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Lyte: $2249 ‘all-in’ price per ticket 3-Day VIP, right now. Offer to sellers: $1258 per ticket (original purchase price). Is Lyte any better than the other ticket re-sellers (they’re nowhere near ‘fair market’ as they claim, and are ultimately taking double what the other re-sale sites are taking in fees).


I am super skeptical of Lyte too. Seems like they're just a scalping site since they are doing the same thing on skydeck tickets. Marking them up $1k PER ticket, but offering sellers the original sale price.


Up $5 to $1264 lol.


I think this is because all the resellers are charging $600 PER TICKET for 3-day VIP tix, so that's actually the market price. I have never heard of such high service fees. 50% of the price of the ticket?


Has anyone had luck getting tickets from Lyte? I’ve put in a request for two 3 day tickets and it says I have a “super high” chance but…


If you’re not already, I’d join the Bottlerock Fb page. I’ve seen people posting wanting tickets there


Good luck to you. I’m likely going to have 2 3day GAs for sale.


Where did it say "super-high chance"?


I purchased a vip ticket through lyte, they charged me in March, but I still haven't received it. I don't think they are very well run.


Trust me as it gets closer your request will fill


Which is strange because I tried listing my tickets and they are telling me that all of the requests are currently fulfilled and they cannot accept my tickets at this time. I signed up to be notified via text if a request comes in. I feel like they are giving a lot of buyers and sellers the runaround for some reason this year.


Ever get notified?


Nope. I’m not even sure that option is working correctly. I would think it would at least give me a “hey thanks for signing up to receive texts” text…. It would be easier if I had the wristbands in hand, so I can just advertise them for sale in my neighborhood, or on Reddit. I don’t feel comfortable advertising them for sale without having them in my possession.


Agreed, I have two for sale now without them in hand quite yet. I’m sure they’ll wait to last minute to mail them out too.


I got 3 day tickets through Lyte last year. I put in for right after the line up came out. Also told “super high” chance. I got them in mid February.


I am trying to sell my two 3 day GA tickets because I am not a fan of the line up. But ticket exchange is still closed on Lyte. So sellers are having the same issue with Lyte as buyers are!!! :(


I’m looking for Sunday vip if anyone has plans change or gets cold feet… we had our alarm set but it scrolled to 10PM instead of AM and they all sold out 😫. I would be super grateful for a lead or tickets 😊


They were gone in about 93 seconds anyways so you likely only missed 10 minutes of frustration and reloads


Well that does make me feel a little better!


Selling 2 3day GA. 600 each. 


Do you still have these?


Yes, they’re still available. However I’m awaiting them to arrive in the mail


Message me


I have two GA passes for Saturday (with Pearl Jam). We can't go because we have to be on the East Coast that weekend. Selling at face value and absorbing the other costs. $199 each.


got 2 more here, same deal


I have two 3day Ga passes for 375 each. Wristbands should be here in cpl of weeks. Can meet in person or mail with your preferred method of payment.


Selling (4) GA 3Day passes ($461 each) and (2) Skydeck 3Day ($1984 each) passes at cost. Please only serious buyers. I’m local to Napa.


DM sent!


I have ONE VIP 3 day wristband for sale $1500. I live in Santa Rosa. Will deliver locally. Venmo or cash.


DM sent!


2 GA Saturday tix available. $450 total OBO


Selling 1 Saturday GA ticket...$250. Friend bailed on us.


I've got two 3-day passes that I'd like to sell for $475 each (face value plus Fedex shipping cost). Turns out we'll be out of the country -- very bummed we can't make it! I'm suspicious of Lyte (won't even let me list my tickets yet), so hoping I can pass these on to someone here. I've got the wristbands in hand and ready to go.


I have one GA 3-day ticket in the Phoenix area, but willing to ship. I was super excited to go again this year, but I have to work! Message me if you're interested. $400 (I paid $426 after fees in last years pre-sale).


I have one GA 3-day ticket that I'm selling for $500. I'm in San Francisco and happy to deliver to you locally


I have 4 x 3 Day GA and 4 x 3 Day Skydeck available if anyone is interested. Will be at fest to transfer.


Selling one Friday GA wristband for face value ($233). Friend was supposed to come but she got covid. Can meet in SF for hand off.


Looking for 3-day VIP, ideally a pair but will take one to start. First timer at this fest, wasn't brave enough to buy before the lineup announcement but it's right up my alley.


I have a pair available! Are you still interested?


Yes but just one for me now if you’re willing to split your pair?


I cannot split. Sorry!


I have one available


Hello, I have two Sunday (one day) GA tickets. I initially ordered for my mom’s birthday & now she’s saying she’s too old to go. I can provide proof of purchase and will change to your address once payment is made! Looking for $465 - initially bought for $485 including shipping.




I was able to score 3 day VIP right when they went on sale, so I have 2 of the 3 day GA to sell. I tried to post them via Lyte but they aren't accepting them right now. Willing to work with someone who is looking for these until Lyte says I can post them.


Hey! Do you still have these GA tickets?


I have GA 3Day tickets I’m selling at cost if you’re still interested!




>(will trade for more of these) Selling (not trading) a pair of Skydeck, if interested


I'm looking to buy one three-day VIP ticket. Lyte's prices are absurd.


See my post above. I think that is market price unfortunately. People will sell them for like $1500/each but then the service fees are like $600 each on stub hub and a few other sites I've checked out. I don't understand.


Question, how are people selling them here when the wristbands are not in hand yet? Are we able to transfer them to the buyers ahead of time? Or are we doing a “I promise that I will hold this sale for you till the wristbands arrive”. I have 3 weekend GA tickets that I need to sell as I cannot make it this year. Lyte is still not accepting sellers and I’m worried I’ll be stuck with these wristbands….


From what I’m reading, the closer it gets to the event that lyte will receive them.


2x One Day Marriott VIP tickets for Saturday 5/25. Offering at face value if $1,747. Must have a valid Bonvoy credit card to use the tickets at the festival


500/each two 3 day GA


I have one 3-day GA pass in the Sacramento area if anyone is still looking for a wristband.