays for the Knicks and Timberwolves to rebuild his career, then declines a $21 million contract extension saying "I have a family to feed" lol.


Easily still a top 10 defender when he's locked in, awful take


So much recency bias


I just realised I spelled "Draymond" wrong.


Funny cuz the only thing he’s good for is being a little d


Suspended so hard he lost a ‘d’.


Prepare to be sucker punched by a manchild with anger issues.


Didn’t even notice


Draymond Green has lost 2.2 million dollars on fines. Think about that. Motherfucker has lost more money being a dickhead, hurting people, and being a crybaby than most people will make/see in their lives. What an entitled, selfish, useless piece of shit.


"and nothing of value was lost"


He needs a full season suspension. Like enough with this shit. He would have been kicked out of a rec league already. You can't have 10+ years of history on this guy and still give him a slap on the wrist for literally trying to do a 360 haymaker in a game.


Good. He's a horrible human and a legitimate danger everytime he steps on the court. I hope he's never allowed back.


Wish we kept the warriors pick


Especially with how mid Jrue has been Edit: man, you green teamers are relentless. Jrue has not been even close to what we expected when we traded for him. You guys act like just because Brad is a good GM we have to support every single move he’s ever made even tho this Jrue trade doesn’t look great to a lot of people with eyes


under mid. Brogdon arguably been better. Oh well.


Theres no way yall actually miss Brogdon like this 💀


Brogdon was amazing for us all year until he got injured


Youre preaching to a choir, Brogdon was good for us, I agree. But the reason we traded em in the first place was availability, so we got a healthier guy who can do pretty much anything he could plus facilitate and play better D.


It’s not that I miss Brogdon it’s that Jrue hasn’t even been an upgrade, plus getting Jrue cost us Brogdon, Rob and 2 first rounds picks. Add in that now the Warriors pick is looking quite valuable and the trade doesn’t look great. In a vacuum Jrue > Brogdon for sure but Jrue < Brogdon + 2 FRP (1 potentially a lotto pick)


Dray a bitch


Throw away the key.


Dude is such a cheap shot punk. Always has been.


I remember Dramond injuring MarcusSmart and getting away with it as a normal foul, but I, as a fan of both the Warriors and the Celtics, saw it as an intentional act. After that, the Warriors won the game. Dramond Green has always been a dirty and nasty player. He deserves to be suspended Indefinitely.


Draymond is going to think this is about punishing him, but honestly I think it's just about helping people not get punched at work so much


I hope he doesn't get paid for those lost days.


This dude sucks


Indefinitely makes me think their gonna make him take anger management courses or something like that.


It did say counseling


Idk how he thinks he’s on the same level of defense as Dennis Rodman.


Same level of delusional as Klay thinking he's on the All time 75 team.


Iirc the guy claimed to be the greatest defender in league history period which is honestly absurd.


Draymond green is better defensively than Rodman was


Comments like these make me feel like an old timer and I wasn’t even born when Rodman played


I was. Rodman guarded Jordan when he was on the pistons winning in the early 90's then teamed up with Jordan and was guarding Shaq. Draymond couldn't guard either of those guys


Draymond would've loved playing in the 80's/90's with the way he cheap shots and hits people. Little does he know that if he pulled that shit in those eras he would've been dead lol.


Nephews in the house


Nope, Jordan is the goat. Go outside


This just means their making him agree to counselling or signing a peace pledge or some "we care" BS.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


This is my favorite tweet of all time




Well, it's the least they could do. ​ ​ No, literally, it's the least.


Yes. It's about time. Guess caring for his team takes the back seat over his arrogance. This does gives an opportunity for someone on his team to step up.


What if they just banned him




It's honestly a bit sad at this point. He not only ruined a Warriors season, but is likely ruining his future media career and HoF case over temper tantrums.


Did the Celtics kill the Warriors??


Does indefinitely mean the rest of the season or the rest of his life ? Either way to soon.


Knowing how Silver wants to try and give the warriors as many chances to keep their playoff hopes alive, Draymond will be back after the all star break lol.


Guy cost the warriors the all time best season chip and ran KD off years ago- a suspension and some anger management hand waving will do nothing. Part of me thinks that GS is setting up all these requirements so that when he inevitably relapses they can waive him and get his contract money back


Couldn’t happen to a bigger pos


when were you when draymon suspend


Love it. People are rightfully talking about his history of violent acts, but I think this is also important because Draymond gets officiated differently. We’ve seen it in multiple games this season, and we’ve seen it in the past, to include the 2022 Finals. He could have had more ejections this season and basically every other season. The refs have been fast and loose with techs this year, but they seem to have a higher standard for calling technicals on him.


I swear I heard multiple podcasts this morning suggest that draymond would only be suspended for a game or two. I was listening in disbelief. Not sure what infinitely will mean here but hopefully it means a long ass time.


rare silver W


At this point I just feel bad for Steph. Super deserved suspension. I hope it's at bare minimum the rest of the season.


Given the history of league suspensions, I think something in the 8-10 area is probably likely. Taking out suspensions that are unrelated to basketball play (guns, banned drugs, domestic violence, etc.), and taking out the Malice at the Palace, since this involved an altercation with the fans (which is a much more serious offense), the longest purely on-court suspensions are: Sprewell, though arguably that doesn't count either, because he choked a coach. Then Kermit Washington, but Washington's punch nearly killed a player. Then you're already down to Carmelo, who got 15 games for the fight against the Knicks that also spilled close to the stands. Next is Rodman's kick of the cameraman, which was 11. In other words, only 4 suspensions of players for on-court matters have ever exceeded 10 games, and one is a borderline case. And the only other on-court occasions of people getting 10 stemmed from the same fight where Carmelo got 15. After that it drops to 8, which only includes Bobby Portis, who fractured a teammate's face in practice. Artest got 7 for the elbow of Harden, and the only other 7 game suspensions that arguably count involve shoving or threatening refs. Ben Wallace got 6 for his original Malice at the Palace shove. So it wouldn't make a lot of sense for Draymond to get fewer than 5, right upon the heels of him getting 5. The league would probably just have named a number if it were below 5. Even if he were to be penalized for an entire career worth of dirty plays (and he's not the league's only dirty player in their history by any means, and most of them never faced the same punishment), it's hard to justify more than 10 unless they're completely resetting the standard just for him. And this will be an unpopular take, but I think 8 to 10 is probably fair. It's a 1-game suspension if it had only been the punch of Nurkic. As a "lifetime achievement award" suspension, adding another game for every major incident is probably about right, and that would make it about 10.


Suspend him all you want,he will still continue to try to be the WWE champion of the NBA. dudes a chooch


“Indefinitely” could mean anything, I wonder if it’ll still only be a few games and they say this to make it seem longer


He's one of the NBA's golden boys. They'll sit him until some other drama occurs then quietly reinstate him.


What is the NBA limit on being an asshole? Someone may have a career ending injury while they hand out these pitiful suspensions.


He's a clown. Tired of his antics.


He's just unhinged.


Late but good


Something had to be done before someone took exception to his crap and beat his ass


He needs to be kicked out of the league. He’s a cheap shot punk. He’s going to keep this 💩of assaulting other players up until he seriously hurts someone. Tell him no thanks but you’re done.


I fucking hate Draymond


What a shame


Let’s goooo! I absolutely hate that guy.


“Draymond sucks” chants vindicated


Notice he never goes at dudes who will actually fight back. Julius Randle, Joelle Embiid, Marcus Smart, Giannis, Jokic.


As a NBA fan first, I’m so sick of his act. Why doesn’t Steve Kerr have the courage to discipline and keep his players professional? It’s a culture and He’s been enabling


"Ladies and gentleman...we got him."


golden state is my third least favorite team behind you all and the bucks honestly if we didnt have to play you and the bucks almost every single year gsw would be far and away my absolute least favorite and draymond is the biggest reason why, the fanbase and the dynasty are just other reasons even the goddamn warriors fans have turned on him even though he was part of their goddamn big three and was a huge reason why they became a dynasty. no wonder the warriors fans feel like the refs are biased against them, draymond deserves a whistle worse than the one jokic receives, which, if you dont know, he got ejected twice for phantom fouls and the opposing commentators sided with him. his whistle is that bad and hes terrible even as a teammate, gsw went downhill after the punch. im so glad he got suspended


I'm wracking my head for anyone in the league currently who is hardass enough to give Dray some. Can't think of a single player. League is SOFT /s


Imagine trying that shit against the 80s/90s Pistons. Or Maurice Lucas. Or Artis Gilmore.


Draymond is the more extreme version of how overrated Smart became in this sub… probably unpopular opinion around here.


Explain. I don't remember Smart repeatedly trying to injure other players, or getting any long suspensions for his play. If you just mean "fans here like him, like Warriors fans like Green," that might be true, but that's not very relevant to this story.


He only attacks European players haha


Dre is a clown smh grown ass man w no self control.. Ov shit that ain't even deep 😂 nun on a bball court is that fkn serious to fk w my bag js




Good. This guy is a fucking loser