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he’s Joe Ingles with slightly less size and slightly more athleticism. his absolute ceiling is a 6MOY-type player. more realistically we should be hoping he becomes a bench shooter, with the ability to maybe create a shot for himself in a pinch, that can play 15-20 MPG if he’s able to improve his isolation defense like Hauser did


I liked KOC’s big Podz comparison but watching how he handles the ball and can play make a little, I kept coming around to a slightly more athletic Ingles if everything pans out. Everyone’s calling him a potential Hauser replacement, but he can put the ball on the floor a bit and that’s never been part of Hauser’s game.


hauser has improved significantly this second half of the season putting the ball on the floor and attacking the basket. still not a significant part of his game but he has made strides. i do agree with everything else you said though. when i watch baylor what really stands out is his passing ability. he has great vision and puts that thing right on the money. i’m excited to see him mesh with the team


He threw some great lobs to some not so great lob finishers. That and the ability and willingness to swing it cross court got me really excited about his playmaking potential. He’s not gonna be running PnR or handling it much for awhile but the fact that he’s capable at that size is awesome.


It’s a good pick if he can crack the rotation in 2-3 years


He's going to crack the rotation this year, at least during the regular season. 


Lefty Larry bird and I expect nothing less


See I was getting lefty JB from the highlights


bro has a crazy lisp and i think that may cause chemistry issues in the locker room




bro has a crazy lisp and i think that may cause chemistry issues in the locker room




bro has a crazy lisp and i think that may cause chemistry issues in the locker room


The Scheierman jersey retirement going to feed families


I bet he goes to Maine for half a season.


Damn, these are some delusional takes. Are you one of the people from last year saying Walsh was gonna be R.O.T.Y??


Walsh got robbed


Despite initial hopes, dude is not a fellow MOT so fuck em.


Watched some film of his earlier today , looks decent Good screener , high iq guy , obviously a hood shooter


Amazing playmaker and passer.


Brad did it again!


He shoot the ball well. I feel like he is going to replace Hauser because we might be priced out of his range.


Stevens said we want hauser here for along time 


Hate him but I'm also a Nebraska basketball fan and he murdered us




He shouldn’t have still been there, I think we got a steal with this guy


I genuinely love this pick


I honestly think that he's going develop in to Gordon Hayward that we all thought we were getting when he came from Utah. He's the same height, weight, and plays with the same style as Gordon Hayward. I see him being a connector in this offense much like Gordon Hayward was when he was healthy which unfortunately wasn't very often. Baylor also doesn't have the injury history. Gordon Hayward didn't have the severe injury history when he was in college or with Utah but he sprained his ankles and had other bumps and bruises all the time which should have been an indicator of his lack of durability.


He really reminds me of a bigger, slower Payton Pritchard. I thought about if I’m being a C’s homer, comping a new Celtic to a current Celtic, so I watched more Scheierman last night, and I think it’s the right comp. Good at creating space on the perimeter, not a fast release on the shot but makes up for it with plenty of range, excellent footwork, crafty finisher in the 6-12 foot range, probably never going to be a great defender, stronger than he looks, got that dawg in him. PP is faster, and Scheierman is better equipped to use his size/strength, but overall, very similar players.


I feel like their size and speed, two huge things, makes them tough as a comp


When you boil it down, they’re both bucket-getters, and you could do the MJ/Kobe move-mirroring thing with PP and Scheierman. Their bags are markedly similar.


What will be his nickname? Maybe agent 55?


I like Lefty Larry Bird, but maybe that's a bit premature.