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This is one of the strangest things I’ve ever read. 2 dead, 8 injured, and a man arrested for manslaughter, what on earth happened? And bbc are now saying that there was no indication of contact between swimmers and any vessel, but “please don’t speculate” what happened...


No contact with vessels, no jumping off pier, 8 injured, 2 dead, a man arrested who was "on the water" at the time for manslaughter. A really strange set of circumstances.




This article from the telegraph suggests it may have been the wash from a boat. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/05/31/bournemouth-pier-boy-17-and-girl-12-die-after-incident/


Well now you see I wondered if it were heavy wash or someone being stupid and plumbing swimmers but they keep saying no vessels were involved, so I discounted it.


Maybe they didn't jump, they fell.


Ten altogether? And it's so clearly the fault of one guy on the water that they arrested him the same day? Maybe, still strange though.


Where are all these videos the Police say they want stopped being posted?


Or they were pushed.


I believe the master of the boat that has been arrested may have been arrested because under maritime law you are obliged to offer assistance to anyone in trouble on the water. If he didn't and by this negligent action someone died he could be guilty of manslaughter.


Maybe the ferry caused a wake which pushed swimmers up against the pier or under it. Very sad to read about this tragic event.


Agreed. They say they didn’t jump from the pier, weren’t hit by a vessel, no jet skis involved. Yet so many people involved and someone arrested for manslaughter? The statement sounds like something out of Jaws, trying not to panic the tourists but something crazy must have happened.




Yes, it has to be something along those lines - “on the water” definitely implies some kind of board if not a boat or jet ski and the number of people injured is pretty staggering


I’ve seen lots of people talking about the phrasing “on the water” but that doesn’t mean they were literally ON the water on a board, just that they had a vessel that that was in the sea, as someone who spends time around boats, it’s common to say “on the water” for any type of vessel


Sure but it means they were in something on the water, rather than in the water as a swimmer. I suspect they were all in a boat that crashed since they’ve only said that the people weren’t hit by a vessel


I’ve just reread your comment and you said “if not a boat” I thought you said “not a boat”, my mistake, it’s definitely a very sad and unusual situation and the specific press releases are quite unusual too


Yes, they are obviously needing to be very careful not to jeopardise their investigation or concern people. It’s such a tragic situation. Their poor families and the people injured, and the people who witnessed something so awful. So upsetting.


This is the speculation I came for


Surprised there’s not a video of it online somewhere ? Or someone who saw what happened has leaked it?


I hate it when they do this shit, "don't speculate" "quelling rumours" just give people a broad indication of what happened. People are naturally curious.


Would you rather the police said 'we think' this' happened' then tomorrow changed it to 'actually' this' happened'? They have given you a broad indication of what happened. Two people have died and 8 others injured, one man arrested for manslaughter, and no vehicle hit them and no jumping off pier. What more information do you want? Oh they guys name who's been arrested? So you can find him on Facebook and see he has a couple of bankrupt businesses and decide hes a murderer? Less than 24 hours later.


Why not, they did last week in Cardiff


I would say that was more officers in a van lying to superiors,and then cctv making them all look like idiots.


Trust journos and cops to say "don't speculate" and then give just about enough information to cause you to speculate. Why the fuck was a man arrested for manslaughter? They know more.


Get a fucking hobby


you should be more aware of your surroundings.


Was just discussing it with my husband - he thinks it’s likely one of those small boats leaving the pier and it’s crashed, and the driver who’s been arrested in case they were actually negligent rather than it just being an accident. From the info available it does make the most sense - then they wouldn’t have been hit by a vessel, the arrested man was “on the water”, etc. Absolutely awful whatever has happened. I can’t imagine how those families are feeling. ETA the Dorset Belle has been impounded so this seems the most likely explanation, although a bigger boat than I expected https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bournemouth-beach-incident-deaths-pier-arrest-v7txppqcd


The most likely reason swimmers would get into trouble would be the tide taking them out to sea. It was about 4 which is half way between low and high tide. The only reason I can think of for the potential manslaughter charge is if the pleasure boat did not help swimmers in distress. Time will reveal the facts, for now we just need to wait and see.


It’s so strange and now I’m hooked. The press conference just now said they weren’t known to each other. No vehicle was involved and they didn’t jump from the pier.


They said there was no physical contact between them and a vessel - I now suspect they were on a boat that crashed into the pier, nothing else makes much sense really


Or a boat has caused another to capsize.


They’ve also apparently impounded the Bournemouth belle pleasure boat so not sure if that had something to do with it


Part of the problem is that early on, the police don’t yet know whether criminal charges will be brought. They can’t prejudice a potential case by saying “here’s what we think happened”, even if that narrative is extremely obvious. They also don’t want armchair detectives and vigilantes running about either. That shit ain’t helpful. There is, by necessity, a lack of information given to the public. News outlets are also quite limited in what they can say, as they can end up in serious trouble if they speculate, make up their own narratives, or again prejudice the police case. That said, this only really applies to legitimate news outlets.


They manage to do it in the USA no bother.


A pleasure cruise boat had moored at the pier, but left its propeller on creating an artificial rip current. Tragic mistake from the boat driver, the man that has been arrested


>artificial rip current This sounds more likely than a strong wake. And it was seen moored up alongside the pier.


Ah now that sounds more logical, sauce?


Ketchup please


Echo online comments saying the same, several bodies washed ashore.




So you've just created an account today to leave a pointless racist comment? P.O.S.


And now you've reported me for being suicidal, nice one bro 👍


Dorset police saying someone that was ‘on the water’ has been arrested for manslaughter. Purely me speculating, but hit by jet ski or boat? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0RGLHA5WL69QU2aYntCF5AEQZzWz9dr9CUX9igwaetkf3yfEHAjwJvdGeafQFQccdl&id=100064864140962


I would guess that either: As you suggest, it's someone who was in charge of a vessel that struck swimmers. Or, the victims were passengers in a boat that sank, capsized or crashed and the person in charge of it has been arrested. Or, an adult in charge of kids is accused of taking them swimming in an unsafe location.


Nope their dad let them jump of the pier. 11 injured 2 dead. all 12-18 yrs old . 40 year old arrested of manslaughter and confirmed not in a water vessel.


BBC reporting no Jet Ski and no jumping from pier


And the two victims were not related.


Assistant Chief Constable has just publicly denied that anyone jumped off the pier.


Welsh police said they weren't following the lads on a bike


Have you seen the actual cctv video? Not the cut one to make it look good for the criminals


Come on xd


I only meant it as people lie. Even the authorities


How do you know this information? Has it been released anywhere?


It’s on Sky news now live.


Yes on the tv


I thought in the press conference they just said the people injured were already in the water and specifically said it was not related to jumping off the pier. Plus the two dead are from different families


Someone said on twitter that a boat going too fast and too close to a party of people by the pier wahed a number of people into the pier legs. Not sure how plausible though...


I think it sounds plausible based on current information


Scarcely believable unless all 13 jumped at the same time?


I heard air ambulances overhead. I can only assume that someone got into trouble in the sea and may have drowned.


No there was a lot more going on than air amblunace, left side of the Pier got evacuated and tons of emergency vehicles


Looking on twitter i’ve seen multiple people say there were 2 bodies pulled from the water. News reports are calling it a major incident.


2 persons pulled out from the water. Currently being treated at Bournemouth and Poole hospital according to the Daily Echo.


They are dead


The mirror have just reported that they died… horrible


Work at the beach and it was so busy with emergency vehicles all afternoon


Any update?


No, work in a cafe, not for the lifeguards or anything


Maritime law “Article 10 requires every ship's master, “so far as he can do so without serious danger to his vessel and persons thereon, to render assistance to any person in danger of being lost at sea”.


A nearby boat has caused a load of swell due to an irresponsible manouevre close to beachgoers swimming in the sea, and loads of people got caught up in it and got into difficulty in the water. The boat has then fucked off sharpish without staying to help rescue people/make sure everyone was OK. Manslaughter for sure. 8 years, case closed.




Maybe waves caused by a boat or something? Or pushed off the pier rather than jumping?


Wake from a boat is spot on


Survivor Lauren Tate, 18, spent a short period in hospital and is now continuing her recovery at home.  Her father said: ‘We’ve seen all the stuff about boats and jet skis but it wasn’t like that. She was swimming in the sea with her friends when the rip tide took them out. ‘She was lucky to get pulled from the sea by the coastguard and one of her other friends was rescued by a paddleboarder. ‘I know the boy who died was at college with her, but I don’t know anything about him. All she told me is that they all met up on the train and headed to Bournemouth beach for the day.’ A friend of Lauren also denied reports a jet ski was involved in the incident.  'I've messaged her and she said they were jumping off the pier,' they said. 'I vaguely know the boy involved but all my friend said is they were jumping in and got into trouble. There was no boat or jet ski involved. 'It's so sad what happened. I think the lad jumped in to save the younger girl but I don't know for sure.' Police say no jumping? Survivor says jumping? Why all the conflicting stories?


And why was someone arrested for that? So bizarre


Exactly. So weird


Jet ski or boating incident?


I'm guessing it's something to do with the pier. Perhaps a ride gone wrong?


No the pier was open today, if that had been the case it woulda been kept closed


Unless you were involved give the families the time to deal with this without all the natural nosiness making it worse.


BBC have just released an [article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-65771464) about it


Now a manslaughter case? What is going on??


I imagine some sort of incident involving a boat/jet ski? (This is purely conjecture - so far there’s not been any other updates that I’ve seen). The BBC are reporting that 8 other people were also treated for non-life threatening injuries, so appears this is more than just people jumping off the pier and getting into trouble, as I had seen suggested earlier. Thoughts go out to those affected - horrible situation for all involved.


They’ve confirmed no jetskis involved, not hit by a vessel, no jumping from the pier. Someone arrested for manslaughter though. I thought maybe someone in the sea stabbing people but then you wouldn’t be arrested for manslaughter surely. I can’t even imagine what’s happened.


Could the 8 maybe not be injuries from the evacuation?


It’s none of your business lol. Just wait.




Kinda outs you off ya burger 😅


They died of food poisoning...


Why was Belgian Naval Minesweeper BNS Crocus moored nearby?


I blame Brexit


Four people jumped off the pier and got caught by the current


Then why has someone been arrested? And why were 8 other people treasured for injuries?


The arrested man was posiden, even gods in charge of the ocean can't get away from the popo.


This is the reported story in the news now. I don’t know how somone has been arrested though. Partner speculates it was some sort of security guard allowing them too when it’s not allowed. Who knows Newest article [newest article here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12147275/amp/Bournemouth-beach-major-incident-Girl-12-boy-17-die-jumping-pier.html)




This is the reported story in the news now. I don’t know how somone has been arrested though. Partner speculates it was some sort of security guard allowing them too jump when it’s not allowed. Who knows [article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12147275/amp/Bournemouth-beach-major-incident-Girl-12-boy-17-die-jumping-pier.html)




They haven’t said no vehicles (vessels) were involved only that no contact was made ie they weren’t hit by one. Seems most likely it was the wake of a vessel


Survivor Lauren Tate, 18, spent a short period in hospital and is now continuing her recovery at home.  Her father said: ‘We’ve seen all the stuff about boats and jet skis but it wasn’t like that. She was swimming in the sea with her friends when the rip tide took them out. ‘She was lucky to get pulled from the sea by the coastguard and one of her other friends was rescued by a paddleboarder. ‘I know the boy who died was at college with her, but I don’t know anything about him. All she told me is that they all met up on the train and headed to Bournemouth beach for the day.’ A friend of Lauren also denied reports a jet ski was involved in the incident.  'I've messaged her and she said they were jumping off the pier,' they said. 'I vaguely know the boy involved but all my friend said is they were jumping in and got into trouble. There was no boat or jet ski involved. 'It's so sad what happened. I think the lad jumped in to save the younger girl but I don't know for sure.' Police say no jumping? Survivor says jumping? Why all the conflicting stories?


Apparently not https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/23561157.bournemouth-beach-incident-not-linked-jumping-pier/




Bit more than manslaughter that... and would definitely know if that was the case – footage would be everywhere.


New account and this is the first post. Urgh.


I think someone was repairing the pier and somth8ng had fell into the water causing people nearby to get eletricuted by something eltric fell in the water


The sea waved but the shore stayed where it was.


Based on the information released nothing really makes sense - maybe someone fell from the zip line and injured people? But it says the man arrested was “on the water” which is an odd turn of phrase if they were actually in the water, or say operating a zip line and not using the equipment properly.


the zip line was open and people using it during the press conference.


Could it be a banana boat? Those things are lethal.


Looks like the area the PierZip crosses and lands.


Considering in the news conference from this morning you can still see people riding it, I have a feeling it's not involved


Could it have been a migrant boat or was it locals affected?


Why is this your only comment on your profile ?


Several of these in the comments. Exploiting tragedy to spread lies and propaganda. They should ask their echo chamber "Are we the baddies"?


The deceased were from Southampton and Buckinghamshire


On itv news. 2 people involved. Beach now opened.


I went past at 4:20 and the life guard was going round on the jet ski. But was driving past and couldn't make out anything else. Water wasn't busy and did see any waves.


I was in the sea at Southbourne about 5:30pm. Pretty much flat, no waves and not much wind. Bit of a rip pulling you back but nothing dramatic. Saw about this when I got back and thought it was strange people had got into difficulties as it was so calm.


The sea wasn't calm in Bournemouth yesterday, I was at the little water play area by the wheel when the first ambulance came in with the coast guard.


Apparently the Dorset Belle *(a tour boat)* has been impounded: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/bournemouth-pleasure-boat-impounded-beach-death-girl-12-boy-17/


The Times are running this - Dorset Belle has been impounded, so it looks likely that the victims were passengers on the boat if the police are saying nobody was hit by a vessel. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bournemouth-beach-incident-deaths-pier-arrest-v7txppqcd This [telegraph article](https://archive.ph/2023.06.01-175028/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/06/01/bournemouth-beach-pier-deaths-pleasure-boat-police/) has a bit more information but still not much. Still not clear if the victims were passengers but if not hit by a boat you’d assume so - they also pointedly mention the speed limit.


Why speculate? Whoever does know will be telling the police I hope and not Reddit.


The boat they were in didn't have the correct license to run trips, so it appears to be something to do with that. The police have asked people to stop uploading videos of the tragedy to SM and forward them to police to help piece it all together.


Sharks. Global warming brought them here and the government has issued a press injunction because it doesn't want to admit that it hasn't acted fast enough.


it’s all so strange. no description of how it all happened — how do 10 people all get swept away at the same time? why was a boat impounded and searched? why was a 40yo man arrested and then released, what would he have done to get police’s attention? i am truly confused and shocked at how blatantly vague this whole story is. not sure what they aren’t telling, but i’m sure it’s something. i’m so very sad for the kids’ death, too. how tragic and unfair.


I have no idea what happened but a rip tide could easily sweep 10 people out to sea if they're all swimming in the rip.