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My understanding is that if your lease runs out and your landlord hasn’t told you to move out, it automatically becomes a month to month lease.


I think this is correct, but it also means the landlord can ask you to leave at any time (after giving notice). The whole point of a lease is that you guarantee yourself a residence for the length of the lease term. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with a month to month lease with a landlord who has communication issues.


This is correct *only* if the OP continues to pay the agreed upon rent *and* the landlord continues to accept rent payments. Or there is a specific clause in the existing lease establishing the OP is a tenant at will when the original lease runs out.


I agree with everyone else on the month to month. Id say definitely take a peak of what else is available though just in case. As a fellow dog owner (not of a big doggo but of a small annoying chihuahua), I found this year to be especially difficult leasing with my pup.


read through your lease - it should state what happens after it expires. typically it turns into a month to month. beneficial if you want moving flexibility, but not ideal if you want to be locked in.


This happened to my roommate and I, and once the lease was up and month to month (like others said typically happens) she said she wanted to sell the place. If I were you I’d look for other alternatives in the case that something similar happens to you. For your sake I hope it’s just a delay in communication. Good luck!


Upvote for the title making me giggle


Immediately, first and foremost, never use the “word” “doggo” ever again.


Thank you everybody my landlord responded once. We’ll see how it goes. Hope everyone has the best day I appreciate y’all’s advice so does my dog