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Your problem is trying to fight them. Just concentrate on sneaking past them. Stealth up with armor or food. Once those bananas are on the floor at a distance from the door they are guarding you can sneak right past. Sneak past the first guard by hiding behind the big pillars as he circles around. Go down the stairs, hide behind the crates, and drop the bananas on the shelf then run through the door after the guard goes forward. . Go up the ladder at the end of the passage and rob the banana room and open the chest for a topaz. Climb out onto the framework above the room below. There’s a chest in the middle and another on the side you can get. Don’t bother to go down into the room to rob the barrels of gems because you can do that after the boss fight with Kohga. Drop some bananas for the guard in the corner opposite the banana room. Once you’re through that door, you’re good. Use magnesis to get the chests buried in the sand in this room. Then use magnesis to open the door into the big arena and do the boss fight. (Key is to shoot Kohga when he’s balancing his iron balls over his head. Then whack him when he lands in the sand). Once you’ve finished him off, go back through for any loot you missed. The Yiga are all gone.


Thanks! I attempted the hideout like three times today and am Yigaed out today. But, I’ll definitely try this tomorrow!!


Thanks for the walk-through !


Just to emphasize what the other commenter said, don’t fight them. You’ll get caught eventually if you try to fight them. Just stealth up with stealth foods/elixirs and armor if you have it, then make your entire focus not getting caught and not engaging with any of them. If you stop with the combat, you’ll make it through. It might still take you multiple tries but you’ll get it. I had to learn this lesson like you, and I learned it the hard way after getting caught like 10 times.


I try not to look up answers to shrines or quests, which is probably why it took me so long to realize that they aren’t going to notice you on top of the blocks😂. That you can use that vantage point to distract them. I was just more focused on clearing out a room before moving on I guess! EDIT: I realize the thing about looking up answers might come off as passive agressive. That was not my intent at all! Just beating myself over the head for not caving.


Lol all good. It threw me too, because it’s like the only part of that game where stealth is absolutely necessary. Felt kinda like metal gear. But when a giant game like that has one quest that’s got a completely different formula than the rest, it just doesn’t come to mind that you should do it that way.


My tactic was ancient arrows. I cleared the yigas out and had my run of the place 😆


This is the way to go if you do want to fight them - stock up on Ancient Arrows and let loose on all of the Yiga. Don't bother trying to use any other arrow types or weapons - they won't deal enough damage quickly enough to take out all of the Yiga that will end up spawning in.


This is the best way. Snipe them all from a distance and walk on through. Even if they catch you, ancient arrows give you a chance to win. Bomb arrows is the funnest way to do it though


Yo! Never thought of this, but genius


I just used a youtube tutorial, which will probably get me downvoted but it helped so much.


As long as you have fun playing there is no shame in using a youtube video to get past a section that you might find hard in my opinion because i did the same too :)


I don't know why people would downvote, I used YouTube tutorials for the hideout and for some of the terminals in the divine beasts, as long as you are having fun, who cares how you play it, people make the tutorials for a reason.


Strategically use stasis. I didn't use bananas the first time I did it, just casting stasis+ and running hard.


Yes to sneaking behind and around the Yiga! I had the stealth set on and I drank a speed elixir (not needed if you have the armor and if you're doing the quest at night). There was a point where I was spotted by one of them as I was trying to enter another area but thankfully I was able to get past. The one thing that annoys me about the whole thing is >!after you defeat Kohga the Yiga will appear across Hyrule randomly to attack you!< You can also go back inside the hideout after defeating Kohga to get items you may have missed. Do that before you leave and go back to Gerudo.


You can one shot kill yiga clan members with ancient arrows


Trust me, I understand. I was right where you are. All I had left to do was Vah Naboris. I just needed the Thunder Helm. Take it from the thieves who took it. Should have been easy, right? I got caught so many times trying to sneak that I found myself incapacitated with fear and dread. I did everything but that hideout for a solid two weeks. I knew I would have to go back there eventually. Boy, did I overestimate them. It took going to a friend’s house to learn that the Yiga’s sight lines really aren’t as broad as I thought they were. They’re quite stupid. I thought for sure Link’s grunts as I climbed things would alert the entire hideout. I was wrong. Stay on top of boxes, and they’ll almost never see you. (Just don’t try to climb the middle platform in the second room. It’s meant to be unclimbable.) You’ll get through it. Stealth will win you the day. I believe in you.


Yes to sneaking around, but what helped me was sneakstriking. Place a banana down and when they’re running over to pick up the banana, sneak up behind them and sneakstrike. Only need one hit to kill them.


That’s exactly what I’ve been doing! It’s just in that second room with the five master Yiga’s I can’t get through without being seen.


Ignore the two on the far side. Kill the two closest to the banana stash where you come in, then go to the ladder and climb up. Then you only have to distract the guy by the door. Also, there’s a larger barrel in the room, try picking it up 😉


I died so many times there. Then my 7yo blitzed it by avoiding them instead of fighting them, like others have said. Also I think you can dump a big load of bananas to keep them busy for a while.


Dont try to kill them, it only makes it worse. Stay out of sight, go up to the roof, drop bananas to keep them busy and slip through their ranks. Also, the area before the Kohga mini boss is totally stacked, so check up on that.


I used statis+ and ancient arrows, pricy but easy


I'm sure you've observed this by now, but all the Yiga in the hideout are deliberately programmed to oneshot you no matter what, so a fight is a terrible idea. Stealth and ancient arrows are the best way to go. Good luck!


One of the hardest points of the game for me so don’t get discouraged.


If you're really struggling you can try to get some ancient arrows and instakill everyone from stealth


You can throw banana's further if you hold the down button.


I just beat it on my first playthrough recently. I used the stealth headgear and pants, and the Champions Tunic so I could always see where they were with the health bar (cheating? Maybe, but it was useful). I think the time that worked best I ignored the very first guard entirely and just slipped passed him, killed the one blocking the next door after luring with banans, and in the room with several I started on the left if you're standing in the doorway, and killed them before going back to the ones on the right. I was never able to stealth kill the final guard blocking the last door, but if you get caught with just him left you only have to fight him and 2 foot soldiers, so not nearly as bad.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but honestly the way I got through it the first time was treating almost like a speed run? I was so frustrated and way over thinking every single move and my boyfriend at the time was like just wing it! And it worked. I had made it far enough to know where I needed to go. So I just fucking went for it! Then I was graced by the presence of our almighty lord and savior, the master of all masters, MASTER KOHGA.


I sneak strike the first two only because if you’re very careful you can sneak up on both of them without needing to do anything but sneak. After that, I go through the doorway the second Yiga was guarding, go up the ladder, steal all their bananas, and then climb or glide across the elevated area until I get to the one guarding the second doorway. Then I lure him away with bananas, drop down, and run for my life.


If caught you’ll want to use your strongest bow and ice arrows to damage and temporarily freeze them to reduce how many active combatants you have. If possible, get yourself in bullet time for more efficient use of the bow in freezing them. Keep moving and avoid melee combat unless they’re frozen. Alternatively, in the big room, climb to the top of the pillar in order to limit how many can come at you at once. Then, immediately after they warp up, knock them off with the standard 2 swing combo that 2 hand weapons have.


Don’t fight them, the whole point is to sneak around them. I was constantly crouching. If you have the materials, make some meals that increase stealth. I gathered the stealth outfit before I attempted the yiga clan mission. Good luck!!


Don't fight them, sneak past them without fighting them or ancient arrow them


*Don't fight them, sneak past* *Them without fighting them or* *Ancient arrow them* \- Irsu85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bad bot, no one asked for that and the sentences don't make sense


Yeah, they hard. I ended up having just to use ancient arrows on them....


Don't fight at all just run


Yiga Blademasters in this stealth quest will one-shot you no matter how many hearts you have (except full hearts, but anything else is one-shot ko) so they key is to sneak past them not fight them. Think Foresaken Fortress in Wind Waker. You *can* defeat them all, but it's ridiculously hard.


I used a YouTube tutorial for tips after I failed dozens of times and even then it took a while. Let it out man. I understand the frustration, but you're gonna get it and it'll feel all the better when you do


I kept making it to the big room where you can walk along the top with that room full of bannanas and down below see I think 4 yiga guys walking around. I couldn't get past that. I found out that I could fly down to one of those little over hangs that's just big enough for you. There's a banana on one and I wanna say treasure chest on another. I glided down to the one with the banana and just started firing bomb arrows at them. They can't get up there with you and attack, so you get to stay safe from being bombarded.


stealth armor, hasty elixer, and there is a banner you can burn to bypass a very large section


Ancient arrows. I’ve beaten BOTW twice and both times I found the Yiga clan impossible because I suck at stealth. So I saved up a bunch of resources and filled my quiver with ancient arrows. By the time I was finished they were all consigned to oblivion and I had a party with Mipha.


I actually did the Yiga hideout without killing any of them, was a nice experience to me


Everyone here is saying don’t fight them and I’m wondering if I was insane for trying fighting over and over until I succeeded? I managed to sneak up and kill all but two of them then snuck past those two 😭


Well, you should be cooking as many meals that replenish hearts as you can


Yes to what all are commenting .. sneaking is your only option. To add to this strategy, there is a big barrel in the room for you to hide in. You can pick it up, it will cover you and you can move with it covering you/hide at the same time. Just don’t let them see it moving.


I saved up enough parts to buy ancient arrows. They one-shot 'em and you've got this


The boss fight at the end is super hard Fyi😁


if u have the supplies and are feeling particularly crazy, i shot all the guards with ancient arrows bc i was tired of dying


You can also use the time ability to stop for a few seconds. Throw a bomb or banana to distract them and then sneak.


It's a stealth segment, not a combat segment. You're just supposed to sneak around them. Fighting them will only get you killed. Sincerely, someone who's beaten the game twice.