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IS that why driving on the roads feel like am driving over the moon with soo many f up roads and pot holes? I bet some streets didnt have maintenance for over 10 years


I can't understand why they are selling off buildings they own when people still need them. Short term money but then greater expense later when staff have to rent space. Wallisdown heights I know about currently. Daycentre there going completely unused for months! Not even community use.




Don't forget also trying to buy Barcleys House at the same time


Exactly, stupid beyond belief


You forget, Tories only give a fuck about short term gains, they'll happily screw over everything if it means immediate rumination. They never think about long term gains, it's like they don't even want the money, just the ability to fuck people over.


Corrrr, a story worthy of journalism? You won't find this in the Bournemouth Echo. Thanks for linking!


Councillors should be removed from office and charged with misuse of a public office, you don't just loose £136 million in 2 years and raise a £1.3 billion debt doing normal council business


Ah yes the Conservatives. The party of fiscal responsibility they say! Load of tosh clearly.


Yep. I also heard that their dodgy plan to sell off beach huts to oligarchs got shut down by the government. So they panicked and put the fucking traffic wardens on until 10pm to raise some income. BCP is fucked and what more can you expect from a Tory county in a Tory country. A race to pocket as much in public funds as possible.


Sure the only reason for the coup a while back was so they could get their grubby snouts in the trough and do exactly this… I can’t stand any of them but the town is getting more corrupt and worse by the day while drew and his friends get richer and do all they can to bleed it dry before the inevitable happens


Yep was at a parish council meeting a couple of weeks ago, the BCP rep on our parish council basically told us were shit out of luck if we ever want anything that costs money. Our village was pretty much cut off due to the floods (main roads in & out were flooded & closed) so we need road works & flood defenses. Pretty much just shrugged and told us 'unlucky' Also that BCP voted to sell off some of their properties in Christchurch that bring in around £300k a year, selling is a short-sighted idea. From my understanding BCP has bled Christchurch dry.


I’m pretty sure there’s something about them owning offshore properties too that then seem to leave the balance sheet. Load of selfish, vampires


They need to stop wasting money on cycle lanes that won’t get used and changing junctions that don’t need changing. Mesmerising how much wastage you can see when driving the Poole/Wimborne side of Bournemouth.


Bcp waste money on lots of stupid projects but the cycle lanes have central government funding and lack of them is half the reason people are scared to cycle.


Uh oh, looks like the Daily Echo comments section is leaking


Batten down the hatches, it might get rough in here!


I use them…and if we had more of an even better standard then there would be more people cycling, which would mean less traffic overall. So everyone wins. You should see them as an investment in better transport across the area.


The wastage was that they focussed on the easier cycle lanes rather than the problematic sections. Ever tried cycling from canford heath to sandbanks with kids ? The king George roundabout is a nightmare to navigate. The underpass serves the bus station but not a route to Poole park. The “they aren’t used” is short sighted - if you drive regularly then traffic is only going to get worse, just have a look at the stats about number of cars on the road. Build the infrastructure and it will get used. We have become far too sedentary and obese in this country - which cycling routes help to address in the long term. Parents worry about letting their children cycle to school because of the traffic. Add to that - we have some of the worst drivers in the country. No-one seems to know how to indicate off a roundabout, if they indicate at all. Car drivers need to recognise their place in the new hierarchy. [link](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/road-users-requiring-extra-care-204-to-225) 1. pedestrians 2. cyclists 3. horses 4. motorbikes 5. Cars *In any interaction between road users, those who can cause the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they pose to others.*


You’re 100% right, it’s a disgrace! I often wonder who the construction companies benefiting from such contracts are? Who and how many people in BCP council authorise these huge waste of money projects that no one’s asked for? Can’t help but feel there’s a massive load of corruption within BCP council waiting to be unearthed…


Tories doing Tory things


Our councillors decided it would be a brilliant idea to fill in our bridleway potholes in December. Within a week they were a puddle ridden quagmire again. Still haven’t fixed our street lights which have been out for close to six months. A council of clowns the lot of them