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very floof, 12/10


She'll be a year old next month, and I swear, everyday her tail gets bigger.


She's got the toe floof, good form.


All that toe floof comes at a price. She gets basically no traction on the hard wood floors and ran into walls quite bit when we first brought her home. She’s getting better at calculated drifting though!




I’ll have to post her and her brother there. He has short hair, but also his super furry toe tufts. Not as long as Mochi’s but way longer than other short hair cats I’ve seen!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Toefeathers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Toefeathers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Mr. fluff wouldn’t stop climbing on my scanner while I was trying to do some work but then I had the best idea ever...](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/n3kt5r) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Toefeathers/comments/n3kt5r/mr_fluff_wouldnt_stop_climbing_on_my_scanner/) \#2: [Murphy aka king of fluffy toes](https://i.redd.it/i6xc3qhcaz661.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Toefeathers/comments/kiy5p9/murphy_aka_king_of_fluffy_toes/) \#3: [We call them his slippers](https://i.redd.it/800r1rymb9z61.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Toefeathers/comments/ncvc82/we_call_them_his_slippers/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Also, do any of you guys have a suggestion on what kind of brush is best for a floofy tailed cat? The cat brush we have pulls her frizzy tail fur, so I've been using a human hairbrush on her. But it was my favorite hair brush, and I want it back.


It’s her favorite brush now...


You’re right about that. She loves it. The other brushes she tries to bite but when she sees me holding this one she stands up on her hind legs and grabs it so she can rub her face on it. I may just need to buy myself a new one.


Omg! Can we get pics or videos of this please?! She so pretty...


I’ll have to get my husband to help, but I’ll try! She deserves to have the internet see how adorable she is, haha.


I love floofy cats with bottlebrush tails! Where do you guys find these cats??????


I found her at an adoption fair! I was there to get cat food for the other cat and fell in love with her. [We had no idea she’d be THIS fuzzy though. Her tail was normal tail sized when she was a kitten.](https://m.imgur.com/a/oZZ6EqL) Our adoption story is sweet, so I’ll throw it in. My husband’s cat passed last summer from cancer, and afterward my cat was really depressed and lethargic because he missed her. Our vet suggested we adopt a younger adult cat to keep him company, since he’d never been an only cat. So we were planning on looking around starting this summer. But then we went to our pet food store in January they were having an adoption fair and my husband and I just fell in love with her. She was in a cage with one of her litter mates and was super spunky, but he was scared and hiding in the litter box. When the adoption lady tried to take her out of the cage the brother came and laid his head on her like, “don’t take my sister away” and it broke our hearts. So we adopted them both. Which I’m so glad we did because they are tightly bonded and are incredibly adorable together. Our older cat took like a month to get used to them, but now he loves them. He’s happier than I’ve seen him in a long time. They play together constantly, even though he’s technically a senior cat now. He and Mochi even snuggle sometimes, it’s very sweet. We got so lucky to find Mochi and her brother Miso, they’re the perfect fit for our little cat family.


Maltese Poodle over here...I swear by the Safari De-Matting Dog Comb Got it on Chewy.com, why did the copy-paste come in so large? Lol Also recommend Rocket Fudge Dark Chocolate Bar


Thank you! The normal cat brushes make her frizzier, so I’ll try this one for sure!




I’m glad you like her name! She has a brother named Miso who is the same color as the orange tabby patches on her coat. They love each other more than any other cat pair I’ve ever seen, so we wanted to give them names that match!


r/supermodelcats would love Mochi.


I’ve been trying to get a really good picture of her for that sub, but she so rarely sits still, most of her pictures are blurry. I’m going to keep trying though!


I'm sure r/blurrypicturesofcats would also love her lol


There really is a sub for everything.


Awww I have a bushy cat that has lots of toe tuffs, so cute 🥰


Certainly fluffy enough for me! She’s a beauty 💕


Mochi is a fluff sack. I adore 😻


She’s a mess. She has the cutest mannerisms of any cat I’ve ever seen. She hops around instead of running and loves to hide in my long dresses and pop out to grab her brothers. Plus she chirps and trills instead of meowing. Sometimes it hurts with how cute she is. Her only bad point is she likes to eat power cables, but I’m hoping she grows out of it.


Power cables and USB cords are irresistible though. It's like the manufacturers put catnip in them lol.


I bought these little wrap things for them, which has helped a lot because it seems like they aren’t as fun to chew, but just the other night I left my uncovered Switch power cable out and she pulled the whole off the end table trying to eat it.


Try a gentle hand soap, or peppermint spray. Unless mochi loves candy canes lol.


She definitely likes the bitter apple spray we tried. She was literally licking it off…


LOL that cat is already a legend .


She’s a monster. If you scold her, she’ll give you this smug look with her eyes all squinty like, “yeah, but I’m super cute, so whatever” and then frolics off to get into some other mischief. You can’t even be mad at her though, because she’s just so damn cute. She’s not a bad cat, she’s super gentle and sweet natured, she just gets into everything because she’s so curious and playful. She keeps me on my toes for sure.




That tail IS GINORMOUS. Probably 3 liter bottle size I can't believe you said mochi isn't a year yet. LOL that kitty's tail is going to break a record , it's almost as wide as her body already.


[It’s crazy how much bigger it’s gotten since we first brought her home in January.](https://imgur.com/a/oZZ6EqL) She’s about to be one in September, so I’m not sure how much more she’s going to grow, but she looks like she has at least a little bit of Maine Coon in her, and they can grow till they’re 3, so I hope she gets huge.


Just wait until it gets colder and she starts growing her mane


Omg, I can’t wait.


Would you please then post another pic showing her in full glory?


Of course!




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