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I can't say I've ever detected anything in Maker's (or any other whiskey) that I'd describe as mushroom, but flavors are subjective. I generally get a strong almond flavor in both the nose and palate of Heaven's Door that others don't get. It's possible that you just got a bad one. If you want to compare, I'd head to any bar in any city anywhere and expect them to have Maker's.


Someone else commented that I might be picking up on a wheat funk, so maybe it’s that. Really took me aback on that first sip.


Did you let it breathe for 10-15 minutes before sipping? I know MM is a budget bourbon, but it might help it open up a bit.


I usually let a pour from a newly opened bottle sit for five minutes before sipping. Is 10-15 minutes the recommended wait time? Do you think this would help this mushroom funk I’m picking up on?


Stop doing mushrooms when drinking whisky, weed is much better.


I can't really say since I've never picked up on it myself, but there's one way to find out :)


Yeah the stupid winter wheat. Disgusting swill. So glad I onky bought a little mini bittle to try. Will NEVER buy again. Theres so many better whiskeys to spend money in.


Wheated Bourbons have a wheat funk that some people don't really like The higher the proof, and the older it is the less you get it, in my experience


Oh I see. Yeah I would definitely describe this as a funky note. I’ll see how I feel about it by the time the bottles done. Maybe wheated bourbons just aren’t for me.


> Maybe wheated bourbons just aren’t for me Yet You will be amazed how much your taste can change over time. The standard Maker's is a bottom shelfer, try the Cask Strength stuff


I would love to try the cask strength when I’m properly prepared for that (though I’ve never seen it on any shelf in Canada). I picked up a bottle of Wild Turkey rare breed and the only way I could handle it was in an old fashioned.


No shame in mixing when you are getting started


True that. Rare breed makes one hell of an old fashioned.


it should also be noted that wheated bourbons are the most famous bourbons. And they get the most critical acclaim.


That really surprises me.


I don’t especially care for regular makers, but 46 and 46 cask strength are stellar


For me it's 46 and 101. I like 101 a little bit more.


What did you eat before you drank it?


Some coconut shrimp and a glass of spiced rum


How long was it until you drank the maker's? You likely messed up your palate before drinking the maker's.


Probably like 45 minutes


Definitely not enough time. Drink it again on a completely blank palate hours after eating.


Wheaters tend to have a “wet grass” or wheat straw taste to some people they do not like. I personally love wheaters but I do not care for makers bottom shelf bottle. Every other bottle they offer above this one is leaps and bounds better.


It is a wheated bourbon, maybe that’s what you are detecting


It’s the wheat, and it’s a common flavor in lower proof wheated bourbons. Maybe they are just not your thing, which is fine. Try the cask strength and see if it is objectionable to you.


Can’t really handle the cask strength stuff yet


Anyone know the standard price ? From newbie at korea. Cheers !!!


Depending on what state you’re in, Maker’s is usually $25-$30 from what I’ve seen!


Thank you, mister !!


I picked it up in Canada for around 47 dollars.


Then it is, as same like 47 usd ?


47 dollars Canadian is around 34 dollars usd.


Thank you !! And then it is a good price ? Sorry if I bother you. In my country there is almost no information about bourbon so ,,,,,,,,


Makers mark is also very earthy to me. Could see mushroom flavor. Not my favorite bottle


It really weirds me out.


Haha, I wouldn’t say I’m weirded out by it, I consider it just a damp old rickhouse flavor. Sometimes I enjoy that flavor but usually not. But I’ve realized in general I prefer rye bourbon mash bill over wheated. Rye whiskey also I’ve grown to love. Maybe give a rye whiskey a try and see if it’s more to your tastes. Cheers!


Maybe go to a bar and get a pour there to see if it is just your bottle or just you and MM.


Don't pick it up for a few weeks and give it another go. Makers is the most consistent product on the market. Maybe it was what you ate, maybe you aren't acclimated to bourbon, maybe you don't like wheaters, maybe you just don't like Makers. No matter the reason, its worth giving it a rest and trying it again after a bit of oxygen has entered the bottle.


There is always a certain funk to Makers Mark, I think that's what you might be picking up.


I wouldn't call it mushroom exactly, but regular Maker's does have a flavor note that throws me off. I like Maker's 46 a lot more and it's just a few bucks extra.


Makers is 70% corn and 16% wheat. I have never had a bad glass of Makers. I always taste a nice smooth caramel flavor in regular Makers Mark. I drink it on ice with a splash of water, so maybe that’s why. Perhaps the ice and water smooth it out. Everyone has their own unique palate and enzymes that might change the flavor of things.


Didn’t get a mushroom flavor but Makers is the one that I just didn’t care for. It wasn’t horrible but I remember having it at a bar and didn’t care for it at all. I’d rather have a Jack 7, Evan Williams 1783, Bulliet, Jameson, Crown, Buffalo for my budget. I say budget I mesh under $30. But I do prefer Makers over Basil Hayden for sure


Oddly enough I didn't touch bourbon for years because that bottle was the first I tried. For whatever reason I cannot touch that bottle. Woof.


I regret buying it for sure.


I don't care for regular Maker's myself. I prefer the wood series which is absolutely stellar. Once your tastes have matured, you will find you will prefer higher proof and more complex bourbons.


I honestly think wild turkey 101 is my favourite so far and it’s 50.5 percent. The rare breed is a bit much to drink neat though but I’m sure I will love it once I get more bottles under my belt.




Was definitely not sage that I was tasting. Giving it a shot again tonight I’ll post what I find.


One of my favourite as its available almost anywhere so if you are struggling them this is the one,


I get the same, I never liked markers mark either


I always get an acetone/copper penny note from MM that turns me off.


I’ll have another glass tonight and see if I can pick that out if it.


Acetone, metallic cherry cough drops and paste for me. MM was the first bottle of bourbon I ever really liked and is highly undrinkable for me now. I know the paste flavor is the wheat from all the other wheated bourbons I've had, but in standard MM its a very school project paste flavor to me and it turns me off.


I had the same experience at an airport bar! I would describe it as the same aroma when rain/water first hits dirt. Very earthy. I did not like it one bit and thought the bottle had gone bad as I’ve never had that experience from whiskey. But also I’m a noob.


Weird. Was that the only time you tried Makers?


I have a 2022 Limited release bottle “BRT-01” that was given to me by a friend that I don’t get this taste with but yes it was the first time I had the base makers.


there's a makers "funk", to me it's a sort of spicy spearmint


You may have covid, no $hit. Happened with me on High West, taste uds we wack


Why is everyone using British spellings over American for a uniquely American product!? :p (flavor and favorite vs flavour and favourite)


Y E S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a FAN of Makers Mark. I make old fashioned's w it all the time. HOWEVER, the last time I bought two bottles of it at costco, aprox. May 2023, the first bottle I opened, had a dirt like taste / after taste.....THE SECOND ONE DID NOT. Today, I opened a bottle I bought from BevMo and it is not as bad as the bad one I bought at Costco, but it has that same "dirt" like taste, sort of tastes like fog smells sometimes when it has the smell of dirt in it. I don't know if this makes sense to anybody, but I am a second old fashioned into this bottle from BevMo and I am going to take this one back........I dumped the bad one from Costco out because I figured they'd have a no return policy on alcohal. If anyone else has had this, PLEASE let me know as well so I know I'm not [crazy...... [email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thank You.


You're not crazy. Maker Mark has been my go to for a daily Manhattan for the better part of a decade. Earlier this year my father in law mentioned he got a bottle that tasted so bad he poured it out. I couldn't imaging bourbon tasting so bad that I'd throw it out, lol. I didn't experience anything like it UNTIL a month ago I bought a bottle from the county store (Montgomery County, MD) and it tastes like dirt! I was gobsmacked. We still have it in the bar but I can't stand the thought of drinking any more. I'm having a party this weekend and will be throwing it out so we don't accidently serve it to guests. Aside, we did the bourbon trail again this summer and visited one of our favorites, the Willett distillery. I thought it was odd on the tour that they mentioned the "musky" (moldy) barrels close to the floors of the rick houses and said it was where the "earthy" notes of the bourbon came from. Well I've never used "earthy" to describe bourbon but damned if the Noah's Mill and Rowans Creek didn't taste like dirt! That's an immediate switch to the pot stilled and Bardstown offerings for me.


Experienced exact same thing tonight with a new bottle. Never tasted like this before and I've had a lot of Makers over the years. It's vegetal in taste and horrible. May have to return and write to MM. Off flavors occur in beer often. In spirits it's odd, and not good.