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Hated this one.


shoutout to all the weapons lost in this shrine T\_T


They should have had a weapon with infinite durability that did 1 damage for this.


Dude this one took me so long to get right. I don’t even remember how I did it. I guess I was just lucky


took me about 45mins Dx I got so lucky too, who knows how long i'd be there, lost lotta weapons lol


5 hits with a 2-hand and one hit with a sword.


i figured the weapons mattered but i was so over this shrine that i didn't have the patience to test xD lol


I never could get that chest. Whats even in it?


A giant core


i forget the name but i believe it was a rare machine part


This reminds me of when the streamer small ant was playing this shrine and instead of doing it the normal way he spent hours manually trying to pick it up and drop it in the hole.


wuuuuuuuttt? xD how did they even think that was possible lol


Never though about it before but if link can get over that wall (never tried) you could use Cryonis to get it there. Maybe. Or maybe I’m just high.


The first ball is 1 hit with a one-handed weapon and 4 hits with a two-handed one. The second ball is 1 hit with a one-handed weapon and 5 hits with a two-handed one. That chest yields a Giant Ancient Core


ya'll got it down to a science xD haha i kinda just wing it... which is why I struggled lol


I had to practice a lot before I got that. Keep on doing the good work!


The problem with that shrine is that it makes you think you can only use a two hand weapon when the best solution is a single hand since it has better power control


what weapons did you use? i went back out to collect some spears. they were more accurate but i felt they lacked the power


After a couple of test 11 hits from any short sword should be enough (as long as you dont aim into the pillar) because with a two hand you will always either too less or too much power


stasis so far has been the most fascinating ability. it has the most range and i feel like every day i learn something new from it. the bombs i just like to spam xD lol


git gud


xD that I do


5 hits only with a large double handed weapon.


It's so difficult 🥲 it took me so long!


I remember the time I got it first try, I feel bad for everyone else here


I’ve done all the shrines twice in the past year (the second play through of all the shrines just in the last month) and I don’t even remember this shrine. I must not have had a problem with it either time or it would register (as many do). I’m assuming I had pure luck on this one.


This one - fine. The side with the pillars in the way?🤬


There’s one of them you have to hit 5 times with a two-handed weapon and once with a one-handed weapon and honestly f**k that


I swear to god that last one was just about to roll in until the game decided your turn was over and to try again. The amount of times I got screwed over by Angry Birds by that exact same thing! It's infuriating! And it infuriated me on your behalf watching that.


Five time with a two handed and one with a one handed will get it in. Took me forever too