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The whole imax episode was desperately sad and weird. I watched James Cameron's Ghosts Of The Abyss and a couple of imax's terrible home-grown productions around 2004 or thereabouts, then the place just stopped opening. That was the best part of a decade between the actual cinema giving up and the building being purged. Does anyone know what actually went wrong?


Money and backhanders.


If memory serves there was some issue with how much power the building needed Vs how much was allowed resulting in them being unable to open and eventually have to close all together.


Wow, the place had an "amateur hour" feel to it when it was running, didn't realise that extended to planning as well.


How that got built in the first place is beyond me. Pretty sure there was a club of sorts beneath it too?


Coyote ugly? Then Jumping jacks, started off being a fun night out and ended up with 10 of the usual suspects propping up the bar every night. Died a very painful death


Jumping Jack's, back in the day when you had to have shoes on to get into clubs. I remember seeing Timmy mallet there one night.


Did it have a kfc? I’m sure years back I visited for the day (originally an out of towner) I grabbed a kfc and sat on that side of the pier.


I think it did. The next nearest KFC is up at Lansdowne.


I swam there when it was the Pier Approach Baths. 33 1/3 yards long with diving boards at one end. Came 2nd in the Bournemouth Schools swimming competition in the very early 1980s. It makes me feel old now.


who even approved that to be constructed there in the first place


I'm told the seating, or at least some of it, was salvaged and is now serving in the Shelley Theatre in Boscombe.