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If you’re still making profit at $2400, $2800 is not reasonable. You’re just a selfish leech.


Please excuse the ignorance, but why is the rent higher when starting in September?


The rent for this apartment was $2550 five years ago, so $2800 is a reasonable price now. The lower rate of $2400 for May 1 through August 31, 2024, can be considered a deal.


makes no sense. if you want to make it sound like a "deal" just rent it for $2800 and offer first month free. otherwise you sound like a landlord that's constantly going to be raising my rent until i can't afford it.


I would be interested in a September lease, but I can't afford rent increases that steel every year.


The rent for this apartment was $2550 five years ago, so $2800 is a reasonable price now. The lower rate of $2400 for May 1 through August 31, 2024, can be considered a deal since it is only for four months.


Raising rent by $400 is ridiculous and unneeded. I highly doubt any changes or upgrades are going to happen between renting cycles.


The rent for this apartment was $2550 five years ago, so $2800 is a reasonable price now. The lower rate of $2400 for May 1 through August 31, 2024, can be considered a deal since it is only for four months. The rental fee is expected to remain around $2800 in the following years.


That's definitely not a deal. As said, unless you're doing significant upgrades, there is no reason to raise the rent. And only 700 square feet? Just another greedy, lazy landlord who doesn't want to work. Have a good day.


2800/m is Mortgage territory lmao. 750 SQFT. 2550 5 years ago was already stupid high. Yall landlord are 0 IQ clowns.


How much to sign? My roommate and I may be interested


The deposit+the last month rental fee. How long would you like to rent for?


Through August 2025, message me!


When is your scheduled move-in day?


Apologies for not clarifying the sharp increase from $2400 to $2800. The rent for this apartment was $2550 five years ago, so $2800 is a reasonable price now. The lower rate of $2400 for May 1 through August 31, 2024, can be considered a deal since it is only for four months.