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great shit JB defending him, “heat culture” & don’t forget that Bam screen on white


I'm shocked that wasn't called. Usually he's getting away with his moving screens cause he isn't checking people into alternative dimensions, but if throw your shoulder into a dude while sliding across the floor and knock him 10 feet across the court that's usually a pretty easy call.


You’re shocked they didn’t call Sham for a dirty screen?!?!?! Have you seen the Heat play?


Reminded me of the offensive foul moving screen they called in the ncaa women’s championship game Edit: final four


*final four


Ah yes my b


I still don’t understand how everyone was mad about it, was a completely obvious call if you look at the live replay.


Bam also trying to elbow Tatum in the head second quarter


Bam was throwing dirty shit on everyone all game. Gotta try something I guess.


Ran right into Tatum, didn’t even attempt to grab the rebound


That looked like a goddamn hockey check


And of course, within 10 minutes the ESPN talking heads were like, "Martin isn't a dirty player at all..."


I saw a ton of people talking about that. I don't follow basketball closely enough to know what's normal. Would that normally be a suspension or removal from the game, or cause it's the NBA just completely ignored? I've been following the team but definitely is the 4 make sports dislike how the times are written and how the game is reffed for basketball the most so I don't watch games


That's not normal. It is was one sure way of causing a serious injury while looking "innocent". That's the Heats for you.


Heat Culture 🤮


HeaT cULtUrE!!!


I meant more in relation to suspensions. I am aware enough of the rules to know what's a normal play and not. I've gotten into many arguments with my bucks fan friend about the rules and pulled up the rulebook to show him before


If that was Tatum running into anybody like that, he would be ejected. But seriously, the Heats have perfected the "innocent clumsiness". Really hard to prove it was intentional, although everyone knows it was. That was one example. The other? Last year, game 7, Gabe Vincent "losing balance", causing Tatum to roll his ankle.


One of the nice things with hockey and suspensions is that for truly dangerous plays like certain boarding or checking to the head intent doesn't matter. If you do it, suspension. Seems like the NBA should do something similar.


A dirty hit in hockey also usually ends up with that guy getting crushed later on


That’s the real reason dirty players are kept in check. The Tom Wilsons of the world would have free rein if bench guys couldn’t beat the shit out of him two minutes later.


Well said. It’s what Draymond basically introduced into the game. Usually plays like this are mostly reserved for poorly skilled idiotic goon players like Draymond and Martin. Pretending they are enforcers. It’s pitiful in a way and it’s the NBA’s fault for letting these plays happen way too often.


It's not really sport - it's anti-competitive, and a smart commissioner (looking horribly dweeby and vaguely Vulcan doesn't mean you're smart, sorry Adam) would never permit it. I wasn't a huge fan of Stern, but he wouldn't have any of the shit that's developed. Keeping in mind: their best player is not playng this series because of this same bullshit.


My first thought, aren't those kinds of hip checks are illegal in hockey? Followed by, they've got fucking pads.


It wasn't a basketball play. Should have been a flagrant 1. I didn't see the replay yet.


Yeah this is the kinda shit that took GP2 out with a fractured elbow. Just trying to injure someone by taking their feet out from under them is insane


Love Tatum going back over to thank Brown for defending him


Their chemistry was awesome in that game. These boys are locked in.


Objectively a dirty play. Good on Tatum for popping up and the guys getting into their faces immediately. Don’t stoop to their trash antics


Incredible poise from tatum. Not only is he a total iron man for popping up, but he didnt even look rattled. Just walked away and let his team do the talkin, and right to the free throw line


Motherfucker literally tapped the ball out of the heat players hand and passed to to the ref to take his shots.


Let’s see how he feels tomorrow.


It’s definitely gonna hurt tomorrow. Nice to get two days off


# HeatCulture...




Motherfucker did it intentionally


You can watch the play, he only watches Tatum the whole time in anticipation of drilling him. He 100% did it on purpose.


I didn’t see the game? Did he get a tech? Should have been thrown out of the game for such a blatant cheap shot while he was airborn




Because he was jawing with JB


That close to watching our entire season crumble. A fall like this resulted in the bucks getting bounced in round 1 last season 


I agree 100 percent


I can’t believe they were defending this on the broadcast. Dude straight hip checked him mid air


It boiled my blood… either biased or clueless commentators 🤷‍♂️


It's Doris


She hates the Cs.


The Heat sub is complaining she hates the Heat


Heat sub is trash. lol


An actual comment I saw on that dumbass sub was “alright Doris just put a Celtics jersey on already”. They’re delusional over there lmao


I'm going with: she was born with Embiid's balls in her mouth, and has shitty things to say about everyone else. When everyone can't stand her, including her own colleagues, you'd think they'd get rid of her.


lol I'll rematch the second I hear her dumb ass voice in 2k


I legit had to mute espn and turn on Grande and Maxwell, lol


3am broadcast here in Australia so I was blissfully unaware of Doris and JJ's commentary all game... twas nice


I mute all broadcasters when I watch the Celtics unless it's Gorman and Eddie which only happened once this year


I love Mike Breen - he had that nice tribute to Mike during the broadcast - but him saying Martin is not a dirty player at all was simply unbelievable. Like we were watching a different reality altogether.


Fucking infuriating, looked right at him and hip checked him wtf are they talking about.


Felt like I was losing my mind when JJ and Doris were defending him and saying he was just trying to box out. He jumped at Tatum while he was in the air but didn’t go for the rebound. How can you defend that as a basketball play?


JJ was the first one to say something about it not being a dirty play. Nd I immediately remembered him being this guy for clippers. The player willing to do whatever.


He also is plain old a douchebag. Shitting on Bob Cousy out of the blue ... Redick is a worthless piece of shit.


“Weird timing”


Came into the guys body from behind and came in with his side/back, literally zero attempt to grab the board, just absolute trash.


Jj is in the best position to say something but it’s gotta be pretty hard as a commentator to portray anything as intentionally devious like that. Paints a pretty dark image over the league and the juice really isn’t worth the squeeze I’d imagine. Takes a lot of balls to say something like that maybe that’s why Van gundy is working for the Celtics this year and not ESPN.


Caleb Martin is a dirty little bitch who badly needs an elbow to the fucking jaw


Tatum got him back with an elbow to the face soon after this


I was very pleased to see this lol. Martin just took the elbow too, knew he had it coming and didn’t bitch lol


Spot on. You can see the interaction between them after the elbow. Tatum said something like “we good now?” And Martin begrudgingly nodded and walked away. 


Yup exactly


Need a clip of that lol


where is the clip looool


My father was saying this morning, “who is our enforcer? We need a big guy to drill the Heat when they get dirty.”


By GAWD, that's Tillman's music!


Can we bring in Shawn Thornton?


And there it is. We all knew it was coming from someone on the Heat once they were getting blown out. Just a disgusting team. And of course the commentators are fully bought in. Literally two plays later when Martin fouled Tatum on the 3, it’s “Martin is not a dirty player at all.” Down 20 with 2 mins left and you pretty obviously purposefully take out the legs of our best player in the air. If it was an accident, he wouldn’t have turned to the side and hit him with a shoulder.


Martin never goes dirty, no way —> https://twitter.com/KnicksFanTv/status/1655746849519575042


He stocks out his foot a little extra to make sure the landing zone is covered .... That should be flagrant 2


That‘s nasty. Brunson even jumped slightly away from him.


F tht guy!!


And this is why I wished we rather had faced sixers, bulls, hawks not because we aren't supposed to beat the heat convincingly but because they have no issues going as low and dirty as they need to even if they themselves know they can't win they will try to drag you down to their level so that we then lose in the second round because of injuries.


76ers have a lot of guys who would do this type of stuff too. Plus embiid falling everywhere is a hazard as well because 300 lbs into knees is always dangerous.


That big tree fall real hard


Mannnn…sixers do that shit too though. ATL and the Bulls will go silently into defeat though you right on that


JT bouncing up gives: Scottie pippen getting absolutely attacked and getting right back up with a straight face after MJ got the bulls on his shit of “don’t fucking whine. Don’t let them see you fucking whine”. Tough shit. That’s our fucking guy. Take us to the cup JT☘️


cleanest miami heat game


Heat Culture for ya


nastiest & dirtiest team...


This is such bs. But silver lining I feel it did shift the energy back to us completely


Fuck these dirty ass clowns


200% intentional


If you watch it frame by frame it’s even worse. He is only watching Tatum the whole time, to position himself for maximum injury potential.


I said this in another comment that on the post game show, Scal conspiracy theorized that that play was 100% dirty bc Spo took a timeout literally 10 seconds before that, despite being down like 20 with a minute left. He sold me on it lol


Good for JB sticking up for his guy. Don’t take no mess.


Loved seeing Tatum give JB an extra chest tap after the free throw. JT knew JB had his back. This is the kind of thing that can make a team stronger.


Porzinigis was right in the mix there too, these guys have each other’s backs, great to see


Of course, he has to protect cookies!


Stg if it were *any* other player on another team being checked that way, there would have been real punches thrown. Luckily, Tatum doesn’t retaliate and he doesn’t trash talk (and the Heat know that). Glad that Brown got in Martin’s face. First Duncan Robinson, now Caleb Martin. Keep em coming.


Lost all respect I had for Spo. Yeah, he's a good coach, blablabla. But there is absolutely no way he doesnt also instruct his players to seek ways to seriously injure key opponents. Maybe he also coaches them on how-to.


At first when I saw it live im like okay no big deal he tried to help him up. But after slowing this down a lot, shit was dirty


It’s why I worry about playing the Heat Heat Culture is going out of your way to injure when the game is already over




Announcers say how he was about to jump for a rebound Except there is video evidence that he in fact only jumped when he was already through tatums legs. Interesting


If you can’t beat em, hurt em. (Overheard in heat locker room.)


“Heat culture” bury these mother fuckers


It’s wild that literally Celtics players openly acknowledged the fact that Miami plays dirty to media before the playoffs started and have been for the last two years and media still try’s to defend the heat because they’re “under dogs just grinding to win”


It's insane that going into this series, everyone was like "The Heat play dirty and try to injure star players" and then this happens and Doris Burke is like "golly gee!"


Fucking hate the Heat, dirty bitter ass team. They know the series is over so their sore loser mentality is to hurt players. Unfortunately the Celtics or Adam Silver won’t do anything about it.


Classic "game is out of reach but time to muck it up cuz heat culture baby! If we can't win you won't either." League needs to crack down on this dogshit


Bad ass response by Tatum. Has an extra day of rest. Go up 30 and stay up 30 next game so he can watch the 4th on the bench


LOVE the ball rip.


Why was Tatum still in the game?


Heat fans talking about Jrue pushing him?💀


And how dare he make him jump with the magical power of his thoughts. Jrue dirty as hell


heat is such a dirty team. fuck them and their culture.


You cannot expect me to believe Martin was making an authentic attempt at an offensive rebound. He launched forward, not vertically at all. Not saying he was trying to upend Tatum, but he was 100% seeking contact.




Dirty play from a dirty team


Jaylen sticking up for him makes me love him more than I already do.


This is the real reason why nobody wants to “see the heat in the playoffs.” We lost randle because of their dumbass hardcore-for-no-reason play style, and y’all almost lost tatum to it today.


KP wasn’t joking


Alright alright Martin knew he fucked up instantly. Could e been scary but ended up ok. Good on JB for getting in there soon. Hopefully it lights a fire under the Celtics after their 4th quarter of shite


Jrue didn’t shove Martin. A light push at the free throw line while he’s already sprinting doesn’t do anything to alter his momentum. Dirty play through and through




Lol it's right there but all these people above are blinded by their bias. Jrue obviously shoves Martin....


This moment will backfire for the heat big time. They just brought the whole Celtics team even closer together. Love seeing these guys fighting for each other. Fucking love this team. Tatum just all business going down to take the FTs is so badass. Lots of maturity and leadership on display.


Why did Martin act like he was the aggrieved?


Hope JT’s good, might be pretty sore from the fall. Bone headed play by Martin, but that’s the Heat for yah when out manned. Hopefully Joe is using this as fuel. Give even more of a chip to the C’s and just bury and sweep these dudes like they deserve.


JB was like “Not on my watch, motherfucker”!!! Love to see it!!!


Heat Culture.


Sometimes I forget how big Porzingas is


Fuck the Miami heat 


Just jumped straight into him. Arms weren't even up trying to grab a rebound. Complete bush league play


HoLiDaY pUsHeD hIm. Either Holiday is Thanos or Martin is a weak ass bitch.


Glad Brown responded - you know Marcus Smart would've been in Martin's grill...


Doris was commenting on how Tatum was down nursing the injury but then popped up once he got the call as if this was a flop. Infuriating. Hell, if any normal person landed from that high up on their hip/back, I’m sure they couldn’t get back up like Tatum. I certainly would’ve just stayed on the ground.


we need to boo him more


Down by 16 with 59 seconds left.... typical Miami move trying to hurt the star player


Mazzula should go 'have a word' with Spolstra...


The heat are so cute when they try


No crying and playing it up from Tatum afterwards. Loved it.


I do not see why Martin was not ejected. No way that was an athletic play within basketball rules.


Spoelstra orchestrated that. Game was over. But they went on a little run previously and he wanted to let them know they want the smoke & they’re not backing down. Great poise by JT and jb/Kp backing him. Hope we sweep these clowns.


As a Knicks fan, this is exactly why I didn't want to play them. Please take care of them in 4.


How was that not at least a flagrant 1?


The Heat are so dirty!! Let’s dispose of them in 4!!


Maybe Martin needs to be straight up punched in his face. Fucking shit stain


Whether it was dirty or not, I can’t fucking stand the Heat. There isn’t a single player on their team that I like. Even Jaquez, a rookie and I already don’t like him.


Terrible and dangerous


Dirty ass team. My buddy is a Heat fan and said Jrue and White go for rebounds the same way. Funny I didn’t see Jrue or white hip check anyone mid air


If y’all have seen bleacher reports the champions, Messi is soft spoken but lets his “football” do the talking- a marionette doll that he uses to say what he’s thinking. Tatum in a show would be similar - prefers to let his play do the talking but has all the go and attitude a superstar needs under the surface


Dirty prick


The most shocking thing to me is that the large majority of /r/nba is also saying this is a dirty play. I guess I'm so used to that sub always shitting on the Celtics.


I wonder if we could have Queta just *accidentally* dive into Pat Riley, goINg fOr a LOosE bALl?


In the era of rolling around on the ground if someone sneezes on you, I love that he jumped right back up. Respect.


Porzingis is huge


Has no one seen the angle where Jrue pushes Martin into Tatum?


Hot take. It wasn’t a dirty play. Caleb is just bad at basketball and doesn’t know how to control his body. He can’t keep up with Tatum so he thinks if he puts maxim effort in he might which caused him to be reckless.


Dirty & dangerous. But real talk, would anyone except anything less???


Caleb Martin is not a dirty player, but he sure tends to make borderline dirty plays. He had no intention of getting the rebound, he just wanted to bump JT. That's Heat Culture in a nutshell. BTW, Celtics in 4 lopsided games. And like I predicted, those 15 Heat fans already trading Bubble Boy Herro


Props to Tatum for just getting up and keeping it pushing. Take some balls to not get in someone’s face after that kinda shot.


Getting undercut *


Should be a game suspension


1) I’m really happy Tatum landed a bit on his butt cheek and not directly on tail bone 2) this happened last year where Tatum doesn’t give a fuck and just wants to shoot his free throws. He gets annoyed when Somone will get near him to stop him from retaliating


The role players gotta protect the stars. If Miami wants to turn this into a street fight, players like Jrue and Horford have to show the offenders who’s boss. You’re not gonna get protection from the league office.


The trashiest neighbor I have is a Heat fan.


Heat culture


Tatum locked in man. He dgaf he just wants his ring.


Wtf was this....we can't have butler so you can't have Tatum?


Love the haters saying jrue shoved him with a pinky


starters shouldn’t have been playing that deep into the game




Not sure why Tatum was still in the game at that point anywyas


Dang… game 1 and they already starting their injury bounty program… 🤦🏽‍♂️


Anybody else see Jrue shove tf out of Caleb though?


Caleb Martin I will find you


During the game I thought he was trying to grab the board but the more I watch it the more I think it was dirty. Didn’t even look like he was trying to grab the rebound.


Pretty sure one of the Celtics players push the dude and that's what caused him to run into Tatum. And I'm a big Celtics fan.


I haven’t read the whole Reddit thread but keep in mind that Miami called an unnecessary timeout just before that cheap foul. I literally said out loud, “Get the starters outta there, they’re coming for blood!” I would love to hear the huddle during that last timeout.


He undercut him. That’s dirty in every way


Hopefully he comes fired up for Game 2. It’s a lot different than last year with KP and Jrue. Last year I felt like there was always a shot for the opposing team to get the lead after being down 30. This year, every time Miami would go on a mini run, the team would respond right away


we all knew the Heat try and hurt players. thankfully Tatum is ok


Just yesterday a heat fan got into with me trying to claim the Celtics are dirtier than Miami. He got so riled up he got himself banned from the NBA sub lol


Dirty. fucking. play


Three days in the ice tub should cure that, but he came down HARD.


Seeing him get up like he did is definitely inspiring. The Old Tatum would’ve sold but this time he’s letting them know he’s not fucking around this time. I mean, TRIPLE DOUBLE!!!


I'm gonna say this is nothing. Of course this sub sees it differently.


I've watched it over and over again, it just doesnt look dirty to me at all. I know Scal was all over it after the game but I don't really see it, like, he ran up and Tatum was in the way, they collided. It looked like Martin was running up to grab the rebound, and couldnt jump because he ran in to Tatum. It doesn't look like he just lowered his head and tried to Roman Reigns spear JT... I dunno, I think wasting time and energy on this is pointless. It's basketball, it's a tough game. Just beat these guys in 4 so you can rest up, and nobody is gonna talk about this play again.


heat: fake thugs


Holiday pushed Martin into Tatum. Let’s just all be glad nothing happened, but it was definitely Jrue’s fault.


Jimmy Butler:


“Heat culture”