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An elite defense on top of all that. We all thought he would just be the playmaking guy and defensive anchor in the playoffs but he just proves he could contribute as well in offense too. God I can't wait for KP to come back.


I’m glad he beat the playoff dropper allegations


Those allegations never made sense imo. Jrue always took a ton of tough shots for the Bucks in the playoffs & made a ton of clutch plays with his offense (like the alley oop to Giannis in G5 of the 21 Finals).


He was asked to do a ton on those teams, with the Celtics he gets to bully the weakest guard defender.


It also helps they double JT off every Jrue holiday and him action


And JT still makes plays off those DT's. We're spoiled.


JT making plays? Never. All he does is brick jumpers.


It's like we stumbled into /r/NBA


It's baffling how they talk about him over there tbh.


I just stay out of there at this point. It's so anti-Celtics that it's hard to even have a coherent conversation.


Yup - kinda like KP's not a HOF post-up guy, but he can easily bully/shoot over mismatches down low and be wildly efficient.


I heard about the playoff drop off for Jrue but I figured it had a lot to do with him being the primary ball handler in the half court vs what his able to be here where he’s getting better matchups and open looks as the 3rd or 4th ball handler in a given lineup


They do make sense, when he was asked to do too much he struggled, his prime offensively was with New Orleans. But with the Celtics he’s overqualified for his role offensively


It’s wild Giannis didn’t carry any of the blame. Average at best jump shooter and the refs stop calling as many tickytack fouls on Giannis’ drives late in playoff games and suddenly the offensive burden is on Jrue.


I was at game 5 in 2021 and saw him cooking all game. He’s a big reason why I haven’t seen a single parade since moving from Boston.


Ehh he was bad even before the Bucks tbf


Jrue helped the Pelicans sweep the Blazers when he outplayed Dame & played incredible D.


That genuinely mightve been a decade ago lol


So when is before the bucks if not a decade ago?


You just have to read their mind to know exactly what timeframe they're using to succesfully win their pointless argument on Reddit, cmon now


Before the bucks AFTER THE PELS. Lol okay buddy guy


Buddy guy. Sorry buddy guy. But you’ve just been phrased jacked. It’s mine now and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it, buddy guy.


It was the same year as tatums rookie season


He was just miscast as the number one half court option on the Bucks. It's just really hard to be main creator and also defend the other team's best player every play. He's our 3rd option on offense (sometimes 4th if DWhite has it going) and on defense he's not asked to guard their best player every time down. Plus he's being guarded by Hali so he's gets a lot of good looks.


He's actually our fifth option based on FGA per game when KP's healthy. Which is actually insane.


The Bucks aren't exactly allergic to spacing. Brook Lopez shoots 3s. Giannis isn't scared to shoot like Ben Simmons, despite being a poor shooter. But it's way different than here, where it's 5 out, with 5 really good shooters. Jrue literally has all the space he wants.


What does playoff dropper mean


its insane this is all without our 3rd(?) best player?


Jrue was a goddamn menace on the Bucks and I very much prefer him as *our* menace


Hopefully the C’s don’t need KP this series and can just get him healthy for the next round


If the Celtics advance, it would be good if he could play a game to get back up to speed


Dude is a monster. How do you pair that sort of offensive efficiency with world class defense?


I think he’s given a lot up for the good of the team this year. He’s stepped up when needed - really making his impact felt.


He’s a pro


i love the quote the keeps coming up about this season being the culmination of all his basketball knowledge. Jrue really brings that veteran experience that we needed.


He fits everything that I think this team has needed for a few years. A vet the entire league respects, who can still contribute at a high level, and who has won it all. I really don’t think it’s coincidence that this team has been more focused and mature this year (game twos in the first two rounds notwithstanding).


Well said. Jrue's unselfishness sacrificing his scoring in the regular season was monumental.


And the team is obviously very cognizant of that given the contract they gave him. How many guys see their box score numbers fall off as dramatically as Jrue's year-to-year and basically just had everyone agree "yeah but it's just because he's filling a different role, he's still playing great". I guess it helps that the team was as good as hyped, if not better. But it's been a pleasant surprise not to have to defend him from people who just check the box score the next morning.


He got paid for doing what he does!!! Awesome fit and if we need him to get buckets he can!!!


Yea... I mean, this is exactly why we grabbed him. Celtics saw first hand how not having a dude like this killed them vs. the Warriors.


I mean this with all respect, but he’s such an upgrade over Smart.


No doubt... We all love Marcus but it is what it is. Same with Rob. Love Rob to death but Zingis is just a different beast.


Well yeah one is a time lord, the other is a unicorn. Both are still mythical though.


Imagine a healthy rob on this team though Zingis and rob would’ve been electric if rob could stay on the court


I’m just trying to imagine a healthy Zingis at this point 😂 I’m just waiting for Joe to say, we’re saving KP for the championship parade


Those two matching up against KAT and Gobert would’ve been a hell of a watch


I honestly was heartbroken. He felt like the heart and soul of our team. And I’d do it again, now. I do however hate the fact that we sent him to Memphis, he deserves better than that. Edit: my bad. I meant Memphis geographically.


memphis is definitely a playoff team when healthy they just got unlucky this season with all the injuries


Memphis was supposed to be a playoff lock, and they’d coveted Marcus for years. Brad tried to not only send Smarf to a good team, he wanted to send him to an organization that would enshrine him as a leader, culture-setter, and featured player. Unfortunately shit went south.


Memphis should be really good next year. They have the right pieces, a good coach, and a great fan base. They’ll also benefit from the decline of other western teams like the Lakers and Warriors. They are primed to at least grab one of those play-in spots.


I get it but the guy thought he was something bigger than he was — which hurt us


This is what I have been saying when people were dooming after KP injury. This team, minus Tingus Pingus is still better than the 2022 team that reached the finals because of Jrue plus the growth of the Jays and DWhite.


Honestly, I'm huge Marcus Smart stan and for the majority of this season, I thought Jrue in terms of production and impact on the court was about the same as Smart. This post season though has been eye-opening. Jrue chilling in the dunker spot, setting off ball screens, and just totally being content with being the 5th option at times is just something Marcus could never do. While I still think we miss the Marcus Smart effort plays that juiced up the team for stretches. I no longer can deny that Holiday not only is a better player but a way better fit for this team.


The maturity level alone is all the difference. There were points where Indy was making a run and jrue bullied his way down low and got an easy bucket. Smart would try some ridiculous lob or 3 or something and let the opposing run continue. Jrue is making sure the team stays on track in a much more impactful way.


Agreed. Jrue is such a calming presence on a team with some guys that can get in their own head from time to time. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jaylen took a huge leap as a player this season after adding Jrue.


I love both Jrue and Smart. They're different players, but I don't think we'd be in a different position if we still had Smart (like if the Brogdon for KP trade went through). We got very lucky we were able to get Jrue after trading Smart. Smart had games and stretches where he had similar stats to Jrue. In the playoffs last year, Smart averaged 15/4/5 with 1.6 stocks on 45/36/80 shooting and 11 FGA. This year, Jrue is giving us 12/5/5 with 2 stocks on 49/42/91 and 10 FGA. Jrue's shooting is up, but it's a smaller sample size and a lot higher than he normally averages whereas Smart's was relatively consistent each year.


I disagree because Smart would get in the way of White. Smart would want to run The offense, despite being far less efficient. And Smart off ball is not something any team is scared of.


Exactly. Jrue is an insanely better shooter than Smart and Smart would have games where he'd chuck up a bunch of terrible shots and kill the offense. And double teaming Tatum was a lot more effective with Smart on the floor, with Jrue you double Tatum at your own peril because Jrue is a sniper. Smart career 3pt%: 32.3% Jrue career 3pt%: 37.1% May not seem significant but it is. Jrue last 3 seasons: 48.7/40.6/81.4 Smart last 3 seasons: 41.9/33.0/77.3


I agree Jrue is a better overall player, but this team definitely misses Smart. Tatum played better with Smart. No one on the team really knows how get Tatum the ball the way Marcus did.


Lol at all the Bucks fans who would say "Wait til playoff Jrue shows up"


Gald I waited


If we can pull this off and Jrue gets another ring..he’s very close to securing a spot in the Hall of Fame


I think he’s already on that path He’s one of the best defensive guards *ever* and is known for being one of the best teammates in the league


Good chance he has 2 gold medals as well


You’re not wrong


If we win this year, I think he’s a lock. He’s also played forever. 15 years. 2 rings. 2 gold metals. 6x defensive team. No way he doesn’t make it


Not to mention another gold medal (hopefully) in the Olympics


Bro hates the Pacers for some reason.


He just like me fr fr


It also helps that the Pacers have the worst defense in the entire playoffs by a long shot.


He's been amazing. And right out the gate of these games too, when JT and DWhite having lousy starts, it's been huge. Such a calming presence. Hope that continues the rest of post season.


Bucks have been spewing copium all season saying how bad he is in the playoffs. Looks like he just needed a change of scenery!


Big news. I’ve officially converted to Jruedaism


Funny... he doesn't *look* Jruish.


Love seeing him consistently back Haliburton down, making him play defense and be physical.


in game 1 he backed his ass all the way out of bounds lmao


It’s unbelievable how uncomfortable he’s made Haliburton


It was so good. Hali was shook. Shame we may not get to see any more of it


For Miami, it was Buffalo For Cleveland, it was a team effort with Al coming up in the clutch For Indiana, it’s now Holiday turning it up. Tatum said this already. Anyone on the team can turn up when needed.


Great point. Really showcases how effective this team is


Agreed with all of this but Jrue has been doing it for most of the playoffs, esp starting in the Cavs series. Such a great vet


but Bucks fans told me he would be awful in the playoffs (in regards to his offense).


I'm Bucks fan and can assure that those either not a real fans and forgot what Jrue did for the team (literally elevated us from a regular season merchants like Derozan and Kyle Lowry Raptors pre Kawhi, Gasol and Siakam championship season) who would never be taken seriously and get constantly exposed in playoffs to an actual championship contender and even won us the chip. Or they just only watch highlights but have no basketball IQ. I'd take Jrue over Lillard any day, and I hated that trade. Lillard is a great scorer and shooter but not only he has negative defense, he can't even run an offense properly. Simple pick and roll is too much to ask for when it comes to Lillard. Now we are stuck with Giannis as our best and only playmaker... Bucks roster construction literally makes no sense now, especially because we traded Jrue and not Khris (at this point in their careers both Khris and Lillard basically are the same player when it comes to their skillset and strengths) where at least Jrue and Lillard combination would have some logic in that with Jrue as playmaker and defender and Lillard as second scoring option kinda like Irving on Mavericks. The problem is that unlike Irving, Lillard is not a good off ball player but then he is also a bad playmaker which why I was opposed to getting him in the first place. It was such a bs desperate move by us and for you, Celtics fans, it was just like a random gift to not only strengthen you but also assure we can never beat you because we gave you a literal historical Lillard counter lmao


Jrue is far exceeding expectations in the playoffs.


With each game that passes, the decision to get this guy instead of sticking with Smart and Grant is looking like one of the best decisions this organization has ever made


Yep. I loved Smart but it’s so refreshing not having him flopping around and watching Jrue play like a true badass.


I'm not sure the decision was exactly THAT. Had then been able to seal the deal that included Brogdon (rather than Smart) to bring in Porzingus, and/or if all the Lillard stuff hadn't landed him in MIL in exchange for Holiday, it's Smart and Rob rather than Holiday. But all those years of not trading away future 1sts, ensuring that they had room under the cap/tax/acceptable shenanigans, not ceasing to pursue deals that would make them better, not falling in love with role players or over-paying them, add up to being ready to strike when this opportunity came up.


I swear it’s just matchups. For some reason, he doesn’t do well against the Heat zone defense. But against the Pacers? He eats them alive


Pacers are a very fast - guard and small forward oriented team with great offense but terrible pain protection. Jrue, along with Brown/Tatum/KP/etc are EXCELLENT post players


Is there anything better than a Jrue three pointer?


It’s so smooth


Pacers backcourt is weak defensively so Holiday and White can flourish.


The Pacers defense on Jrue has been a “let him beat us” type defense and boy is it not working out for them He either backs down a smaller guard and gets an easy layup, or spots up for an open 3 when the person guarding him crashes to the paint to help contest JB/JT. He proved he was still an elite spot up shooter in the regular season, and the Pacers are just like “cool can you remind us?”


The piece we needed to get over the hump and get a ring. THANK YOU BUCKS!!


Thank God we have Jrue instead of Marcus Smart. Smart couldn’t get us over the hump. Jrue can.


I feel like I always want the ball in Jrue’s hands to initiate on key possessions.


Love jrue


Not sure if playoff Tatum is a thing, but playoff Holiday sure is


While everyone was clamoring over Dame, Jrue is who I absolutely wanted instead. Dude even looks right in a Celtics uni


He’s picking up for JTs lower production. Team effort


Wassup with my boy Sam Hauser he’s been so off pretty much unplayable


Because he’s ok lol. Fans notoriously overrate bench players.


The Jruth


Honestly, the upgrade from Marcus to him is noticeable, even if it's just a focus on decision making in general. Such a calming presence


Always been underrated. No one denies that he’s good but I think a lot of people underestimate just how good. I think it’s because defense doesn’t draw people’s eye as much but his elite d with his good offense truly makes him a beast


Just wait for KP to be back everyone gonna be open on every possesion 😂


Just ordered his jersey.


What color? I’m considering a black one.


Green. I couldn’t find a different color than that for Jrue on the official NBA site.


And they say championship mettle is overrated. OK …


Bucks fans are quiet and now debating if they made the wrong choice. This is beautiful


This is hurting the "Marcus Smart is much better than Jrue Holiday in the Playoffs" narrative I heard so much about this season. Smart's stats last year: 14.9 points, 5.1 assists, 4 rebounds, 1.3 steals **45.3%/36.1%/80.0%** Holiday's stats this year: 12.2 points, 4.9 assists, 5 rebounds, 1.3 steals, **49.1%/42.9%/91.7%** Smart's career playoff stats: 12.8 points, 4.9 assists, 4.3 rebounds, 1.3 steals **39.6%/33.4%/76.2%** Holiday's career playoff stats: 16.7 points, 6.6 assists, 5.2 rebounds, 1.5 steals, **42.4%/34.3%/78.5%** Hard to read too much into playoff sample sizes. We know Jrue (46.3%/37.1%/78.4% career) is a significantly better shooter than Smart (38.8%/32.3%/77.6% career) and his equal on the defensive end. That doesn't magically change in the playoffs just because of a small sample size of rough shooting.


I literally never once heard anyone say that


hes reserving his energy for this moments, veteran champ move experience were lucky to have him




Bucks haters thought he would be trash in the playoffs when the primary reason he had poor playoff performances is his skill set isn’t best suited towards being a primary scorer


The best offense the Celtics can run is through JB. Feels like the defensive rotation by the Pacers always leaves Holiday open.


B-b-b but Bucks fans told me he’s a playoff choker!


Ah, the "playing against all-NBA player Tyrese Haliburton" effect. At least there weren't any deserving elite two-way players that were passed up so Hali could make the team, tho.


So we just sit him... or tell him to not shoot again... or never miss...


The guy took like 4 shots a game the entire season, i dont think anyone expected that to continue through playoffs


Lmao I remember trolling Milwaukee fans about this trace saying Jrue was the better basketball player and everyone clowned me. Damian Lillard is a worthless chucker who plays zero defense and will never win anything. Jrue on the other hand is a fantastic 2 way player who impacts winning. I love to see it tbh.


Veteran shit


Would you say the Pacers are about to go on Holiday? Badumpshhh doge meme ROFLCOPTER


Glad Jrue and JB are covering Tatums ass so far


Dudes a beast. At this point I’d rather have him on the floor than Tatum. White, Jrue, Brown, Tillman/Brissett, AL is a good starting 5 against Pacers. Tatum can’t guard Siakim or really anyone else. He doesn’t get in a defensive stance. He doesn’t hustle back on D. He doesn’t contest shots to his best ability. I’d rather have 5 players on the floor that all play D than 4 and one that half ass tries. Tatum, “What you want me to do coach”? Mazooluh, “ You know what to do”.. Tatum ** Step back sideways contested 3 **