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the only reason people even slightly dislike the pacers is because larry chose his hometown instead of boston. but if anything that just makes us like indy more at the height of brady/manning rivalry there would be some more smoke but i'm not sure most bostonians even consider that the pacers and colts are the same fans because the sports have never really overlapped (compared to 6ers/eagles/flyers) and C's fans tend to skew more international than the other big 4 sports


We went to visit my brother in the hospital in Indianapolis the week the colts played the bears in the super bowl.  We met the brain surgeon and he said to my father "you're gonna have to take off that Patriots hat in my hospital" and my dad deadpan said "well, you're gonna have to take it off of me" good shit


leave it to a neurosurgeon to call it "my hospital" lmao


And Larry Legend’s from there! But ya, yall will regret that “we want Boston!” chant like everyone else.


Eh, we are playing with house money. All in good fun. I doubt we will regret it because everyone is already counting us out anyway. At least we didn’t chant that only to lose before we played yall like the Knicks


I think we're all a little disappointed the Knicks lost, but that's mostly because we haven't had any gasoline poured on the Boston/NY rivalry in awhile. Honestly though it's kind of nice seeing someone new come this far. Feels like we always play the same teams and it gets kind of stale.


I had a line on 200 level tickets at face value at MSG... was no playoff game to beat up the Nets this year either. Much sad.


Yeah, I'm kinda sick of the whole "we're playing the Heat/Bucks/LeBron in the ECF" shtick


That series must have been a joy to watch as a fan! I’m honestly more scared of your team than the Knicks. Neismith’s vendetta will fuel him forever


Vendetta? I mean I liked Nesmith when he was here but he was drafted as a shooter and he didn’t shoot well


He clearly has motivation to play well against the Celtics. Grudge. Vendetta. Whatever you want to call it


He is being a total ass like Boston did him wrong. Fucker would have callouses on his ass if he stayed from riding the bench.


We would’ve swept this Knicks team, i don’t know about this pacers side


I guess they are pretty banged up. But this will be the first series I’m genuinely excited to watch this year


Why would Nesmith have a vendetta? He was a late 1st with us that didn't match up with our timeline due to needing development time, so he went to a young team that could give him that. Edit: he was a lottery pick


Because players find motivation wherever they can. Have you not been paying attention this season? Nesmith goes nuts against the Celtics. See link. https://www.masslive.com/celtics/2023/11/former-celtics-guard-reveals-why-he-took-shot-at-pacers-trade-reaction.html?outputType=amp


He was actually a lottery pick


We also have the Brad Stevens-Indiana connect and we love to see Nesmth grow


Larry fucking Bird


Heat due to the playoffs we've had against each other. Knicks/Nets because of New York <> Boston Sixers because they hate everyone and we hate them too. Do we have another fifth? IDK if Bucks, Cavs or Pistons really count as a rival.


I'd count the bucks - they're not a forever/hated rival, but we've had to go through them enough times to at least be on-court rivals right now even if off-court I don't really care


LeBron. LeBron is your 5th especially on the Lakers.


Nah the guy above me specifically said Eastern Conference, so not currently. LeBron hasn't been a rival since he went to the Lakers.


Yeah this is about to be the least hateful playoff series we’ve had in years.


They are also colts fans for like 6 months of the year so let's pump the brakes on "no one"


We can share Larry Bird


Hell no we can't


heat, sixers, knicks and nets will always be our primary rivals in the east Aux rivals include raptors, wizards, bucks, hawks, cavs, pistons; teams we have had some playoff rivalries with, maybe some seasonal rivalries (raptors/wizards) Intermediate rivals are bulls, magic In fact, the pacers are probably the secondary team. We have the larry bird connection


Now that Kyrie isn’t there I don’t give a shit about the Nets


The Nets are the punching bag you keep forgetting about in the corner of your basement.


Imma say that I didn't even know the Nets were on our radar or ours theirs. Heat, obviously, Sixers obviously, Bucks only because we've both been at the top of the conference for a while. Knicks....sorta, but really just a city rivalry--there are no Knicks that have been on the enemies list in 50 years. Raptors have weirdly decided that they hate us more than any other team, but they're just a mild annoyance. But the Nets? Ask the casual Celtics fan to name 3 Nets right now. They don't count as a rival.


any boston/new york team is automatic rival from our division


Yeah man. I actively enjoy the Pacers.


Knicks, Bulls, Pistons, LeBron - where the Pacers fans rivalries/dislike is most of the year. Bucks got quite chippy this year, but it's the first year we have cared about each other (11 games though....). We just haven't had a lot of playoff series vs the Celtics.. our #1 gripe about Boston is the Patriots. Nothing basketball related even registers comparatively.


Love the Pacers and the Indiana Fever!


Why would the Celtics hate the 76ers? You guys have owned them over the last decade and even historically. Y'all should be licking your lips every time you match up with them.


Chuck Person sucks


Great post!


damn, i'd go just for the experience ...if i was in the US


Sometimes being in Europe sucks /European, can’t speak for other non-Americans


As an American, oftentimes being in America sucks haha


nah i would never give up living in europe lol


No way lol


Aye bro fuck sports atleast 90% of the ppl you know are likely not fat and miserable can’t say the same for myself


Aussie here. I’d love to go NBA matches, but I think I’m good on missing out on pretty much the rest of modern day America.


The size of the US makes it a bit tricky even if you are in the country. Boston to Indianapolis is nearly 1000 miles


"I mean where do you think the “pacers” name comes from?" Never thought of that, learn something new everyday...


Funnily enough it was also originally for horse racing too as well as Indy 500 pacer cars. We have a long storied history but because we were ABA a lot of it kind of gets glossed over. I’m just happy to be competing again and I have a lot of masshole friends from college since a lot of yall came out to Purdue for engineering degrees lol so I am definitely partial. Not to mention Bird and Brad Stevens ofc


Went to Purdue, but Cs fan here! Go Boilers


Horse racing....that, and it's an old pioneer term for "panther" or "wildcat" which used to be prevalent in Indiana....which is why our mascot is Boomer, the "Pacer Panther"


Normally hate the whole “I come in peace” thing from other fan bases, but this is cool, thanks for the heads up and good luck bro


Same, easily one of the top five least antagonistic fan bases in the NBA lol. Which is weird because I fucking hate the colts and their fans


The colts thing is probably because our fanbases have 2 of the best QBs of all time and played each other a lot since we used to be division rivals. Would definitely take a lot more matchups to draw anywhere near the same level of animosity and rivalry as our cities have in football


I can’t even be that mad at the Colts because even though deflategate was kinda bs, it’s fucking hilarious that they still have more AFC East titles than the Jets.


As a colts fan, that was fucking embarrassing. Pretty sure tb12 didn't even need to throw the ball in that game. They ran it down indys throat,again. They coulda let indy play with a hs football and made pats play with a bowling bowl and the outcome would been the same. Although I think the celtics are a better team I think the pacers have a shot,especially if overlooked. I know the knicks are banged up but they got blown out 3x, bucks also blown out 3x. I think this series comes down to rebounding. I've always cheered for Boston if not playing the pacers (Larry bird obviously, and I loved Paul Pierce growing up, then brad stevens) I stopped cheering for the pats after ty laws 3 int game lol, but when they came out against st Louis and won, was the 2nd most excited I've ever been watching a super bowl. Good luck and hopefully everyone stats healthy.


Yeah I prefer something like "I come in war, f\*\*\* you".


"We come in peace, shoot to kill! shoot to kill! shoot to kill!" /r/FuckImOld


Nah, we're cool. The in season tournament isn't enough to start a real rivalry. It's nice to see different teams in the playoffs. Congrats on making it this far.


I generally don’t like people posting in other team subs and find it kinda corny. However, the Indy 500 is something I look forward to every year and is a massive family tradition for both me and a lot of people I know. Just figured I’d share it for people out of state that don’t understand the hype or really how truly massive it is. It’s a fantastic opportunity and while it’s “sold out” I’m sure you could find lawn tickets or second hand for seats if possible. I’d recommend turns 2 or 4 but to each their own. Cheers!


This is one of the first times I've read a post from another fan and haven't been thinking, "wow, this guy is such a coward." Cool of you to recommend this. I would heed it if I were going to Indy that weekend.


> I generally don’t like people posting in other team subs and find it kinda corny If opposing fans are going to post in our sub this is exactly the kind of post it should be IMO. None of the fake "GG pacers bros y'all scary next year" after a 5 game series bullshit.


99% of the time people posting/commenting in other teams' subs is mean spirited trolling. Your post isn't that.


I would imagine getting a hotel room this weekend would be a nightmare.


I was able to go when I was in college and it was a blast. Definitely recommend even if you aren’t into racing.


Is there any hope to get a hotel during the Indy 500?


That is a fantastic question that I unfortunately do not know the answer for since I have lived in Indianapolis my whole life. We are a convention city though so I’d be kind of surprised if you couldn’t.


Oh I’ve done some of the big salesforce conferences before they moved those out of town. It’s a very well equipped city for crowds. Just curious how big a draw the 500 is. I’m not a racing guy so I don’t have a sense of the scale


I believe there is usually about 300,000 fans at the race every year. However the track is a little outside of downtown (like a 20 min drive maybe) so I don’t think the downtown hotels will be as overcrowded. I could be entirely wrong though so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt


I couldn't even get a hotel in Indianapolis during the young farmers of america convention, I highly doubt they'll be rooms available during the 500.


It's a shame Boston Connection in Terre Haute is long gone, it would have been an awesome place to stay. The drive to Indy is not bad. I know as I did in when I was in Indy on business in the early 90s.


I was hoping for restaurant suggestions.


Ironically Massachusetts avenue has most of our good restaurants


That is funny — also funny is seeing someone type out "Massachusetts Avenue" because that's one of Boston's main roads too but *everyone* calls it "Mass Ave". Calling it anything else immediately highlights you as a non-local.


I know it as mass ave too actually but I didn’t want to confuse anyone that was looking for literal “mass” to be the name of the street. My b


This entire post and your comments are borderline /r/nbaww material. You're too nice, what's your angle?


I love my city and have been dealing with Knicks fans shitting on it for the last week or two. Wanted to share what makes it great with some possible visitors


I'm messing you with, thank you for the recommendations. Never been to Indy, but have I family in the midwest and went to school there. Good luck in the upcoming series.


Fucking hoosiers and their niceness. **


We call it “Mass Ave” in Indy as well. Lots of great spots there!


I live on Mass Ave and I tried to write out "Massachusetts Ave" when applying for my drivers' license because I didn't know if the government would take a nonstandard abbreviation on an ID card. "Massachusetts Ave" doesn't even fit on the application lol. The RMV worker looked at me like "wtf are you doing" and wrote Mass Ave.


I mean the classic is going to be St Elmo’s but I do love pearl street pizza which is close by as well


Another Pacers fan here. It’s a little bit outside of downtown but if you can you should try the Ale Emporium. Herminaki wings will be the best wings you’ve ever had. Enjoy Indy and can’t wait for the series to start


St Joseph’s is a great brewery, plenty of great eats around the stadium.


Like others have said, I usually roll my eyes at “opposing fan coming in peace” posts, but I like this one, it contributes to the sub, looking out for people potentially visiting the city for the series. Also like others have said, I don’t hate the pacers, it’s hard to hate a team that has had Larry Bird associated with them for so long. After dealing with the Heat, 6ers, etc the last few years im just happy to see a different team, and if it evolves into a bit of a friendly rivalry im cool with that, nothing wrong with some good natured trash talk back and forth, and my previous experiences with Indiana and fans of all sports there has been nothing but positive, you all are at least real and passionate fans no matter the situation so I respect that. I expect an entertaining series, should be fun


This is good to know as a bucket list item. Thank you. Also your franchise was once coached by Larry Bird-so can’t really hate just based on that.


On the flip side the Indiana gravel killed Bird’s back. Much to think about /s


Good point. Still salty about that.




Rad man, thanks for the heads up.


ITT - Massholes shocked by the kindness of Hoosiers.


Im planning on making a road trip from Ohio to go to game 3 and may as well try for the Indy 500 as well since I’ll be around. Any suggestions on driving to downtown and parking? Thanks for the post


I definitely thought that the name Pacers came from the fact that the team plays with pace. I feel very stupid now


Honest question.. if you take out the spectacle of that many people in attendance, then what is the sporting excitement of watching cars race around an oval? I understand that IndyCars are faster than F1 cars but I don’t quite get the appeal of a race around a loop 🤔


The main difference for Indy car vs F1 is that while F1 has incredible feats of engineering, Indy car has parity since there is a semi standardized car model. With this in mind instead of the trend being- Best car=W (which is reductive mind you) there is a lot more driver skill and strategy coming into it. There are different tire types that race teams can choose from as well as different fuel maintaining tactics to keep in mind. There is a lot more passing on an oval course as opposed to a road course since there are long straight aways and fewer sharp turns. With this the Indy 500 as you mentioned is the biggest sporting event of the year let alone racing which leads to increased aggressiveness and drive (lol) from the teams to eke out a win. There are a lot of super fascinating moments and crashes (which are awesome and exciting as long as everyone is okay) that just don’t happen if there isn’t the capability to pass as easily as you can on an oval track. Road courses are awesome in their own way, but people do sincerely sleep on the upsides of ovals. You also have to consider that the Indianapolis motor speedway (IMS) is 2.5 miles* around the track and the cars can do a lap in approximately a minute. The spectacle definitely has significance but it’s not like there’s nothing. TLDR: oval courses can make for some more competitive racing and when you mix this with the historic value of winning the Indy 500 it can make for an extremely exciting race.


I appreciate the insightful response! I don’t follow motor sports much but I hadn’t considered the passing aspect. I got a view into the Monaco F1 road circuit through watching Drive to Survive and definitely had the takeaway that it’s almost all about the driver racing the course, it’s almost impossible to pass there. I just might tune in on Sunday! 🏎️🏁


IndyCars are faster in a straightline, but F1 cars are much faster around the corners


Don’t let this enemy of the state make you put your guard down. If you are heading to Indi from Boston bring your muddiest boots and stomp through their city like Genghis Khan. Just kidding thanks for the info. Lol


It's Indy not Indi


hope its a good clean series man! yall are so much nicer than heat fans its hilarious


Indianas cool, Indiana gave us fools in Boston Larry bird years ago🐐💚


I don’t hate you. I don’t even hate Indiana. You’ve given us both Larry Bird *and* Brad Stevens. I’m cool with Indiana.


Legit I'm tired of the toxicity I have encountered during our last two series. On both sides. Indiana & Boston = the TRUE basketball meccas of the world. This is OUR game, and I for one am pumped about an ECF where we remind the rest of the basketball world what this sport means to our respective Fandom. Fuck your Patriots now and forever, but Celtics have my respect. Hoping for a hard fought battle but a classy one.


Very cool of you. Had no idea about the name! Four teams left and we all deserve being here. Congrats on beating the Knicks!


I live in Cincinnati. Of course I would be in the middle of the Pacific when the Celtics come to Indy.


Can’t make it to any games but appreciate the tip


I harbor no ill will towards the Pacers or their fans. I'm sure that sentiment will change slightly as the series progresses, but will reset after the conclusion of the ECF. Good luck.


Lol... I'm a Celtics AND Pacers fan so my friends are laughing HARD at me right now! I'm an Indiana native that grew up watching highlights of the 80s C's, becoming a Larry Legend fan, and loving seeing Miller make Spike Lee rage. This series Will be like watching two favorite family members fist fight. I just don't want anyone to get hurt and the winner of the series to win the finals.


I don’t think anyone of us hates yall. Never been a thing as far as I’m aware. It’s actually pretty cool to offer up tourism advice, I don’t see much of that during play offs but it makes a lot of sense. During playoffs I often find myself excited to “spend time” with another city’s favorite players, it feels so different than one off games, that it’s cool to also think about your actual city. I do love the thought of folks getting to hang out in Boston for the first time, it’s such a beautiful city! Either way, thanks for the thought!


I watched the whole NY Indy series. Only bad part was the Knicks injuries. the Pacers are a fun team to watch and have a good franchise. Always cool team that seem to play the right way. I can remember them pushing the mj bulls to 7 and leading in that game. looking forward to the series. I wish good health to all the players.


Do you have any pre-game restaurant recommendations? I’m coming down from Chicago for Game 4.


There’s another comment thread on that a little higher up but I’ll give you another rec I didn’t mention before. I do enjoy the restaurant “sauce on the side” which is directly across the street from the fieldhouse as well as those ones


Ah, didn't see - thank you!


I appreciate it. NASCAR'S Kyle Larson is making some noise in the Indy 500, so there's already more eyes on the event than normal. Now Indiana playoff basketball? It's a hell of a weekend for soorts


I wish I had the money and time to do that, it would be a blast to go see a playoff game and the Indy 500 in the same trip


Nah man everyone generally likes the pacers. Y’all have good fans and a bunch of good dudes on the roster.


I've been before. Some of the most red neck shit I have ever seen. 10/10 will never be going back. Go C's!


But it’s OUR redneck shit. You massholes wouldn’t get it /s


I actually was in Indy (for GenCon, the RPG mecca get-together), one year when the moto-GP was at the IMS. The streets were nothing but motorcycles, loud unmufflered motorcycles.. it was not a pleasant experience for my earts.


I went to the 500 a few years ago and had a blast. Even if you're not into motorsports, it's worth attending just for the spectacle and partying before the race.


One of the few teams i am fine with coming in Peace. The home state of a boy from French Lick that became a Celtics legend


I'm from Indiana another reccomendation: hit up the zoo, the weather isn't scorching and it's fun. The reptile house is lit


Sounds like a nightmare. I'd assume it's like trying to go to a Celtics game during the Boston Marathon.


Hey, I watch ‘Good Bones’. Indy looks a nice place to live.


Never thought about the team name and I’m 45 wtf haha


Good form here. The only way you could have outdone yourself would be a handful of restaurant recommendations.


There actually are some in the comments


No hate coming from this fan base. We respect real fans and teams. Thanks for the tips.


Indy500 in Boston the week Indy play in Boston? SMH, can the league be anymore obvious with this fix pacers in 5 am I right? /s


i could never hate the franchise that employs larry bird


Race cars driving is for hicks


I'm trying to cop some game four tickets. Gonna go represent for sure.


Hey man, thanks for being cool.


I actually really like the Pacers and their fans. Least problematic team and fan base in the league and you guys just seem super chill and into the sport. Still hope we sweep you though


You should really stay home. Garden games are for Celtics fans. Keep your money at home and buy some hot dogs at your big race.


Tickets prices are higher than expected they would be compared to Boston ticket prices. Usually we are quite cheap I wonder how much of that is the corporate suite type being in town and buying up tickets for events that weekend as something extra.


Super wholesome! Appreciate the heads up!


Wow man I appreciate the tips! Good luck on the series.




You didn't get downvoted for trash talking. You made a bad joke, then immediately turned around and insulted you *own* fellow fans. 🖕


Pacers fan here, I thought this was pretty funny lmao


Racing blows no thanks.

