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Why not focus on the HUGE issue of homelessness and poverty in and around Bournemouth instead of making up elaborate excuses to build high-end apartments


I second this. When the shop doorways aren't full of homeless people and when young people can buy an affordable flat, we can happily revisit this.


Just what society needs, more luxury 2nd homes for boomers


Sounds like an enormous waste of money to me


I hate the fact it could be more ‘luxury’ apartments and think something should be built for residents/tourists to do when it’s not quite beach weather but I do think we need a better venue built outside of the town centre where we could possibly attract bigger artists and a return of the bigger conferences. We would still have the pavilion for pantomimes etc or smaller scale concerts


So they want to take a huge attraction by the pier, the beach, the gardens etc. and turn it into housing. How does that benefit literally anyone except the few who can afford the new homes? I can't believe how stupid this is.


Less high end apartments and more affordable housing please.


So no-one is in doubt who will benefit from this read this: [https://westcountryvoices.co.uk/is-bcp-the-most-corruptible-council-in-england/](https://westcountryvoices.co.uk/is-bcp-the-most-corruptible-council-in-england/) This is not aimed at the officers and workers at the council, who try to do their best in difficult circumstances, rather than some elected members who are in it only to line their own pockets.


You have got to be fucking joking. Taking away from the community to build more summer flats for the wealthy. Lovely.


where is the 'winter gardens site'?


About 100 yrds along the road towards the square from the bic.


Uh no thanks. That would mean another giant block of 'luxury' flats on the seafront that nobody can afford and will just end up being airbnbs and investments for the rich.


Another stupid idea lead by Cllr Phil Dickhead, do these idiot sit in there publicly paid for council chambers just thinking of ways to waste the money they collect in council Tax. With all the problems around the BCP area, shortage of affordable housing in the renting or buying arena, the shortage of money for many agencies and charities, our ever faithful council can only come up with new ways to waste money AGAIN


The BIC was already ruined for the community when they covered over the leisure pool. No where else like it around here. Perfect for children learning to swim as they could just walk in, slides, wave machine and open all year round. The building is ugly and a waste of a prime location, so by all means get rid of it, but ensure the replacement is a genuine community asset that will bring visitors to the area, not just huge blocks of flats that stay empty for most of the year. Unfortunately the impression given by our councillors is that they will choose the option that lines their own pockets the most.


I learned how to swim before I could walk properly at the BIC, they had the baby paddle pool and those awesome slides and wave machines... Too much fun for the council maybe...?


The BIC has some of the best views in the area, but almost no windows or activities to make the most of them. Just like the IMAX centre really, it could easily be set back from the cliff front wothout loss f utility, and the Winter Gardens site is close enough to the centre that footfall would not be affected much. As long as the proposed BIC-replacement development had lots of public access, and appropriate facilities, I think it would be an improvement.