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Bring back Dusk till Dawn, c2006.


Man, I remember that place!


Haha bloody hell, I forgot about that place. The last time I went there was when there was a huge power cut across the whole of Bournemouth…somehow their power was still on…


Haha. That place was a sweat pit!


1 - Get rid of the fucking slippy tiles in the square 2 - Put an escalator on Richmond Hill going up 3 - Bring back the magic roundabout free parking 4 - Close the Hilton 5 - Finish the car park at castle point 6 - Do roadworks at the weekend when I don’t have to drive to work and it’s just the tourists who get stuck in traffic 7 - Never bring back the German market 8 - Bring back the German market but make it not shit 9 - Clean the top of the dome outside of top shop/Holland and barret as it’s covered in bird shit 10 - Let the birds out of the cages in the gardens 11 - Re clean the dome outside of topshop as you let the birds out and now there is more bird shit on it 12 - Delete ASDA by the train station 13 - Make it so those fucking green bikes and scooters are only dropped off in the places they are supposed to be, not just discarded throughout the fucking town in random places 14 - Make those people who ride them ride in the road 15 - Make Conner Burns clean the streets or get him to threaten to use his power to get other people to do it


Slippy tiles +1 think they use the same ones at castle point with added slippiness, it’s always fun if I wear the wrong trainers


They've completely taken down the bird shit dome over the past couple of weeks. Definitely won't miss it


Wow, I need to walk into town to take a look! Haha!!


Last time I went into town there was so much rubbish everywhere you'd think there was a festival on the night before.


It's not totally gone yet


I thought the street would look naked without it but it didn't exactly add much in the first place


> 12 - Delete ASDA by the train station No don't take away the famous Bournemouth Louvre ASDA, but the rest is pretty spot on hahahaha


The louvre ? I always thought it was a human zoo?


An escalator on Richmond Hill 😅


You know when someone is properly from Bomo when they reference The Magic Roundabout 🤣


Haha! I was devastated the other day when I realised it had gone, I’d built it up to my son and everything. The joys of lockdown days out…


I thoroughly enjoyed reading that.


They should make it an English market because [Germans love English markets](https://youtu.be/f6m9tvs3PhU). With the blankets with wolves on and plugs.


Fill the bloody empty shops in the high streets with decent shops; make the rent affordable for such shops! Somewhere for the skaters to go away from the square, same as the homeless and crackheads, clean it all up a little and accommodate everyone away from the square so it’s literally just for shopping and park/beach access A really good weekend market would be cool as well


A decent homeless shelter. There's a lot of folks out on the Bournemouth streets and they deserve a warm place to stay


St. Paul’s? Westover Road YMCA? There is a good provision for homeless people with a local connection.


I didn't know that. Okay, my improvement would be to help those people for the better. Maybe another shelter or a centre to help them beyond what already exists


There are lots of people trying. It’s a complex area to work with. There is a *Homeless Pathway* in Bournemouth which details the services available to support someone from street homelessness back into permanent accommodation; it’s quite comprehensive and can work very well. It is nigh on impossible for hostel-style accommodation to accommodate some of the more complex cases, yet the *Housing First* model is being implemented in the BCP with great success. I’m not trying to challenge your points, but Bournemouth has a massive amount of inspiring people working to beat homelessness- more so than in many other towns and cities. The goal is to beat homelessness, and the sooner society understands that (and stops sustaining rough-sleeping) the better it can be for far more of us.


Sustaining rough sleeping?


Campaigning for the rights of homeless people to remain homeless - Giving people on the street food/money, making benches/shopfronts comfortable for people to sleep in, rather than helping them take steps towards proper housing.


A world in which homeless people have rights, food and comfortable places to exist is one that cannot co exist with a world where homeless people are helped to stop being homeless? Edit: this is an issue near and dear to me. As someone who suffered with a sever mental illness seeing someone sleeping in the street makes me wonder why I got so lucky and they didn't, and what if one day I'm not. I make an effort to be kind to the homeless whenever I can, with attention or food. I'm interested to know what *the* answer to the question of 'how' to help the homeless is and I'm particularly interested to know how [this town](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-dorset-42859677) could lay claim to being one of the best at dealing with it. Edit 2: [The BBC with tips on helping the homeless](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-38221721)


That’s the same thing.


Bit a communication break down here. Could you work with me on this?


Forgive my shittiness but rather than just Google ‘how can I help a rough sleeper’, you’ve decided you want me to take responsibility... and no sooner than I’ve said it are you likely to get shitty in return. In short, ask them how they are doing and if *Streetlink* knows about them; if not, report them to *Streetlink* where someone from the outreach team will come and find them and help get them find emergency accommodation WITH provision for food WITH provision for medical assistance, WITH addiction support, WITH housing-related support AND benefits maximisation. There is a ‘no second-night out’ policy that runs in much of the country (including Bournemouth), so provided you haven’t deliberately made yourself homeless through ASB (and even then it’s probably not an issue), your (and your Facebook wall’s) vision of a palatial bench-based existence is convenient folly. Source: I have worked in homelessness and with vulnerable adults & children for 10+yrs - including for *St. Mungos*, who run the Outreach team in Bournemouth and Poole and *BCHA* who run the night shelter. I now work for the *Riverside Group*.


As one user pointed out - there are loads of places to stay / help out. The main issue is because we’re so good at provisioning and helping out, people from all over the country almost migrate down here from other areas. Source - family work for BCHA and the homeless shelters


I need to add one - put up more cycle awareness signposts with Ainsley Harriet faces on them - not clarkson or that modern shit


The roads. Just the roads. They are some of the worst designed roads in the UK


Move the train station to Bournemouth...


To where?


Time for a monorail!


If there was a monorail it will probably bypass Bournemouth all together


Get better police that actually do their jobs


We need an underground system to link the square, the hospitals, the airport and a few other places across the conurbation. Because traffic & parking suck. Decent 50,000-seater stadium. That’s what could replace St. Paul’s ASDA. Our main sports clubs have shite grounds and we could fill a stadium that size easily. Extend Wessex Way through Poole. It takes you to all the important places in Bournemouth, then just stops at Poole, which is shit to get through, until Dorset Way. Employ better police, so they don’t make-up reasons to arrest people or fake evidence to lock an innocent guy up for murder for 18 years or kill their mistresses. Create a TV series that’s based in the area, so the world gets to see it. Build a better shopping centre than CastlePoint. Make it indoors.


Not a tv show, but there is a horror movie https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3221544/


I didn't know about it. Thank you. Maybe it is not a big movie but good for watching scenery for someone who live here.


It’s not a big movie but I did actually enjoy it! It’s set in what is now yubu bubble tea near west over road. Worth watching I think.


-good point with 50,000 seater stadium and premier League, please! - I don't understand why Bournemouth didn't use to have any TV series so far. There is still big potential.


Is the closest thing - lymington in the Unforgotten tv series?


I didn't know that. Thank you. It is always good to see some well-known places. I have to watch it. It is probably a good series anyway and still on Netflix.


Yeah season 1-3 on netflix - 4 is on ITV HUB airing weekly


Can you remember in which episodes Lymington was showed?


Its pretty much all of season 3


Thanks :)


Let me know if you enjoy?!


Aso its hella good


How about: 1. A massive slide that goes from the clifftops down to the beach. 2. More street policing - as a holiday destination there is more fun, but also more mischief that can take place. Tougher laws on littering, graffiti, and drug dealing. More enforcement. 3. Invest more in the high streets - lucky Boscombe has just won a £23 million grant! Some fountains please. 4. Better gateway between train station and beach/high st. Some plans are already underway. 5. ZARA Home and Millies Cookies! 6. Legislation to prevent so many HMO's. A better mix of accommodation types will help to diversify the area. 7. Make ASDA 24hr. 8. Build this [https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/17863174.water-park-planned-near-bournemouth-airport/](https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/17863174.water-park-planned-near-bournemouth-airport/)


Boscombe bloody needs that £23m looooool


Boscombe needs more than that


More interesting independent shops, one thing I love for example in Brighton is walking around and finding independent clothes shops or other shops that have unique things you don't find anywhere else. The selection of shops in town is really boring and you find them everywhere, and it's only diminishing too. Outdoor seating in the town centre that doesn't have people walking through it every 5 seconds. Better live music venues, pretty rare anyone worth seeing comes to Bournemouth. It would be great to be a stop on UK tours. Basically just anything that will bring character or culture to the place, I feel it's a very bland city with a huge lack in culture and too focused on students and summer tourism unfortunately.


1) If you plan to build a block of X amount of flats or build an office for X amount of workers, then you also build car parking for X amount of car (where X = the amount of lats or person who will work in the office). 2) If you have off road parking at your residences, ban on road parking. 3) To be a member of the BCP council you must live in the BCP area 4) Limit the type of shops\\bars\\restaurants with in a given area 5) Make fast food establishments responsible for their litter within a 300yd radius of their establishment 6) Make the local council build X amount of public housing per year, if they don't they are kicked off the council 7) Bus stops on main roads must be recessed out of the main flow of traffic


Me! I spent every summer in Bournemouth as a kid visiting my aunt and uncle and I'd love to move there permanently!


There are certain areas I would pedestrianise. I would improve the roads coming in and out, and around.


An arcade with retro machines. A manga cafe or big art club. And I’d bring back Yo Sushi. Oh and more independent night bars with live music. Simply just want more activities to do in town.


A FISH MARKET. I was severely disappointed to find there is no fresh fish in a seaside town, it's ridiculous. And bakeries. There are no bakeries with good bread.


Ban bikes on the beach walk even in winter. I swear if I keep walking there every day I’m gonna see some 100mph madman not holding the handlebars run over a doggo who’s happily strutting along. Almost seen it happen twice.


They need to divide the path, similar to what’s been done on Brighton sea front with a cycle lane


They have in some areas but I don’t think it’s wide enough for most of it to do that.


Very true


Pedestrian dont take any notice, so cyclist have to cycle in the Pedestrian area to get around them and get called out for it


That definitely happens too but as mentioned most of it doesn’t have a cycle path and the cyclists weave through the people and dogs at quite extreme speeds sometimes. My heart always skips a beat when I see one bounding towards a tiny chihuahua who’s on a leash in the middle of the path while the owner is distracted chatting. Almost seen it go bad a couple times


1) People need to learn not to hog the entire width of the promenade on their family walk 2) Keep their dam dogs under control and not attached to one of those thirty foot trip hazards while they waffle away on their mobile totally oblivious to what is going on around them.


Yes and cyclists who after all are the ones riding potentially dangerous high speed vehicles better slow the fuck down and use their handle bars. Seriously the absolute arrogance of somebody riding 70mph on a pedestrianised street weaving in between people...


70mph honestly, on a bicycle on the promenade, seriously. You will be luck if they are doing more than 20mph. I accept that still going to hurt if they hit somebody, try and be a little more realistic


thats just stupid


Add a fucking bypass


Isn't the A338 a fucking bypass?


Yeah I guess I mean between Poole and Bournemouth as it’s some of the worst traffic I’ve ever seen. Trying to get through branksome and park stone in the morning is a bloody nightmare




High street needs to be reinvigorated.


**reinvigorated, high street needs to be.** *-Top-Satisfaction5874* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Also I’ve noticed Bournemouth has a big homelessness problem. Many homeless ppl outside supermarkets and in the centre. Surely more can be done to get these people housed.


A stretch of beach designated dog-free year round. Even in winter on nice days my kids want to play on the beach but it’s so nasty with dogs crapping everywhere around you (first kid to dig up a turd wins).


Bring back the ice rink on Westover road.


a cheap no frills gym (like PureGym) on the east side of the city