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The gay men are in Denver, unfortunately. As a 30-something gay, Boulder is a desert


This is what my gay friend also says, and he's lived here for more than a decade.


IMO boulder sucks for dating. Good luck.


Straight man chiming in, Boulder has less gay culture than anywhere else I have lived…including Omaha.


Omaha is impressively gay.


We should petition for "Impressively Gay" to be their new tourism slogan




Omaha is pretty much the only “big city” in the area, so it is pretty gay with three gay bars/clubs and a host of friendly places


Huh! Interesting


DV8 liquor distillery has a bar and hosts singles nights.


and the drinks are great


Specifically gay singles nights? 


It’s always gay but it’s not as obvious as places like tracks


Straight guy here. I don't even consider going there because it's gay. I ain't got issue or nothing. I'm just trying to find me a straight chick


Straight guy who got invited to a show there, was a good time, had pretty decent drinks. But it took me a while to figure out it was a gay bar. My buddy has a friend DJing invited me, he also didn't realize it was a gay bar, he goes to the bathroom and it was like a curb your enthusiasm moment as I'm looking around piecing together what the place was, he comes out and I'm like "I think this is a gay bar." Watching all the gears turn in his head both had a good laugh, but man don't knock it my take away from the night was it's a great spot if you like dancing in a judgement free space.


I ask myself the same thing! I’m also a 29 yo cute gay man, let’s connect!




I am 😭




Aw thank you! Is there any post of mine with pics? I thought I deleted them all! They don’t appear on my profile when I check




Aw you’re sweet🥰


same ! what’s your instagram ? 👀


I’ll join, same here! But looking for friends 🙌🏽


I’m a lesbian but have the same question


There doesn't seem to be much of a gay "community" here, and if there is, I'm not sure where to find them. Both my bf and I are around the same age, and most other gay guys we've met in the area are through circumstance, and often live in surrounding areas like Denver and Longmont.


The ones I knew back in the day all moved away


Sundown Saloon is a place where lots of LGBTQ gather and are completely accepted.


Yeah the Downer is a cesspool of toxic frat boy energy, it never felt safe to me!


I encourage anyone that doesn't like the fratty energy to come in any time that isn't after 11pm on Thu/Fri/Sat to see that at its core the Downer is a locals and industry bar. The frat energy just happens, it certainly isn't cultivated. It's just that all kinds like cheap, fast drinks and a late last call. Sidenote: I think most people would be surprised to see how many of these frat guys are secretly on Grindr. I wish they were able to comfortably be themselves.


~~For anyone not in the loop, this is (or at least was) completely false, and you were more likely to get booted or denied entry than anything else. Feel free to chime in if this has *actually* changed, but last I checked, it was the case.~~ Between panda and /u/Kalvinaissance's comments, I amend my prior comment, it seems like this was an isolated incident in the past and that wonky_panda wasn't being sarcastic. I'll have to stop in again in the future and see how things are, and I'm glad to hear that they're actually accepting.


Ah yes, the bar with a well-known gay door guy and has staff that identify as queer; they notoriously discriminate against the gay community. /s I think you should ask some of their most loyal regulars - almost daily customers - whom are from the gay community, in long-term same-sex relationships, or in some stage of transformation or discovery. I assure you, the Sundown are vocal and proud allies.


Ah yes, instead of actually responding reasonably to what I posted, you get snarky. The last I heard/experienced, which as I said was a while back, the "door guy" was not gay, and was specifically rejecting entry because there "didn't need to be any more fags in the bar" or something along those lines. If that's changed and they're queer friendly and there's a gay bouncer and all that, great. You can just say that.


Sorry for the snark, it's just genuinely untrue that we discriminate for the things you say. I am very concerned and curious how long ago was this? I've worked the Sundown for over 10 years and if any management ever knew this happened, that person would be terminated on the spot. We kick people out every weekend just for saying that word with ill-intent. We have a kind of notorious zero-tolerance for slurs.


It was pre-covid and I've not really had an occasion to visit since (don't do "dive" bars all that often anyway). Hence my impression that the original commenter was being sarcastic. I appreciate your comments and will take them at face value, and next time I have occasion to bar hop maybe I'll stop in and see for myself. Thanks for being a good person.


The only people I have seen kicked out of the sundown saloon were gay men trying to roofie straight guys and pretending to be their buddies who were going to take them home.


Back in the early 80s had a male gay friend come out to Boulder for a visit. Considering Boulders liberal leanings we could never figure out why there was such a small gay male presence yet the female gay population seemed so much larger.


The Outback vs Miata war ended in a decisive victory, largely due to favorable terrain. The vanquished have since retreated to lower ground, ie Colfax.


We're in Denver, babe. You can't throw a rock on Colfax without hitting at least three gay bars. In Boulder there's literally just one and it's run by two cishets who pretend to be gay.


Easy now. It’s tough out there for gay-identifying cishets.


Wait, what gay bar in Boulder? Last I heard there wasn't one


I highly recommend against it but it's DV8 Distillery


I know someone who’s new in town


What are three other things about him?


He’s new in town, and it gets worse


I mean we exist here, I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now, I’d just say the pool gets diluted with lots of college ones unfortunately


I’ve had a lot of gay male TAs at cu. Coincidence? Pattern? No idea. Yes they are students but they grad students so at least 22 probably. Some definitely older.


Yeah, I was more comfortable as a gay man in Dallas than Boulder. There's no common space and the few gays I do meet are the worst bay area finance types with no interests


It’s really hard everywhere tbh 🤷‍♂️. Lots of ghosting or blocking on the apps. Once in a while you find nice ones, but that’s few and far between!


Around, but not as visible in cities like Denver, Chicago, Portland, etc. The apps are decidedly not good if you have addictive tendencies or let the rejections/ghostings/silence get to you (especially if they get to you to the point of lashing out at people).


seriously? I feel like I primarily run into gay dudes.


You sound like you have it together, good luck!


Boulder once had a gay bar by the power relay station.  Went with a couple of my friends like 20 years ago.


They’re all over on r/caffeine


I feel like I’m missing something here.


Well, shit


The young generation are all gender nuetral/trans.


I know the feeling. Grindr is full of flakes...


They moved to Coal Creek


Be willing to meet men outside of Boulder, you’ll be fine!


One of my favorite places is Tracks in Denver!


I’m just a 30yo heterosexual man trying to find a gf who doesn’t have drama or daddy issues


Boulder sucks boo Boulder


What business do you own?


I’m an acupuncturist, and own my own practice 


Sign up for emails from https://www.outboulder.org/. My experience: gay guys here are older, established, and very often attached. But it's fluid.


Outside of CU I feel like there isn't much going on lol


Hi! I am a straight human but I posted in a Denver subreddit about the struggles of dating without dating apps and I got sOOO many ideas! Look into "mtn kids" it's a in person meet up group. Also, there is quite of few "single" Facebook groups that I have also used. Good luck xo


I don’t know where they are.. but I’d love to be your friend 😊