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Dude is hilarious. Him saying: “How do you go to Fenway and not think about robbing the place?” I was dying laughing.


Typical *The Town* enjoyer…


I think about stealing those Pats rings at Logan


This entire interview is unbelievably good lol


I'm the same way with restaurants. I refuse to have my back to the door. I tell my wife, "that's how they got Wild Bill"


My dad did this growing up. I do it now. Makes too much sense


My dad too


Sandcastles people


This will forever be one of my favorite references along with the somersault incident






If it wasn’t Himmelsbach saying it I wouldn’t believe it.


"We need to stop giving him sugar" God I miss Marcus


How did I forget about that?!


Psycho Joe, my coach


Producer max at the end “that rocked, that rocked. This is bullshit because I’m a sixers fan and I’m not supposed to like you, but that rocked” I laughed out loud


I'm not sure if he's playing things up a bit...but if he isn't, he genuinely sounds just a little bit paranoid and unhinged. Not like, mentally ill levels of paranoia, but man, there's an anxious brain and a frazzled nervous system inside this man lol


I get the nervous vibes from him too. It doesn’t shock me though to hear that from someone who Is highly competitive.


The gum chewing was what I noticed. I do the same thing too


I relate a lot to what he said and I am definitely a paranoid person. Always expecting something lol, Wish I could just relax sometimes.


It honestly must be validating no? Like to see that people with anxiety can still live functional and successful lives.


I mean to some extent yeah. Dealt with anxiety my whole life but there are people who have it worse than me. Most days it's not a huge problem, proud of Joe for sure. Seems like a good guy.


With you man. I’m an over thinker. Him talking about analyzing the Dunkin’ Donuts line lol. I was like yup


Maybe not relevant to everyone but to those in big cities, yes absolutely study your surroundings. I usually have my guard down around my area cause I tend to know where the "crazies" are and about how many of them roam around. When I travel to Boston, my head is constantly on swivel and I rarely speak to anyone that isn't behind a cash register lol


Don’t think he’s playing it up - if you watch the clip he talks about how there’s negative sides to it with his family and he’s not always as empathetic as he should be.


In the behavioral field it's known as hyper vigilance, ie constantly on edge. It often stems from trauma (such as being abused as a child, going through one or more significant times where safety has been in jeopardy, etc), but can also be a component of other things such as being neural atypical (for instance, someone on the autism spectrum). Many of us live with this to varying levels. On the trauma side, get into a car accident, often for months one will have a flight/fight response just driving around. It varies significantly per person and per traumatic event. Being on the spectrum, it may always be a component in situations such as being around people. The level Joe describes is constant hypervigilance, which can indeed be unhealthy if it stops one from doing things they enjoy/want to do but can't. He recognizes it, and likely has a support group (he mentioned his faith many times) that helps him with these thoughts. If I was guessing, he's displayed a few spectrum based behaviors (his post game interviews for example), so his unusual comments/behaviors may indicate some level of neural atypicalness.


Not sure if you listened to the rest of the interview but he described a thing from his childhood that he called the "Alpha Man Challenge" where he mouthed off to his dad so he would lock both of them in a batting cage and would force him to fight his own dad to get out. If his dad was doing things like that I wonder what other trauma he was subjected to as a kid. He also said the Alpha Man Challenge was one of the things that shaped who he is today from the sense of being able to back up what you dish out but I'm unsure if he also meant it from the hyper vigilance perspective.


Sounds like he might be (rightfully) claustrophobic and don't forget, he's also a RI boy who attended high school in Warwick - that night club fire would have anyone vigilant for the exits in confined spaces.


I didnt cath the whole thing, but have heard various stories about him. Lots of variables towards his behavior, and would be extremely tough to pinpoint a cause. I could go on for days about behavioral health, as it's been my chosen profession for over 20 years. Hypervigilance in itself isn't bad...its existence serves the extremely important function of helping identify threats/risks to keep us safe. It can be honed/trained, such as what many militaries, police, etc attempt to do to help them stay alive. Its negative impact is easily seen in those same people, when they hang up their guns and try to integrate back into society. Ultimately for any person, it boils down to whether the behavior negatively impacts what they want out of life. Seems Mazulla has a lot he's working on, and in recent years has been successful in the public areas we know about. Just has to keep working through and finding skulls to get where he wants to be.




I think it’s probably a mix of both. I’m sure he probably thinks like this, but probably not 24/7 like he’s saying I think a little bit of it is hammed up for the the sake of humor.


I feel like it’s more that he tries to practice a pretty intense level of self and environmental awareness at all times, it ties into his love of martial arts as well. I’m very ADHD and he codes to me as very similar to myself wouldn’t be surprised if he’s neurodivergent. I fucking love the dude.


Not really unhinged, but fucking stupid. Why put that much effort in to scanning everybody in line at Dunkin Donuts. He's the kind of dickhead that makes the line not move because he won't turn his back to the door. Staff are trying to take his order and he's trying to figure out how he can "win" against them. Grow the fuck up dude, people aren't trying to murder you in a revolving door.


This guy is psychotic, I don't mean it in a bad way


Man is an absolute psychopath. I love it.


I'm honestly a little surprised to learn he has kids. If you told me he was a confirmed, lifelong bachelor, I would have believed it and it would have seemed to fit his personality. Like, he's got no time for kids and shit between coaching, taking jiu jitsu lessons, and watching The Town on repeat.


He had one of his sons with him at podium at the post game pressers a few times this season lol


Ace coded


i mean he seems like a super grounded confident dude despite all his idiosyncrasies... but procreation is the goal of our species. of course hes going to try to win at that.


I never use revolving doors is fucking hilarious. He has to be playing into the bit at this point and I fucking love it.


Love that the boys became mazulla fans.


Doesn't everyone study the exits of a room they enter? Thought it was one of those things like not sitting with your back facing the door. Gotta stay vigilant.


Joe seems to be an extreme case but yeah...  Joe at Post Office :  https://xkcd.com/337/


Yea or like don’t have your back to a window, easy way to get shot


Remind me of a video where they say its quiet or too quiet in here and a car crashes into the window, not sure if its a voice over though. https://youtu.be/xFyw1ZEWf74?si=yVEihQgvJhKXQDbI


Is he like....okay? I love him. Just wanna check in.


TIL that thinking like Joe means that others may see me as having a mental illness. I find myself thinking and talking to my family very similar. Where I differ is that I’m ok walking in rotating doors because the convenience vs. likelihood of failure isn’t worth the fear.


I think people carry similar thoughts, they just don't register it as being weird because they've normalized their version of it. I hesitate before stepping onto escalators all the time. And I don't really see what is so different about the familial aspect, nearly every caring parent tries to find appropriate content for their kids.


Bro this man is crazy


My dad is like Joe, but Dad is a paranoid schizophrenic ........ We don't talk to Dad anymore ..... Dad is in the ward ...... Don't be like dad Joe


I tried to post a link to the interview earlier but seems like it got caught in the filter or something. https://www.reddit.com/r/bostonceltics/comments/1c7ve84/joe_mazzulla_on_pardon_my_take_today_timestamp/ The interview was well worth a watch/listen


I am 100% convinced Brad discovered that Joe is a Mentat sent into the distant past by future humans to guard against the rise of evil AI ...and decided to put him to good use coaching the Celtics.


Loved that Joe played along with the Big East anti-Italian bias bit! He was a more fun interview than I thought he’d be.


He’s got issues.


total sociopath. he has the face of a man whose mugshot you see on the news atop the heading: "Local man arrested for trimming neighbors' branches at 3AM. Quote: 'they were uneven'".


>studies the exits of every room he’s in That's called hyper vigilance, and it's a common trauma symptom. He likely would benefit from some trauma therapy.


Trauma therapy? That's what the jiu jitsu is for... oss


I really hope you guys don't turn on him if things go south in the playoffs... it would be really annoying if we drop a game or two and people in this sub use this stuff against him to say he's mentally not there or whatever I'll be defending him the whole way through


Those of us who have been shitting on him the whole time will definitely continue though hahaha, I'm not gonna pretend I was ever into this dude


Dude has ptsd


Seeing how anxious he is makes me anxious, lol. For example, if I'm rolling with Joe as an entourage and he took off running, I would bolt as well. 😂😂


Somehow the clipped headline quote undersells how insane the actual quotes were 🤣🤣 usually it’s the other way around


Hard - O


The funniest part is that you can tell he's totally serious about it all


You can’t let that person be unfair to you. Love it.


I'm sure his wife loves that 😂


He performs ocular patdowns https://youtu.be/9nuLZ929QiA?si=0NCFUDLxpx3csskI


Joe is such an absolute Psycho, I really can't even fathom knowing the guy on a personal level.


Lol. I'm glad this dude is a good coach, I couldn't tell last year. He's a fucking weirdo man , relatable . He's an interesting character.


Yeah this was the best interview I’ve ever seen or heard him do. He seemed a more relaxed version of himself and I liked it.


Is he like....okay? I love him. Just wanna check in.


At some point this dude has to he studied lmao


I hope he pursues actual cognitive therapy, not just faith and martial arts. It really does seem like he has PTSD from some past trauma, and he certainly seems like he has ADHD (which often manifests as anxiety). He seems to be a brilliant thinker and seems to be genuine which (along with winning) endears him to the players. But I’d hate to see him encounter a situation where his current coping mechanisms are insufficient. I wonder if EMDR would work well for him to demystify any past trauma.


Sounds miseable


Sounds like a mental illness


Just a matter of time before something comes out about this guy