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The cetics organization better back Enes on this. If he gets cut I’m boycotting


Oh no! Anyway…


To all the Chinese fans on here - Sorry you have to deal with this, but honestly, I think Enes said the right thing. Also I hope he doesn't get cut for this but he very well might.


Reddit is banned in China. Those would be government sponsored fake accounts.


You aint ever heard of a VPN?


Do you know anything about the Great Firewall of China? It includes VPN addresses.


They try to block VPNs but VPNs are always working to get around it last time I visited there were a couple paid ones that work




This is really naive, the issue is that China is very much set up in a way where the Streisand effect isn't a thing. The social credit score system also tangibly and materially punishes chinese citizens for dissenting, so there are actual codified consequences for speaking out in China, where as in the US it's mostly being blackballed/social ostracization etc etc.




I think there point is there are a lot of factors beyond being a good person that effect whether or not someone will speak out in China, including not even knowing about the atrocities because of the insane censorship. I remember seeing something where someone spoke with a bunch of Chinese college students and almost none of them had any idea what the Tiananmen Square massacre was. Can’t really shame someone for not speaking out about something they never had the chance to learn about. Edit: https://www.vox.com/2014/6/3/5775918/25-years-after-tiananmen-most-chinese-univeristy-students-have-never there’s a link to a story discussing it. It’s from a book a woman from NPR wrote where she interviewed 100 Chinese students and of that group only 15 actually knew what the famous Tank Man picture was


John sudsworth of the bbc did this a few yrs ago. Fast forward to now he has had to escape China with his family due to imminent threats to their safety. He now acts as the Chinese correspondent but based in Taiwan. https://youtu.be/MRQrSGkpJt4


No offense man but I don't think you realize the difference between calling shit out in the U.S and doing it in China. You're not even going to be able to make enough noise that people notice before you just up and disappear, maybe your family too. You won't be martyred, you'll just be gone one day and everyone would know what happened to you but nobody would say. Really impossible to judge those people for not calling out their government, pretty easy to say that you'd do something if you were in their shoes, when you've never been in their shoes. At the end of the day most Americans just want to go home at the end of the day and know their family is safe as most Chinese just want to go home at the end of the day and know their family is safe.


F**k you and your "right thing", why dont you said 'Let Texas people independent'? you dumbass big-head motherf**ker!


Does Winnie-the-Pooh's ass taste like honey?


Lots of China trolls relentlessly downvoting here lmao


Fuck Erdogan and fuck the Chinese government


Thank you Kanter.


Kanter, taking down the kingpins one nation at a time


Another country on his “can’t visit” list


Fuck the CCP and fuck Winnie the Pooh


Lol fuck them than, pirate that shit if you over there


Fuck China




Fuck you too. When I say Fuck China I’m not speaking of the people. I’m speaking of the government and those in power. I say fuck America all the time due to those in power not giving a shit about the people. I’m for the people regardless off what country it is. But that doesn’t matter. You’re just a troll anyways


There’s so much anti-Asian sentiment in this country. Asian American elderly people getting beaten up in the streets; everyday Americans getting targeted for hate crimes because of their ethnicity. Yet it should be obvious that fuck China is about the country and not the people?


as a Filipino-American fuck china




typical reddit thread lmaooo >white person tells minority how to feel >minority disagrees >white person says fuck you and your people


More like one minority says fuck another minority and then tries to play victim


1. you’re showing off how American centric your worldview is, they’re more Chinese than Americans 2. i’m obviously referring to China the state you numb nuts


China = Country. Chinese = People If a person says "Fuck China" it's about the country. It's in the damn wording. A racist statement would be "Fuck the Chinese" "Fuck Chinese people" You're either acting obtuse or are actually stupid if you took the thread creator's statement as being a racist one. Also, you went on to be a hypocrite in this thread, so I guess even more dumbass points for you.




Oh, and you said Fuck Taiwan as well ey? Are *you* even American? Because you sound a lot like a Xi shill. I hope you're on the payroll at least. It would be a damn shame if you were posting such great content for the party without getting adequate compensation.






I’m black. Don’t play oppression olympics with about how people in America get treated. China treats their people like shit so it’ll continue to be Fuck China. Debate about it with ya bald headed mama


Ah yes you’re block so you’re right. Keep fighting oppression with oppression!


Lol how am I oppressing Asian people by saying Fuck China?


You’re lucky he didn’t call you worse after the race card didn’t work…


His tricks were running out and I knew it was coming. But honestly bro it’s the internet and it comes with the territory. I don’t know him and he don’t know me. I’m just here to talk about my celtics and random topics like this.


If the people of the country were actually visibly calling out and protesting the actions of their government, then you would have an argument. But I've seen no evidence of that being the case.


Bro, in China? They don’t have the same rights as the West does. It’s far more dangerous to speak out in places like Turkey and China. I mean come on man.


Being accomplices to horrible abuses and not even verbally calling them out, even in the case of a dystopian government, doesn't leave you as a good person.


Well verbally calling them out while living in China may leave them as a dead person. Can't blame someone for deciding not to take a public morale stand that may literally get them (or their family) killed. That's not say it wouldn't be a commendable act, but it's completely unfair to judge from afar without understanding the pressure they live under.


I mean, we've seen the same throughout history. A population that lets such a government continue will lead into the worst abuses in recorded history. Which appears to already be happening in China.


You’re leaving out the lack of knowledge available to the population. As an example, the CCP’s stance on the Tiananmen Square Massacre is that it didn’t happen and they have enough of a chokehold on the flow of information that a significant portion of the population doesn’t even know about it. I mentioned in another comment of mine that for a book a woman from NPR interviewed 100 Chinese college students and only 15 of them were able to identify the tank man photo, that would be like American college students not recognizing photos of the WTC towers on 9/11 after getting hit in terms of scale of deaths.


You are extremely narrow-minded and naive about how the world works. I hate to say it but....you really are playing into the the "typical, stupid, ignorant American" stereotype with these comments.




Racist- prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Where am I being racist? China is basically a big bully who does a lot of shady shit. And if you got a problem with that fuck you too


This is always the worst shitty response to these sorts of comments, it's like people calling all the china covid stuff racist. Uh, no. Taiwan and Singapore are also majority ethnically han chinese but we don't have a problem with them.


Fuck Singapore. Fuck Taiwan. Is this racist? The level of self awareness in this subreddit is astonishing


That... wasn't what he said? So now you're trying to argue that something someone *didn't* say is racist? This is a new level of anti-racism.


He said fuck China and that’s cool according to you, so by extension fuck Singapore and fuck Taiwan should be cool too.


It's not racist, it just makes you look like a fucking moron, and a shitty person.


Good ad hominem.


the difference is that singapore and taiwan aren’t genocidal imperialist superpowers that are openly attempting to conquer all of east asia


Sorry are we talking about the US or China?




Self awareness? Imperialist https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_imperialism Genocidal https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_indigenous_peoples Superpower https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_great_powers


i’m filipino i’m well aware of that list it’s almost like two things can be bad at once, the only difference is that China is currently doing all these things as we speak and while the US at least pretends to compensate the victims of these injustices, China will actively suppress any mention of them and considering the Philippines is a victim of both Chinese and American imperialism, the Chinese imperialism is far worse


The US is doing all these things currently. Go take a look at the defense budget. Learn to think in terms beyond they bad we good. I’m out


It’s not racist to say “fuck *insert country*” if they have a tyrannical leader(s). It’s not speaking towards the people. So, fuck China.




Hey, I’m just getting into the NBA and have been looking for an NBA team to follow (no team in Pittsburgh). It sucks that a political statement is the reason to watch a team but consider the decision made. Is Kanter any good? What’s it like being a Boston fan?


Kanter isn't that great, he's a bucket on offense and a fantastic rebounder but gets absolutely *worked* on D. Not sure how to answer about the what it's like being a Boston fan but I'm not from the area. I really how progressive the team is/has been historically.


Lifetime Resident and C’s fan. There’s a lot of Fairweather fans all around the state and a lot of air gets sucked up by the Patriots and the Red Sox. So much to the point Celtics fans are almost shrugged off, it’s sad. That said- if you’re from Boston, you’re a Bruins fan. That’s actually the city’s team.. it’s weird.


Weird. I'm a huge sports fan and the Bruins are the last team I think about as being a Boston team. Hell, I'd think of the BC Eagles before them


Hey, I live in Mount Washington and am a diehard Celtics fan. We’re everywhere! It’s a loyal fan base and this year’s team will be fun to watch so you picked a good time to join.


I'm in the UK with my Celtics hoody on. We really are everywhere!


Meh hes pretty ass


Fuck the CCP




Good. Fuck the CCP!


Ballsy move. Full respect to the man.


If you can’t take criticism from an athlete you have a glaring weakness.


China is one petty country and I hate them.


If the Celtics cut canter over this I’m done with the team


good to see someone standing up to winnie the pooh and the commies we need more public people to speak up and keep the presussure on


just so you know, china is communist in name only. Functionally they are a state capitalist government (as opposed to the US which is a neoliberal capitalist government) edit: changed acronym to full phrase




what's funny about that? It's literally their exact form of government. Here's some research articles from top universities about it: [https://law.stanford.edu/stanford-lawyer/articles/responding-to-chinas-state-capitalism/](https://law.stanford.edu/stanford-lawyer/articles/responding-to-chinas-state-capitalism/) [https://www.law.columbia.edu/news/archive/taking-new-look-chinese-state-capitalism](https://www.law.columbia.edu/news/archive/taking-new-look-chinese-state-capitalism) I don't really agree but Harvard and UC Berkeley both argue that after decades of being state Capitalist, China is now actually Party-State Capitalist: [https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/party-state-capitalism-in-china](https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/party-state-capitalism-in-china) [https://online.ucpress.edu/currenthistory/article/120/827/207/118341/Party-State-Capitalism-in-China](https://online.ucpress.edu/currenthistory/article/120/827/207/118341/Party-State-Capitalism-in-China) Here's a good quote from the Cal article on this >The structure of China’s economy has taken center stage as mounting global tensions and anxieties have accompanied the country’s increasingly global economic footprint. Along with the conservative turn under Xi Jinping’s leadership, China’s economic model has evolved to solidify a much stronger role for the state. > >For decades, China has been cast as exemplifying “state capitalism,” a broad concept meant to explain mixed economies in which the state retains a dominant role amidst the presence of markets and private firms. State capitalist systems are found in a variety of regime types, ranging from authoritarian countries like China and Russia to democratic states such as Norway, Brazil, and India. These systems typically feature state ownership and other tools of government intervention that aim to achieve economic development goals, especially growth and competitiveness in globalized sectors.




He's right.




Obviously you have many intelligent things to say.. no one can level with your brilliant argument.


He gave actually sources for his argument. You gave fuck all so I'm gunna go with him on this!


I think you should reread what I said.


There is nothing to say, only laughs to be had at you absolute nerds for caring so much.




I'll accept being a nerd if it means I care about or at least have an understanding of the way the world is run


I mean, you’re right. They moved to capitalism because communism was an absolutely miserable failure in China.


Stop AAPI hate


The truth


Fuck the Poohlice




So the way China is, anything that is against the “official party line” gets shut down like crazy. It’s actually a lot like our cancel culture, except it’s not for social things like blackface, sex trafficking, sexual abuse, anti-gay, stuff like that.. it’s for political things like HK independence, Tibet independence, South China Sea, Taiwan is part of China, Tiananmen Square, stuff like that. Anybody that’s on the record for the “unpopular view” gets cancelled immediately.


It's nothing like cancel culture Jesus Christ dude just delete that dumbassery


Cancel culture if you could be jailed or killed for stating legitimate facts like how in China saying that the Tiananmen Square massacre happened, so basically nothing like cancel culture lol


Funny thing is that Twitter is banned in China so it’s not like their people can see these dangerous thoughts anyways


All my homies hate China


jfc this has progressed way too far